985 resultados para amorphous


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The synthesis of alternating copolymers of tetraalkylindenofluorene with bithiophene and terthiophene using Suzuki polycondensation route is reported. We report on the optical and electrochemical properties of these copolymers. AFM analysis of the microscopic morphology of thin deposits showed that the copolymer with terthiophene units produced the more ordered films, with well-defined fibrillar structures, resulting from highly-regular dense packing due to strong π-π interchain interactions, in contrast to the amorphous bithiophene copolymer. Upon testing these materials in FETs the terthienyl copolymers displayed the higher charge mobilities among the studied compounds, with values of over 10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 being obtained.


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A Monte Carlo model of an Elekta iViewGT amorphous silicon electronic portal imaging device (a-Si EPID) has been validated for pre-treatment verification of clinical IMRT treatment plans. The simulations involved the use of the BEAMnrc and DOSXYZnrc Monte Carlo codes to predict the response of the iViewGT a-Si EPID model. The predicted EPID images were compared to the measured images obtained from the experiment. The measured EPID images were obtained by delivering a photon beam from an Elekta Synergy linac to the Elekta iViewGT a-Si EPID. The a-Si EPID was used with no additional build-up material. Frame averaged EPID images were acquired and processed using in-house software. The agreement between the predicted and measured images was analyzed using the gamma analysis technique with acceptance criteria of 3% / 3 mm. The results show that the predicted EPID images for four clinical IMRT treatment plans have a good agreement with the measured EPID signal. Three prostate IMRT plans were found to have an average gamma pass rate of more than 95.0 % and a spinal IMRT plan has the average gamma pass rate of 94.3 %. During the period of performing this work a routine MLC calibration was performed and one of the IMRT treatments re-measured with the EPID. A change in the gamma pass rate for one field was observed. This was the motivation for a series of experiments to investigate the sensitivity of the method by introducing delivery errors, MLC position and dosimetric overshoot, into the simulated EPID images. The method was found to be sensitive to 1 mm leaf position errors and 10% overshoot errors.


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Organisational dependence upon IT continues to grow yet experiences of satisfaction vary widely. Problematic, aged IT is often cited as being a fundamental problem in this respect and this is commonly termed legacy information systems. However, in this paper the author offers an alternative, and arguably more comprehensive, theory of legacy information systems that accommodates multiple viewpoints and recognises its inherent dynamism. The paper suggests a theory of legacy information systems that comprises of the concepts of temporal effects, interpretations and characteristics. It is argued that legacy information systems are constructed of many ‘legacies’ that are handed down continuously, forming an amorphous set of sociotechnical interdependencies and relationships.


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The aluminum (Al) doped polycrystalline p-type β-phase iron disilicide (p-β-FeSi2) is grown by thermal diffusion of Al from Al-passivated n-type Si(100) surface into FeSi2 during crystallization of amorphous FeSi2 to form a p-type β-FeSi 2/n-Si(100) heterostructure solar cell. The structural and photovoltaic properties of p-type β-FeSi2/n-type c-Si structures is then investigated in detail by using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy analysis, and electrical characterization. The results are compared with Al-doped p-β-FeSi2 prepared by using cosputtering of Al and FeSi2 layers on Al-passivated n-Si(100) substrates. A significant improvement in the maximum open-circuit voltage (Voc) from 120 to 320 mV is achieved upon the introduction of Al doping through cosputtering of Al and amorphous FeSi2 layer. The improvement in Voc is attributed to better structural quality of Al-doped FeSi2 film through Al doping and to the formation of high quality crystalline interface between Al-doped β-FeSi2 and n-type c-Si. The effects of Al-out diffusion on the performance of heterostructure solar cells have been investigated and discussed in detail.


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MoS2 nanotube bundles along with embedded nested fullerenes were formed in a gas phase reaction of molybdenum carbonyl and H2S gas with the assistance of I2. The amorphous Mo-S-I intermediates obtained through quenching a modified MOCVD reaction in a large temperature gradient were annealed at elevated temperature in an inert atmosphere. Under the influence of the iodine the amorphous precursor formed a surface film with an enhanced mobility of the molybdenum and sulfur components. Point defects within the MoS2 layers combined with the enhanced surface diffusion lead to a scrolling of the inherently instable MoS2 lamellae.


