970 resultados para digestibilidade in vitro e in vivo


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O estudo objetivou avaliar a atividade in vivo do itraconazol e terbinafina no tratamento da esporotricose cutânea experimental. Foram utilizados 80 ratos Wistar divididos em quatro grupos (TERB20, TERB30, ITRA e CONT) inoculados no coxim plantar esquerdo com 0,2ml de solução contendo 2x103 células de Sporothrix schenckii/ml e tratados com terbinafina (20 e 30mg/kg), itraconazol (10mg/kg) e placebo durante 13 semanas. As lesões do sítio de inoculação foram avaliadas e mensuradas semanalmente, assim como a disseminação das mesmas. Após foi realizada análise micológica e histopatológica. Os resultados demonstraram que os animais do grupo ITRA diferiram estatisticamente em todos os parâmetros avaliados em relação ao CONT. Em relação à terbinafina, não houve diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos tratados e controle. Pode-se confirmar a boa atividade do itraconazol no tratamento da esporotricose e a pouca eficácia da terbinafina nas doses utilizadas, sendo necessários mais estudos com este antifúngico.


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Understanding how the brain works will require tools capable of measuring neuron elec-trical activity at a network scale. However, considerable progress is still necessary to reliably increase the number of neurons that are recorded and identified simultaneously with existing mi-croelectrode arrays. This project aims to evaluate how different materials can modify the effi-ciency of signal transfer from the neural tissue to the electrode. Therefore, various coating materials (gold, PEDOT, tungsten oxide and carbon nano-tubes) are characterized in terms of their underlying electrochemical processes and recording ef-ficacy. Iridium electrodes (177-706 μm2) are coated using galvanostatic deposition under different charge densities. By performing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in phosphate buffered saline it is determined that the impedance modulus at 1 kHz depends on the coating material and decreased up to a maximum of two orders of magnitude for PEDOT (from 1 MΩ to 25 kΩ). The electrodes are furthermore characterized by cyclic voltammetry showing that charge storage capacity is im-proved by one order of magnitude reaching a maximum of 84.1 mC/cm2 for the PEDOT: gold nanoparticles composite (38 times the capacity of the pristine). Neural recording of spontaneous activity within the cortex was performed in anesthetized rodents to evaluate electrode coating performance.


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Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a major human pathogen that has acquired resistance to practically all classes of β-lactam antibiotics, being responsible of Multidrug resistant S. aureus (MRSA) associated infections both in healthcare (HA-MRSA) and community settings (CA-MRSA). The emergence of laboratory strains with high-resistance (VRSA) to the last resort antibiotic, vancomycin, is a warning of what is to come in clinical strains. Penicillin binding proteins (PBPs) target β-lactams and are responsible for catalyzing the last steps of synthesis of the main component of cell wall, peptidoglycan. As in Escherichia coli, it is suggested that S. aureus uses a multi-protein complex that carries out cell wall synthesis. In the presence of β-lactams, PBP2A and PBP2 perform a joint action to build the cell wall and allow cell survival. Likewise, PBP2 cooperates with PBP4 in cell wall cross-linking. However, an actual interaction between PBP2 and PBP4 and the location of such interaction has not yet been determined. Therefore, investigation of the existence of a PBP2-PBP4 interaction and its location(s) in vivo is of great interest, as it should provide new insights into the function of the cell wall synthesis machinery in S. aureus. The aim of this work was to develop Split-GFPP7 system to determine interactions between PBP2 and PBP4. GFPP7 was split in a strategic site and fused to proteins of interest. When each GFPP7 fragment, fused to proteins, was expressed alone in staphylococcal cells, no fluorescence was detectable. When GFPP7 fragments fused to different peptidoglycan synthesis (PBP2 and PBP4) or cell division (FtsZ and EzrA) proteins were co-expressed together, fluorescent fusions were localized to the septum. However, further analysis revealed that this positive result is mediated by GFPP7 self-association. We then interpret the results in light of such event and provide insights into ways of improving this system.


