982 resultados para change detection, visione stereo, background difference


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do estresse salino sobre a eficiência fotoquímica do fotossistema II (PSII) nas cultivares de manga 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins' e 'Ubá' enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto 'Imbu'. Foi utilizada solução nutritiva de Hoagland modificada contendo 0; 15; 30e 45 mmol L-1 NaCl. Aos 97 dias após a exposição ao estresse salino, foram avaliados os parâmetros da fluorescência da clorofila (F0, Fm, Fv, F0/Fm, Fv/Fm, Fv'/Fm', ΦPSII = [(Fm'-Fs)/(Fm')], D = (1- Fv'/Fm') e ETR = (ΦPSII×PPF×0,84×0,5). Aos 100 dias, foram avaliados a emissão foliar, a área média de folhas (cm²), o índice de toxidez nas folhas e o índice de abscisão foliar. em todas as cultivares, em graus diferenciados, ocorreram decréscimo na eficiência fotoquímica do fotossistema II, na emissão de folhas, e aumento nos índices de toxidez e abscisão foliar, intensificados nas concentrações a partir de 15 mmol L-1 NaCl. As plantas cultivadas em 45 mmol L-1 NaCl apresentaram decréscimos na razão Fv/Fm de 27,9; 18,7; 20,5 e 27,4%, incremento no índice de toxidez foliar de 33,0; 67,5; 41,6 e 80,8% e no índice de abscisão foliar de 71,8; 29,2; 32,5 e 67,9% para as cultivares 'Haden', 'Palmer', 'Tommy Atkins' e 'Uba', respectivamente. Os decréscimos na razão Fv/Fm foram acompanhados de redução na emissão de folhas e aumento no índice de toxidez foliar, mostrando, portanto, o potencial da fluorescência da clorofila na detecção precoce de estresse salino em mangueira.


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RACIONAL: A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico é a afecção digestiva de maior prevalência. Os portadores podem apresentar na evolução algumas complicações, sendo o esôfago de Barrett a de maior importância, tendo em vista seu potencial de malignidade. Todavia os processos inflamatórios do trato gastrointestinal podem apresentar degeneração maligna. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os possíveis danos do DNA em portadores de esofagite de refluxo gastroesofágico de vários graus e verificar a aplicação do ensaio Cometa na detecção dos mesmos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 25 pacientes distribuídos em quatro grupos: controle (n=5), esofagite leve (n=8), esofagite severa (n=5) e câncer (n=7). O ensaio Cometa foi realizado no sangue periférico (linfócitos) e biópsia do terço distal do esôfago. RESULTADOS: O ensaio Cometa detectou danos no DNA nos pacientes com esofagite leve e severa (sangue periférico e biópsia), sendo que na esofagite severa a intensidade dos danos foi maior (p<0,05). Os danos do DNA dos pacientes com esofagite severa e câncer não mostraram diferença significativa e a intensidade dos mesmos corresponde ao ensaio Cometa classe 4 (maior que 95% de danos). CONCLUSÕES: 1) As frequências de quebras do DNA da mucosa esofágica e linfócitos estão diretamente relacionadas ao grau de inflamação; 2) a esofagite severa apresenta praticamente a mesma frequência de danos no DNA do câncer esofágico; 3) o ensaio Cometa mostrou-se muito sensível para a detecção dos danos do DNA.


