989 resultados para delocation trap


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In order to study the effect of washcoat composition on lean NOx trap (LNT) aging characteristics, fully formulated monolithic LNT catalysts containing varying amounts of La-stabilized CeO2 (5 wt% La2O3) or CeO2-ZrO2 (Ce:Zr = 70:30) were subjected to accelerated aging on a bench reactor. Subsequent catalyst evaluation revealed that aging resulted in deterioration of the NOx storage, NOx release and NOx reduction functions, whereas the observation of lean phase NO2 slip for all of the aged catalysts indicated that LNT performance was not limited by the kinetics of NO oxidation. After aging, all of the catalysts showed increased selectivity to NH3 in the temperature range 250–450 °C. TEM, H2 chemisorption, XPS and elemental analysis data revealed two main changes which can explain the degradation in LNT performance. First, residual sulfur in the catalysts, present as BaSO4, decreased catalyst NOx storage capacity. Second, sintering of the precious metals in the washcoat was observed, which can be expected to decrease the rate of NOx reduction. Additionally, sintering is hypothesized to result in segregation of the precious metal and Ba phases, resulting in less efficient NOx spillover from Pt to Ba during NOx adsorption, as well as decreased rates of reductant spillover from Pt to Ba and reverse NOx spillover during catalyst regeneration. Spectacular improvement in LNT durability was observed for catalysts containing CeO2 or CeO2-ZrO2 relative to their non-ceria containing analog. This was attributed to (i) the ability of ceria to participate in NOx storage/reduction as a supplement to the main Ba NOx storage component; (ii) the fact that Pt and CeO2(-ZrO2) are not subject to phase segregation; and (iii) the ability of ceria to trap sulfur, resulting in decreased sulfur accumulation on the Ba component.


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We present a novel approach for the optical manipulation of neutral atoms in annular light structures produced by the phenomenon of conical refraction occurring in biaxial optical crystals. For a beam focused to a plane behind the crystal, the focal plane exhibits two concentric bright rings enclosing a ring of null intensity called the Poggendorff ring. We demonstrate both theoretically and experimentally that the Poggendorff dark ring of conical refraction is confined in three dimensions by regions of higher intensity. We derive the positions of the confining intensity maxima and minima and discuss the application of the Poggendorff ring for trapping ultra-cold atoms using the repulsive dipole force of blue-detuned light. We give analytical expressions for the trapping frequencies and potential depths along both the radial and the axial directions. Finally, we present realistic numerical simulations of the dynamics of a 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate trapped inside the Poggendorff ring which are in good agreement with corresponding experimental results.


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Ebben a cikkben az egész európai integrációs folyamat szempontjából jelentős kérdéskör: az uniós szinten működő közös költségvetés kiadási oldalának 2014–2020 közötti kereteit vizsgálom. Bár kétségtelen, hogy számos megoldatlan probléma a bevételi oldalhoz kapcsolódó ügyek rendezetlenségéből is eredeztethető, ennek elemzésére most terjedelmi okok miatt nem térünk ki. Az uniós szintű költségvetéssel szemben támasztható általános elvi megfontolások elemzése után a 2014–2020 közötti költségvetési keret fő kiadási tételeihez kapcsolódó elmozdulásokat értékelem, rámutatva arra, hogy az új elnevezések mögött alapvetően a régi tartalom húzódik meg, s most is elmaradt a radikális átalakítás. _____ The article examines an important topic from the point of view of the whole integration process: the expenditure side of the union level common budgetary frameworks for 2014–2020. Undoubtedly, several problems are coming from the unsolved issues of the revenue side, however, due to length limits the article doesn’t deal with these issues. The investigation starts with a comprehensive analysis of theoretical background on the main tasks of a union level budget, then the author evaluates shifts among the new expenditure headings in the period 2014–2020. The author points out that the new headings reflect old contents and he concludes that the radical restructuring within the common budget was postponed again.


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Our method is presented with displaying time series, consisting of the daily amount of precipitation of 100 years, which has meant a separate challenge, as the precipitation data shows significant deviations. By nowadays, mankind has changed its environment to such an extent that it has a significant effect on other species as well. The Lepidoptera data series of the National Plant Protection and Forestry Light Trap Network can be used to justify this. This network has a national coverage, a large number of collected Lepidoptera, and an available, long data series of several years. For obtaining information from these data, the setting up of an easy to manage database is necessary. Furthermore, it is important to represent our data and our results in an easily analysable and expressive way. In this article the setting up of the database is introduced, together with the presentation of a three dimensional visualization method, which depicts the long-range and seasonal changes together.


