948 resultados para articles of incorporation


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Metal-catalyzed oxidation may result in structural damage to proteins and has been implicated in aging and disease, including neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The selective modification of specific amino acid residues with high metal ion affinity leads to subtle structural changes that are not easy to detect but may have dramatic consequences on physical and functional properties of the oxidized protein molecules. PrP contains a histidine-rich octarepeat domain that binds copper. Because copper-binding histidine residues are particularly prone to metal-catalyzed oxidation, we investigated the effect of this reaction on the recombinant prion protein SHaPrP(29–231). Using Cu2+/ascorbate, we oxidized SHaPrP(29–231) in vitro. Oxidation was demonstrated by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, which showed the appearance of protein species of higher mass, including increases in multiples of 16, characteristic of oxygen incorporation. Digestion studies using Lys C indicate that the 29–101 region, which includes the histidine-containing octarepeats, is particularly affected by oxidation. Oxidation was time- and copper concentration-dependent and was evident with copper concentrations as low as 1 μM. Concomitant with oxidation, SHaPrP(29–231) suffered aggregation and precipitation, which was nearly complete after 15 min, when the prion protein was incubated at 37°C with a 6-fold molar excess of Cu2+. These findings indicate that PrP, a copper-binding protein, may be particularly susceptible to metal-catalyzed oxidation and that oxidation triggers an extensive structural transition leading to aggregation.


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Until recently, a capacity for apoptosis and synthesis of nitric oxide (⋅NO) were viewed as exclusive to multicellular organisms. The existence of these processes in unicellular parasites was recently described, with their biological significance remaining to be elucidated. We have evaluated l-arginine metabolism in Trypanosoma cruzi in the context of human serum-induced apoptotic death. Apoptosis was evidenced by the induction of DNA fragmentation and the inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation, which were inhibited by the caspase inhibitor Ac-Asp-Glu-Val-aspartic acid aldehyde (DEVD-CHO). In T. cruzi exposed to death stimuli, supplementation with l-arginine inhibited DNA fragmentation, restored [3H]thymidine incorporation, and augmented parasite ⋅NO production. These effects were inhibited by the ⋅NO synthase inhibitor Nω-nitroarginine methyl ester (l-NAME). Exogenous ⋅NO limited DNA fragmentation but did not restore proliferation rates. Because l-arginine is also a substrate for arginine decarboxylase (ADC), and its product agmatine is a precursor for polyamine synthesis, we evaluated the contribution of polyamines to limiting apoptosis. Addition of agmatine, putrescine, and the polyamines spermine and spermidine to T. cruzi sustained parasite proliferation and inhibited DNA fragmentation. Also, the ADC inhibitor difluoromethylarginine inhibited l-arginine-dependent restoration of parasite replication rates, while the protection from DNA fragmentation persisted. In aggregate, these results indicate that T. cruzi epimastigotes can undergo programmed cell death that can be inhibited by l-arginine by means of (i) a ⋅NO synthase-dependent ⋅NO production that suppresses apoptosis and (ii) an ADC-dependent production of polyamines that support parasite proliferation.


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Camalexin (3-thiazol-2′-yl-indole) is the principal phytoalexin that accumulates in Arabidopsis after infection by fungi or bacteria. Camalexin accumulation was detectable in Arabidopsis cell-suspension cultures 3 to 5 h after inoculation with Cochliobolus carbonum (Race 1), and then increased rapidly from 7 to 24 h after inoculation. Levels of radioactivity incorporated into camalexin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]anthranilate also increased with time after fungal inoculation. The levels of radioactive incorporation into camalexin increased rapidly between 7 and 18 h after inoculation, and then decreased along with camalexin accumulation. Relatively low levels of radioactivity from [14C]anthranilate incorporated into camalexin in the noninoculated controls. Autoradiographic analysis of the accumulation of chloroform-extractable metabolites labeled with [14C]anthranilate revealed a transient increase in the incorporation of radioactivity into indole in fungus-inoculated Arabidopsis cell cultures. The time-course measurement of radioactive incorporation into camalexin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]indole was similar to that with [14C]anthranilate. These data suggest that indole destined for camalexin synthesis is produced by a separate enzymatic reaction that does not involve tryptophan synthase.


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During oil deposition in developing seeds of Arabidopsis, photosynthate is imported in the form of carbohydrates into the embryo and converted to triacylglycerols. To identify genes essential for this process and to investigate the molecular basis for the developmental regulation of oil accumulation, mutants producing wrinkled, incompletely filled seeds were isolated. A novel mutant locus, wrinkled1 (wri1), which maps to the bottom of chromosome 3 and causes an 80% reduction in seed oil content, was identified. Wild-type and homozygous wri1 mutant plantlets or mature plants were indistinguishable. However, developing homozygous wri1 seeds were impaired in the incorporation of sucrose and glucose into triacylglycerols, but incorporated pyruvate and acetate at an increased rate. Because the activities of several glycolytic enzymes, in particular hexokinase and pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase, are reduced in developing homozygous wri1 seeds, it is suggested that WRI1 is involved in the developmental regulation of carbohydrate metabolism during seed filling.


