959 resultados para algoritmi non evolutivi pattern recognition analisi dati avanzata metodi matematici intelligenza artificiale non evolutive algorithms artificial intelligence


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A partir de 2011, ocorreram e ainda ocorrerão eventos de grande repercussão para a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, como a conferência Rio+20 das Nações Unidas e eventos esportivos de grande importância mundial (Copa do Mundo de Futebol, Olimpíadas e Paraolimpíadas). Estes acontecimentos possibilitam a atração de recursos financeiros para a cidade, assim como a geração de empregos, melhorias de infraestrutura e valorização imobiliária, tanto territorial quanto predial. Ao optar por um imóvel residencial em determinado bairro, não se avalia apenas o imóvel, mas também as facilidades urbanas disponíveis na localidade. Neste contexto, foi possível definir uma interpretação qualitativa linguística inerente aos bairros da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, integrando-se três técnicas de Inteligência Computacional para a avaliação de benefícios: Lógica Fuzzy, Máquina de Vetores Suporte e Algoritmos Genéticos. A base de dados foi construída com informações da web e institutos governamentais, evidenciando o custo de imóveis residenciais, benefícios e fragilidades dos bairros da cidade. Implementou-se inicialmente a Lógica Fuzzy como um modelo não supervisionado de agrupamento através das Regras Elipsoidais pelo Princípio de Extensão com o uso da Distância de Mahalanobis, configurando-se de forma inferencial os grupos de designação linguística (Bom, Regular e Ruim) de acordo com doze características urbanas. A partir desta discriminação, foi tangível o uso da Máquina de Vetores Suporte integrado aos Algoritmos Genéticos como um método supervisionado, com o fim de buscar/selecionar o menor subconjunto das variáveis presentes no agrupamento que melhor classifique os bairros (Princípio da Parcimônia). A análise das taxas de erro possibilitou a escolha do melhor modelo de classificação com redução do espaço de variáveis, resultando em um subconjunto que contém informações sobre: IDH, quantidade de linhas de ônibus, instituições de ensino, valor m médio, espaços ao ar livre, locais de entretenimento e crimes. A modelagem que combinou as três técnicas de Inteligência Computacional hierarquizou os bairros do Rio de Janeiro com taxas de erros aceitáveis, colaborando na tomada de decisão para a compra e venda de imóveis residenciais. Quando se trata de transporte público na cidade em questão, foi possível perceber que a malha rodoviária ainda é a prioritária


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计算机技术和数学方法、手段应用于生物标本鉴定的研究工作在国外开展已有多年,但在国内却并没有许多人涉猎,也没有受到足够的重视。 鉴于这一领域的重要性及其实际意义,本文综合、扩充、改进了多元统计判别分析和模糊模式识别中的多种定量化判别方法,初步在计算机上实现了一个可用于生物标本鉴定或其它与判别、识别有关方面的系统,并将其用于桔梗科沙参属三个种:泡沙参、多歧沙参和裂叶沙参及菖蒲科中两个种的标本鉴定上面,获得了比较满意的判别效果。同时,为了弥补数量化标本鉴定的不足,本文作者还设计开发了一个描述性的基于检索表的人机交互式的标本鉴定模块。另外,本系统还包括模糊系统聚类和典型相关分析等模块,可供生物分类及其它定量分析运算时选用。 对于以上各种判别、识别方法的差异及优劣,文中根据实例做出了综合分析和比较,并认为在所有方法当中,逐步判别法和模糊协方差识别法最适宜于生物标本鉴定之用。最后,作者展望了未来计算机用于生物标本鉴定的前景。


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We propose an algorithm for semantic segmentation based on 3D point clouds derived from ego-motion. We motivate five simple cues designed to model specific patterns of motion and 3D world structure that vary with object category. We introduce features that project the 3D cues back to the 2D image plane while modeling spatial layout and context. A randomized decision forest combines many such features to achieve a coherent 2D segmentation and recognize the object categories present. Our main contribution is to show how semantic segmentation is possible based solely on motion-derived 3D world structure. Our method works well on sparse, noisy point clouds, and unlike existing approaches, does not need appearance-based descriptors. Experiments were performed on a challenging new video database containing sequences filmed from a moving car in daylight and at dusk. The results confirm that indeed, accurate segmentation and recognition are possible using only motion and 3D world structure. Further, we show that the motion-derived information complements an existing state-of-the-art appearance-based method, improving both qualitative and quantitative performance. © 2008 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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This paper presents a new online multi-classifier boosting algorithm for learning object appearance models. In many cases the appearance model is multi-modal, which we capture by training and updating multiple strong classifiers. The proposed algorithm jointly learns the classifiers and a soft partitioning of the input space, defining an area of expertise for each classifier. We show how this formulation improves the specificity of the strong classifiers, allowing simultaneous location and pose estimation in a tracking task. The proposed online scheme iteratively adapts the classifiers during tracking. Experiments show that the algorithm successfully learns multi-modal appearance models during a short initial training phase, subsequently updating them for tracking an object under rapid appearance changes. © 2010 IEEE.


