967 resultados para cell culture


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The impact of nanoparticles (NPs) in medicine and biology has increased rapidly in recent years. Gold NPs have advantageous properties such as chemical stability, high electron density and affinity to biomolecules, making them very promising candidates as drug carriers and diagnostic tools. However, diverse studies on the toxicity of gold NPs have reported contradictory results. To address this issue, a triple cell co-culture model simulating the alveolar lung epithelium was used and exposed at the air-liquid interface. The cell cultures were exposed to characterized aerosols with 15 nm gold particles (61 ng Au/cm2 and 561 ng Au/cm2 deposition) and incubated for 4 h and 24 h. Experiments were repeated six times. The mRNA induction of pro-inflammatory (TNFalpha, IL-8, iNOS) and oxidative stress markers (HO-1, SOD2) was measured, as well as protein induction of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, GM-CSF, TNFalpha, INFgamma). A pre-stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was performed to further study the effects of particles under inflammatory conditions. Particle deposition and particle uptake by cells were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and design-based stereology. A homogeneous deposition was revealed, and particles were found to enter all cell types. No mRNA induction due to particles was observed for all markers. The cell culture system was sensitive to LPS but gold particles did not cause any synergistic or suppressive effects. With this experimental setup, reflecting the physiological conditions more precisely, no adverse effects from gold NPs were observed. However, chronic studies under in vivo conditions are needed to entirely exclude adverse effects.


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A laser scanning microscope collects information from a thin, focal plane and ignores out of focus information. During the past few years it has become the standard imaging method to characterise cellular morphology and structures in static as well as in living samples. Laser scanning microscopy combined with digital image restoration is an excellent tool for analysing the cellular cytoarchitecture, expression of specific proteins and interactions of various cell types, thus defining valid criteria for the optimisation of cell culture models. We have used this tool to establish and evaluate a three dimensional model of the human epithelial airway wall.


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Iron-platinum nanoparticles embedded in a poly(methacrylic acid) (PMA) polymer shell and fluorescently labeled with the dye ATTO 590 (FePt-PMA-ATTO-2%) are investigated in terms of their intracellular localization in lung cells and potential to induce a proinflammatory response dependent on concentration and incubation time. A gold core coated with the same polymer shell (Au-PMA-ATTO-2%) is also included. Using laser scanning and electron microscopy techniques, it is shown that the FePt-PMA-ATTO-2% particles penetrate all three types of cell investigated but to a higher extent in macrophages and dendritic cells than epithelial cells. In both cell types of the defense system but not in epithelial cells, a particle-dose-dependent increase of the cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) is found. By comparing the different nanoparticles and the mere polymer shell, it is shown that the cores combined with the shells are responsible for the induction of proinflammatory effects and not the shells alone. It is concluded that the uptake behavior and the proinflammatory response upon particle exposure are dependent on the time, cell type, and cell culture.


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Uromodulin (UMOD) mutations are responsible for three autosomal dominant tubulo-interstitial nephropathies including medullary cystic kidney disease type 2 (MCKD2), familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy and glomerulocystic kidney disease. Symptoms include renal salt wasting, hyperuricemia, gout, hypertension and end-stage renal disease. MCKD is part of the 'nephronophthisis-MCKD complex', a group of cystic kidney diseases. Both disorders have an indistinguishable histology and renal cysts are observed in either. For most genes mutated in cystic kidney disease, their proteins are expressed in the primary cilia/basal body complex. We identified seven novel UMOD mutations and were interested if UMOD protein was expressed in the primary renal cilia of human renal biopsies and if mutant UMOD would show a different expression pattern compared with that seen in control individuals. We demonstrate that UMOD is expressed in the primary cilia of renal tubules, using immunofluorescent studies in human kidney biopsy samples. The number of UMOD-positive primary cilia in UMOD patients is significantly decreased when compared with control samples. Additional immunofluorescence studies confirm ciliary expression of UMOD in cell culture. Ciliary expression of UMOD is also confirmed by electron microscopy. UMOD localization at the mitotic spindle poles and colocalization with other ciliary proteins such as nephrocystin-1 and kinesin family member 3A is demonstrated. Our data add UMOD to the group of proteins expressed in primary cilia, where mutations of the gene lead to cystic kidney disease.


