917 resultados para cyanobacterial mats
Over the last one hundred years, compartmentalization and water management activities have reduced water flow to the ridge and slough landscape of the Everglades. As a result, the once corrugated landscape has become topographically and vegetationally uniform. The focus of this study was to quantify variation in surface flow in the ridge and slough landscape and to relate flow conditions to particulate transport and deposition. Over the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 wet seasons, surface velocities and particulate accumulation were measured in upper Shark River Slough in Everglades National Park. Landscape characteristics such as elevation, plant density and biomass also were examined to determine their impact on flow characteristics and material transport. The results of this study demonstrate that the release of water during the wet season not only increases water levels, but also increased flow speeds and particulate transport and availability. Further, flow speeds were positively and significantly correlated with water level thereby enhancing particulate transport in sloughs relative to ridges especially during peak flow periods. Our results also indicate that the distribution of biomass in the water column, including floating plants and periphyton, affects velocity magnitude and shape of vertical profiles, especially in the sloughs where Utricularia spp. and periphyton mats are more abundant. Plot clearing experiments suggest that the presence of surface periphyton and Utricularia exert greater control over flow characteristics than the identity (i.e., sawgrass or spike rush) or density of emergent macrophytes, two parameters frequently incorporated into models describing flow through vegetated canopies. Based on these results, we suggest that future modeling efforts must take the presence of floating biomass, such as Utricularia, and presence of periphyton into consideration when describing particulate transport.
Eutrophication from anthropogenic nutrient enrichment is a primary threat to the oligotrophic freshwater marshes of southern Florida. Macrophyte and periphyton response to increased phosphorus (P) has been well documented in both correlative and experimental studies, but the response of consumer communities remains poorly understood, especially in southern marl prairies. We conducted a P-loading experiment in in situ mesocosms in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park, and examined the response of macroinvertebrate communities. Mesocosms at two sites were loaded weekly with P at four levels: control (0 g P/m2/yr), low (0.2 g P/m2/yr), intermediate (0.8 g P/m2/yr), and high (3.2 g P/m2/ yr). After ∼2 yrs of P-loading, macroinvertebrates were sampled using periphyton mat and benthic floc cores. Densities of macroinvertebrate taxa (no./g AFDM) were two to 16 times higher in periphyton mats than benthic floc. Periphyton biomass decreased with enrichment at one site, and periphyton was absent from many intermediate and all high P treatments at both sites. Total macroinvertebrate density in periphyton mats increased with intermediate P loads, driven primarily by chironomids and nematodes. Conversely, total macroinvertebrate density in benthic floc decreased with enrichment, driven primarily by loss of chironomids and ceratopogonids (Dasyhelea). This study suggests that macroinvertebrate density increases with enrichment until periphyton mats are lost, after which it decreases, and mat infauna fail to move into benthic substrates in response to mat loss. These results were noted at nutrient levels too low to yield anoxia, and we believe that the decrease of macroinvertebrate density resulted from a loss of habitat. This work illustrates the importance of periphyton mats as habitat for macroinvertebrates in the Everglades. This study also indicates that in this system, macroinvertebrate sampling should be designed to target periphyton mats or conducted with special attention to inclusion of substrates relative to their coverage.