992 resultados para chiral guanidines


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The scalar-isoscalar term in the two-pion exchange NN potential is abnormally large and does not respect the hierarchy of effects predicted by chiral perturbation theory. We argue that this anomaly is associated with non-perturbative effects, which are also present in the pi N scalar form factor.


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We consider (for the first time) the ratios of doubly heavy baryon masses (spin 3/2 over spin 1/2 and SU(3) mass-splittings) using double ratios of sum rules (DRSR), which are more accurate than the usual simple ratios often used in the literature for getting the hadron masses. In general, our results agree and compete in precision with potential model predictions. In our approach, the alpha(s) corrections induced by the anomalous dimensions of the correlators are the main sources of the Xi(QQ)*-Xi(QQ) mass-splittings, which seem to indicate a 1/M(Q) behaviour and can only allow the electromagnetic decay Xi(QQ)* -> Xi(QQ) + gamma but not to Xi(QQ) + pi. Our results also show that the SU(3) mass-splittings are (almost) independent of the spin of the baryons and behave approximately like 1/M(Q), which could be understood from the QCD expressions of the corresponding two-point correlator. Our results can improved by including radiative corrections to the SU(3) breaking terms and can be tested, in the near future, at Tevatron and LHCb. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The synthesis of the macrolactone core of migrastatin 2, its potent anti-metastasis analogue 34, and ester derivatives 35 and 38 are reported. The approach involves the use of a dihydroxylation reaction to establish the desired C-8 stereocenter followed by a metathesis cyclization reaction. The effects of the compounds on the migration and invasion of human breast cancer cells were evaluated by using the wound-healing and the Boyden-chamber cell-migration and cell-invasion assays. The results revealed a high potency of the macrolactones 2 and 34 and the ester analogues 35 and 38, which suggests they have potential as antimetastatic agents.


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Burkholderia cepacia lipase was immobilized on superparamagnetic nanoparticles using three different methodologies (adsorption, chemisorption with carboxibenzaldehyde and chemisorption with glutaraldehyde) and employed in the kinetic resolution of a chiral drug precursor, (RS)-2-bromo-1-(phenyl)ethanol, via enantioselective acetylation reaction. An excellent improvement of lipase catalytical performance was observed. Free B. cepacia lipase gave the ester (S)-2 with poor E-value <30, and after its immobilization to magnetic nanoparticles the E-value was up to >200. The effect of several reaction parameters in the kinetic resolution was studied. The best results for kinetic resolution were obtained using vinyl acetate as acetyl donor and toluene as solvent, typically yielding the ester in high enantiomeric excess (>99%) and E-value (E > 200). Of the three tested immobilization methods, chemisorption with glutaraldehyde was the best one in terms of temperature stability and yield product. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The improvement of the enzymatic performance of Aspergillus terreus and Rhizopus oryzae in enantioselective bioreductions by using glycerol as a co-solvent has been studied. In the most of the bioreductions, glycerol has demonstrated its potential for improved conversions (up to >99%) and enantioselectivities (up to >99%) when compared to reactions in aqueous or other aqueous-organic media (THF, diethyl ether, toluene, DMSO and acetonitrile). Moreover, high isolated yields of the desired chiral alcohols have been obtained on a preparative scale showing the great potential of this green solvent in biocatalysis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The first synthesis of the natural product (+)-mutisianthol was accomplished in 11 steps and in 21% overall yield from 2-methylanisole. The synthesis of its enantiomer was also performed in a similar overall yield. The absolute configuration of the sesquiterpene (+)-mutisianthol was assigned as (1S,3R). Key steps in the route are the asymmetric hydrogenation of a nonfunctionalized olefin using chiral iridium catalysts and the ring contraction of 1,2-dihydronaphthalenes using thallium(III) or iodine(III). The target molecules show moderate activity against the human tumor cell lines SF-295, HCT-8, and MDA-MB-435.


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A series of organoselenium amines have been synthesized and submitted to the enzymatic kinetic resolution by acetylation mediated by CAL-B (Novozym 435) to give the corresponding chiral amides in an enantiomerically pure form. After evaluating the appropriate lipase, solvent, temperature,and lipase/substrate ratio in the kinetic resolution, the chiral organoselenium amides were obtained with enantiomeric excess of up to 99%. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gaudichaudianic acid, a prenylated chromene isolated from Piper gaudichaudianum, has been described as a potent trypanocidal compound against the Y-strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. We herein describe its isolation as a racemic mixture followed by enantiomeric resolution using chiral HPLC and determination of the absolute configuration of the enantiomers as (+)-S and (-)-R by means of a combination of electronic and vibrational circular dichroism using density functional theory calculations. Investigation of the EtOAc extract of the roots, stems, and leaves from both adult specimens and seedlings of P. gaudichaudianum revealed that gaudichaudianic acid is biosynthesized as a racemic mixture from the seedling stage onward. Moreover, gaudichaudianic acid was found exclusively in the roots of seedlings, while it is present in all organs of the adult plant. Trypanocidal assays indicated that the (+)-enantiomer was more active than its antipode. Interestingly, mixtures of enantiomers stowed a synergistic effect, with the racemic mixture being the most active.