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A method has been developed for the direct and simultaneous determination of As, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Se in drinking water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) using a transversely heated graphite tube atomizer (THGA) with longitudinal Zeeman-effect back- ground correction. The thermal behavior of analytes during the pyrolysis and atomization stages was investigated in 0.028 mol L-1 HNO3, 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3 and 1 + 1 (v/v) diluted water using mixtures of Pd(NO3)(2) + Mg(NO3)(2) as the chemical modifier, With 5 mug Pd + 3 mug Mg as the modifier, the pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of the heating program of the atomizer were fixed at 1400degreesC and 2100degreesC, respectively, and 20 muL of the water sample (sample + 0.28 mol L-1 HNO3, 1 + 1, v/v), dispensed into the graphite tube, analytical curves were established ranging from 5.00 - 50.0 mug L-1 for As, Sb, Se; 10.0 - 100 mug L-1 for Cu; and 20.0 - 200 mug L-1 for Mn. The characteristic masses were around 39 pg As, 17 pg Cu, 60 pg Mn, 43 pg Sb, and 45 pg Se, and the lifetime of the tube was around 500 firings. The limits of detection (LOD) based on integrated absorbance (0.7 mug L-1 As, 0.2 mug L-1 Cu, 0.6 mug L-1 Mn, 0.3 mug L-1 Sb, 0.9 mug L-1 Se) exceeded the requirements of the Brazilian Food Regulations (decree # 310-ANVS from the Health Department), which established the maximum permissible level for As, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Se at 50 mug L-1, 1000 mug L-1, 2000 mug L-1, 5 mug L-1, and 50 mug L-1, respectively. The relative standard deviations (n = 12) were typically < 5.3% for As, < 0.5% for Cu, < 2.1% for Mn, < 11.7% for Sb, and < 9.2% for Se. The recoveries of As, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Se added to the mineral water samples varied from 102-111%, 91-107%, 92-109%, 89-97%, and 101-109%, respectively. Accuracy for the determination of As, Cu, Mu Sb and Se was checked using standard reference materials NIST SRM 1640 - Trace Elements in Natural Water, NIST SRM 1643d - Trace Elements in Water, and 10 mineral water samples. A paired t-test showed that the results were in agreement with the certified values of the standard reference materials at the 95% confidence level.


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A method has been developed for the direct determination of As in sugar by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with a transversely heated graphite atomizer (end-capped THGA) and longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction. The thermal behavior of As during the pyrolysis and atomization steps was investigated in sugar solutions containing 0.2% (v/v) HNO3 using Pd, Ni, and a mixture of Pd + Mg as the chemical modifiers. For a 60-muL sugar solution, an aliquot of 8% (m/v) in 0.2% (v/v)HNO3 was dispensed into a pre-heated graphite tube at 70 degreesC. Linear analytical curves were obtained in the 0.25 - 1.50-mug L-1 As range. Using 5 mug Pd and a first pyrolysis step at 600 degreesC assisted by air during 40 s, the formation of a large amount of carbonaceous residue inside the atomizer was avoided. The characteristic mass was calculated as 24 pg As and the lifetime of the graphite tube was around 280 firings. The limit of detection (L.O.D.) based on integrated absorbance was 0.08 mug L-1 (4.8 pg As) and the typical relative standard deviation (n = 12) was 7% for a sugar solution containing 0.5 mug L-1. Recoveries of As added to sugar samples varied from 86 to 98%. The accuracy was checked in the direct analysis of eight sugar samples. A paired t-test showed that the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level with those obtained for acid-digested sugar samples by GFAAS.


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Background: Air conditioning-induced rhinitis in allergic individuals is a common epidemiologic finding, but its physiopathology,is still controversial. The aim of this study was to describe and compare the effects of experimental air conditioning temperature changes on the nasal mucosa of individuals with persistent allergic rhinitis compared with a control group.Methods: A case-control challenge study was performed in a laboratory of thermal comfort with experimental twin challenge chambers set at a 12 C difference in temperature. A group of 32 patients with persistent allergic rhinitis and a group of 16 control subjects were exposed for 30 minutes, 3 times alternately in each chamber. Nasal symptom scores were recorded and nasal samples collected before, immediately after, and 24 and 48 hours after the challenge.Results: the rhinitis group showed a higher symptom score, epithelial shedding, percentage of eosinophils, total inflammatory cells, leukotriene C-4, eosinophil cationic protein, albumin, and tryptase levels compared with controls. There was also a significant increase in symptom score, total cells recovered, percentage of eosinophils, epithelial shedding, albumin, myeloperoxidase, and soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1 in both groups compared with baseline levels.Conclusion: Sudden temperature changes led to a more pronounced inflammatory nasal response in the rhinitis group with the recruitment and activation of eosinophils.Clinical implications: Persistent allergic rhinitis is a risk factor for developing sudden temperature change-related rhinitis even in the absence of allergen exposure.