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The latest Hungarian economic growth data, though favourable, do not let us forget that in the longer term growth is weak compared to the preceding period – as well as to the performance of the East-Central European region, which is more dynamic than the European average. In order to make sense of the past decade’s relative loss of pace and lay the foundations for future development policy, it is worth placing Hungary’s case in the context of the slowing tempo typical of middle-income countries. The economic development policies currently pursued by the government are aimed at increasing output in the processing industry, and by extension exports, while relevant international experience advises that it is the higher value-added activities of the global value chain, particularly business services, which should be developed further. In this way real wages and income levels could be increased, and the economy would be less exposed to the fluctuations of international cycles.


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The Deccan Trap basalts are the remnants of a massive series of lava flows that erupted at the K/T boundary and covered 1-2 million km2 of west-central India. This eruptive event is of global interest because of its possible link to the major mass extinction event, and there is much debate about the duration of this massive volcanic event. In contrast to isotopic or paleomagnetic dating methods, I explore an alternative approach to determine the lifecycle of the magma chambers that supplied the lavas, and extend the concept to obtain a tighter constraint on Deccan’s duration. My method relies on extracting time information from elemental and isotopic diffusion across zone boundaries in individual crystals. I determined elemental and Sr-isotopic variations across abnormally large (2-5 cm) plagioclase crystals from the Thalghat and Kashele “Giant Plagioclase Basalts” from the lowermost Jawhar and Igatpuri Formations respectively in the thickest Western Ghats section near Mumbai. I also obtained bulk rock major, trace and rare earth element chemistry of each lava flow from the two formations. Thalghat flows contain only 12% zoned crystals, with 87 Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7096 in the core and 0.7106 in the rim, separated by a sharp boundary. In contrast, all Kashele crystals have a wider range of 87Sr/86Sr values, with multiple zones. Geochemical modeling of the data suggests that the two types of crystals grew in distinct magmatic environments. Modeling intracrystalline diffusive equilibration between the core and rim of Thalghat crystals led me to obtain a crystal growth rate of 2.03x10-10 cm/s and a residence time of 780 years for the crystals in the magma chamber(s). Employing some assumptions based on field and geochronologic evidence, I extrapolated this residence time to the entire Western Ghats and obtained an estimate of 25,000–35,000 years for the duration of Western Ghats volcanism. This gave an eruptive rate of 30–40 km3/yr, which is much higher than any presently erupting volcano. This result will remain speculative until a similarly detailed analytical-modeling study is performed for the rest of the Western Ghats formations.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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We provide a compilation of downward fluxes (total mass, POC, PON, BSiO2, CaCO3, PIC and lithogenic/terrigenous fluxes) from over 6000 sediment trap measurements distributed in the Atlantic Ocean, from 30 degree North to 49 degree South, and covering the period 1982-2011. Data from the Mediterranean Sea are also included. Data were compiled from different sources: data repositories (BCO-DMO, PANGAEA), time series sites (BATS, CARIACO), published scientific papers and/or personal communications from PI's. All sources are specifed in the data set. Data from the World Ocean Atlas 2009 were extracted to provide each flux observation with contextual environmental data, such as temperature, salinity, oxygen (concentration, AOU and percentage saturation), nitrate, phosphate and silicate.


