928 resultados para abelian Higgs


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A cross in Rn is a cluster of unit cubes comprising a central one and 2n arms. In their monograph Algebra and Tiling, Stein and Szabó suggested that tilings of ℝn by crosses should be studied. The question of the existence of such a tiling has been answered by various authors for many special cases. In this paper we completely solve the problem for ℝ2. In fact we do not only characterize crosses for which there exists a tiling of ℝ2 but for each cross we determine its maximum packing density.


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The Complex singlet extension of the Standard Model (CxSM) is the simplest extension that provides scenarios for Higgs pair production with different masses. The model has two interesting phases: the dark matter phase, with a Standard Model-like Higgs boson, a new scalar and a dark matter candidate; and the broken phase, with all three neutral scalars mixing. In the latter phase Higgs decays into a pair of two different Higgs bosons are possible. In this study we analyse Higgs-to-Higgs decays in the framework of singlet extensions of the Standard Model (SM), with focus on the CxSM. After demonstrating that scenarios with large rates for such chain decays are possible we perform a comparison between the NMSSM and the CxSM. We find that, based on Higgs-to-Higgs decays, the only possibility to distinguish the two models at the LHC run 2 is through final states with two different scalars. This conclusion builds a strong case for searches for final states with two different scalars at the LHC run 2. Finally, we propose a set of benchmark points for the real and complex singlet extensions to be tested at the LHC run 2. They have been chosen such that the discovery prospects of the involved scalars are maximised and they fulfil the dark matter constraints. Furthermore, for some of the points the theory is stable up to high energy scales. For the computation of the decay widths and branching ratios we developed the Fortran code sHDECAY, which is based on the implementation of the real and complex singlet extensions of the SM in HDECAY.


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Using the one-loop Coleman-Weinberg effective potential, we derive a general analytic expression for all the derivatives of the effective potential with respect to any number of classical scalar fields. The result is valid for a renormalisable theory in four dimensions with any number of scalars, fermions or gauge bosons. This result corresponds to the zero-external momentum contribution to a general one-loop diagram with N scalar external legs. We illustrate the use of the general result in two simple scalar singlet extensions of the Standard Model, to obtain the dominant contributions to the triple couplings of light scalar particles under the zero external momentum approximation.


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The class of all locally quasi-convex (lqc) abelian groups contains all locally convex vector spaces (lcs) considered as topological groups. Therefore it is natural to extend classical properties of locally convex spaces to this larger class of abelian topological groups. In the present paper we consider the following well known property of lcs: “A metrizable locally convex space carries its Mackey topology ”. This claim cannot be extended to lqc-groups in the natural way, as we have recently proved with other coauthors (Außenhofer and de la Barrera Mayoral in J Pure Appl Algebra 216(6):1340–1347, 2012; Díaz Nieto and Martín Peinador in Descriptive Topology and Functional Analysis, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol 80 doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05224-3_7, 2014; Dikranjan et al. in Forum Math 26:723–757, 2014). We say that an abelian group G satisfies the Varopoulos paradigm (VP) if any metrizable locally quasi-convex topology on G is the Mackey topology. In the present paper we prove that in any unbounded group there exists a lqc metrizable topology that is not Mackey. This statement (Theorem C) allows us to show that the class of groups satisfying VP coincides with the class of finite exponent groups. Thus, a property of topological nature characterizes an algebraic feature of abelian groups.


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A counterpart of the Mackey–Arens Theorem for the class of locally quasi-convex topological Abelian groups (LQC-groups) was initiated in Chasco et al. (Stud Math 132(3):257–284, 1999). Several authors have been interested in the problems posed there and have done clarifying contributions, although the main question of that source remains open. Some differences between the Mackey Theory for locally convex spaces and for locally quasi-convex groups, stem from the following fact: The supremum of all compatible locally quasi-convex topologies for a topological abelian group G may not coincide with the topology of uniform convergence on the weak quasi-convex compact subsets of the dual groupG∧. Thus, a substantial part of the classical Mackey–Arens Theorem cannot be generalized to LQC-groups. Furthermore, the mentioned fact gives rise to a grading in the property of “being a Mackey group”, as defined and thoroughly studied in Díaz Nieto and Martín-Peinador (Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 80:119–144, 2014). At present it is not known—and this is the main open question—if the supremum of all the compatible locally quasi-convex topologies on a topological group is in fact a compatible topology. In the present paper we do a sort of historical review on the Mackey Theory, and we compare it in the two settings of locally convex spaces and of locally quasi-convex groups. We point out some general questions which are still open, under the name of Problems.