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The routine methods for detecting Listeria sp. in foods are time consuming and involve using selective enrichments and plating on agars. In this study, the presence of Listeria sp. in 120 meat and meat product samples was investigated by two rapid immunoassays (TECRA Listeria Visual Immunoassay [VIA] and BioControl Visual Immunoprecipitate Assay [VIP] for Listeria) and a cultural procedure. The cultural method of detecting Listeria sp. followed Canada's Health Protection Branch Method, and the rapid tests followed the manufacturers' instructions. The agreement between the cultural and the rapid tests was established at a confidence limit of 95%. Seventy-nine samples (65.8%) were Listeria sp. positive in at least one of the three tests. There was no statistically significant difference between the cultural procedure and any of the rapid immunoassays. The agreement rates between the VIA and the cultural method and between the VIP and the cultural method were 87 and 84%, respectively. Both tests - the VIA and VIP - proved to be rapid, efficient and easy to perform.


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Two experiments were carried out to evaluate a larval development assay for the detection of anthelmintic resistance in O. circumcincta. In Experiment I, the dose responses to levamisole (LEV), thiabendazole (TBZ) and ivermectin (IVM) of 8 isolates of O. circumcincta were measured 34 days after infection (DAI). Four of these isolates were shown to be resistant to 1 or more anthelmintics. With 2 exceptions, all isolates considered to be resistant had higher LD50 values than the susceptible isolates for that anthelmintic. One exception was isolate RM8, which was considered to be resistant to all 3 anthelmintics based on faecal egg count reduction tests in goats, but the LD50 value for LEV did not differ from that for the susceptible isolates. The other exception was an isolate considered to be susceptible to TBZ which had a relatively high LD50 value. In an unrelated trial that was prompted by this finding, this isolate was confirmed to be benzimidazole-resistant. Isolate RM8 and an isolate susceptible to all 3 anthelmintics (SK2) were used in the second experiment, which was conducted to monitor changes in the LD50 values of LEV, TBZ and IVM over time following a single infection of 35 000 infective larvae in young sheep. Faecal samples were collected weekly from 24 to 115 DAI. With all 3 anthelmintics, the LD50 values increased with time to a peak around 50-60 DAI, and then declined to levels similar to those observed soon after patency. This trend was consistent for both isolates. The highest mean LD50 values for isolates SK2 for IVM and TBZ and RM8 for IVM and RM8, respectively, were 1.7 and 1.8 times, and 2.2 and 2.9 times higher than the initial mean LD50 values. There was a clear distinction in LD50 values between isolates at each sampling day for both IVM and TBZ. However, as a consequence of the changes in LD50 values with time, the peak LD50 values of IVM for isolate SK2 were higher than the minimum LD50 values of isolate RM8. As there was no apparent difference in LEV efficacy between these 2 isolates, the data were pooled. The highest mean LD50 value was 2.3 times higher than the initial LD50 value. (C) 1997 Australian Society for Parasitology.


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A perylene derivative, n-(n-butyl)-n'-(4-aminobutyl) perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid diimide (simplified as nBu-PTCD-(CH2)(4)-NH2) has been chosen as the target molecule for studies involving single molecule detection (SMD) using Raman scattering. The enhancement of the Raman signal is the result of the multiplicative effects of two phenomena, resonance Raman scattering (RRS) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), which leads to the resulting surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) process. The SERRS spectra from a single molecule have been collected using both silver and gold colloids. The SMD detection of the fundamental vibrational frequencies characteristic of nBu-PTCD-(CH2)(4)-NH2 is complemented with the detection of some overtones and combinations from ring stretching modes at the single molecule level. The background characterization of the ensemble vibrational spectroscopy of the target perylene and its SERRS is also presented, which includes the UV-vis absorption, experimental and calculated Raman scattering and infrared absorption, and molecular organization using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Throughout the world, biomonitoring has become the standard for assessing exposure of individuals to toxic elements as well as for responding to serious environmental public health problems. However, extensive biomonitoring surveys require rapid and simple analytical methods. Thus, a simple and high-throughput method is proposed for the determination of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), and selenium (Se) in blood samples by using inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Prior to analysis, 200 l of blood samples was mixed with 500 l of 10% v/v tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) solution, incubated for 10 min, and subsequently diluted to 10 ml with a solution containing 0.05% w/v ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) + 0.005% v/v Triton X-100. After that, samples were directly analyzed by ICP-MS (ELAN DRC II). Rhodium was selected as an internal standard with matrix-matching calibration. Method detection limits were 0.08, 0.04, 0.5, 0.09, 0.12, 0.04, and 0.1 g//L for As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Se, respectively. Validation data are provided based on the analysis of blood samples from the trace elements inter-\comparison program operated by the Institut National de Sante Publique du Quebec, Canada. Additional validation was provided by the analysis of human blood samples by the proposed method and by using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). The method was subsequently applied for the estimation of background metal blood values in the Brazilian population. In general, the mean concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Se in blood were 1.1, 0.4, 890, 9.6, 2.1, 65.4, and 89.3 g/L, respectively, and are in agreement with other global populations. Influences of age, gender, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, and geographical variation on the values were also considered. Smoking habits influenced the levels of Cd in blood. The levels of Cu, Mn, and Pb were significantly correlated with gender, whereas Cu and Pb were significantly correlated with age. There were also interesting differences in Mn and Se levels in the population living in the north of Brazil compared to the south.


