980 resultados para dc electric field effect


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Characteristics of electrical breakdown of a planar magnetron enhanced with an electromagnet and a hollow-cathode structure, are studied experimentally and numerically. At lower pressures the breakdown voltage shows a dependence on the applied magnetic field, and the voltage necessary to achieve the self-sustained discharge regime can be significantly reduced. At higher pressures, the dependence is less sensitive to the magnetic field magnitude and shows a tendency of increased breakdown voltage at the stronger magnetic fields. A model of the magnetron discharge breakdown is developed with the background gas pressure and the magnetic field used as parameters. The model describes the motion of electrons, which gain energy by passing the electric field across the magnetic field and undergo collisions with neutrals, thus generating new bulk electrons. The electrons are in turn accelerated in the electric field and effectively ionize a sufficient amount of neutrals to enable the discharge self-sustainment regime. The model is based on the assumption about the combined classical and near-wall mechanisms of electron conductivity across the magnetic field, and is consistent with the experimental results. The obtained results represent a significant advance toward energy-efficient multipurpose magnetron discharges.


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Current-voltage characteristics of the planar magnetron are studied experimentally and by numerical simulation. Based on the measured current-voltage characteristics, a model of the planar magnetron discharge is developed with the background gas pressure and magnetic field used as parameters. The discharge pressure was varied in a range of 0.7-1.7 Pa, the magnetic field of the magnetron was of 0.033-0.12 T near the cathode surface, the discharge current was from 1 to 25 A, and the magnetic field lines were tangential to the substrate surface in the region of the magnetron discharge ignition. The discharge model describes the motion of energetic secondary electrons that gain energy by passing the cathode sheath across the magnetic field, and the power required to sustain the plasma generation in the bulk. The plasma electrons, in turn, are accelerated in the electric field and ionize effectively the background gas species. The model is based on the assumption about the prevailing Bohm mechanism of electron conductivity across the magnetic field. A criterion of the self-sustained discharge ignition is used to establish the dependence of the discharge voltage on the discharge current. The dependence of the background gas density on the current is also observed from the experiment. The model is consistent with the experimental results. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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A three-component fluid model for a dusty plasma-sheath in an oblique magnetic field is presented. The study is carried out for the conditions when the thermophoretic force associated with the electron temperature gradient is one of the most important forces affecting dust grains in the sheath. It is shown that the sheath properties (the sheath size, the electron, ion and dust particle densities and velocities, the electric field potential, and the forces affecting the dust particles) are functions of the neutral gas pressure and ion temperature, the dust size, the dust material density, and the electron temperature gradient. Effects of plasma-dust collisions on the sheath structure are studied. It is shown that an increase in the forces pushing dust particles to the wall is accompanied by a decrease in the sheath width. The results of this work are particularly relevant to low-temperature plasma-enabled technologies, where effective control of nano- and microsized particles near solid or liquid surfaces is required.


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Plasma Nanoscience is a multidisciplinary research field which aims to elucidate the specific roles, purposes, and benefits of the ionized gas environment in assembling and processing nanoscale objects in natural, laboratory and technological situations. Compared to neutral gas-based routes, in low-temperature weakly-ionized plasmas there is another level of complexity related to the necessity of creating and sustaining a suitable degree of ionization and a much larger number of species generated in the gas phase. The thinner the nanotubes, the stronger is the quantum confinement of electrons and more unique size-dependent quantum effects can emerge. Furthermore, due to a very high mobility of electrons, the surfaces are at a negative potential compared to the plasma bulk. Therefore, there are non-uniform electric fields within the plasma sheath. The electric field lines start in the plasma bulk and converge to the sharp tips of the developing one-dimensional nanostructures.


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A simple, effective, and innovative approach based on ion-assisted self-organization is proposed to synthesize size-selected Si quantum dots (QDs) on SiC substrates at low substrate temperatures. Using hybrid numerical simulations, the formation of Si QDs through a self-organization approach is investigated by taking into account two distinct cases of Si QD formation using the ionization energy approximation theory, which considers ionized in-fluxes containing Si3+ and Si1+ ions in the presence of a microscopic nonuniform electric field induced by a variable surface bias. The results show that the highest percentage of the surface coverage by 1 and 2 nm size-selected QDs was achieved using a bias of -20 V and ions in the lowest charge state, namely, Si1+ ions in a low substrate temperature range (227-327 °C). As low substrate temperatures (≤500 °C) are desirable from a technological point of view, because (i) low-temperature deposition techniques are compatible with current thin-film Si-based solar cell fabrication and (ii) high processing temperatures can frequently cause damage to other components in electronic devices and destroy the tandem structure of Si QD-based third-generation solar cells, our results are highly relevant to the development of the third-generation all-Si tandem photovoltaic solar cells.