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A low frequency of Helicobacter pylori in the gastric mucosa of patients with alkaline gastritis has been reported. At the same time, it can be noted that the growth of bacteria can be inhibited by bile acids. We studied 40 patients with chronic gastritis related to Helicobacter pylori in order to determine the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid on this infection. Diagnoses of the infection and the inflammatory process were obtained by histologic study of gastric biopsies collected during endoscopy. Two groups were studied: group I received ursodeoxycholic acid - 300 mg/day, and group II received the placebo, twice a day, both for 28 days. The colonization by Helicobacter pylori and the intensity of the mononuclear and polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate were determined before (time 1) and after (time 2) treatment. Ursodeoxycholic acid had no effect on the Helicobacter pylori infection. A significant reduction in the intensity of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the gastric antrum mucosa was observed in patients from group I, when we compared not only times 1 and 2 but also groups I and II. However, this was not the case with the body mucosa. We concluded that ursodeoxycholic acid had no action on the colonization by Helicobacter pylori or on the polymorphonuclear inflammatory infiltrate, but it caused a significant reduction in the intensity of the mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate of the gastric antrum.


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Alguns efeitos farmacológicos da folha, talo e bulbo do alho foram investigados. Os extratos foram preparados por triturarão em solução etanólica 50%. Após evaporação a concentração final foi ajustada para 100 mg sólidos/ml. A dose utilizada foi de 1 g sólidos/kg por via oral. Vários efeitos (discretos) foram observados em comundongos, tais como diarréia, ptose e piloereção. Em ratos observou-se efeito hipoglicêmico do bulbo, efeitos analgésicos e hiperalgésicos dos três extratos e em ratos com hipertensão espontânea (mas não em ratos normotensos) um pronuciado efeito antihipertensivo de longa duração.


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Vascular grafts are used to bypass damaged or diseased blood vessels. Bacterial cellulose (BC) has been studied for use as an off-the-shelf graft. Herein, we present a novel, cost-effective, method for the production of small caliber BC grafts with minimal processing or requirements. The morphology of the graft wall produced a tensile strength above that of native vessels, performing similarly to the current commercial alternatives. As a result of the production method, the luminal surface of the graft presents similar topography to that of native vessels. We have also studied the in vivo behavior of these BC graft in order to further demonstrate their viability. In these preliminary studies, 1 month patency was achieved, with the presence of neo-vessels and endothelial cells on the luminal surface of the graft.


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Descrevemos o caso de um paciente masculino de 42 anos, com amiloidose sistêmica, provavelmente primária, comprometendo o coração. Ressaltam-se os aspectos fisiopatológicos, clínicos e a relativa raridade do diagnóstico in vivo. Discutem-se, ainda que limitados, os aspectos terapêuticos relacionados aos problemas cardíacos.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Molecular Genetics


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OBJECTIVE: To characterize the cardiac electrophysiologic effects of cocaine. METHODS: In 8 dogs (9-13 kg), electrophysiologic parameters and programmed stimulation were undertaken using transvenous catheters at baseline, and after cocaine intravenous infusion (12 mg/kg bolus followed by 0.22 mg/kg/min for 25 minutes). RESULTS: Cocaine plasma levels (n=5) rose to 6.73± 0.56 mg/mL. Cocaine did not affect sinus cycle length and arterial pressure. Cocaine prolonged P wave duration (54±6 vs 73±4 ms, P<0.001), PR interval (115±17 vs 164±15 ms, P<0.001), QRS duration (62±10 vs 88±14 ms, P<0.001), and QTc interval (344±28 vs 403±62 ms, P=0.03) but not JT interval (193±35 vs 226±53 ms, NS). Cocaine prolonged PA (9±6 vs 23±8 ms, P<0.001), AH (73±16 vs 92±15 ms; P=0.03), and HV (35±5 vs 45±3ms; P<0.001) intervals and Wenckebach point (247±26 vs 280±28 ms, P=0.04). An increase occurred in atrial (138±8 vs 184± 20 ms; P<0.001) and ventricular (160±15 vs 187±25 ms; P=0.03) refractoriness at a cycle length of 300 ms. Atrial arrhythmias were not induced in any dog. Ventricular fibrillation (VF) was induced in 2/8 dogs at baseline and 4/8 dogs after cocaine. CONCLUSION: High doses of cocaine exert significant class I effects and seem to enhance inducibility of VF but not of atrial arrhythmias.


