999 resultados para cheese quality


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Background and objective: Oral anti-cancer treatments have expanded rapidly over the last years. While taking oral tablets at home ensures a better quality of life, it also exposes patients to the risk of sub-optimal adherence. The objective of this study is to assess how well ambulatory cancer patients execute their prescribed dosing regimen while they are engaged with continuous anti-cancer treatments. Design: This is an on-going longitudinal study. Consecutive patients starting an oral treatment are proposed to enter the study by the oncologist. Then they are referred to the pharmacy, where their oral anticancer treatment is dispensed in a Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMSTM), which records date and time of each opening of the drug container. Electronically compiled dosing history data from the MEMS are summarized and used as feedback during semistructured interviews with the pharmacist, which are dedicated to prevention and management of side effects. Interviews are scheduled before each medical visit. Report of the interview is available to the oncologist via an on-line secured portal. Setting: Seamless care approach between a Multidisciplinary Oncology Center and the Pharmacy of an Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine Department. Main outcome measures: For each patient, the comparison between the electronically compiled dosing history and the prescribed regimen was summarized using a daily binary indicator indicating whether yes or no the patient has taken the medication as prescribed. Results: Study started in March 2008. Among 22 eligible patients, 19 were included (11 men, median age 63 years old) and 3 (14%) refused to participate. 15 patients were prescribed a QD regimen, 3 patients a BID and 1 patient switched from QD to BID during follow-up. Median follow up was 182 days (IQR 72-252). Early discontinuation happened in four patients: side effects (n = 1), psychiatric reasons (n = 1), cancer progression (n = 1) and death (n = 1). On average, the daily number of medications was taken as prescribed in 99% of the follow-up days. Conclusions: Execution of the prescribed dosing regimens was almost perfect during the first 6 months. Maintaining this high degree of regimen execution and persistence over time might however be challenging in this population and need therefore to be confirmed in larger and longer follow-up cohort studies.


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Selectome (http://selectome.unil.ch/) is a database of positive selection, based on a branch-site likelihood test. This model estimates the number of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) and synonymous substitutions (dS) to evaluate the variation in selective pressure (dN/dS ratio) over branches and over sites. Since the original release of Selectome, we have benchmarked and implemented a thorough quality control procedure on multiple sequence alignments, aiming to provide minimum false-positive results. We have also improved the computational efficiency of the branch-site test implementation, allowing larger data sets and more frequent updates. Release 6 of Selectome includes all gene trees from Ensembl for Primates and Glires, as well as a large set of vertebrate gene trees. A total of 6810 gene trees have some evidence of positive selection. Finally, the web interface has been improved to be more responsive and to facilitate searches and browsing.


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Selostus : Öljypellavagenotyyppien niinikuitupitoisuus, kuitusato ja kuidun laatu


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BACKGROUND: Relapses occur in about 20% of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Approximately one-third of these children can be cured. Their risk for late effects is high because of intensified treatment, but their health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was largely unmeasured. Our aim was to compare HRQOL of ALL survivors with the general population, and of relapsed with non-relapsed ALL survivors. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: As part of the Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (SCCSS) we sent a questionnaire to all ALL survivors in Switzerland who had been diagnosed between 1976-2003 at age <16 years, survived ≥5 years, and were currently aged ≥16 years. HRQOL was assessed with the Short Form-36 (SF-36), which measures four aspects of physical health and four aspects of mental health. A score of 50 corresponded to the mean of a healthy reference population. We analyzed data from 457 ALL survivors (response: 79%). Sixty-one survivors had suffered a relapse. Compared to the general population, ALL survivors reported similar or higher HRQOL scores on all scales. Survivors with a relapse scored lower in general health perceptions (51.6) compared to those without (55.8;p=0.005), but after adjusting for self-reported late effects, this difference disappeared. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Compared to population norms, ALL survivors reported good HRQOL, even after a relapse. However, relapsed ALL survivors reported poorer general health than non-relapsed. Therefore, we encourage specialists to screen for poor general health in survivors after a relapse and, when appropriate, specifically seek and treat underlying late effects. This will help to improve patients' HRQOL.


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The phenomenon of human migration is certainly not new and it has been studied from a variety of perspectives. Yet, the attention on human migration and its determinant has not been fading over time as confirmed by recent contributions (see for instance Cushing and Poot 2004 and Rebhun and Raveh 2006). In this paper we combine the recent theoretical contributions by Douglas (1997) and Wall (2001) with the methodological advancements of Guimarães et al. (2000, 2003) to model inter-municipal migration flows in the Barcelona area. In order to do that, we employ two different types of count models, i.e. the Poisson and negative binomial and compare the estimations obtained. Our results show that, even after controlling for the traditional migration factors, QoL (measured with a Composite Index which includes numerous aspects and also using a list of individual variables) is an important determinant of short distance migration movements in the Barcelona area.


