970 resultados para design i lärande


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Neste trabalho reportamos a investigação teórica da solvatação dos isômeros do tris- (8-idroxiquinolinolato) de alumínio III – Alq3, as propriedades eletroluminescentes na solvatação de Alq3 em líquidos orgânicos como metanol, etanol, dimetilformamida (DMF) e acetonitrila, a fim de se entender a dependência na variação de ambientes do sistema, aperfeiçoando o funcionamento de filmes transportadores em dispositivos eletroluminescentes do tipo OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diodes) e por fim investigamos o mecanismo do transporte eletrônico no Alq3 aplicando uma baixa corrente elétrica na molécula e evidenciando as curvas corrente-voltagem característica do dispositivo. A simulação consiste na aplicação do método sequencial Monte Carlo / Mecânica quântica (S-MC/MQ), que parte de um tratamento inicial estocástico para separação das estruturas mais prováveis de menor energia e posteriormente com um tratamento quântico para plotar os espectros eletrônicos das camadas de solvatação separadas através do método ZINDOS/S. Nas propriedades elétricas do transporte utilizamos o método da função de Green de não equilíbrio acoplado a teoria do funcional densidade (DFT) inferindo que as ramificações mais externas correspondentes aos anéis no Alq3 seriam terminais para o translado eletrônico. Nossos resultados mostraram que a média dos espectros de absorção para solvatação do Alq3 em soluções sofre um desvio mínimo com a mudança de ambiente, estando em ótimo acordo com os resultados experimentais da literatura; e as curvas I-V confirmaram o comportamento diodo do dispositivo, corroborando com os sentidos mais pertinentes quanto aos terminais no Alq3 para se ter um transporte eletrônico satisfatório.


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One of the most commonly used sampling techniques to capture leaf litter amphibians, lizards and small mammals is a set of pitfall traps with drift fences. However, there are still many speculations concerning the effectiveness of different designs of pitfall traps and the most adequate size of each trap. To address this problem, we conducted the first standardized comparison of patterns of species richness, rank-abundance, and community structure of leaf litter amphibians, lizards and small mammals for two trap designs (I and Y format) and three bucket sizes (35, 62, and 100 L) in a Neotropical forest. Results are very similar for the herpetofauna, regardless of the pitfall trap design or size used, while for small mammals values of species richness were higher for 100 L pitfall traps, as compared to the smaller traps. Therefore, the use of 100 L pitfall traps is recommended to sample the terrestrial vertebrate fauna, in multidisciplinary studies. For surveys aiming only the herpetofauna the use of smaller (35 L) traps is acceptable, taking into consideration the cost-benefits obtained by the smaller traps, in comparison to the larger ones.