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To investigate the short-term effect of elevated temperatures on carbon metabolism in growing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers, developing tubers were exposed to a range of temperatures between 19°C and 37°C. Incorporation of [14C]glucose (Glc) into starch showed a temperature optimum at 25°C. Increasing the temperature from 23°C or 25°C up to 37°C led to decreased labeling of starch, increased labeling of sucrose (Suc) and intermediates of the respiratory pathway, and increased respiration rates. At elevated temperatures, hexose-phosphate levels were increased, whereas the levels of glycerate-3-phosphate (3PGA) and phosphoenolpyruvate were decreased. There was an increase in pyruvate and malate, and a decrease in isocitrate. The amount of adenine diphosphoglucose (ADPGlc) decreased when tubers were exposed to elevated temperatures. There was a strong correlation between the in vivo levels of 3PGA and ADPGlc in tubers incubated at different temperatures, and the decrease in ADPGlc correlated very well with the decrease in the labeling of starch. In tubers incubated at temperatures above 30°C, the overall activities of Suc synthase and ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase declined slightly, whereas soluble starch synthase and pyruvate kinase remained unchanged. Elevated temperatures led to an activation of Suc phosphate synthase involving a change in its kinetic properties. There was a strong correlation between Suc phosphate synthase activation and the in vivo level of Glc-6-phosphate. It is proposed that elevated temperatures lead to increased rates of respiration, and the resulting decline of 3PGA then inhibits ADPGlc pyrophosphorylase and starch synthesis.


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Protein extracted from root and leaf tissue of the dicotyledonous plants pea (Pisum sativum) and broad bean (Vicia faba) and the monocotyledonous plants wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) were shown to catalyze the incorporation of biotin-labeled cadaverine into microtiter-plate-bound N′,N′-dimethylcasein and the cross-linking of biotin-labeled casein to microtiter-plate-bound casein in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The cross-linking of biotinylated casein and the incorporation of biotin-labeled cadaverine into N′,N′-dimethylcasein were time-dependent reactions with a pH optimum of 7.9. Transglutaminase activity was shown to increase over a 2-week growth period in both the roots and leaves of pea. The product of transglutaminase's protein-cross-linking activity, ε-(γ-glutamyl)-lysine isodipeptide, was detected in root and shoot protein from pea, broad bean, wheat, and barley by cation-exchange chromatography. The presence of the isodipeptide was confirmed by reversed-phase chromatography. Hydrolysis of the isodipeptide after cation-exchange chromatography confirmed the presence of glutamate and lysine.


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Homologous sense suppression of a gene encoding lignin pathway caffeic acid O-methyltransferase (CAOMT) in the xylem of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) resulted in transgenic plants exhibiting novel phenotypes with either mottled or complete red-brown coloration in their woody stems. These phenotypes appeared in all independent transgenic lines regenerated with a sense CAOMT construct but were absent from all plants produced with antisense CAOMT. The CAOMT sense transgene expression was undetectable, and the endogenous CAOMT transcript levels and enzyme activity were reduced in the xylem of some transgenic lines. In contrast, the sense transgene conferred overexpression of CAOMT and significant CAOMT activity in all of the transgenic plants' leaves and sclerenchyma, where normally the expression of the endogenous CAOMT gene is negligible. Thus, our results support the notion that the occurrence of sense cosuppression depends on the degree of sequence homology and endogene expression. Furthermore, the suppression of CAOMT in the xylem resulted in the incorporation of a higher amount of coniferyl aldehyde residues into the lignin in the wood of the sense plants. Characterization of the lignins isolated from these transgenic plants revealed that a high amount of coniferyl aldehyde is the origin of the red-brown coloration—a phenotype correlated with CAOMT-deficient maize (Zea mays L.) brown-midrib mutants.


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Tonoplast-enriched vesicles isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles and seeds synthesize ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate (Pi) and inorganic pyrophosphate from Pi. The synthesis is consistent with reversal of the catalytic cycle of the H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase (PPase) vacuolar membrane-bound enzymes. This was monitored by measuring the exchange reaction that leads to 32Pi incorporation into ATP or inorganic pyrophosphate. The reversal reactions of these enzymes were dependent on the proton gradient formed across the vesicle membrane and were susceptible to the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p(trifluoromethoxy)-phenylhydrazone and the detergent Triton X-100. Comparison of the two H+ pumps showed that the H+-ATPase was more active than H+-PPase in coleoptile tonoplast vesicles, whereas in seed vesicles H+-PPase activity was clearly dominant. These findings may reflect the physiological significance of these enzymes in different tissues at different stages of development and/or differentiation.


