1000 resultados para crystal toxin


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Crystal growth of melt-textured Nd-123 pseudo-crystals was investigated via an isothermal solidification with top-seeding technique under a 1%O2 in N2 atmosphere. Non-steady state solidification was observed at low undercooling, in contrast to an almost linear growth at higher undercooling. Similar to processing in air, the substitution of Nd/Ba was found to decrease from the seed position to the edge of the crystal. In addition, the volume fraction of Nd-422 particles decreased in the solid as solidification proceeded. As a result of these microstructural inhomogeneities, the critical temperature and the critical current density varied within the crystal even for samples processed isothermally, despite the narrow solid solution range of the Nd-123 phase under a reduced pO2 atmosphere.


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Some 1R,4R-2-(4-phenylbenzylidene)-p-menthane-3-one derivatives containing the ether or ester linking group between benzene rings of the arylidene fragment have been studied as chiral dopants in ferroelectric liquid crystal systems based on the eutectic mixture (1:1) of two phenylbenzoate derivatives CmH2m+1OC6H4COOC6 H4OCnH2n+1 (n = 6; m = 8, 10). The ferroelectric properties of these compositions (spontaneous polarization, rotation viscosity, smectic tilt angle as well as quantitative characteristics of their concentration dependences) were compared with those for systems including chiral dopants containing no linking group. Ferroelectric parameters of the induced ferroelectric compositions studied have been shown to depend essentially on the presence of the linking group between benzene rings and its nature as well as on the number of the benzene rings in the rigid molecular core of the chiral dopants used. For all ferroelectric liquid crystal systems studied, the influence of the chiral dopants on the thermal stability of N*, SmA and SmC* mesophases has been quantified. The influence of the linking group nature in the dopant molecules on the characteristics of the systems studied is discussed taking into account results of the conformational analysis carried out by the semi-empirical AM1 and PM3 methods.


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The effect of size, morphology and crystallinity of seed crystals on the nucleation and growth of large grain Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) bulk superconductors fabricated by top seeded melt growth (TSMG) has been investigated. Seeding bulk samples with small, square shaped seed crystals leads to point nucleation and growth of the superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-y (Y-123) phase that exhibits the usual square habitual growth symmetry. The use of triangular and circular shaped seed crystals, however, modifies significantly the growth habit geometry of the grain. The use of large area seeds both increases the rate of epitaxial nucleation of the Y-123 phase and produces relatively large crystals in the incongruent melt, which decreases significantly the processing times of large grain samples. The present study is relevant to decrease processing times of samples with both preferred or no growth sectors and for multiple seeding of large grain samples which contain clean grain boundaries. © 2005 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The flexoelectric behaviour of a hypertwisted chiral nematic bimesogenic liquid crystal is presented. Through detailed electro-optic measurements, with particular emphasis on the switching properties, we demonstrate remarkably high optical axis tilt angles. The material studied possessed a room temperature nematic phase and aligned easily on cooling under the application of a moderate electric field. Switching times of the order of 500 μs and contrast ratios of 90:1 are readily achieved. The tilt angles, measured using the rotating analyser technique, were found to be practically temperature independent and linear with the applied field. Tilt angles of 22.5° were obtained with moderate applied fields of 9.4 V/μm whilst fields of 25 V/μm yielded tilt angles of 45°. We believe these are the highest tilt angles ever recorded for such fields. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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Owing to fundamental reasons of symmetry, liquid crystals are soft materials. This softness allows long length-scales, large susceptibilities and the existence of modulated phases, which respond readily to external fields. Liquid crystals with such phases are tunable, self-assembled, photonic band gap materials; they offer exciting opportunities both in basic science and in technology. Since the density of photon states is suppressed in the stop band and is enhanced at the band edges, these materials may be used as switchable filters or as mirrorless lasers. Disordered periodic liquid crystal structures can show random lasing. We highlight recent advances in this rapidly growing area, and discuss future prospects in emerging liquid crystal materials. Liquid crystal elastomers and orientationally ordered nanoparticle assemblies are of particular interest. © 2006 The Royal Society.


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In this work, we examine the phenomenon of random lasing from the smectic A liquid crystal phase. We summarise our results to date on random lasing from the smectic A phase including the ability to control the output from the sample using applied electric fields. In addition, diffuse random lasing is demonstrated from the electrohydrodynamic instabilities of a smectic A liquid crystal phase that has been doped with a low concentration of ionic impurities. Using a siloxane-based liquid crystal doped with ionic impurities and a laser dye, nonresonant random laser emission is observed from the highly scattering texture of the smectic A phase which is stable in zero-field. With the application of a low frequency alternating current electric field, turbulence is induced due to motion of the ions. This is accompanied by a decrease in the emission linewidth and an increase in the intensity of the laser emission. The benefit in this case is that a field is not required to maintain the texture as the scattering and homeotropic states are both stable in zero field. This offers a lower power consumption alternative to the electric-field induced static scattering sample.


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In this paper, we review our recent experimental work on coherent and blue phase liquid crystal lasers.We will present results on thin-film photonic band edge lasing devices using dye-doped low molar mass liquid crystals in self-organised chiral nematic and blue phases. We show that high Q-factor lasers can be achieved in these materials and demonstrate that a single mode output with a very narrow line width can be readily achievable in well-aligned mono-domain samples. Further, we have found that the performance of the laser, i.e. the slope efficiency and the excitation threshold, are dependent upon the physical parameters of the low molar mass chiral nematic liquid crystals. Specifically, slope efficiencies greater than 60% could be achieved depending upon the materials used and the device geometry employed. We will discuss the important parameters of the liquid crystal host/dye guest materials and device configuration that are needed to achieve such high slope efficiencies. Further we demonstrate how the wavelength of the laser can be tuned using an in-plane electric field in a direction perpendicular to the helix axis via a flexoelectric mechanism as well as thermally using thermochromic effects. We will then briefly outline data on room temperature blue phase lasers and further show how liquid crystal/lenslet arrays have been used to demonstrate 2D laser emission of any desired wavelength. Finally, we present preliminary data on LED/incoherent pumping of RG liquid crystal lasers leading to a continuous wave output. © 2009 SPIE.