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Os sistemas de informação, enquanto ferramenta da gestão, podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento das organizações sendo atualmente visível esta preocupação nos órgãos de gestão dos serviços de saúde. No processo de implementação dos sistemas de informação a economia da informação assume um destaque pela sua componente de mais-valia. No presente trabalho, fizemos uma caracterização dos sistemas de informação utilizados no serviço de radiologia do hospital Curry Cabral e percebemos como os profissionais trabalhavam e atualizavam a informação nesses mesmos sistemas. Analisámos posteriormente a produtividade através de índices criados para o próprio serviço, antes e depois da implementação dos sistemas de informação, para entender até que ponto podemos falar da economia da informação. Através de uma abordagem quantitativa pretendeu-se a realização de um estudo descritivo com recurso à técnica de inquérito através de questionário aplicado a 55 profissionais do serviço, nomeadamente a 17 médicos de radiologia, a 6 administrativas e a 31 técnicos de radiologia. De uma forma geral, os dados obtidos nesta investigação permitem verificar que a atualização dos sistemas de informação por parte dos profissionais deste serviço ocorre de uma forma bem conduzida e cuidada, nomeadamente pelos técnicos de radiologia. Entendemos também que de uma forma geral todos os profissionais estão cientes que os sistemas de informação contribuem para o auxílio na gestão principalmente devido a uma melhor monitorização do trabalho efetuado. Relativamente aos índices de produtividade percebemos que são difíceis de quantificar, no entanto, e de um modo geral esta aumentou em valores pouco significativos, cerca de 2,3%. ABSTRACT: The information Technology as a management tool can contribute to the healthy development of the organization. This fact has become visible by the interest showed on IT by the management body of the Health Services. On the implementation process of the IT Services the economy of information assumes a major role as a powerful and altering force to the landscape. ln this thesis we studied the IT services used by the Radiology Service of the Hospital Curry Cabral, and tried to understand how the professionals work, by using and improving the information on those systems. We analyze the productivity using markers built for the specified service, before and after the implementation of the IT Services to understand how far into the "IT Economics" we have traveled. Thru a direct approach a study was conducted using a questionnaire, and a target audience of 55 local radiology professionals, namely 17 radiology doctors, 6 service secretaries and 31 radiology technicians. ln general, the data gathered by this investigation, allowed us to verify that the data collected and updated by the Radiology professionals, is carefully collected, especially by the Radiology Technicians. We have also found that generally all Hospital professionals see the IT Services as a major help for management mainly thru better monitoring of accomplished work. ln relation to the productivity indexes we have found that they are hard to quantify, because certain aspects are close to impossible to ascertain, but in gross it has grown but in less than expected, more or less 2,3%.


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This paper discusses the psychosocial impact of being diagnosed with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The paper clarifies some of the key misconceptions about the virus, especially the impact HCV has on people who have been recently diagnosed. An individual's reaction to the HCV diagnosis and the subsequent lifestyle challenges to maintain health, well-being, family, and social networks are discussed, particularly the issues surrounding mental health in respect to a recent chronic illness diagnosis and how to manage the trajectory of the illness in the community and individually. HCV disclosure and its effect on intimacy are also detailed.

For people living with both a diagnosed mental illness and HCV, managing the illness can be complicated. Not only are these individuals concerned about their mental illness, its treatment, and the social stigma and discrimination associated with it, they also may be alarmed over their future physical health. The paper is preliminary to research using the psychotherapeutic approach of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) in groups of persons with a dual diagnosis of mental illness and HCV.


