920 resultados para co-operative studies


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Observational studies demonstrate strong associations between deficient serum vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels and cardiovascular disease. To further examine the association between vitamin D and hypertension (HTN), data from the 2003-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were analyzed to assess whether the association between vitamin D and HTN varies by sufficiency of key co-nutrients necessary for metabolic vitamin D reactions to occur. Logistic regression results demonstrate independent effect modification by calcium, magnesium, and vitamin A on the association between vitamin D and HTN. Among non-pregnant adults with adequate renal function, those with low levels of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D levels had 1.75 times the odds of HTN compared to those with sufficient vitamin D levels (p = <0.0001). Additionally, participants with low levels of calcium, magnesium, vitamin A, and vitamin D had 5.43 times the odds of HTN compared to those with vitamin D sufficiency (p = 0.0103).


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In vitro experimental environments are used to study interactions between microorganisms, and predict dynamics in natural ecosystems. This study highlights that experimental in vitro environments should be selected to closely match the natural environment of interest during in vitro studies to strengthen extrapolations about aflatoxin production by Aspergillus and competing organisms. Fungal competition and aflatoxin accumulation was studied in soil, cotton wool or tube (water-only) environments, for Aspergillus flavus competition with Penicillium purpurogenum, Fusarium oxysporum or Sarocladium zeae within maize grains. Inoculated grains were incubated in each environment at two temperature regimes (25oC and 30oC). Competition experiments showed interaction between main effects of aflatoxin accumulation and environment at 25oC, but not so at 30oC. However, competition experiments showed fungal populations were always interacting with their environments. Fungal survival differed after the 72-hour incubation in different experimental environments. Whereas, all fungi incubated within the soil environment survived; in the cotton-wool environment, none of the competitors of A. flavus survived at 30 oC. With aflatoxin accumulation, F. oxysporum was the only fungus able to interdict aflatoxin production at both temperatures. This occurred only in the soil environment and fumonisins accumulated instead. Smallholder farmers in developing countries face serious mycotoxin contamination of their grains, and soil is a natural reservoir for the associated fungal propagules, and a drying and storage surface for grains on these farms. Studying fungal dynamics in the soil environment and other environments in vitro can provide insights into aflatoxin accumulation post harvest.


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Aplicações de microalgas tem tornado esses micro-organismos importantes em pesquisas com fins tanto comerciais como energéticos. A biofixação de CO2 por microalgas é vista como uma forma economicamente viável e ambientalmente sustentável para mitigar as emissões de CO2 e geração de biomassa para obtenção de bioprodutos de alto valor agregado como os biocombustíveis. Na digestão anaeróbia da biomassa de microalgas a adição de um cosubstrato rico em carbono pode facilitar o processo de produção de biogás. O glicerol possui alta concentração de carbono orgânico e é solúvel em água. Neste sentido, a combinação de ambos os substratos pode solucionar um dos principais problemas para o processo de digestão, que reside no equilíbrio da razão (C/N). Co-digestão anaeróbia consiste na digestão anaeróbia de uma mistura de dois ou mais substratos com composições complementares. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a geração de biogás através da co-digestão anaeróbia de biomassa de Spirulina sp. LEB 18 e glicerol bruto. Para a realização do estudo foram construídos e operados sete biorreatores com volume útil de 1,5 L, alimentados com 5, 6, 10, 15 e 20 g.L -1 da mistura de biomassa de Spirulina e glicerol. A adição de diferentes quantidades de glicerol (5 e 10 g.L -1 ) foi utilizada como um suplemento na digestão anaeróbia em sistema de batelada. A razão C/N variou de 3,3×103 a 23,7. Os ensaios foram realizados a 35 °C, em reatores equipados com sistema de coleta de gás, alimentação e retirada do efluente líquido, operados em batelada sequencial. O efluente líquido dos reatores foi analisado quanto ao pH, nitrogênio amoniacal e alcalinidade. O volume de biogás produzido diariamente foi medido em gasômetro de frasco invertido. Em todos os ensaios, os valores médios de pH variaram de 7,0 a 7,3 e nitrogênio amoniacal de 62,02 a 1100,99 mg.L-1 . A alcalinidade do efluente variou entre 1133,37 e 3578,98 mg.L-1 CaCO3. Em todos os ensaios com adição de glicerol houve incremento na produção específica de biogás (0,16 – 0,24 d -1 ) quando comparado ao ensaio em que somente biomassa microalgal era alimentada no processo (0,03 L.d-1 ), demonstrando ser esta uma alternativa interessante para a produção de biocombustível e concomitante agregação de valor ao glicerol residual da produção de biodiesel.