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The formation of long self-organized carbon connections (where the length is much greater than the diameter) between Ag nanoparticles on a Si(1 0 0) surface in atmospheric pressure Ar + CH4 microplasmas is demonstrated. A growth scenario explaining the connection nucleation and growth is proposed, and this is supported by numerical simulations which reveal that the electric field pattern around the growing connections affects the surface diffusion of carbon adatoms, the main driving force for the observed self-organization. Results suggest that the microplasma-generated surface charges can be used as effective controls for the self-organized formation of complex carbon-based nano-networks for integrated nanodevices.


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Ag nanoparticles and Fe-coated Si micrograins were separately deposited onto Si(1 0 0) surfaces and then exposed to an Ar + CH4 microplasma at atmospheric pressure. For the Ag nanoparticles, self-organized carbon nanowires, up to 400 nm in length were produced, whereas for the Fe-coated Si micrograins carbon connections with the length up to 100 μm were synthesized on the plasma-exposed surface area of about 0.5 mm2. The experiment has revealed that long carbon connections and short nanowires demonstrate quite similar behavior and structure. While most connections/nanowires tended to link the nearest particles, some wires were found to 'dissolve' into the substrate without terminating at the second particle. Both connections and nanowires are mostly linear, but long carbon connections can form kinks which were not observed in the carbon nanowire networks. A growth scenario explaining the carbon structure nucleation and growth is proposed. Multiscale numerical simulations reveal that the electric field pattern around the growing connections/nanowires strongly affects the surface diffusion of carbon adatoms, the main driving force for the observed self-organization in the system. The results suggest that the microplasma-generated surface charges can be used as effective controls for the self-organized formation of complex carbon-based nano-networks for integrated nanodevices.


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The response of complex ionized gas systems to the presence of nonuniform distribution of charged grains is investigated using a kinetic model. Contrary to an existing view that the electron temperature inevitably increases in the grain-occupied region because of enhanced ionization to compensate for the electrons lost to the grains, it is shown that this happens only when the ionizing electric field increases in the electron depleted region. The results for two typical plasma systems suggest that when the ionizing electric field depends on the spatially averaged electron density, the electron temperature in the grain containing region can actually decrease.


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The distribution of flux of carbon-bearing cations over nanopatterned surfaces with conductive nanotips and nonconductive nanoislands is simulated using the Monte-Carlo technique. It is shown that the ion current is focused to nanotip surfaces when the negative substrate bias is low and only slightly perturbed at higher substrate biases. In the low-bias case, the mean horizontal ion displacement caused by the nanotip electric field exceeds 10 nm. However, at higher substrate biases, this value reduces down to 2 nm. In the nonconductive nanopattern case, the ion current distribution is highly nonuniform, with distinctive zones of depleted current density around the nanoislands. The simulation results suggest the efficient means to control ion fluxes in plasma-aided nanofabrication of ordered nanopatterns, such as nanotip microemitter structures and quantum dot or nanoparticle arrays. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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This paper describes the results of experiments made in the vicinity of EHV overhead lines to investigate sources of clouds of charged particles using simultaneously-recording arrays of electric field meters to measure direct electric fields produced under ion clouds. E-field measurements, made at one metre above ground level, are correlated with wind speed and direction, and with measurements from ionisation counters and audible corona effects to identify possible positions of sources of corona on adjacent power lines. Measurements made in dry conditions on EHV lines in flat remote locations with no adjacent buildings or large vegetation indicate the presence of discrete ion sources associated with high stress points on some types of line hardware such as connectors and conductor spacers. Faulty line components such as insulators and line fittings are also found to be a possible source of ion clouds.