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Il Modello Standard delle particelle elementari prevede l’universalità del sapore leptonico, cioè l’uguaglianza della probabilità di accoppiamento dei bosoni di gauge carichi dell’interazione debole con tutti i leptoni. Recentemente, le Collaborazioni LHCb, BaBar e Belle, misurando il rapporto tra i branching ratio dei decadimenti $B^0\to D^{∗− }\tau^+\nu_{\tau} e $B^0 →D^{∗−}\mu^+\nu_{\mu}, hanno osservato una deviazione dai valori previsti dal Modello Standard di 3.9 deviazioni standard. Questo interessante risultato, se confermato, indicherebbe l’esistenza di nuove particelle, come per esempio il bosone di Higgs carico. Analogamente ai decadimenti del mesone $B^0$ , è possibile cercare effetti analoghi anche nel rapporto di branching ratio dei decadimenti $D^0\to K^ −\mu^+\nu_{\mu}$ e $D^0\to K^−e^+\nu_e$ . In questo lavoro di tesi è stato realizzato uno studio preliminare di questa misura. In particolare, è stato studiata, tramite simulazioni Monte Carlo, la ricostruzione del processo $D^{*\pm}\to D^0 (\to K^− \mu+\nu_{\mu})\pi_s^{\pm}$ nell’esperimento LHCb. Questo canale ha la particolarità di avere una particella invisibile, il neutrino, al rivelatore LHCb. Tuttavia, mediante vincoli cinematici e topologici, è possibile ricavare le componenti dell’impulso del neutrino, con risoluzioni non paragonabili a quelle di una particella visibile, ma comunque accettabili. In questa tesi sono riportati i calcoli che permettono di ottenere queste informazioni ed è stata studiata la risoluzione sulla massa invariante del $D^{∗\pm}$ . La tesi è organizzata nel seguente modo: il primo capitolo riporta le motivazioni della misura dei rapporti dei branching ratio e l’attuale stato sperimentale; il secondo capitolo contiene una breve descrizione del rivelatore LHCb; il terzo capitolo, infine, descrive lo studio di fattibilità della ricostruzione del decadimento $D^0\to K^-\mu^+\nu_{\mu}.


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Symmetrization of topologically ordered wave functions is a powerful method for constructing new topological models. Here we study wave functions obtained by symmetrizing quantum double models of a group G in the projected entangled pair states (PEPS) formalism. We show that symmetrization naturally gives rise to a larger symmetry group G˜ which is always non-Abelian. We prove that by symmetrizing on sufficiently large blocks, one can always construct wave functions in the same phase as the double model of G˜. In order to understand the effect of symmetrization on smaller patches, we carry out numerical studies for the toric code model, where we find strong evidence that symmetrizing on individual spins gives rise to a critical model which is at the phase transitions of two inequivalent toric codes, obtained by anyon condensation from the double model of G˜.


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%'e compute the divergent part of the three-point vertex function of the non-Abelian Yang-Mills gauge field theory within the stochastic quantization approach to the one-loop order. This calculation allows us to find four renormalization constants which, together with the four previously obtained, verify, to the calculated order, some Ward identities.