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OBJECTIVE: This study sought to outline the clinical and laboratory characteristics of minimal change disease in adolescents and adults and establish the clinical and laboratory characteristics of relapsing and non-relapsing patients.METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated patients with confirmed diagnoses of minimal change disease by renal biopsy from 1979 to 2009; the patients were aged >13 years and had minimum 1-year follow-ups.RESULTS: Sixty-three patients with a median age (at diagnosis) of 34 (23-49) years were studied, including 23 males and 40 females. At diagnosis, eight (12.7%) patients presented with microscopic hematuria, 17 (27%) with hypertension and 17 (27%) with acute kidney injury. After the initial treatment, 55 (87.3%) patients showed complete remission, six (9.5%) showed partial remission and two (3.1%) were nonresponders. Disease relapse was observed in 34 (54%) patients who were initial responders (n = 61). In a comparison between the relapsing patients (n = 34) and the non-relapsing patients (n = 27), only proteinuria at diagnosis showed any significant difference (8.8 (7.1-12.0) vs. 6.0 (3.6-7.3) g/day, respectively, p = 0.001). Proteinuria greater than 7 g/day at the initial screening was associated with relapsing disease.CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, minimal change disease in adults may sometimes present concurrently with hematuria, hypertension, and acute kidney injury. The relapsing pattern in our patients was associated with basal proteinuria over 7 g/day.


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Accurate long-term monitoring of total ozone is one of the most important requirements for identifying possible natural or anthropogenic changes in the composition of the stratosphere. For this purpose, the NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) UV-visible Working Group has made recommendations for improving and homogenizing the retrieval of total ozone columns from twilight zenith-sky visible spectrometers. These instruments, deployed all over the world in about 35 stations, allow measuring total ozone twice daily with limited sensitivity to stratospheric temperature and cloud cover. The NDACC recommendations address both the DOAS spectral parameters and the calculation of air mass factors (AMF) needed for the conversion of O-3 slant column densities into vertical column amounts. The most important improvement is the use of O-3 AMF look-up tables calculated using the TOMS V8 (TV8) O-3 profile climatology, that allows accounting for the dependence of the O-3 AMF on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of the O-3 vertical distribution. To investigate their impact on the retrieved ozone columns, the recommendations have been applied to measurements from the NDACC/SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) network. The revised SAOZ ozone data from eight stations deployed at all latitudes have been compared to TOMS, GOMEGDP4, SCIAMACHY-TOSOMI, SCIAMACHY-OL3, OMI-TOMS, and OMI-DOAS satellite overpass observations, as well as to those of collocated Dobson and Brewer instruments at Observatoire de Haute Provence (44 degrees N, 5.5 degrees E) and Sodankyla (67 degrees N, 27 degrees E), respectively. A significantly better agreement is obtained between SAOZ and correlative reference ground-based measurements after applying the new O-3 AMFs. However, systematic seasonal differences between SAOZ and satellite instruments remain. These are shown to mainly originate from (i) a possible problem in the satellite retrieval algorithms in dealing with the temperature dependence of the ozone cross-sections in the UV and the solar zenith angle (SZA) dependence, (ii) zonal modulations and seasonal variations of tropospheric ozone columns not accounted for in the TV8 profile climatology, and (iii) uncertainty on the stratospheric ozone profiles at high latitude in the winter in the TV8 climatology. For those measurements mostly sensitive to stratospheric temperature like TOMS, OMI-TOMS, Dobson and Brewer, or to SZA like SCIAMACHY-TOSOMI, the application of temperature and SZA corrections results in the almost complete removal of the seasonal difference with SAOZ, improving significantly the consistency between all ground-based and satellite total ozone observations.