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Two solar cells based on an InGaN/GaN p-i-n hetero-junction, but having different dislocation densities, were fabricated and characterized. The structures were grown on c-plane (0001) GaN-on-sapphire templates with different threading dislocation (TD) densities of 5×108 and 5×109 cm-2. Structural characterization revealed the presence of V-defects in the InGaN epilayer. Since each V-defect was associated with a TD, the structural as well as the optical properties worsened with a higher TD density in the GaN/sapphire template. It was also found that additional dislocations were generated in the p-GaN layer over the V-defects in the InGaN layer. Because of its superior structural quality, the peak external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the low TD density sample was three times higher than that of the high TD density sample. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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We investigated the transition energy levels of the vacancy defects in gallium nitride by means of a hybrid density functional theory approach (DFT). We show that, in contrast to predictions from a recent study on the level of purely local DFT, the inclusion of screened exchange stabilizes the triply positive charge state of the nitrogen vacancy for Fermi energies close to the valence band. On the other hand, the defect levels associated with the negative charge states of the nitrogen vacancy hybridize with the conduction band and turn out to be energetically unfavorable, except for high n-doping. For the gallium vacancy, the increased magnetic splitting between up-spin and down-spin bands due to stronger exchange interactions in sX-LDA pushes the defect levels deeper into the band gap and significantly increases the associated charge transition levels. Based on these results, we propose the ϵ(0| - 1) transition level as an alternative candidate for the yellow luminescence in GaN.


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The use of large size Si substrates for epitaxy of nitride light emitting diode (LED) structures has attracted great interest because Si wafers are readily available in large diameter at low cost. In addition, such wafers are compatible with existing processing lines for the 6-inch and larger wafer sizes commonly used in the electronics industry. With the development of various methods to avoid wafer cracking and reduce the defect density, the performance of GaN-based LED and electronic devices has been greatly improved. In this paper, we review our methods of growing crack-free InGaN-GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) LED structures of high crystalline quality on Si(111) substrates. The performance of processed LED devices and its dependence on the threading dislocation density were studied. Full wafer-level LED processing using a conventional 6-inch III-V processing line is also presented, demonstrating the great advantage of using large-size Si substrates for mass production of GaN LED devices.


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Interactions between dislocations and grain boundaries play an important role in the plastic deformation of polycrystalline metals. Capturing accurately the behaviour of these internal interfaces is particularly important for applications where the relative grain boundary fraction is significant, such as ultra fine-grained metals, thin films and microdevices. Incorporating these micro-scale interactions (which are sensitive to a number of dislocation, interface and crystallographic parameters) within a macro-scale crystal plasticity model poses a challenge. The innovative features in the present paper include (i) the formulation of a thermodynamically consistent grain boundary interface model within a microstructurally motivated strain gradient crystal plasticity framework, (ii) the presence of intra-grain slip system coupling through a microstructurally derived internal stress, (iii) the incorporation of inter-grain slip system coupling via an interface energy accounting for both the magnitude and direction of contributions to the residual defect from all slip systems in the two neighbouring grains, and (iv) the numerical implementation of the grain boundary model to directly investigate the influence of the interface constitutive parameters on plastic deformation. The model problem of a bicrystal deforming in plane strain is analysed. The influence of dissipative and energetic interface hardening, grain misorientation, asymmetry in the grain orientations and the grain size are systematically investigated. In each case, the crystal response is compared with reference calculations with grain boundaries that are either 'microhard' (impenetrable to dislocations) or 'microfree' (an infinite dislocation sink). © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: It has been shown that mutations in at least four myotubularin family genes (MTM1, MTMR1, 2 and 13) are causative for human neuromuscular disorders. However, the pathway and regulative mechanism remain unknown. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we reported a new role for Mtmr8 in neuromuscular development of zebrafish. Firstly, we cloned and characterized zebrafish Mtmr8, and revealed the expression pattern predominantly in the eye field and somites during early somitogenesis. Using morpholino knockdown, then, we observed that loss-of-function of Mtmr8 led to defects in somitogenesis. Subsequently, the possible underlying mechanism and signal pathway were examined. We first checked the Akt phosphorylation, and observed an increase of Akt phosphorylation in the morphant embryos. Furthermore, we studied the PH/G domain function within Mtmr8. Although the PH/G domain deletion by itself did not result in embryonic defect, addition of PI3K inhibitor LY294002 did give a defective phenotype in the PH/G deletion morphants, indicating that the PH/G domain was essential for Mtmr8's function. Moreover, we investigated the cooperation of Mtmr8 with PI3K in actin filament modeling and muscle development, and found that both Mtmr8-MO1 and Mtmr8-MO2+LY294002 led to the disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. In addition, we revealed a possible participation of Mtmr8 in the Hedgehog pathway, and cell transplantation experiments showed that Mtmr8 worked in a non-cell autonomous manner in actin modeling. Conclusion/Significance: The above data indicate that a conserved functional cooperation of Mtmr8 with PI3K regulates actin filament modeling and muscle development in zebrafish, and reveal a possible participation of Mtmr8 in the Hedgehog pathway. Therefore, this work provides a new clue to study the physiological function of MTM family members.


