924 resultados para cyber-capability


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This paper presents and discusses organisational barriers and opportunities arising from the dissemination of design led innovation within a leading Australian airport corporation. This research is part of a greater action research program which aims to integrate design as a strategic capability through design led innovation within Australian businesses. Findings reveal that there is an opportunity to employ the theoretical framework and tools of design led innovation in practice to build collaborative idea generation by involving customers and stakeholders within the proposal of new to world propositions. The iterative gathering of deep customer insights also provided an opportunity to leverage a greater understanding of stakeholders and customers in strengthening continuing business partnerships through co-design. Challenges to the design led approach include resistance to the exploratory nature of gathering deep customer insights, the testing of long held assumptions and market data, and the disruption of an organisational mindset geared toward risk aversion instilled within the aviation industry. The implication from these findings is that design led innovation can provide the critical platform to allow for a business to grow and sustain internal design capabilities necessary to challenge prevailing assumptions about how its business model operates to deliver value to customers and stakeholders alike. The platform of design led innovation also provides an avenue to support a cultural transformation towards anticipating future needs necessary for establishing a position of leadership within the broader economic environment.


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Investigates the braking performance requirements of the UltraCommuter, a lightweight series hybrid electric vehicle currently under development at the University of Queensland. With a predicted vehicle mass of 600 kg and two in-wheel motors each capable of 500 Nm of peak torque, decelerations up to 0.46 g are theoretically possible using purely regenerative braking. With 99% of braking demands less than 0.35 g, essentially all braking can be regenerative. The wheel motors have sufficient peak torque capability to lock the rear wheels in combination with front axle braking, eliminating the need for friction braking at the rear. Emergency braking levels approaching 1 g are achieved by supplementation with front disk brakes. This paper presents equations describing the peak front and rear axle braking forces which occur under straight line braking, including gradients. Conventionally, to guarantee stability, mechanical front/rear proportioning of braking effort ensures that the front axle locks first. In this application, all braking is initially regenerative at the rear, and an adaptive ''by-wire'' proportioning system presented ensures this stability requirement is still satisfied. Front wheel drive and all wheel drive systems are also discussed. Finally, peak and continuous performance measures, not commonly provided for friction brakes, are derived for the UltraCommuter's motor capability and range of operation.


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This research investigates the development of project competence, and particularly, three related dynamic capabilities (shifting, adapting, leveraging) that contribute to project competence development. In doing so, we make use of the emerging literature on knowledge governance and theorize how knowledge governance mechanisms can move the organization towards desired knowledge-based goals. A multiple-case study comprising 23 cases advances our understanding of the elements that trigger, enable, hamper, and drive shifting, leveraging and adapting. Finally, the paper offers a tentative framework of dynamic capability building promoting project competence development.


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Over the last decade, the majority of existing search techniques is either keyword- based or category-based, resulting in unsatisfactory effectiveness. Meanwhile, studies have illustrated that more than 80% of users preferred personalized search results. As a result, many studies paid a great deal of efforts (referred to as col- laborative filtering) investigating on personalized notions for enhancing retrieval performance. One of the fundamental yet most challenging steps is to capture precise user information needs. Most Web users are inexperienced or lack the capability to express their needs properly, whereas the existent retrieval systems are highly sensitive to vocabulary. Researchers have increasingly proposed the utilization of ontology-based tech- niques to improve current mining approaches. The related techniques are not only able to refine search intentions among specific generic domains, but also to access new knowledge by tracking semantic relations. In recent years, some researchers have attempted to build ontological user profiles according to discovered user background knowledge. The knowledge is considered to be both global and lo- cal analyses, which aim to produce tailored ontologies by a group of concepts. However, a key problem here that has not been addressed is: how to accurately match diverse local information to universal global knowledge. This research conducts a theoretical study on the use of personalized ontolo- gies to enhance text mining performance. The objective is to understand user information needs by a \bag-of-concepts" rather than \words". The concepts are gathered from a general world knowledge base named the Library of Congress Subject Headings. To return desirable search results, a novel ontology-based mining approach is introduced to discover accurate search intentions and learn personalized ontologies as user profiles. The approach can not only pinpoint users' individual intentions in a rough hierarchical structure, but can also in- terpret their needs by a set of acknowledged concepts. Along with global and local analyses, another solid concept matching approach is carried out to address about the mismatch between local information and world knowledge. Relevance features produced by the Relevance Feature Discovery model, are determined as representatives of local information. These features have been proven as the best alternative for user queries to avoid ambiguity and consistently outperform the features extracted by other filtering models. The two attempt-to-proposed ap- proaches are both evaluated by a scientific evaluation with the standard Reuters Corpus Volume 1 testing set. A comprehensive comparison is made with a num- ber of the state-of-the art baseline models, including TF-IDF, Rocchio, Okapi BM25, the deploying Pattern Taxonomy Model, and an ontology-based model. The gathered results indicate that the top precision can be improved remarkably with the proposed ontology mining approach, where the matching approach is successful and achieves significant improvements in most information filtering measurements. This research contributes to the fields of ontological filtering, user profiling, and knowledge representation. The related outputs are critical when systems are expected to return proper mining results and provide personalized services. The scientific findings have the potential to facilitate the design of advanced preference mining models, where impact on people's daily lives.