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Food materials are complex in nature as it has heterogeneous, amorphous, hygroscopic and porous properties. During processing, microstructure of food materials changes which significantly affects other properties of food. An appropriate understanding of the microstructure of the raw food material and its evolution during processing is critical in order to understand and accurately describe dehydration processes and quality anticipation. This review critically assesses the factors that influence the modification of microstructure in the course of drying of fruits and vegetables. The effect of simultaneous heat and mass transfer on microstructure in various drying methods is investigated. Effects of changes in microstructure on other functional properties of dried foods are discussed. After an extensive review of the literature, it is found that development of food structure significantly depends on fresh food properties and process parameters. Also, modification of microstructure influences the other properties of final product. An enhanced understanding of the relationships between food microstructure, drying process parameters and final product quality will facilitate the energy efficient optimum design of the food processor in order to achieve high-quality food


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Approaches to art-practice-as-research tend to draw a distinction between the processes of creative practice and scholarly reflection. According to this template, the two sites of activity – studio/desk, work/writing, body/mind – form the ‘correlative’ entity known as research. Creative research is said to be produced by the navigation of world and thought: spaces that exist in a continual state of tension with one another. Either we have the studio tethered to brute reality while the desk floats free as a site for the fluid cross-pollination of texts and concepts. Or alternatively, the studio is characterized by the amorphous, intuitive play of forms and ideas, while the desk represents its cartography, mapping and fixing its various fluidities. In either case, the research status of art practice is figured as a fundamentally riven space. However, the nascent philosophy of Speculative Realism proposes a different ontology – one in which the space of human activity comprises its own reality, independent of human perception. The challenge it poses to traditional metaphysics is to rethink the world as if it were a real space. When applied to practice-led research, this reconceptualization challenges the creative researcher to consider creative research as a contiguous space – a topology where thinking and making are not dichotomous points but inflections in an amorphous and dynamic field. Instead of being subject to the vertical tension between earth and air, a topology of practice emphasizes its encapsulated, undulating reality – an agentive ‘object’ formed according to properties of connectedness, movement and differentiation. Taking the central ideas of Quentin Meillassoux and Graham Harman as a point of departure, this paper will provide a speculative account of the interplay of spatialities that characterise the author’s studio practice. In so doing, the paper will model the innovative methodological potential produced by the analysis of topological dimensions of the studio and the way they can be said to move beyond the ‘geo-critical’ divide.


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This work explored the applicability of electrocoagulation (EC) using aluminium electrodes for the removal of contaminants which can scale and foul reverse osmosis membranes from a coal seam (CS) water sample, predominantly comprising sodium chloride, and sodium bicarbonate. In general, the removal efficiency of species responsible for scaling and fouling was enhanced by increasing the applied current density/voltage and contact times (30–60 s) in the EC chamber. High removal efficiencies of species potentially responsible for scale formation in reverse osmosis units such as calcium (100%), magnesium (87.9%), strontium (99.3%), barium (100%) and silicates (98.3%) were achieved. Boron was more difficult to eliminate (13.3%) and this was postulated to be due to the elevated solution pH. Similarly, fluoride removal from solution (44%) was also inhibited by the presence of hydroxide ions in the pH range 9–10. Analysis of produced flocs suggested the dominant presence of relatively amorphous boehmite (AlOOH), albeit the formation of Al(OH)3 was not ruled out as the drying process employed may have converted aluminium hydroxide to aluminium oxyhydroxide species. Evidence for adsorption of contaminants on floc surface sites was determined from FTIR studies. The quantity of aluminium released during the electrocoagulation process was higher than the Faradaic amount which suggested that the high salt concentrations in the coal seam water had chemically reacted with the aluminium electrodes.


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Progeny of mice treated with the mutagen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea (ENU) revealed a mouse, designated Longpockets (Lpk), with short humeri, abnormal vertebrae, and disorganized growth plates, features consistent with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SEDC). The Lpk phenotype was inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. Lpk/+ mice were viable and fertile and Lpk/Lpk mice died perinatally. Lpk was mapped to chromosome 15 and mutational analysis of likely candidates from the interval revealed a Col2a1 missense Ser1386Pro mutation. Transient transfection of wild-type and Ser1386Pro mutant Col2a1 c-Myc constructs in COS-7 cells and CH8 chondrocytes demonstrated abnormal processing and endoplasmic reticulum retention of the mutant protein. Histology revealed growth plate disorganization in 14-day-old Lpk/+ mice and embryonic cartilage from Lpk/+ and Lpk/Lpk mice had reduced safranin-O and type-II collagen staining in the extracellular matrix. The wild-type and Lpk/+ embryos had vertical columns of proliferating chondrocytes, whereas those in Lpk/Lpk mice were perpendicular to the direction of bone growth. Electron microscopy of cartilage from 18.5 dpc wild-type, Lpk/+, and Lpk/Lpk embryos revealed fewer and less elaborate collagen fibrils in the mutants, with enlarged vacuoles in the endoplasmic reticulum that contained amorphous inclusions. Micro-computed tomography (CT) scans of 12-week-old Lpk/+ mice revealed them to have decreased bone mineral density, and total bone volume, with erosions and osteophytes at the joints. Thus, an ENU mouse model with a Ser1386Pro mutation of the Col2a1 C-propeptide domain that results in abnormal collagen processing and phenotypic features consistent with SEDC and secondary osteoarthritis has been established.