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Approximately 20% of leg ulcers remain unresponsive to the best conservative standard of care. So far, these patients could either receive conventional skin grafts or had to accept their intractable wound. Skin substitutes from cell culture may represent a promising alternative to heal a major part of these patients on a non-surgical, potentially more cost-effective basis.


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Cell therapy along with growth factor injection is currently widely investigated to restore the intervertebral disc. However, there is increasing evidence that transplanted unconditioned bone marrow-derived stromal cells (BMSCs) cannot thrive in the intervertebral disc "niche". Moreover, uncertainty exists with respect to the cell phenotype that would be suitable to inject. The intervertebral disc cell phenotype only recently has been started to be characterised using transcriptomics profiling. Recent findings suggest that cytokeratin 19 (KRT-19) could be used as a potential candidate marker for the intervertebral disc, or more specifically the nucleus pulposus cell (NPC) phenotype. We present in vitro cell culture data using alginate bead culture of primary human BMSCs exposed to the standard chondrogenic stimulus, transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGF-β), the growth and differentiation factor 5 and/or bovine NPCs to induce a potential "discogenic" pathway. Chondrogenic induction via TGF-β pathway provoked down-regulation of KRT-19 gene expression in four out of five donors after 18 days of culture, whereas KRT-19 expression remained unchanged in the "discogenic" groups. In addition, the ratio of aggrecan/collagen II gene expression showed a remarkable difference (of at least 3 magnitudes) between the chondrogenic stimulus (low ratio) and the discogenic stimulus (high ratio). Therefore, KRT-19 and aggrecan/collagen II ratio may be potential markers to distinguish chondrogenic from "discogenic" differentiation.


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We present a microfluidic epithelial wound-healing assay that allows characterization of the effect of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) on the regeneration of alveolar epithelium using a flow-focusing technique to create a regular wound in the epithelial monolayer. The phenotype of the epithelial cell was characterized using immunostaining for tight junction (TJ) proteins and transmission electron micrographs (TEMs) of cells cultured in the microfluidic system, a technique that is reported here for the first time. We demonstrate that alveolar epithelial cells cultured in a microfluidic environment preserve their phenotype before and after wounding. In addition, we report a wound-healing benefit induced by addition of HGF to the cell culture medium (19.2 vs. 13.5 μm h(-1) healing rate).


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Tissue engineering has been increasingly brought to the scientific spotlight in response to the tremendous demand for regeneration, restoration or substitution of skeletal or cardiac muscle after traumatic injury, tumour ablation or myocardial infarction. In vitro generation of a highly organized and contractile muscle tissue, however, crucially depends on an appropriate design of the cell culture substrate. The present work evaluated the impact of substrate properties, in particular morphology, chemical surface composition and mechanical properties, on muscle cell fate. To this end, aligned and randomly oriented micron (3.3±0.8 μm) or nano (237±98 nm) scaled fibrous poly(ε-caprolactone) non-wovens were processed by electrospinning. A nanometer-thick oxygen functional hydrocarbon coating was deposited by a radio frequency plasma process. C2C12 muscle cells were grown on pure and as-functionalized substrates and analysed for viability, proliferation, spatial orientation, differentiation and contractility. Cell orientation has been shown to depend strongly on substrate architecture, being most pronounced on micron-scaled parallel-oriented fibres. Oxygen functional hydrocarbons, representing stable, non-immunogenic surface groups, were identified as strong triggers for myotube differentiation. Accordingly, the highest myotube density (28±15% of total substrate area), sarcomeric striation and contractility were found on plasma-coated substrates. The current study highlights the manifold material characteristics to be addressed during the substrate design process and provides insight into processes to improve bio-interfaces.