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This thesis examines Customer Relationship Management and how the capabilities of an organisation to innovate can be enhanced via its implementation in a Knowledge Based Firm. The research identifies current customer knowledge components within an organisation and identifies for future use, CRM components for implementation within a Knowledge Based Firm. Opinions from a panel of experts' are identified for best practice customer relationship strategy, the most important CRM processes and identification of customer knowledge components that will form the basis of implementing a successful CRM to gain a competitive advantage through enhancing the innovative capability for a Knowledge Based Firm.


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We demonstrate a rapid synthesis of gold nanoparticles using hydroquinone as a reducing agent under acidic conditions without the need for precursor seed particles. The nanoparticle formation process is facilitated by the addition of NaOH to a solution containing HAuCl4 and hydroquinone to locally change the pH; this enhances the reducing capability of hydroquinone to form gold nucleation centres, after which further growth of gold can take place through an autocatalytic mechanism. The stability of the nanoparticles is highly dependent on the initial solution pH, and both the concentration of added NaOH and hydroquinone present in solution. The gold nanoparticles were characterized by UV–visible spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering, and zeta potential measurements. It was found that under optimal conditions that stable aqueous suspensions of 20 nm diameter nanoparticles can be achieved where benzoquinone, the oxidized product of hydroquinone, acts as a capping agent preventing nanoparticles aggregation.


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One strategy that can be used by older drivers to guard against age-related declines in driving capability is to regulate their driving. This strategy presumes that self-judgments of driving capability are realistic. We found no significant relationships between older drivers’ hazard perception skill ratings and performance on an objective and validated video-based hazard perception test, even when self-ratings of performance on specific scenarios in the test were used. Self-enhancement biases were found across all components of driving skill, including hazard perception. If older drivers’ judgments of their driving capability are unrealistic, then this may compromise the effectiveness of any self-restriction strategies to reduce crash risk.


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Purpose Videokeratoscopy images can be used for the non-invasive assessment of the tear film. In this work the applicability of an image processing technique, textural-analysis, for the assessment of the tear film in Placido disc images has been investigated. Methods In the presence of tear film thinning/break-up, the reflected pattern from the videokeratoscope is disturbed in the region of tear film disruption. Thus, the Placido pattern carries information about the stability of the underlying tear film. By characterizing the pattern regularity, the tear film quality can be inferred. In this paper, a textural features approach is used to process the Placido images. This method provides a set of texture features from which an estimate of the tear film quality can be obtained. The method is tested for the detection of dry eye in a retrospective dataset from 34 subjects (22-normal and 12-dry eye), with measurements taken under suppressed blinking conditions. Results To assess the capability of each texture-feature to discriminate dry eye from normal subjects, the receiver operating curve (ROC) was calculated and the area under the curve (AUC), specificity and sensitivity extracted. For the different features examined, the AUC value ranged from 0.77 to 0.82, while the sensitivity typically showed values above 0.9 and the specificity showed values around 0.6. Overall, the estimated ROCs indicate that the proposed technique provides good discrimination performance. Conclusions Texture analysis of videokeratoscopy images is applicable to study tear film anomalies in dry eye subjects. The proposed technique appears to have demonstrated its clinical relevance and utility.


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Defining success in mega projects has been a challenging exercise for Australian Defence. The inherent conflict between nation capability building and cost efficiency raises questions about how to appropriately define mega project success. Contrary to the traditional output-focused project methodology, the value creation perspective argues for the importance of creating new knowledge, processes, and systems for suppliers and customers. Stakeholder involvement is important in this new perspective, as the balancing of competing needs of stakeholders in mega projects becomes a major challenge in managing the value co-creation process. In our earlier study reported interview data from three Australian defence mega projects and reported that those senior executives have a more complex understanding of project success than traditional iron triangle measures. In these mega defence projects, customers and other stakeholders actively engage in the value creation process, and over time both content and process value are created to increase defence and national capability. Value created and captured during and post projects are the key to true success. We aim to develop a comprehensive theoretical model the capture the value co-creation process as a way of re-conceptualising success in mega projects. We propose a new framework redefine project value as multi-dimensional, contextual and temporal construct that emerges from the interactions among multiple stake holders over the complete project life cycle. The framework distinguishes between exploitation and exploration types of projects, and takes into consideration the requisite governance structures.