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Dense core granules (DCGs) in Tetrahymena thermophila contain two protein classes. Proteins in the first class, called granule lattice (Grl), coassemble to form a crystalline lattice within the granule lumen. Lattice expansion acts as a propulsive mechanism during DCG release, and Grl proteins are essential for efficient exocytosis. The second protein class, defined by a C-terminal beta/gamma-crystallin domain, is poorly understood. Here, we have analyzed the function and sorting of Grt1p (granule tip), which was previously identified as an abundant protein in this family. Cells lacking all copies of GRT1, together with the closely related GRT2, accumulate wild-type levels of docked DCGs. Unlike cells disrupted in any of the major GRL genes, Delta GRT1 Delta GRT2 cells show no defect in secretion, indicating that neither exocytic fusion nor core expansion depends on GRT1. These results suggest that Grl protein sorting to DCGs is independent of Grt proteins. Consistent with this, the granule core lattice in Delta GRT1 Delta GRT2 cells appears identical to that in wild-type cells by electron microscopy, and the only biochemical component visibly absent is Grt1p itself. Moreover, gel filtration showed that Grl and Grt proteins in cell homogenates exist in nonoverlapping complexes, and affinity-isolated Grt1p complexes do not contain Grl proteins. These data demonstrate that two major classes of proteins in Tetrahymena DCGs are likely to be independently transported during DCG biosynthesis and play distinct roles in granule function. The role of Grt1p may primarily be postexocytic; consistent with this idea, DCG contents from Delta GRT1 Delta GRT2 cells appear less adhesive than those from the wild type.


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Vasa is essential for germline development. However, the precise processes in which vasa involves vary considerably in diverse animal phyla. Here we show that vasa is required for primordial germ cell (PGC) migration in the medakafish. vasa knockdown by two morpholinos led to the PGC migration defect that was rescued by coinjection of Vasa RNA. Interestingly, Vasa knockdown did not alter the PGC number, identity, proliferation and motility even at ectopic locations. We established a cell culture system for tracing PGCs at the single cell level in vitro. In this culture system, control and morpholino-injected gastrulae produced the same PGC number and the same time course of PGC survival. importantly, vasa-depleted PGCs in culture had similar motility and locomotion to normal PGCs. Expression patterns of wt1a, sdf1b and cxcT4b in migratory tissues remained unchanged by Vasa knockdown. By chimera formation we show that PGCs from vasa-depleted blastulae failed to migrate properly in the normal environment, whereas control PGCs migrated normally in vasa-disrupted embryos. Furthermore, ectopic PGCs in vasa-depleted embryos also retained all the PGC properties examined. Taken together, medaka vasa is cell-autonomously required for PGC migration, but dispensable to PGC proliferation, motility, identity and survival. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ferroelectric thin films have been intensively studied at the nanometre scale due to the application in many fields, such as non-volatile memories. Enhanced piezo-response force microscopy (E-PFM) was used to investigate the evolution of ferroelectric and ferroelastic nanodomains in a polycrystalline thin film of the simple multi-ferroic PbZr0.3Ti0.7O 3 (PZT). By applying a d.c. voltage between the atomic force microscopy (AFM) tip and the bottom substrate of the sample, we created an electric field to switch the domain orientation. Reversible switching of both ferroelectric and ferroelastic domains towards particular directions with predominantly (111) domain orientations are observed. We also showed that along with the ferroelectric/ferroelastic domain switch, there are defects that also switch. Finally, we proposed the possible explanation of this controllable defect in terms of flexoelectricity and defect pinning. © 2013 IEEE.