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The major endocannabinoids (ECs) arachidonoylethanolamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) and related N-ethanolamines act as full and partial agonists at CB(1), CB(2), GPR55, PPAR and TRPV1 receptors to various degrees. These receptors are also expressed in immune cells like monocytes/macrophages where they regulate different cellular processes. In this study, potentially bioactive lipids in fetal bovine sera (FBS) were quantified by GC/MS. We found that several commercial FBS contain ECs and bioactive amounts of 2-AG (250-700 nM). We show that residual 2-AG from FBS can activate primary macrophages and increase migration and RANKL-stimulated osteoclastogenesis. Furthermore, 2-AG high-content sera specifically upregulated LPS-stimulated IL-6 expression in U937 cells. Polymyxin B beads may be used to selectively and efficiently remove 2-AG from sera, but not arachidonic acid and N-ethanolamines. In conclusion, 2-AG in cell culture media may significantly influence cellular experiments. CD14+ mononuclear cells which strongly express surface CB receptors may be particularly sensitive towards residual 2-AG from FBS. Therefore, the EC content in culture media should be controlled in biological experiments involving monocytes/macrophages.


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Clostridium perfringens type C causes fatal necrotizing enteritis in different mammalian hosts, most commonly in newborn piglets. Human cases are rare, but the disease, also called pigbel, was endemic in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. Lesions in piglets and humans are very similar and characterized by segmental necro-hemorrhagic enteritis in acute cases and fibrino-necrotizing enteritis in subacute cases. Histologically, deep mucosal necrosis accompanied by vascular thrombosis and necrosis was consistently reported in naturally affected pigs and humans. This suggests common pathogenetic mechanisms. Previous in vitro studies using primary porcine aortic endothelial cells suggested that beta-toxin (CPB) induced endothelial damage contributes to the pathogenesis of C. perfringens type C enteritis in pigs. In the present study we investigated toxic effects of CPB on cultured primary human macro- and microvascular endothelial cells. In vitro, these cells were highly sensitive to CPB and reacted with similar cytopathic and cytotoxic effects as porcine endothelial cells. Our results indicate that porcine and human cell culture based in vitro models represent valuable tools to investigate the pathogenesis of this bacterial disease in animals and humans.


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A 10-year-old male, neutered domestic shorthair cat was presented with fever, anorexia, vomiting, and diarrhea. Serologic testing for Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline leukemia virus were negative. Fine-needle aspirates of mesenteric lymph nodes revealed the presence of banana-shaped apicomplexan parasites. The cat died after 4 days of hospitalization. Postmortem polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis confirmed the presence of Toxoplasma gondii in all examined organs. Parasites were ex vivo isolated in outbred mice and subsequently transferred into cell culture. Genotyping, using genetic markers for SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, and Apico for PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism, revealed infection with type II T. gondii displaying type II alleles at all loci except Apico, which exhibited a type I allele. This is the most frequently identified genotype among cats acting as definitive hosts in central Europe, but to the authors' knowledge, it has never been associated with systemic toxoplasmosis in an adult, immunocompetent cat.


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Bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) and BoHV-5 are closely related pathogens of cattle, but only BoHV-5 is considered a neuropathogen. We engineered intertypic gD exchange mutants with BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 backbones in order to address their in vitro and in vivo host ranges, with particular interest in invasion of the brain. The new viruses replicated in cell culture with similar dynamics and to titers comparable to those of their wild-type parents. However, gD of BoHV-5 (gD5) was able to interact with a surprisingly broad range of nectins. In vivo, gD5 provided a virulent phenotype to BoHV-1 in AR129 mice, featuring a high incidence of neurological symptoms and early onset of disease. However, only virus with the BoHV-5 backbone, independent of the gD type, was detected in the brain by immunohistology. Thus, gD of BoHV-5 confers an extended cellular host range to BoHV-1 and may be considered a virulence factor but does not contribute to the invasion of the brain.