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A new series of organotelluranes were synthesized and investigated, and the structure-activity relationships in cysteine proteases inhibition were determinated. It was possible to identify the relevance of structural components linked to the reactivity of these compounds as inhibitors. For example, dibromo-organotelluranes showed to be more reactive than dichloro-organotelluranes towards cysteine cathepsins V and S. Besides, no remarkable enantio-selectivity was verified. In general the achiral organotelluranes were more reactive than the chiral congeners against cysteine cathepsins V and S. A reactivity order for organochalcogenanes and cysteine cathepsins was proposed after the comparison of the inhibitory potencies of organotelluranes with the related organoselenanes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Increased diastereoisomeric excesses are obtained for the sulfanylation reactions of some 2-methylsulfinyl cyclanones under phase-transfer catalysis using the chiral catalyst QUIBEC instead of TEBA. The optically pure (SS,2S)-2-methylsulfinyl-2-methylsulfanylcyclohexanone thus prepared reacts with ethyl acetate lithium enolate affording, after hydrolysis, (R)-2-[(ethoxycarbonyl)methyl]-2-hydroxycyclohexanone in 60% ee. Density functional theory calculations (at the B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p) level) can successfully explain the origin of this result as the kinetically favored axial attack of the nucleophile to the carbonyl group of the most stable conformer of the cyclanone, in which the CH(3)SO and CH(3)S groups are at the equatorial and axial positions, respectively. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This article describes an efficient and easy one-pot route for the synthesis of a wide range of selenol esters from acyl chloride with diselenides in the presence of indium metal. A variety of functional groups can be tolerated within the diorgano diselenide and the acyl chloride coupling partner. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The biotransformation reactions of alpha-bromoacetophenone (1), p-bromo-alpha-bromoacetophenone (2), and p-nitro-alpha-bromoacetophenone (3) by whole cells of the marine fungus Aspergillus sydowii Ce19 have been investigated. Fungal cells that had been grown in artificial sea water medium containing a high concentration of chloride ions (1.20 M) catalysed the biotransformation of 1 to 2-bromo-1-phenylethanol 4 (56%), together with the alpha-chlorohydrin 7 (9%), 1-phenylethan-1,2-diol 9 (26%), acetophenone 10 (4%) and phenylethanol 11 (5%) identified by GC-MS analysis. In addition, it was observed that the enzymatic reaction was accompanied by the spontaneous debromination of 1 to yield alpha-chloroacetophenone 5 (9%) and alpha-hydroxyacetophenone 6 (18%) identified by GC-FID analysis. When 2 and 3 were employed as substrates, various biotransformation products were detected but the formation of halohydrins was not observed. It is concluded that marine fungus A. sydowii Ce19 presents potential for the biotransformations of bromoacetophenone derivatives.


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The Sakaguchi reaction between arginine and hypohalites in the presence of α-phenols (Fig. 1) has been extensively employed for the colorimetric determination of this amino acid [1] M.A Parniak, G Lange and T Viswanatha, Quantitative determination of monosubstituted guanidines: a comparative study of different procedures, J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 7 (1983), pp. 267–276. Abstract | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (8)[1] and [2]. There have been a number of modifications to the reaction for the determination of arginine to improve the color stability and sensitivity. The Sakaguchi reaction is much faster with hypobromite than with hypochlorite, but the colored product fades at a higher rate; however, this can be prevented by adding urea to remove the excess hypobromite [3]. Although 1-naphthol was originally used as the chromogen, other phenols including 2,4-dichloro-1-naphthol [4], 8-quinolinol [5], 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol [6], and thymol [2] (Fig. 1) have provided superior analytical figures of merit. We have found that the reaction between arginine and hypobromite is chemiluminescent [7], which has been used to develop an analytical procedure that is rapid, simple, and selective for arginine in the presence of other amino acids.


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The synthesis of 3-(−)- and 3-(+)-menthyl carboxylate pyrrole was achieved in four high yielding steps, including the triisopropylsilyl (TIPS) protection of the pyrrole nitrogen, bromination of the 3-position, lithium halogen exchange followed by reaction with menthyl chloroformate, and finally de-protection. Chemical polymerization of both the TIPS protected, and non-protected, menthyl carboxylate pyrroles was performed and the resulting polymers exhibited conductivity ranging from 0.6 to 2.3 S/cm. Polymerization of the 3-menthyl-N-TIPS pyrrole on the surface of wool was achieved by using solution and mist polymerization methods.


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(1R,2S,5R)-Menthyldiphenylgermane and its enantiomer have been prepared in a few steps from germanium tetrachloride. The initial step in this sequence, namely the reaction between germanium tetrachloride and menthylmagnesium chloride, produces menthylgermanium trichloride, which is the exclusive product of this Grignard reaction, presumably due to the bulk of the menthyl group. When used at a low temperature (−78 °C) and in conjunction with Lewis acids, such as magnesium salts, these chiral germanes are capable of reducing ester functionalized radicals in high enantioselectivity, but in low-moderate yield. For example, (R)-naproxen ethyl ester was obtained in 15% yield and 99% ee by reaction in toluene of 2-bromonaproxen ethyl ester with (1R,2S,5R)-menthyldiphenylgermane in toluene at −78 °C in the presence of magnesium bromide. At 80 °C, (1R,2S,5R)-menthyldiphenylgermane reacted with primary alkyl radicals with a rate constant of 1.02 × 106 M−1 s−1. Kinetic studies reveal the Arrhenius expression for this reaction to be: log(k/M−1 s−1) = (11.1 ± 0.4) − (34.6 ± 3.1)/θ where θ=2.3RT kJ mol−1.