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A free-space, board-to-board, adaptive optical interconnect demonstrator has been developed. Binary phase gratings displayed on a Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator are used to maintain data transfer at 1.25Gbps, given varying optical misalignment © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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PLEASE ALSO CHECK THE FULL TEXT ABSTRACT. Toxin production and toxin profiles of four Raphidophytes grown under different salinities were compared to investigate the influence of salinity on cellular content of neurotoxin. In Chatonella andqua CaTx-1, CaTx-11, and CaTx-111 peaked at 25 pplt with yields of 0.99, 0.42, and 2.90 pg/ceU, but the highest yields (2.35 pg/cell) of CaTx-IV was attained at 30 ppt. On the other hand, Chatonella marina yielded higher proportions of CmTx-1 (0.55 pg/ceH) and CmTx-111 (2.50 pg/cell) at 25 ppt. However, CmTx-IV was present in its highest amount (1.65 pg/cell) at 30 ppt, as seen in C anriqua. A smaH amount of CmTx-11 was also detected at 20-35 ppt. The toxin compositions indicate that H. akashiwo is more sensitive to higher salinities than the other three raphidophytes. Substantial compositional change was observed in case of H. akashiwo. HaTx-11 (corresponding to PbTx-9) was detected only as a trace at 20 and 25 ppt. Toxin HaTx-IV (corresponding to oxidized PbTx-2) was most dominant and peaked at 20 ppt with a yield of 0.3 pg/cell. Considerable amounts of HaTx-1 and III (corresponding to PbTx-2 and 3) were also detected. At higher salinities of above 25 ppt HaTx-11 was not detected. F. japonica gave highest yields of FjTx-11 (PbTx-2) and FjTx-IV (Oxidized PbTx-2) at 20 ppt with yields of 0.95, 1.54 pg/cell while the production of toxic profiles FjTx-1 (PbTx- 1) and FjTx-111 (PbTx-3) peaked at 25 ppt with yields of 0.99, 2.54 pg/ceU. A sharp decrease in all toxins profiles (CaTx, CmTx, HaTX and FjTx) was found at salinities of above 30 ppt.


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We present a study on a series of dye guest-host mixtures using fluorescent perylene-based molecules as the guest dye in an organosiloxane host. These hosts have temperature-independent switching, at room temperature, through 90° for fields of the order of 10 Vrms/μm. Perylene molecules have been grafted onto the organosiloxane moiety via an alkyl spacer producing novel and rugged fluorescent dyes that are readily miscible in the host. Micro-separation of the low molar mass siloxane groups in the mesophases tend to form smectic phases. These planes produce an effective two-dimensional polymer backbonethat engenders the rugged mechanical properties of polymeric liquid crystals onto these low molar mass ferroelectric liquid crystals. In this study we show how the introduction of the dye molecules affects the electro-optic properties of the organosiloxane host. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group,.


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In this paper we demonstrate laser emission from emulsion-based polymer dispersed liquid crystals. Such lasers can be easily formed on single substrates with no alignment layers. Remarkably, it is shown that there can exist two radically different laser emission profiles, namely, photonic band-edge lasing and non-resonant random lasing. The emission is controlled by simple changes in the emulsification procedure. Low mixing speeds generate larger droplets that favor photonic band edge lasing with the requisite helical alignment produced by film shrinkage. Higher mixing speeds generate small droplets, which facilitate random lasing by a non-resonant scattering feedback process. Lasing thresholds and linewidth data are presented showing the potential of controllable linewidth lasing sources. Sequential and stacked layers demonstrate the possibility of achieving complex, simultaneous multi-wavelength and "white-light" laser output from a wide variety of substrates including glass, metallic, paper and flexible plastic. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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The study of band-edge lasing from dye-doped chiral nematic liquid crystals has thus far been largely restricted to visible wavelengths. In this paper, a wide range of commercially available laser dyes are examined for their suitability as infrared emitters within a chiral nematic host. Problems such as poor solubility and reduced quantum efficiencies are overcome, and successful band-edge lasing is demonstrated within the range of 735-850 nm, using the dyes LD800, HITC-P and DOTC-P. This paper also reports on progress towards widely tuneable liquid crystal lasers, capable of emission in the region 460- 850 nm. Key to this is the use of common pump source, capable of simultaneously exciting all of the dyes (both infrared and visible) that are present within the system. Towards this aim, we successfully demonstrate near-infrared lasing (800 nm) facilitated by Förster energy transfer between the visible dye DCM, and the infra-red dye LD800, enabling pump wavelengths anywhere between 420 and 532 nm to be used. These results demonstrate that small and low-cost tuneable visible to near-infrared laser sources are achievable, using a single common pump source. Such devices are envisaged to have wide-ranging applications including medical imaging (including optical coherence tomography), point-of-care optical medical diagnostics (such as flow cytometry), telecommunications, and optical signatures for security coatings. © 2011 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).


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The research was conducted to determine the toxicity of extracts from five Philippine species of marine sponges on tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fry. It was found out that the most potent was the methanol extract of Dysidea herbacea, it kills with the least toxin and at the shortest time.