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In vivo pyruvate synthesis by malic enzyme (ME) and pyruvate kinase and in vivo malate synthesis by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and the Krebs cycle were measured by 13C incorporation from [1-13C]glucose into glucose-6-phosphate, alanine, glutamate, aspartate, and malate. These metabolites were isolated from maize (Zea mays L.) root tips under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. 13C-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to discern the positional isotopic distribution within each metabolite. This information was applied to a simple precursor-product model that enabled calculation of specific metabolic fluxes. In respiring root tips, ME was found to contribute only approximately 3% of the pyruvate synthesized, whereas pyruvate kinase contributed the balance. The activity of ME increased greater than 6-fold early in hypoxia, and then declined coincident with depletion of cytosolic malate and aspartate. We found that in respiring root tips, anaplerotic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity was high relative to ME, and therefore did not limit synthesis of pyruvate by ME. The significance of in vivo pyruvate synthesis by ME is discussed with respect to malate and pyruvate utilization by isolated mitochondria and intracellular pH regulation under hypoxia.


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The metabolisms of arginine (Arg), ornithine (Orn), and putrescine were compared in a nontransgenic and a transgenic cell line of carrot (Daucus carota L.) expressing a mouse Orn decarboxylase cDNA. [14C]Arg, [14C]Orn, and [14C]putrescine were fed to cells and their rates of decarboxylation, uptake, metabolism into polyamines, and incorporation into acid-insoluble material were determined. Transgenic cells showed higher decarboxylation rates for labeled Orn than the nontransgenic cells. This was correlated positively with higher amounts of labeled putrescine production from labeled Orn. With labeled Arg, both the transgenic and the nontransgenic cells exhibited similar rates of decarboxylation and conversion into labeled putrescine. When [14C]putrescine was fed, higher rates of degradation were observed in transgenic cells as compared with the nontransgenic cells. It is concluded that (a) increased production of putrescine via the Orn decarboxylase pathway has no compensatory effects on the Arg decarboxylase pathway, and (b) higher rates of putrescine production in the transgenic cells are accompanied by higher rates of putrescine conversion into spermidine and spermine as well as the catabolism of putrescine.


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A membrane preparation from tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells contains at least one enzyme that is capable of transferring the methyl group from S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) to the C6 carboxyl of homogalacturonan present in the membranes. This enzyme is named homogalacturonan-methyltransferase (HGA-MT) to distinguish it from methyltransferases that catalyze methyletherification of the pectic polysaccharides rhamnogalacturonan I or rhamnogalacturonan II. A trichloroacetic acid precipitation assay was used to measure HGA-MT activity, because published procedures to recover pectic polysaccharides via ethanol or chloroform:methanol precipitation lead to high and variable background radioactivity in the product pellet. Attempts to reduce the incorporation of the 14C-methyl group from SAM into pectin by the addition of the alternative methyl donor 5-methyltetrahydrofolate were unsuccessful, supporting the role of SAM as the authentic methyl donor for HGA-MT. The pH optimum for HGA-MT in membranes was 7.8, the apparent Michaelis constant for SAM was 38 μm, and the maximum initial velocity was 0.81 pkat mg−1 protein. At least 59% of the radiolabeled product was judged to be methylesterified homogalacturonan, based on the release of radioactivity from the product after a mild base treatment and via enzymatic hydrolysis by a purified pectin methylesterase. The released radioactivity eluted with a retention time identical to that of methanol upon fractionation over an organic acid column. Cleavage of the radiolabeled product by endopolygalacturonase into fragments that migrated as small oligomers of HGA during thin-layer chromatography, and the fact that HGA-MT activity in the membranes is stimulated by uridine 5′-diphosphate galacturonic acid, a substrate for HGA synthesis, confirms that the bulk of the product recovered from tobacco membranes incubated with SAM is methylesterified HGA.


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The effects of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin (ST) and uroguanylin were examined on the proliferation of T84 and Caco2 human colon carcinoma cells that express guanylyl cyclase C (GC-C) and SW480 human colon carcinoma cells that do not express this receptor. ST or uroguanylin inhibited proliferation of T84 and Caco2 cells, but not SW480 cells, in a concentration-dependent fashion, assessed by quantifying cell number, cell protein, and [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. These agonists did not inhibit proliferation by induction of apoptosis, assessed by TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dNTP-biotin nick end labeling of DNA fragments) assay and DNA laddering, or necrosis, assessed by trypan blue exclusion and lactate dehydrogenase release. Rather, ST prolonged the cell cycle, assessed by flow cytometry and [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA. The cytostatic effects of GC-C agonists were associated with accumulation of intracellular cGMP, mimicked by the cell-permeant analog 8-Br-cGMP, and reproduced and potentiated by the cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor zaprinast but not the inactive ST analog TJU 1-103. Thus, GC-C agonists regulate the proliferation of intestinal cells through cGMP-dependent mechanisms by delaying progression of the cell cycle. These data suggest that endogenous agonists of GC-C, such as uroguanylin, may play a role in regulating the balance between epithelial proliferation and differentiation in normal intestinal physiology. Therefore, GC-C ligands may be novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of patients with colorectal cancer.