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As printed and flexible plastic electronic gadgets become increasingly viable today, there is a need to develop materials that suit the fabrication processes involved. Two desirable requirements are solution-processable active materials or precursors and low-temperature processability. In this article, we describe a straightforward method of depositing ZnO films by simple spin coating of an organometallic diethylzinc precursor solution and annealing the resulting film at low temperatures (≤200 °C) without involving any synthetic steps. By controlling the humidity in which annealing is conducted, we are able to adjust the intrinsic doping level and carrier concentration in diethylzinc-derived ZnO. Doped or conducting transport layers are greatly preferable to undoped layers as they enable low-resistance contacts and minimize the potential drops. This ability to controllably realize doped ZnO is a key feature of the fabrication process that we describe in this article. We employ field-effect measurements as a diagnostic tool to measure doping levels and mobilities in ZnO and demonstrate that doped ZnO with high charge carrier concentration is ideal for solar cell applications. Respectable power conversion efficiencies (up to 4.5%) are achieved in inverted solar cells that incorporate diethylzinc-derived ZnO films as the electron transport layer and organic blends as the active material. Extensions of this approach to grow ternary and quaternary films with organometallic precursor chemicals will enable solution based growth of a number of semiconductor films as well as a method to dope them.


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The applications of organic semiconductors in complex circuitry such as printed CMOS-like logic circuits demand miniaturization of the active structures to the submicrometric and nanoscale level while enhancing or at least preserving the charge transport properties upon processing. Here, we addressed this issue by using a wet lithographic technique, which exploits and enhances the molecular order in polymers by spatial confinement, to fabricate ambipolar organic field effect transistors and inverter circuits based on nanostructured single component ambipolar polymeric semiconductor. In our devices, the current flows through a precisely defined array of nanostripes made of a highly ordered diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer with high charge carrier mobility (1.45 cm2 V-1 s-1 for electrons and 0.70 cm2 V-1 s-1 for holes). Finally, we demonstrated the functionality of the ambipolar nanostripe transistors by assembling them into an inverter circuit that exhibits a gain (105) comparable to inverters based on single crystal semiconductors.


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We report on charge transport and density of trap states (trap DOS) in ambipolar diketopyrrolopyrrole-benzothiadiazole copolymer thin-film transistors. This semiconductor possesses high electron and hole field-effect mobilities of up to 0.6 cm 2/V-s. Temperature and gate-bias dependent field-effect mobility measurements are employed to extract the activation energies and trap DOS to understand its unique high mobility balanced ambipolar charge transport properties. The symmetry between the electron and hole transport characteristics, parameters and activation energies is remarkable. We believe that our work is the first charge transport study of an ambipolar organic/polymer based field-effect transistor with room temperature mobility higher than 0.1 cm 2/V-s in both electrons and holes.


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In this paper, we report on the device physics and charge transport characteristics of high-mobility dual-gated polymer thin-film transistors with active semiconductor layers consisting of thiophene flanked DPP with thienylene-vinylene-thienylene (PDPP-TVT) alternating copolymers. Room temperature mobilities in these devices are high and can exceed 2 cm2 V-1 s-1. Steady-state and non-quasi-static measurements have been performed to extract key transport parameters and velocity distributions of charge carriers in this copolymer. Charge transport in this polymer semiconductor can be explained using a Multiple-Trap-and-Release or Monroe-type model. We also compare the activation energy vs. field-effect mobility in a few important polymer semiconductors to gain a better understanding of transport of DPP systems and make appropriate comparisons.


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There has been significant progress in the past 2 decades in the field of organic and polymer thin-film transistors. In this paper, we report a combination of stable materials, device architecture, and process conditions that resulted in a patterned gate, small channel length (<5 μm) device that possesses a scaled field-induced conductivity in air that is higher than any organic/polymer transistor reported thus far. The operating voltage is below 10 V; the on-off ratio is high; and the active materials are solution-processable. The semiconducting polymer is a new donor-acceptor polymer with furan-substituted diketopyrrolopyrrole and thienyl-vinylene-thienyl building blocks in the conjugated backbone. One of the major striking features of our work is that the patterned-gate device architecture is suitable for practical applications. We also propose a figure of merit to meaningfully compare polymer/organic transistor performance that takes into account mobility and operating voltage. With this figure of merit, we compare leading organic and polymer transistors that have been hitherto reported. The material and device architecture have shown very high mobility and low operating voltage for such short channel length (below 5 μm) organic/polymer transistors.