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Chapter 1 While targeting kinases in oncology research has been explored extensively, targeting protein phosphatases is currently in its infancy. However, a number of pharmaceutical companies are currently looking to expand their research efforts in this area. PP2A has been shown to down-regulate ERK5, a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) that has been shown to be important in driving the invasive phenotype of prostate cancer. Fostriecin and its related structural analogues PD 113,270 and 113,271 have been shown to inhibit a mitotic entry checkpoint in cell growth through the potent and selective inhibition of protein phosphatases PP1, PP2A, and PP4 (IC50 of 45 μM, 1.5 nM, and 3 nM respectively). Fostriecin is one of the most selective protein phosphatase inhibitors disclosed to date with a 104 fold selectivity for PP2A/PP4 versus PP1. Unfortunately, fostriecin and its analogues are very unstable, and this instability has effectively prevented them from being used as effective therapeutic leads. The microcystins and nodularins on the other hand, exhibit significant inhibitory activity against PP1 and PP2A (IC50 = 26 pM and 1.8 nM respectively), but their high toxicity has prevented any therapeutic application. Truncation of the ADDA chain from these polypeptides completely attenuates PP inhibitory activity. Simpler analogues incorporating the N-acylated ADDA chain and D-Ala retain moderate activity against PP1 and PP2A (IC50 = 1.0 μM and 0.17 μM respectively). The generation of a new series of fostriecin analogues to further expand its structure-activity relationship is envisaged with a view to creating new more stable PP2A inhibitors. It was hoped that by incorporating some of the more stable structural features of ADDA into fostriecin that stability and activity could be reconciled. With that in mind a series of PP2A inhibitors were synthesised and biologically evaluated. Chapter 2 GPCRs are an important area of research and are the targets of a quarter of the drugs on the market (2005). As a result, GPCRs continue to be at the forefront of research in both small and large drug companies. However one of the difficulties in studying this diverse class of membrane proteins is their tendency to denature in aqueous solution. As a result there is a pressing need to develop new detergents to solubilise, stabilise and crystallise GPCRs in their native form for further study. Cholesterol analogues have been shown to be important for stabilising membrane proteins and preventing their thermal inactivation. In addition the β2-adrenergic receptor, a GPCR membrane protein, has been crystallised in the active state with two cholesterol molecules bound between the I, II, III and IV helices of the protein. This appears to represent a distinct cholesterol binding pocket on the membrane protein that is speculated to be conserved across up to 44% of the rhodopsin class of GPCRs. CHOBIMALT is a cholesterol-based detergent that has been shown to exhibit promising GPCR-stabilising properties. When benchmarked against other cholesterol based detergents it was found to be superior to all others tested except for cholesteryl hemisuccinate.1 CHOBIMALT has an aggregation number of roughly 200 and forms 210 ± 30 kDa micelles, which are significantly larger than those of most detergents used for biological systems which is likely due to the packing constraints associated with CHOBMALT’s large polar headgroup.2 As a result, CHOBIMALT is used mostly as an additive to other commercially available detergents in order to decrease micelle size. A branched dimaltoside motif is common in recently synthesised detergents by Chae and co-workers. These detergents have shown promising detergent properties, for example the maltose neopentyl glycol (MNG) detergent synthesised by Chae. This branched dimaltoside detergent was shown to be able to solubilise and stabilise the very labile light harvesting complex I (LHI) from Rhodopsin capsulatus in its active form for 20 days with little loss of protein conformation.3 A cholesterol-based detergent was envisaged that combines the cholesterol framework of CHOBIMALT but replaces its linear tetrasaccharide with a branched dimaltoside. This detergent would then be investigated to assess its ability to solubilise, stabilise and crystallise GPCR proteins. This cholesterol-based detergent (shown below) was eventually synthesised in 9 linear steps from cholesterol.


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The folding and targeting of membrane proteins poses a major challenge to the cell, as they must remain insertion competent while their highly hydrophobic transmembrane (TM) domains are transferred from the ribosome, through the aqueous cytosol and into the lipid bilayer. The biogenesis of a mature membrane protein takes place through the insertion and integration into the lipid bilayer. A number of TM proteins have been shown to gain some degree of secondary structure within the ribosome tunnel and to retain this conformation throughout maturation. Although studies into the folding and targeting of a number of membrane proteins have been carried out to date, there is little information on one of the largest class of eukaryotic membrane proteins; the G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). This project studies the early folding events of the human ortholog of GPR35. To analyse the structure of the 1st TM domain, intermediates were generated and assessed by the biochemical method of pegylation (PEG-MAL). A structurally-similar microbial opsin (Bacterioopsin) was also used to investigate the differences in the early protein folding within eukaryotic and prokaryotic translation systems. Results showed that neither the 1st TM domain of GPR35 nor Bacterioopsin were capable of compacting in the ribosome tunnel before their N-terminus reached the ribosome exit point. The results for this assay remained consistent whether the proteins were translated in a eukaryotic or prokaryotic translation system. To examine the communication mechanism between the ribosome, the nascent chain and the protein targeting pathway, crosslinking experiments were carried out using the homobifunctional lysine cross-linker BS3. Specifically, the data generated here show that the nascent chain of GPR35 reaches the ribosomal protein uL23 in an extended conformation and interacts with the SRP protein as it exits the ribosome tunnel. This confirms the role of SRP in the co-translational targeting of GPR35. Using these methods insights into the early folding of GPCRs has been obtained. Further experiments using site-directed mutagenesis to reduce hydrophobicity in the 1st TM domain of GPR35, highlighted the mechanisms by which GPCRs are targeted to the endoplasmic reticulum. Confirming that hydrophobicity within the signal anchor sequence is essential of SRP-dependent targeting. Following the successful interaction of the nascent GPR35 and SRP, GPR35 is successfully targeted to ER membranes, shown here as dog pancreas microsomes (DPMs). Glycosylation of the GPR35 N-terminus was used to determine nascent chain structure as it is inserted into the ER membrane. These glycosylation experiments confirm that TM1 has obtained its compacted state whilst residing in the translocon. Finally, a site-specific cross-linking approach using the homobifunctional cysteine cross-linker, BMH, was used to study the lateral integration of GPR35 into the ER. Cross-linking of GPR35 TM1 and TM2 could be detected adjacent to a protein of ~45kDa, believed to be Sec61α. The loss of this adduct, as the nascent chain extends, showed the lateral movement of GPR35 TM1 from the translocon was dependent on the subsequent synthesis of TM2.