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In contrast to metallic alloys, the mechanical characteristics of superplastic ceramics are very sensitive to minor changes in levels of trace impurities. In the present study, the mechanical behavior of a 2 mol% yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia was studied in tension and compression in two batches of material, with small variations in levels of trace impurities, to examine the influence of stress axis and impurity content on the deformation behavior. The mechanical properties of the material were characterized in terms of the expression: (epsilon)over dot proportional to sigma(n) where (epsilon)over dot is the strain rate, sigma is the stress and n is termed the stress exponent. The mechanical behavior of the ceramic was identical in tension and compression, for a material with a given level of impurity. The high purity specimens exhibited a transition from a stress exponent of similar to 3 to similar to 2 with an increase in stress, whereas the low purity material displayed only n similar to 2 behavior over the entire stress range studied. Detailed high resolution and analytical electron microscopy studies revealed that there was no amorphous phase at interfaces in both batches of material; however, segregation of Al at interfaces was detected only in the low purity material. The observed transition in stress exponents can be rationalized in terms of two sequential mechanisms: grain boundary sliding with n similar to 2 and interface reaction controlled grain boundary sliding with n similar to 3. The transition from n similar to 3 to similar to 2 occurred at lower stresses with an increase in the grain size and a decrease in the purity level.


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The crystallization of amorphous semiconductors is a strongly exothermic process. Once initiated the release of latent heat can be sufficient to drive a self-sustaining crystallization front through the material in a manner that has been described as explosive. Here, we perform a quantitative in situ study of explosive crystallization in amorphous germanium using dynamic transmission electron microscopy. Direct observations of the speed of the explosive crystallization front as it evolves along a laser-imprinted temperature gradient are used to experimentally determine the complete interface response function (i.e., the temperature-dependent front propagation speed) for this process, which reaches a peak of 16 m/s. Fitting to the Frenkel-Wilson kinetic law demonstrates that the diffusivity of the material locally/immediately in advance of the explosive crystallization front is inconsistent with those of a liquid phase. This result suggests a modification to the liquid-mediated mechanism commonly used to describe this process that replaces the phase change at the leading amorphous-liquid interface with a change in bonding character (from covalent to metallic) occurring in the hot amorphous material.


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Four Cu bearing alloys of nominal composition Zr25Ti25Cu50, Zr34Ti16Cu50, Zr25Hf25Cu50 and Ti25Hf25Cu50 have been rapidly solidified in order to produce ribbons. All the alloys become amorphous after meltspinning. In the Zr34Ti16Cu50 alloy localized precipitation of cF24 Cu5Zr phase can be observed in the amorphous matrix. The alloys show a tendency of phase separation at the initial stages of crystallization. The difference in crystallization behavior of these alloys with Ni bearing ternary alloys can be explained by atomic size, binary heat of mixing and Mendeleev number. It has been observed that both Laves and Anti-Laves phase forming compositions are suitable for glass formation. The structures of the phases, precipitated during rapid solidification and crystallization can be viewed in terms of Bernal deltahedra and Frank-Kasper polyhedra.


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We report results of molecular dynamics investigations into neutral impurity diffusing within an amorphous solid as a function of the size of the diffusant and density of the host amorphous matrix. We find that self diffusivity exhibits an anomalous maximum as a function of the size of the impurity species. An analysis of properties of the impurity atom with maximum diffusivity shows that it is associated with lower mean square force, reduced backscattering of velocity autocorrelation function, near-exponential decay of the intermediate scattering function (as compared to stretched-exponential decay for other sizes of the impurity species) and lower activation energy. These results demonstrate the existence of size-dependent diffusivity maximum in disordered solids. Further, we show that the diffusivity maximum is observed at lower impurity diameters with increase in density. This is explained in terms of the Levitation parameter and the void structure of the amorphous solid. We demonstrate that these results imply contrasting dependence of self diffusivity (D) on the density of the amorphous matrix, p. D increases with p for small sizes of the impurity but shows an increase followed by a decrease for intermediate sizes of the impurity atom. For large sizes of the impurity atom, D decreases with increase in p. These contrasting dependence arises naturally from the existence of Levitation Effect.


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An inexpensive and effective simple method for the preparation of nano-crystalline titanium oxide (anatase) thin films at room temperature on different transparent substrates is presented. This method is based on the use of peroxo-titanium complex, i.e. titanium isopropoxide as a single initiating organic precursor. Post-annealing treatment is necessary to convert the deposited amorphous film into titanium oxide (TiO2) crystalline (anatase) phase. These films have been characterized for X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies, atomic force microscopic (AFM) studies and optical measurements. The optical constants such as refractive index and extinction coefficient have been estimated by using envelope technique. Also, the energy gap values have been estimated using Tauc's formula for on glass and quartz substrates are found to be 3.35 eV and 3.39 eV, respectively.