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Anticyclonic mesoscale eddies (ACME) have been proposed as a mechanism by which new nutrients are episodically delivered into the euphotic zone, thereby enhancing new production as well as shifting phytoplankton community structure. In this paper, we report on a 34-month sediment trap experiment at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO; ca. 18°N, 24°E; December 2009-October 2012), occasionally influenced by ACME passages. The typically oligotrophic, weakly seasonal particle flux pattern at the CVOO is strongly modified by the appearance of a highly productive and low oxygen ACME. Out of four recorded diatom flux maxima at CVOO, three were associated with the passage of ACMEs. The recorded diatom maxima events support the view that local ACME dynamics promotes upward nutrient supply into the euphotic zone leading to a rapid response of diatoms. This response is clearly reflected by the flux seasonality: between 40% and 60% of the total annual diatom flux at the CVOO site was intercepted in a relatively short time interval (<60 days). A highly diverse diatom community characterized the diatom fluxes throughout. Along with the ACME passages, small species of the genus Nitzschia, and Thalassionema nitzschioides var. parva dominated and delivered a major portion of the opal and organic carbon into deeper waters at site CVOO. Several pelagic, warm-water background species became dominant during intervals with low nutrient availability in the euphotic zone. Results of our interannual time-series suggest that ACMEs impact on total diatom production and the species-specific composition of the assemblage north of the Cave Verde Islands, and can strengthen the biological pump in open-ocean, oligotrophic subtropical regions of the world ocean. Our observations are useful for testing biogeochemical ocean models and will also help in improving the knowledge of processes and mechanisms behind interannual time-series of bulk components and microorganisms in pelagic and hemipelagic ocean areas.


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Atomic ions trapped in micro-fabricated surface traps can be utilized as a physical platform with which to build a quantum computer. They possess many of the desirable qualities of such a device, including high fidelity state preparation and readout, universal logic gates, long coherence times, and can be readily entangled with each other through photonic interconnects. The use of optical cavities integrated with trapped ion qubits as a photonic interface presents the possibility for order of magnitude improvements in performance in several key areas of their use in quantum computation. The first part of this thesis describes the design and fabrication of a novel surface trap for integration with an optical cavity. The trap is custom made on a highly reflective mirror surface and includes the capability of moving the ion trap location along all three trap axes with nanometer scale precision. The second part of this thesis demonstrates the suitability of small micro-cavities formed from laser ablated fused silica substrates with radii of curvature in the 300-500 micron range for use with the mirror trap as part of an integrated ion trap cavity system. Quantum computing applications for such a system include dramatic improvements in the photonic entanglement rate up to 10 kHz, the qubit measurement time down to 1 microsecond, and the measurement error rates down to the 10e-5 range. The final part of this thesis details a performance simulator for exploring the physical resource requirements and performance demands to scale such a quantum computer to sizes capable of performing quantum algorithms beyond the limits of classical computation.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation through the Florida Coastal Everglades Long-Term Ecological Research program under Cooperative Agreements #DBI-0620409 and #DEB-9910514. This image is made available for non-commercial or educational use only.


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Phytoplankton is a sentinel of marine ecosystem change. Composed by many species with different life-history strategies, it rapidly responds to environment changes. An analysis of the abundance of 54 phytoplankton species in Galicia (NW Spain) between 1989 and 2008 to determine the main components of temporal variability in relation to climate and upwelling showed that most of this variability was stochastic, as seasonality and long term trends contributed to relatively small fractions of the series. In general, trends appeared as non linear, and species clustered in 4 groups according to the trend pattern but there was no defined pattern for diatoms, dinoflagellates or other groups. While, in general, total abundance increased, no clear trend was found for 23 species, 14 species decreased, 4 species increased during the early 1990s, and only 13 species showed a general increase through the series. In contrast, series of local environmental conditions (temperature, stratification, nutrients) and climate-related variables (atmospheric pressure indices, upwelling winds) showed a high fraction of their variability in deterministic seasonality and trends. As a result, each species responded independently to environmental and climate variability, measured by generalized additive models. Most species showed a positive relationship with nutrient concentrations but only a few showed a direct relationship with stratification and upwelling. Climate variables had only measurable effects on some species but no common response emerged. Because its adaptation to frequent disturbances, phytoplankton communities in upwelling ecosystems appear less sensitive to changes in regional climate than other communities characterized by short and well defined productive periods.