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Además de los factores de riesgos convencionales y mejor conocidos que predisponen a la aterosclerosis, entre ellos, la hiperlipemia, hipertensión y el hábito de fumar, recientemente se ha propuesto a las infecciones y la inflamación como factores de riesgo a tener en cuenta en el desarrollo de esta patología. Considerando que algunas infecciones bacterianas y / o virales pueden ejercer una acción pro-aterogénica, probablemente como consecuencia de inflamación sistémica o un efecto directo sobre la pared vascular, nos propusimos como objetivo principal, estudiar la influencia de la infección in vivo con Trypanosoma cruzi (parásito protozoario, agente etiológico de la Enfermedad de Chagas) más una dieta rica en lípidos sobre la expresión de los receptores de la inmunidad innata (Toll – like) en un modelo experimental desarrollado en ratones C57BL/6, propensos a la aterosclerosis. Por otra parte, nos interesa caracterizar los tipos celulares que infiltran el corazón y la aorta de los animales sometidos a tratamientos experimental (mediante estudios inmunohistoquímicos), el perfil de citoquinas inflamatorias séricas y moléculas de adhesión intercelular, así como también establecer una correlación con parámetros bioquímico – clínicos y endocrinológicos, en especial el perfil de lípidos, lipoproteínas y apolipoproteínas, marcadores de inflamación sistémica, peso corporal, glucemia, insulina e insulina resistencia


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Ateroesclerosis es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de arterias de mediano y gran calibre, caracterizada por activación de células endoteliales, reclutamiento de monocitos en la pared de los vasos y diferenciación de macrófagos en células espumosas cargadas de colesterol. Además de los factores de riesgo convencionales y mejor conocidos que predisponen a la ateroesclerosis, como la hiperlipemia, hipertensión y el hábito de fumar, recientemente se ha propuesto a las infecciones y la inflamación como factores de riesgo a considerar en su desarrollo. Algunas infecciones bacterianas o virales pueden ejercer una acción pro-aterogénica, probablemente como consecuencia de inflamación sistémica o un efecto directo sobre la pared vascular. Sin embargo, el papel del Trypanosoma cruzi ha sido escasamente explorado. Como objetivo principal nos propusimos, estudiar la influencia de la infección in vivo con Trypanosoma. cruzi (parásito protozoario, agente etiológico de la Enfermedad de Chagas ) más una dieta rica en lípidos sobre la expresión de los receptores tipo Toll de la inmunidad innata en un modelo experimental en ratones C57BL/6 salvajes, propensos al desarrollo de ateroesclerosis. Especifícamente, nos interesa caracterizar que tipos celulares infiltran el corazón y aorta de los animales sometidos a tratamiento experimental, el perfil de citoquinas inflamatorias séricas, quimioquinas y moléculas de adhesión intercelular, así como también establecer una correlación con parámetros bioquímicos-clínicos y endocrinológicos, en especial el perfil de lípidos, lipoproteínas y apolipoproteínas, marcadores de inflamación sistémica, peso corporal, glucemia, insulina e insulino-resistencia.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2011


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A method is described which permits to determine in vivo an in a short period of time (4-6 hours) the sensitivity of T. cruzo strains to known active chemotherapeutic agents. By using resistant- and sensitive T. cruzi stains a fairly good correlation was observed between the results obtained with this rapid method (which detects activity against the circulating blood forms) and those obtained with long-term schedules which involve drug adminstration for at least 20 consecutive days and a prolonged period of assessment. This method may be used to characterize susceptibility to active drugs used clinically, provide infomation on the specific action against circulating trypomastigotes and screen active compounds. Differences in the natural susceptibility of Trypanosoma cruzi strains to active drugs have been already reported using different criteria, mostly demanding long-term study of the animal (Hauschka, 1949; Bock, Gonnert & Haberkorn, 1969; Brener, Costa & Chiari, 1976; Andrade & Figueira, 1977; Schlemper, 1982). In this paper we report a method which detects in 4-6 hours the effect of drugs on bloodstream forms in mice with established T. cruzi infections. The results obtained with this method show a fairly good correlation with those obtained by prolonged treatment schedules used to assess the action of drugs in experimental Chagas' disease and may be used to study the sensitivity of T. cruzi strains to active drugs.