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In mammography, the image contrast and dose delivered to the patient are determined by the x-ray spectrum and the scatter to primary ratio S/P. Thus the quality of the mammographic procedure is highly dependent on the choice of anode and filter material and on the method used to reduce the amount of scattered radiation reaching the detector. Synchrotron radiation is a useful tool to study the effect of beam energy on the optimization of the mammographic process because it delivers a high flux of monochromatic photons. Moreover, because the beam is naturally flat collimated in one direction, a slot can be used instead of a grid for scatter reduction. We have measured the ratio S/P and the transmission factors for grids and slots for monoenergetic synchrotron radiation. In this way the effect of beam energy and scatter rejection method were separated, and their respective importance for image quality and dose analyzed. Our results show that conventional mammographic spectra are not far from optimum and that the use of a slot instead of a grid has an important effect on the optimization of the mammographic process. We propose a simple numerical model to quantify this effect.


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Tiivistelmä: Kunnostusojituksen pitkän ajan vaikutus valumaveden ominaisuuksiin


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Phase I was initiated as a result of internal Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) studies that raised concerns about the quality of embankments being constructed. Some large embankments have recently developed slope stability problems. In addition, pavement roughness has been noted shortly after roads were opened to traffic. This raised the question as to whether the current Iowa DOT embankment construction specifications are adequate. The primary objective of Phase I was to evaluate the quality of embankments being constructed under the current Iowa DOT specifications. The project was initiated in May 1997 with a tour of several embankment projects being constructed around the state. At each of these projects the resident construction engineer, field inspector, and contractor were interviewed with respect to their opinion of the current specifications. From construction observations and discussion during these visits it became obvious that there were problems with the current embankment construction specifications. Six embankment projects were selected for in-depth analysis and to represent the full range of soil types being used across the state. The results of Phase I field and laboratory construction testing and observations and post construction testing are presented in this report. Overall evaluation of the results of Phase I indicate that Iowa is not consistently obtaining a quality embankment constructed under the current Iowa DOT specifications. Based on these results, recommendations are made for Phase II to evaluate alternative specifications and develop rapid field methods for compaction control and soil identification.


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The rate of food consumption is a major factor affecting success in scramble competition for a limited amount of easy-to-find food. Accordingly, several studies report positive genetic correlations between larval competitive ability and feeding rate in Drosophila; both become enhanced in populations evolving under larval crowding. Here, we report the experimental evolution of enhanced competitive ability in populations of D. melanogaster previously maintained for 84 generations at low density on an extremely poor larval food. In contrast to previous studies, greater competitive ability was not associated with the evolution of higher feeding rate; if anything, the correlation between the two traits across lines tended to be negative. Thus, enhanced competitive ability may be favored by nutritional stress even when competition is not intense, and competitive ability may be decoupled from the rate of food consumption.


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Background: The aim of this research was to characterize the experience of living with diabetes mellitus (DM) and identify patients" opinions of the quality of care received and the results of interventions. Methods: A descriptive, exploratory evaluation study using qualitative methodology was performed. Participants consisted of 40 adult patients diagnosed with DM and followed up in a public hospital in Barcelona, Spain. A semistructured interview and a focus group were used and a thematic content analysis was performed. Results: Patients described DM as a disease that is difficult to control and that provokes lifestyle changes requiring effort and sacrifice. Insulin treatment increased the perception of disease severity. The most frequent and dreaded complication was hypoglycemia. The main problems perceived by patients affecting the quality of care were related to a disease-centered medical approach, lack of information, limited participation in decision-making, and the administrative and bureaucratic problems of the health care system. Conclusion: The bureaucratic circuits of the health care system impair patients" quality of life and perceived quality of care. Health professionals should foster patient participation in decision-making. However, this requires not only training and appropriate attitudes, but also adequate staffing and materials.


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This case study identifies the elements that compose the Quality of Life (QofL) of individuals who were 75 years old or older and receive care at home. The study's sample was composed of individuals 75 years or older cared for by a home health care service in the primary health care unit in Vilafranca del Penedès, Spain (n=26). The variables included: a) socio-demographic data; b) concept of QofL; c) perception of QofL; d) reasons for their perception; d) satisfaction with life and related aspects; and f) feeling of happiness. Face to face interviews were conducted. A total of 76.9% of the individuals reported a good perception of QofL and the main reasons related to it were: health, family and social relationships, and the ability to adapt. Role Theory and Disengagement Theory explain the adaptation process of these individuals at this point in life.