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Herein we report on the transport characteristics of rapid pulsed vacuum-arc thermally annealed, individual and network multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Substantially reduced defect densities (by at least an order of magnitude), measured by micro-Raman spectroscopy, and were achieved by partial reconstruction of the bamboo-type defects during thermal pulsing compared with more traditional single-pulse thermal annealing. Rapid pulsed annealed processed networks and individual multi-walled nanotubes showed a consistent increase in conductivity (of over a factor of five at room temperature), attributed to the reduced number density of resistive axial interfaces and, in the case of network samples, the possible formation of structural bonds between crossed nanotubes. Compared to the highly defective as-grown nanotubes, the pulsed annealed samples exhibited reduced temperature sensitivity in their transport characteristics signifying the dominance of scattering events from structural defects. Transport measurements in the annealed multi-walled nanotubes deviated from linear Ohmic, typically metallic, behavior to an increasingly semiconducting-like behavior attributed to thermally induced axial strains. Rapid pulsed annealed networks had an estimated band gap of 11.26 meV (as-grown; 6.17 meV), and this observed band gap enhancement was inherently more pronounced for individual nanotubes compared with the networks most likely attributed to mechanical pinning effect of the probing electrodes which possibly amplifies the strain induced band gap. In all instances the estimated room temperature band gaps increased by a factor of two. The gating performance of back-gated thin-film transistor structures verified that the observed weak semiconductivity (p-type) inferred from the transport characteristic at room temperature. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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It has been previously observed that thin film transistors (TFTs) utilizing an amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide (a-IGZO) semiconducting channel suffer from a threshold voltage shift when subjected to a negative gate bias and light illumination simultaneously. In this work, a thermalization energy analysis has been applied to previously published data on negative bias under illumination stress (NBIS) in a-IGZO TFTs. A barrier to defect conversion of 0.65-0.75 eV is extracted, which is consistent with reported energies of oxygen vacancy migration. The attempt-to-escape frequency is extracted to be 10 6-107 s-1, which suggests a weak localization of carriers in band tail states over a 20-40 nm distance. Models for the NBIS mechanism based on charge trapping are reviewed and a defect pool model is proposed in which two distinct distributions of defect states exist in the a-IGZO band gap: these are associated with states that are formed as neutrally charged and 2+ charged oxygen vacancies at the time of film formation. In this model, threshold voltage shift is not due to a defect creation process, but to a change in the energy distribution of states in the band gap upon defect migration as this allows a state formed as a neutrally charged vacancy to be converted into one formed as a 2+ charged vacancy and vice versa. Carrier localization close to the defect migration site is necessary for the conversion process to take place, and such defect migration sites are associated with conduction and valence band tail states. Under negative gate bias stressing, the conduction band tail is depleted of carriers, but the bias is insufficient to accumulate holes in the valence band tail states, and so no threshold voltage shift results. It is only under illumination that the quasi Fermi level for holes is sufficiently lowered to allow occupation of valence band tail states. The resulting charge localization then allows a negative threshold voltage shift, but only under conditions of simultaneous negative gate bias and illumination, as observed experimentally as the NBIS effect. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The structure, formation energy, and energy levels of the various oxygen vacancies in Ta2O5 have been calculated using the λ phase model. The intra-layer vacancies give rise to unusual, long-range bonding rearrangements, which are different for each defect charge state. The 2-fold coordinated intra-layer vacancy is the lowest cost vacancy and forms a deep level 1.5 eV below the conduction band edge. The 3-fold intra-layer vacancy and the 2-fold inter-layer vacancy are higher cost defects, and form shallower levels. The unusual bonding rearrangements lead to low oxygen migration barriers, which are useful for resistive random access memory applications. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The theory of doping limits in semiconductors and insulators is applied to the case of wide gap oxides, crystalline, or amorphous, and used to explain that impurities do not in general give rise to gap states or a doping response. Instead, the system tends to form defect complexes or undergo symmetry-lowering reconstructions to expel gap states out of the band gap. The model is applied to impurities, such as trivalent metals, carbon, N, P, and B, in HfO2, the main gate dielectric used in field effect transistors. © 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Using first-principles band structure methods, we investigate the interactions between different donors in In2O3. Through the formation energy and transition energy level calculations, we find that an oxygen-vacancy creates a deep donor level, while an indium-interstitial or a tin-dopant induces a shallow donor level. The coupling between these donor levels gives rise to even shallower donor levels and leads to a significant reduction in their formation energies. Based on the analysis of the PBE0-corrected band structure and the molecular-orbital bonding diagram, we demonstrate these effects of donor-donor binding. In addition, total energy calculations show that these defect pairs tend to be more stable with respect to the isolated defects due to their negative binding energies. Thus, we may design shallow donor levels to enhance the electrical conductivity via the donor donor binding.


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To form low-resistance Ohmic contact to p-type GaN, InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well light emitting diode wafers are treated with boiled aqua regia prior to Ni/Au (5 nm/5 nm) film deposition. The surface morphology of wafers and the current-voltage characteristics of fabricated light emitting diode devices are investigated. It is shown that surface treatment with boiled aqua regia could effectively remove oxide from the surface of the p-GaN layer, and reveal defect-pits whose density is almost the same as the screw dislocation density estimated by x-ray rocking curve measurement. It suggests that the metal atoms of the Ni/Au transparent electrode of light emitting diode devices may diffuse into the p-GaN layer along threading dislocation lines and form additional leakage current channels. Therefore, the surface treatment time with boiled aqua regia should not be too long so as to avoid the increase of threading dislocation-induced leakage current and the degradation of electrical properties of light emitting diodes


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Single-fundamental-mode photonic crystal (PhC) vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) are produced and their single-fundamental-mode performances are investigated and demonstrated. A two-dimensional PhC with single-point-defect structure is fabricated using UV photolithography and inductive coupled plasma reactive ion etching on the surface of the VCSEL's top distributed Bragg-reflector. The PhC VCSEL maintains single-fundamental-mode operating with output power 1.7 mW and threshold current 2.5 mA. The full width half maximum of the lasing spectrum is less than 0.1 nm, the far field divergence angle is less than 10 degrees and the side mode suppression ratio is over 35 dB. The device characteristics are analyzed based on the effective index model of the photonic crystal fiber. The experimental results agree well with the theoretical expectation.