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8-Oxoguanine (8-oxoG), induced by reactive oxygen species and arguably one of the most important mutagenic DNA lesions, is prone to further oxidation. Its one-electron oxidation products include potentially mutagenic guanidinohydantoin (Gh) and spiroiminodihydantoin (Sp) because of their mispairing with A or G. All three oxidized base-specific DNA glycosylases of Escherichia coli, namely endonuclease III (Nth), 8-oxoG-DNA glycosylase (MutM) and endonuclease VIII (Nei), excise Gh and Sp, when paired with C or G in DNA, although Nth is less active than the other two. MutM prefers Sp and Gh paired with C (kcat/Km of 0.24–0.26 min–1 nM–1), while Nei prefers G over C as the complementary base (kcat/Km – 0.15–0.17 min–1 nM–1). However, only Nei efficiently excises these paired with A. MutY, a 8-oxoG·A(G)-specific A(G)-DNA glycosylase, is inactive with Gh(Sp)·A/G-containing duplex oligonucleotide, in spite of specific affinity. It inhibits excision of lesions by MutM from the Gh·G or Sp·G pair, but not from Gh·C and Sp·C pairs. In contrast, MutY does not significantly inhibit Nei for any Gh(Sp) base pair. These results suggest a protective function for MutY in preventing mutation as a result of A (G) incorporation opposite Gh(Sp) during DNA replication.


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Formaldehyde is produced in most living systems and is present in the environment. Evidence that formaldehyde causes cancer in experimental animals infers that it may be a carcinogenic hazard to humans. Formaldehyde reacts with the exocyclic amino group of deoxyguanosine, resulting in the formation of N2-methyl-2′-deoxyguanosine (N2-Me-dG) via reduction of the Schiff base. The same reaction is likely to occur in living cells, because cells contain endogenous reductants such as ascorbic acid and gluthathione. To explore the miscoding properties of formaldehyde-derived DNA adducts a site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotide containing a N2-Me-dG was prepared and used as the template in primer extension reactions catalyzed by the Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. The primer extension reaction was slightly stalled one base before the N2-Me-dG lesion, but DNA synthesis past this lesion was readily completed. The fully extended products were analyzed to quantify the miscoding specificities of N2-Me-dG. Preferential incorporation of dCMP, the correct base, opposite the lesion was observed, along with small amounts of misincorporation of dTMP (9.4%). No deletions were detected. Steady-state kinetic studies indicated that the frequency of nucleotide insertion for dTMP was only 1.2 times lower than for dCMP and the frequency of chain extension from the 3′-terminus of a dT:N2-Me-dG pair was only 2.1 times lower than from a dC:N2-Me-dG pair. We conclude that N2-Me-dG is a miscoding lesion capable of generating G→A transition mutations.


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The spectrum of DNA damage caused by reactive oxygen species includes a wide variety of modifications of purine and pyrimidine bases. Among these modified bases, 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) is an important mutagenic lesion. Base excision repair is a critical mechanism for preventing mutations by removing the oxidative lesion from the DNA. That the spontaneous mutation frequency of the Escherichia coli mutT mutant is much higher than that of the mutM or mutY mutant indicates a significant potential for mutation due to 8-oxoG incorporation opposite A and G during DNA replication. In fact, the removal of A and G in such a situation by MutY protein would fix rather than prevent mutation. This suggests the need for differential removal of 8-oxoG when incorporated into DNA, versus being generated in situ. In this study we demonstrate that E.coli Nth protein (endonuclease III) has an 8-oxoG DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activity which removes 8-oxoG preferentially from 8-oxoG/G mispairs. The MutM and Nei proteins are also capable of removing 8-oxoG from mispairs. The frequency of spontaneous G:C→C:G transversions was significantly increased in E.coli CC103mutMnthnei mutants compared with wild-type, mutM, nth, nei, mutMnei, mutMnth and nthnei strains. From these results it is concluded that Nth protein, together with the MutM and Nei proteins, is involved in the repair of 8-oxoG when it is incorporated opposite G. Furthermore, we found that human hNTH1 protein, a homolog of E.coli Nth protein, has similar DNA glycosylase/AP lyase activity that removes 8-oxoG from 8-oxoG/G mispairs.