997 resultados para coherent states


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A fundamental understanding of the information carrying capacity of optical channels requires the signal and physical channel to be modeled quantum mechanically. This thesis considers the problems of distributing multi-party quantum entanglement to distant users in a quantum communication system and determining the ability of quantum optical channels to reliably transmit information. A recent proposal for a quantum communication architecture that realizes long-distance, high-fidelity qubit teleportation is reviewed. Previous work on this communication architecture is extended in two primary ways. First, models are developed for assessing the effects of amplitude, phase, and frequency errors in the entanglement source of polarization-entangled photons, as well as fiber loss and imperfect polarization restoration, on the throughput and fidelity of the system. Second, an error model is derived for an extension of this communication architecture that allows for the production and storage of three-party entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states. A performance analysis of the quantum communication architecture in qubit teleportation and quantum secret sharing communication protocols is presented. Recent work on determining the channel capacity of optical channels is extended in several ways. Classical capacity is derived for a class of Gaussian Bosonic channels representing the quantum version of classical colored Gaussian-noise channels. The proof is strongly mo- tivated by the standard technique of whitening Gaussian noise used in classical information theory. Minimum output entropy problems related to these channel capacity derivations are also studied. These single-user Bosonic capacity results are extended to a multi-user scenario by deriving capacity regions for single-mode and wideband coherent-state multiple access channels. An even larger capacity region is obtained when the transmitters use non- classical Gaussian states, and an outer bound on the ultimate capacity region is presented


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A fundamental problem in artificial intelligence is obtaining coherent behavior in rule-based problem solving systems. A good quantitative measure of coherence is time behavior; a system that never, in retrospect, applied a rule needlessly is certainly coherent; a system suffering from combinatorial blowup is certainly behaving incoherently. This report describes a rule-based problem solving system for automatically writing and improving numerical computer programs from specifications. The specifications are in terms of "constraints" among inputs and outputs. The system has solved program synthesis problems involving systems of equations, determining that methods of successive approximation converge, transforming recursion to iteration, and manipulating power series (using differing organizations, control structures, and argument-passing techniques).


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The influence of laser-field parameters, such as intensity and pulse width, on the population of molecular excited state is investigated by using the time-dependent wavepacket method. For a two-state system in intense laser fields, the populations in the upper and lower states are given by the wavefunctions obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation through split-operator scheme. The calculation shows that both the laser intensity and the pulse width have a strong effect on the population in molecular excited state, and that as the common feature of light-matter interaction (LMI), the periodic changing of the population with the evolution time in each state can be interpreted by Rabi oscillation and area-theorem. The results illustrate that by controlling these two parameters, the needed population in excited state of interest can be obtained, which provides the foundation of light manipulation of molecular processes. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For the first time, we have studied the potential-energy curves, spectroscopic terms, vibrational levels, and the spectroscopic constants of the ground and low-lying excited states of NiI by employing the complete active space self-consistent-field method with relativistic effective core potentials followed by multireference configuration-interaction calculations. We have identified six low-lying electronic states of NiI with doublet spin multiplicities, including three states of Delta symmetry and three states of Pi symmetry of the molecule within 15 000 cm(-1). The lowest (2)Delta state is identified as the ground state of NiI, and the lowest (2)Pi state is found at 2174.56 cm(-1) above it. These results fully support the previous conclusion of the observed spectra although our computational energy separation of the two states is obviously larger than that of the experimental values. The present calculations show that the low-lying excited states [13.9] (2)Pi and [14.6] (2)Delta are 3 (2)Pi and 3 (2)Delta electronic states of NiI, respectively. Our computed spectroscopic terms, vibrational levels, and spectroscopic constants for them are in good agreement with the experimental data available at present. In the present work we have not only suggested assignments for the observed states but also computed more electronic states that are yet to be observed experimentally. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The equivalence of two ways for the calculation of overlap integrals, i.e. the Sharp Rosenstock generating function method and the Doktorov coherent state method, has been proved. On the basis of the generating function of the overlap integrals, a new closed form expression for the Franck - Condon integrals for overlap multidimensional harmonic oscillators has been exactly derived. In addition, some useful analytical expressions for the calculations of the multimode Franck - Condon factors have been given.


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Lee M.H., Qualitative Modelling of Linear Networks in ECAD Applications, Expert Update, Vol. 3, Num. 2, pp23-32, BCS SGES, Summer 2000. Qualitative modeling of linear networks in ecad applications (1999) by M Lee Venue: Pages 146?152 of: Proceedings 13th international workshop on qualitative reasoning, QR ?99


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McInnes, C., 'A different kind of war? 11 September and the United States' Afghan war'. Review of International Studies, 29 (2), 165-184. RAE2008


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Poolton, Nigel; Ozanyan, K.B.; Wallinga, J.; Murray, A.S., (2002) 'Electrons in feldspar II: a consideration of the influence of conduction band-tail states on luminescence processes', Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 29(3) pp.217-225 RAE2008


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Poolton, Nigel; Hamilton, B.; Evans, D.A., (2005) 'Synchrotron-laser pump-probe luminescence spectroscopy: Correlation of electronic defect states with x-ray absorption in wide-gap solids', Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 38 pp.1478-1484 RAE2008