974 resultados para collaborative content provision
La recherche présentée est issue d’une thèse en cours qui étudie la manière dont se nouent les relations entre les compétences culturelles et linguistiques au cours de séances de langue étrangère au cycle 3 de l’école primaire. Notre recherche s’appuie sur des données empiriques quantitatives et qualitatives et sur un cadre théorique articulant des concepts de didactique des langues et cultures (notamment, Aden, 2007; Gruson, 2007; Puren, 2002; Zarate, 1993), mais aussi de didactique des mathématiques dans une perspective comparatiste (entre autres, Brousseau, 1998; Sensevy, Mercier & Schubauer-Leoni, 2000; Sensevy & Mercier, 2007)
En un país pequeño como Austria es necesario recibir estímulo del exterior a nivel europeo respectivamente internacional para que los responsables vean lo útil que son las iniciativas nacionales en el campo de documentación educativa. Trabajar de manera comparativa en un contexto europeo ayuda a comprender mejor su propia posición y sirve de base para tomar decisiones y para desarrollar nuevos proyectos en el futuro. Ha crecido el interés en utilizar la información y documentación educativa durante las últimas décadas. Actualmente los ministros de educación ya no pueden seguir su trabajo sin recurrir a todos aquellos datos que han sido recopilados en los respectivos países y presentados a través de las redes europeas como EURYDICE, la red europea de información en educación (htttp://www.eurydice.org).
Plain Text - ASCII, Unicode, UTF-8 Content Formats - XML-based formats (RSS, MathML, SVG, Office) + PDF Text based data formats: CSV, JSON
There is a wealth of open educational content in audio and video formats available via iTunes U, one of the services offered especially for education via iTunes. There are details of how to get started as well as an informative video to help you. Details of how to get started with sharing content can be found for developers.
This is the first part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation.
This is the second part of a 2 part video from my talk in May 2008 on open source content creation. Here I am talking about the Making of Doljer
This document outlines the material covered by the main UK exam board specifications at A-level in chemistry. This is for the A-level taught up until and including June 2009 (i.e. relevant to undergraduates arriving at university in October 2009).
This document is a review of the content of the A-level Chemistry specifications from the main UK exam boards (Scottish highers not included - sorry!). These A-level specifications commenced teaching in September 2008. Students entering university in 2010 will have studied the new A-levels, and this document is intended to help academics to identify what students will have covered. The document also contains a summary of discussions which took place between teachers and academics at our annual Post-16 teachers' day in June 2010 regarding the nature of the 2010 intake and their capabilities in chemistry. Please inform us of any errors or typos that you spot and we'll update the document. LAST UPDATE at 13:15 on Aug 27th 2010.
This is a research paper. Research presented in this paper aimed to investigate how to measure collaborative design performance and, in turn, improve the final design output during a design process, with a clear objective to develop a Design Performance Measurement (DPM) matrix to measure design project team member's design collaboration performance.
This is one of a series of short case studies describing how academic tutors at the University of Southampton have made use of learning technologies to support their students.
A Table of Contents can be tweaked so that it picks up the content from only part of a file (such as an Appendix). This video shows you how to make such a change to a Table of Contents that is based upon Heading Styles. For best viewing Download the video.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo establecer un plan de de mejoramiento estratégico que permita optimizar el servicio de salud de la Institución Penitenciaria de Acacias. Para lograr este fin se hace un análisis del sector carcelario y penitenciario en Colombia con el fin de identificar la problemática que lo viene afectando en los últimos años, se establece un diagnostico en la Penitenciaria de Acacias con el fin de establecer la problemática que existe en la prestación de servicios de salud y se elaboran propuestas estratégicas que permitan una mejor atención de salud para los internos recluidos en dicha institución
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