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Results from sediment trap experiments conducted in the seasonal upwelling area off south Java from November 2000 until July 2003 revealed significant monsoon-, El Niño-Southern Oscillation-, and Indian Ocean Dipole-induced seasonal and interannual variations in flux and shell geochemistry of planktonic foraminifera. Surface net primary production rates together with total and species-specific planktonic foraminiferal flux rates were highest during the SE monsoon-induced coastal upwelling period from July to October, with three species Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina pachyderma dex., and Globigerinita glutinata contributing to 40% of the total foraminiferal flux. Shell stable oxygen isotopes (d18O) and Mg/Ca data of Globigerinoides ruber sensu stricto (s.s.), G. ruber sensu lato (s.l.), Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Pulleniatina obliquiloculata, and Globorotalia menardii in the sediment trap time series recorded surface and subsurface conditions. We infer habitats of 0-30 m for G. ruber at the mixed layer depth, 60-80 m (60-90 m) for P. obliquiloculata (N. dutertrei) at the upper thermocline depth, and 90-110 m (100-150 m) for G. menardii in the 355-500 mm (>500 µm) size fraction corresponding to the (lower) thermocline depth in the study area. Shell Mg/Ca ratio of G. ruber (s.l. and s.s.) reveals an exponential relationship with temperature that agrees with published relationships particularly with the Anand et al. (2003) equations. Flux-weighted foraminiferal data in sediment trap are consistent with average values in surface sediment samples off SW Indonesia. This consistency confirms the excellent potential of these proxies for reconstructing past environmental conditions in this part of the ocean realm.


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Particle fluxes at the Cape Verde Ocean Observatory (CVOO) in the eastern tropical North Atlantic for the period December 2009 until May 2011 are discussed based on bathypelagic sediment trap time-series data collected at 1290 and 3439 m water depth. The typically oligotrophic particle flux pattern with weak seasonality is modified by the appearance of a highly productive and low oxygen (minimum concentration below 2 µmol kg**-1 at 40 m depth) anticyclonic modewater eddy (ACME) in winter 2010. The eddy passage was accompanied by unusually high mass fluxes of up to 151 mg m**-2 d**-1, lasting from December 2009 to May 2010. Distinct biogenic silica (BSi) and organic carbon flux peaks of ~15 and 13.3 mg m**-2 d**-1, respectively, were observed in February-March 2010 when the eddy approached the CVOO. The flux of the lithogenic component, mostly mineral dust, was well correlated with that of organic carbon, in particular in the deep trap samples, suggesting a tight coupling. The lithogenic ballasting obviously resulted in high particle settling rates and, thus, a fast transfer of epi-/meso-pelagic signatures to the bathypelagic traps. We suspect that the two- to three-fold increase in particle fluxes with depth as well as the tight coupling of mineral dust and organic carbon in the deep trap samples might be explained by particle focusing processes within the deeper part of the eddy. Molar C : N ratios of organic matter during the ACME passage were around 18 and 25 for the upper and lower trap samples, respectively. This suggests that some productivity under nutrient (nitrate) limitation occurred in the euphotic zone of the eddy in the beginning of 2010 or that a local nitrogen recycling took place. The d15N record showed a decrease from 5.21 to 3.11 per mil from January to March 2010, while the organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes increased. The causes of enhanced sedimentation from the eddy in February/March 2010 remain elusive, but nutrient depletion and/or an increased availability of dust as a ballast mineral for organic-rich aggregates might have contributed. Rapid remineralisation of sinking organic-rich particles could have contributed to oxygen depletion at shallow depth. Although the eddy formed in the West African coastal area in summer 2009, no indications of coastal flux signatures (e.g. from diatoms) were found in the sediment trap samples, confirming the assumption that the suboxia developed within the eddy en route. However, we could not detect biomarkers indicative of the presence of anammox (anaerobic ammonia oxidation) bacteria or green sulfur bacteria thriving in photic zone suboxia/hypoxia, i.e. ladderane fatty acids and isorenieratene derivatives, respectively. This could indicate that suboxic conditions in the eddy had recently developed and/or the respective bacterial stocks had not yet reached detection thresholds. Another explanation is that the fast-sinking organic-rich particles produced in the surface layer did not interact with bacteria from the suboxic zone below. Carbonate fluxes dropped from -52 to 21.4 mg m**-2 d**-1 from January to February 2010, respectively, mainly due to reduced contribution of shallow-dwelling planktonic foraminifera and pteropods. The deep-dwelling foraminifera Globorotalia menardii, however, showed a major flux peak in February 2010, most probably due to the suboxia/hypoxia. The low oxygen conditions forced at least some zooplankton to reduce diel vertical migration. Reduced "flux feeding" by zooplankton in the epipelagic could have contributed to the enhanced fluxes of organic materials to the bathypelagic traps during the eddy passage. Further studies are required on eddy-induced particle production and preservation processes and particle focusing.