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Studies using cultured cells allow one to dissect complex cellular mechanisms in greater detail than when studying living organisms alone. However, before cultured cells can deliver meaningful results they must accurately represent the in vivo situation. Over the last three to four decades considerable effort has been devoted to the development of culture media which improve in vitro growth and modeling accuracy. In contrast to earlier large-scale, non-specific screening of factors, in recent years the development of such media has relied increasingly on a deeper understanding of the cell's biology and the selection of growth factors to specifically activate known biological processes. These new media now enable equal or better cell isolation and growth, using significantly simpler and less labor-intensive methodologies. Here we describe a simple method to isolate and cultivate epidermal keratinocytes from embryonic or neonatal skin on uncoated plastic using a medium specifically designed to retain epidermal keratinocyte progenitors in an undifferentiated state for improved isolation and proliferation and an alternative medium to support terminal differentiation.


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Twenty-seven sheep of the four most common Swiss breeds and the English breed Poll Dorset were experimentally infected with a northern European field strain of bluetongue virus serotype 8 (BTV-8). Animals of all breeds developed clinical signs, viremia and pathological lesions, demonstrating that BTV-8 is fully capable of replicating and inducing bluetongue disease (BT) in the investigated sheep. Necropsy performed between 10 and 16 days post-infectionem (d.p.i.) revealed BT-typical hemorrhages, effusions, edema, erosions and activation of lymphatic tissues. Hemorrhages on the base of the Arteria pulmonalis and the left Musculus papillaris subauricularis were frequently present. Histology confirmed the macroscopical findings. Using a score system, clinical manifestation and pathology were found to be significantly related. Furthermore, clinical signs and fever were shown to be indicative for the concurrent presence of high amounts of viral ribonucleic acid (RNA) in blood. Spleen, lung, lymph nodes and tonsils from all animals were analyzed regarding viral RNA loads and infectivity using real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (rRT-PCR) and virus isolation in cell culture, respectively. The highest amount of viral RNA was detected in spleen and lung and rRT-PCR revealed to be a more sensitive method for virus detection compared to virus isolation. A long-term follow-up was performed with three sheep showing that BTV-8 viral RNA in blood was present up to 133 d.p.i. and in certain tissues even on 151 d.p.i. No significant breed-related differences were observed concerning clinicopathological picture and viremia, and the Swiss sheep were as susceptible to BTV-8 infection as Poll Dorset sheep, demonstrating a remarkably high virulence of BTV-8 for indigenous sheep breeds.


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Tick-borne encephalitis virus is the causative agent of tick-borne encephalitis, a potentially fatal neurological infection. Tick-borne encephalitis virus belongs to the family of flaviviruses and is transmitted by infected ticks. Despite the availability of vaccines, approximately 2000-3000 cases of tick-borne encephalitis occur annually in Europe for which no curative therapy is available. The antiviral effects of RNA mediated interference by small interfering RNA (siRNA) was evaluated in cell culture and organotypic hippocampal cultures. Langat virus, a flavivirus highly related to Tick-borne encephalitis virus exhibits low pathogenicity for humans but retains neurovirulence for rodents. Langat virus was used for the establishment of an in vitro model of tick-borne encephalitis. We analyzed the efficacy of 19 siRNA sequences targeting different regions of the Langat genome to inhibit virus replication in the two in vitro systems. The most efficient suppression of virus replication was achieved by siRNA sequences targeting structural genes and the 3' untranslated region. When siRNA was administered to HeLa cells before the infection with Langat virus, a 96.5% reduction of viral RNA and more than 98% reduction of infectious virus particles was observed on day 6 post infection, while treatment after infection decreased the viral replication by more than 98%. In organotypic hippocampal cultures the replication of Langat virus was reduced by 99.7% by siRNA sequence D3. Organotypic hippocampal cultures represent a suitable in vitro model to investigate neuronal infection mechanisms and treatment strategies in a preserved three-dimensional tissue architecture. Our results demonstrate that siRNA is an efficient approach to limit Langat virus replication in vitro.