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Two experiments evaluated the influence of supplement composition on ruminal forage disappearance, performance, and physiological responses of Angus x Hereford cattle consuming a low-quality cool-season forage (8.7% CP and 57% TDN). In Exp. 1, 6 rumen-fistulated steers housed in individual pens were assigned to an incomplete 3 x 2 Latin square design containing 2 periods of 11 d each and the following treatments: 1) supplementation with soybean meal (PROT), 2) supplementation with a mixture of cracked corn, soybean meal, and urea (68:22:10 ratio, DM basis; ENER), or 3) no supplementation (CON). Steers were offered meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.) hay for ad libitum consumption. Treatments were provided daily at 0.50 and 0.54% of shrunk BW/steer for PROT and ENER, respectively, to ensure that PROT and ENER intakes were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. No treatment effects were detected on rumen disappearance parameters of forage DM (P >= 0.33) and NDF (P >= 0.66). In Exp. 2, 35 pregnant heifers were ranked by initial BW on d -7 of the study, allocated into 12 feedlot pens (4 pens/treatment), and assigned to the same treatments and forage intake regimen as in Exp. 1 for 19 d. Treatments were fed once daily at 1.77 and 1.92 kg of DM/heifer for PROT and ENER, respectively, to achieve the same treatment intake as percent of initial BW used in Exp. 1 (0.50 and 0.54% for PROT and ENER, respectively). No treatment effects (P = 0.17) were detected on forage DMI. Total DMI was greater (P < 0.01) for PROT and ENER compared with CON and similar between PROT and ENER (P = 0.36). Accordingly, ADG was greater (P = 0.01) for PROT compared with CON, tended to be greater for ENER compared with CON (P = 0.08), and was similar between ENER and PROT (P = 0.28). Heifers receiving PROT and ENER had greater mean concentrations of plasma glucose (P = 0.03), insulin (P <= 0.09), IGF-I (P <= 0.04), and progesterone (P = 0.01) compared to CON, whereas ENER and PROT had similar concentrations of these variables (P >= 0.15). A treatment x hour interaction was detected (P < 0.01) for plasma urea N (PUN), given that PUN concentrations increased after supplementation for ENER and PROT (time effect, P < 0.01) but did not change for CON (time effect, P = 0.62). In conclusion, beef cattle consuming low-quality cool-season forages had similar ruminal forage disappearance and intake, performance, and physiological status if offered supplements based on soybean meal or corn at 0.5% of BW.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is twofold: to analyze the computational complexity of the cogeneration design problem; to present an expert system to solve the proposed problem, comparing such an approach with the traditional searching methods available.Design/methodology/approach - The complexity of the cogeneration problem is analyzed through the transformation of the well-known knapsack problem. Both problems are formulated as decision problems and it is proven that the cogeneration problem is np-complete. Thus, several searching approaches, such as population heuristics and dynamic programming, could be used to solve the problem. Alternatively, a knowledge-based approach is proposed by presenting an expert system and its knowledge representation scheme.Findings - The expert system is executed considering two case-studies. First, a cogeneration plant should meet power, steam, chilled water and hot water demands. The expert system presented two different solutions based on high complexity thermodynamic cycles. In the second case-study the plant should meet just power and steam demands. The system presents three different solutions, and one of them was never considered before by our consultant expert.Originality/value - The expert system approach is not a "blind" method, i.e. it generates solutions based on actual engineering knowledge instead of the searching strategies from traditional methods. It means that the system is able to explain its choices, making available the design rationale for each solution. This is the main advantage of the expert system approach over the traditional search methods. On the other hand, the expert system quite likely does not provide an actual optimal solution. All it can provide is one or more acceptable solutions.


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We present a new physical principle to design an optoelectronic device, which consists of a multilayered semiconductor structure, where the necessary conditions for generation of photoelectrons are met, such that it will enable sequential avalanche multiplication of electrons and holes inside two depletion slabs created around the p - n junctions of a reverse biased pn - i - pn structure. The mathematical model and computer simulations of this Semiconductor Photo-electron Multiplier (SPEM) for different semiconductor materials are presented. Its performance is evaluated and compared with that of conventional devices. The Geiger operational mode is briefly discussed which may be used in Silicon Photomultiplier (SiPM) as an elementary photo detector to enhance its performance.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The nutrition of the orchards is the major factor of productivity, being necessary to know the proper doses of fertilizers and their influence on fruit quality attributes for industrialization. This study evaluated the effects of different doses of nitrogen and potassium on the productivity of guava trees and also on the values of pH, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA) and pulp/kernel ratio of guavas. The experiment was conducted at Vista Alegre do Alto, SP in an irrigated 'Paluma'guava orchard, 7 years old, managed with pruning during three consecutive cycles of production. The soil of the area was dystrophic Ultisol. The experimental design was the randomized blocks, in factorial, with four nitrogen doses (0, 0.5, 1 and 2 kg of N plant(-1)) and four of potassium (0, 0.55, 1.1 and 2.2 kg of K2O plant(-1)), with three replications. Nitrogen fertilization increased productivity and the pH of the fruit, being explained by the quadratic polynomial regression models; reduced linearly the pulp/kernel ratio and do not influenced the SS and TA values. On the other hand, potassium fertilization and N x K interaction had no significant effects on productivity and the other characteristics evaluated.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)