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We present a novel, implementation friendly and occlusion aware semi-supervised video segmentation algorithm using tree structured graphical models, which delivers pixel labels alongwith their uncertainty estimates. Our motivation to employ supervision is to tackle a task-specific segmentation problem where the semantic objects are pre-defined by the user. The video model we propose for this problem is based on a tree structured approximation of a patch based undirected mixture model, which includes a novel time-series and a soft label Random Forest classifier participating in a feedback mechanism. We demonstrate the efficacy of our model in cutting out foreground objects and multi-class segmentation problems in lengthy and complex road scene sequences. Our results have wide applicability, including harvesting labelled video data for training discriminative models, shape/pose/articulation learning and large scale statistical analysis to develop priors for video segmentation. © 2011 IEEE.


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Among several others, the on-site inspection process is mainly concerned with finding the right design and specifications information needed to inspect each newly constructed segment or element. While inspecting steel erection, for example, inspectors need to locate the right drawings for each member and the corresponding specifications sections that describe the allowable deviations in placement among others. These information seeking tasks are highly monotonous, time consuming and often erroneous, due to the high similarity of drawings and constructed elements and the abundance of information involved which can confuse the inspector. To address this problem, this paper presents the first steps of research that is investigating the requirements of an automated computer vision-based approach to automatically identify “as-built” information and use it to retrieve “as-designed” project information for field construction, inspection, and maintenance tasks. Under this approach, a visual pattern recognition model was developed that aims to allow automatic identification of construction entities and materials visible in the camera’s field of view at a given time and location, and automatic retrieval of relevant design and specifications information.


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First responders are in danger when they perform tasks in damaged buildings after earthquakes. Structural collapse due to the failure of critical load bearing structural members (e.g. columns) during a post-earthquake event such as an aftershock can make first responders victims, considering they are unable to assess the impact of the damage inflicted in load bearing members. The writers here propose a method that can provide first responders with a crude but quick estimate of the damage inflicted in load bearing members. Under the proposed method, critical structural members (reinforced concrete columns in this study) are identified from digital visual data and the damage superimposed on these structural members is detected with the help of Visual Pattern Recognition techniques. The correlation of the two (e.g. the position, orientation and size of a crack on the surface of a column) is used to query a case-based reasoning knowledge base, which contains apriori classified states of columns according to the damage inflicted on them. When query results indicate the column's damage state is severe, the method assumes that a structural collapse is likely and first responders are warned to evacuate.


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Among several others, the on-site inspection process is mainly concerned with finding the right design and specifications information needed to inspect each newly constructed segment or element. While inspecting steel erection, for example, inspectors need to locate the right drawings for each member and the corresponding specifications sections that describe the allowable deviations in placement among others. These information seeking tasks are highly monotonous, time consuming and often erroneous, due to the high similarity of drawings and constructed elements and the abundance of information involved which can confuse the inspector. To address this problem, this paper presents the first steps of research that is investigating the requirements of an automated computer vision-based approach to automatically identify “as-built” information and use it to retrieve “as-designed” project information for field construction, inspection, and maintenance tasks. Under this approach, a visual pattern recognition model was developed that aims to allow automatic identification of construction entities and materials visible in the camera’s field of view at a given time and location, and automatic retrieval of relevant design and specifications information.


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Images represent a valuable source of information for the construction industry. Due to technological advancements in digital imaging, the increasing use of digital cameras is leading to an ever-increasing volume of images being stored in construction image databases and thus makes it hard for engineers to retrieve useful information from them. Content-Based Search Engines are tools that utilize the rich image content and apply pattern recognition methods in order to retrieve similar images. In this paper, we illustrate several project management tasks and show how Content-Based Search Engines can facilitate automatic retrieval, and indexing of construction images in image databases.


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We present a model for early vision tasks such as denoising, super-resolution, deblurring, and demosaicing. The model provides a resolution-independent representation of discrete images which admits a truly rotationally invariant prior. The model generalizes several existing approaches: variational methods, finite element methods, and discrete random fields. The primary contribution is a novel energy functional which has not previously been written down, which combines the discrete measurements from pixels with a continuous-domain world viewed through continous-domain point-spread functions. The value of the functional is that simple priors (such as total variation and generalizations) on the continous-domain world become realistic priors on the sampled images. We show that despite its apparent complexity, optimization of this model depends on just a few computational primitives, which although tedious to derive, can now be reused in many domains. We define a set of optimization algorithms which greatly overcome the apparent complexity of this model, and make possible its practical application. New experimental results include infinite-resolution upsampling, and a method for obtaining subpixel superpixels. © 2012 IEEE.


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In the modern and dynamic construction environment it is important to access information in a fast and efficient manner in order to improve the decision making processes for construction managers. This capability is, in most cases, straightforward with today’s technologies for data types with an inherent structure that resides primarily on established database structures like estimating and scheduling software. However, previous research has demonstrated that a significant percentage of construction data is stored in semi-structured or unstructured data formats (text, images, etc.) and that manually locating and identifying such data is a very hard and time-consuming task. This paper focuses on construction site image data and presents a novel image retrieval model that interfaces with established construction data management structures. This model is designed to retrieve images from related objects in project models or construction databases using location, date, and material information (extracted from the image content with pattern recognition techniques).