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An experiment was conducted to determine the fruit size, mineral composition and quality of trickle-irrigated tomatoes as affected by potassium fertilizer rates. Six potassium (K) rates were applied as KCl, corresponding to 0, 48.4, 118.6, 188.8, 259.0 and 399.4 kg ha-1, with four replicates, following a randomized block design. Quadratic responses to K rates were observed for double extra large (diameter > 60 mm), extra large (56 to 60 mm) and large (52 to 56 mm) fruit yields. Maximum yields of these classes were achieved with K rates of 116, 190 and 233 kg ha-1, respectively. Fruit dry matter, phosphorus, sulfur and magnesium contents were not affected by K rates, but nitrate and K contents showed significant increments as K rates were increased. Vitamin C, total soluble solids, lycopene and beta-carotene contents in the fruits were not affected by K rates. Increments in the K rate lowered the fruit pH and increased total acids content.


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Quality management concrete allows the contractor to develop the mix design for the portland cement concrete. This research was initiated to gain knowledge about contractor mix designs. An experiment was done to determine the variation in cylinders, beams, and cores that could be used to test the strength of the contractor's mix. In addition, the contractor's cylinder strengths and gradations were analyzed for statistical stability and process capability. This research supports the following conclusions: (1) The mold type used to cast the concrete cylinders had an effect on the compressive strength of the concrete. The 4.5-in. by 9-in. (11.43-cm by 22.86-cm) cylinders had lower strength at a 95% confidence interval than the 4-in. by 8-in. (10.16-cm by 20.32-cm) and 6-in. by 12-in. (15.24-cm by 30.48-cm) cylinders. (2) The low vibration consolidation effort had the lowest strength of the three consolidation efforts. In particular, an interaction occurred between the low vibration effort and the 4.5-in. by 9-in. (11.43-cm by 22.86-cm) mold. This interaction produced very low compressive strengths when compared with the other consolidation efforts. (3) A correlation of 0.64 R-squared was found between the 28 day cylinder and 28 day compressive strengths. (4) The compressive strength results of the process control testing were not in statistical control. The aggregate gradations were mostly in statistical control. The gradation process was capable of meeting specification requirements. However, many of the sieves were off target. (5) The fineness modulus of the aggregate gradations did not correlate well with the strength of the concrete. However, this is not surprising considering that the gradation tests and the strength tests did not represent the same material. In addition, the concrete still has many other variables that will affect its strength that were not controlled.


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Tiivistelmä: Vanhoilta metsäojitusalueilta valuvan veden ominaisuudet


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Background: Gouty arthritis is a painful inflammatory disease with a significant impact on patients' HRQoL. In gouty arthritis, the inflammatory response is initiated by interleukin-1b (IL-1b) release, due to activation of the NALP3 inflammasome by MSU crystals. Canakinumab, a fully human anti-IL-1b antibody has a long half-life and has been shown to control inflammation in gouty arthritis. This study evaluated changes in HRQoL in gouty arthritis patients following treatment with canakinumab or triamcinolone acetonide (TA).Methods: This was an 8-week, dose-ranging, multi-center, active controlled, single-blind study. Patients (>=18 to <=80 years) experiencing an acute gouty arthritis flare, refractory to or contraindicated to NSAlDs and/or colchicine, were randomized to canakinumab 10, 25, 50, 90, 150 mg sc or TA 40 mg im. HRQoL was assessed as an exploratory endpoint at baseline and different pre-specified time-points using patient reported outcomes evaluating general mental and physical component summary scores and subscale scores of SF-36® (acute version 2) and functional disability (HAQ-DI©). We report HRQoL results for canakinumab 150 mg, the dose that was selected for the Phase III studies.Results: Baseline assessments showed a major impact on the HRQoL during acute gouty arthritis. Compared to TA, canakinumab 150 mg showed greater improvements in SF-36® physical and mental component summary and subscale scores at 7 days post-dose.In the canakinumab 150 mg group, the most severe impairment at baseline was reported for physical functioning and bodily pain; levels of 41.5 and 36.0, respectively, which improved within 7 days to 80.0 and 72.2 (mean increases of 39.0 and 35.6) approaching levels of the general US population (84.2 and 75.2). 8 weeks post-dose patients reached levels of 86.1 and 86.6 (mean increases of 44.6 and 50.6 for physical functioning and bodily pain, respectively) and these were higher than levels seen in the general US population. This was in contrast to patients treated with TA, who showed less improvement within 7 days (mean increases of 23.3 and 21.3 for physical function and bodily pain, respectively). None of the scores reached levels of the general US population 8 weeks post-dose. Functional disability scores, as measured by the HAQ-DI© decreased in both treatment groupsConclusions: All canakinumab doses showed a rapid improvement in physical and mental well-being of gouty arthritis patients based on SF-36® scores, in particular the 150 mg dose. In contrast to the TA group, patients treated with canakinumab showed improvement within 7 days in physical function and bodily pain approaching levels of the general population. The 150 mg dose of canakinumab was selected for further development in Phase III studies.