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Un nombre grandissant d’enfants en bas âge pratique un seul sport tout au long de l’année (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000). Cette pratique, communément appelée la spécialisation hâtive, est pour plusieurs parents, entraineurs et enfants la meilleure façon d’atteindre les plus hauts niveaux de performance (rangs professionnels, compétitions internationales, bourses d’études universitaires, etc.). Toutefois, plusieurs études portant sur la performance et le développement de l’athlète proposent une alternative à la spécialisation hâtive : la spécialisation tardive (Güllich et Emrich, 2006; Lidor et Lavyan, 2002; Moesch, Elbe, Hauge et Wikman, 2011), qui est issue du modèle de la participation sportive de Côté, Baker et Abernethy (2007) et qui propose une spécialisation dans un seul sport seulement durant l’adolescence. Cette voie permettrait d’atteindre d’aussi hauts niveaux de performance, mais sans les conséquences négatives de la spécialisation hâtive. Parmi ces conséquences, Mostafavifar, Best et Myer (2013) ont émis l’hypothèse que la voie de la spécialisation hâtive mènerait à une limitation du développement des habiletés motrices. Venant ajouter à ce postulat, Fransen et ses collaborateurs (2012) ont démontré que les enfants ayant une pratique sportive diversifiée présentaient de meilleures aptitudes physiques (saut vertical et coordination). Par rapport à ces deux voies de développement, plusieurs modèles de développement (Balyi, Way et Higgs, 2013; Côté et al., 2007; Gulbin, Croser, Morley et Weissensteiner, 2013) proposent une troisième voie, la participation récréative, qui a pour finalité le maintien d’une bonne condition physique à long terme et dans laquelle le participant peut s’orienter (consciemment ou inconsciemment) dès son jeune âge ou après avoir suivi l’une des voies de la performance sportive. Devant cette diversité de voies de développement et en s’inspirant de l’hypothèse de Mostafavifar et autres (2013) selon laquelle la spécialisation hâtive mènerait à une limitation du développement des habiletés motrices et des résultats de Fransen et autres (2012) concernant les aptitudes physiques, le premier objectif est d’identifier les indicateurs du vécu sportif du participant (tels que l’âge de début du sport, le nombre de sports pratiqués, le volume d’entrainement de chacun des sports, la durée de la pratique de chacun des sports, le volume total d’entrainement et le niveau atteint dans chacun des sports) permettant d’expliquer un meilleur niveau de certaines habiletés motrices. Le deuxième objectif est de décrire la pratique sportive des étudiants et étudiantes selon les indicateurs du vécu sportif. L’hypothèse principale est qu’un participant s’inscrivant dans la voie de la performance sportive (spécialisation hâtive ou spécialisation tardive) peut diminuer ses chances de maintenir une bonne condition physique à long terme à cause d’une limitation du développement de ses habiletés motrices. Les habiletés motrices et les aptitudes physiques de 154 étudiantes et étudiants actifs en éducation physique et à la santé et en kinésiologie ont été mesurées. Le questionnaire (annexe F) a permis de quantifier certains indicateurs du vécu sportif des participants, soit (a) l’âge de début du sport, (b) le nombre de sports pratiqués, (c) le volume d’entrainement de chacun des sports, (d) la durée de la pratique de chacun des sports, (e) le volume total d’entrainement total et (f) le niveau atteint dans chacun des sports. Une analyse sommaire du questionnaire a permis d’obtenir deux autres indicateurs, soit (g) le pourcentage du volume total occupé par chacun des sports et (h) l’index des sports pratiqués (basé sur le nombre d’habiletés motrices stimulées par le sport et le nombre de sports). Le dernier indicateur, (i) les aptitudes physiques, a été calculé durant les tests physiques. Une analyse de régression multiple a été utilisée afin d’identifier parmi ces variables indépendantes le plus petit nombre d’entre elles qui explique le mieux la variabilité de la maitrise des habiletés motrices. Concernant le premier objectif, les résultats révèlent que les aptitudes physiques et l’index des sports pratiqués seraient les variables expliquant le mieux la variabilité des habiletés motrices d’un participant. Ces résultats montrent qu’il est préférable d’être génétiquement avantagé en termes d’aptitudes physiques afin d’avoir de bonnes habiletés motrices. Mais au-delà de la génétique, il demeure essentiel de solliciter les aptitudes physiques afin de les développer à leur plein potentiel (par exemple : un coureur peut avoir une excellente aptitude physique d’endurance cardiovasculaire, mais il ne pourra pas gagner de course s’il ne la sollicite pas à l’entrainement). De plus, afin de développer ses habiletés motrices, le participant devrait s’inscrire dans un parcours sportif qui lui permet de stimuler un grand nombre d’habiletés motrices, ce qui veut dire qu’au-delà du nombre de sports qu’il aura pratiqués, c’est le nombre d’habiletés motrices qu’il aura stimulées durant son vécu sportif qui lui permettra de développer ses habiletés motrices. Nos résultats viennent ainsi nuancer le postulat que la spécialisation hâtive peut mener à une limitation du développement des habiletés motrices (Mostafavifar et al., 2013) puisqu’un athlète s’étant spécialisé hâtivement dans un sport qui stimule plusieurs habiletés motrices devrait posséder un meilleur bagage d’habiletés motrices que celui ayant pratiqué plusieurs sports qui, au bout du compte, auront stimulé peu d’habiletés motrices (demi-fond, sprint, aviron, haies, bobsleigh, etc.). En ce qui a trait à l’hypothèse principale, nos résultats nous permettent d’avancer qu’un athlète s’inscrivant dans une voie de la performance sportive devrait être en mesure de maintenir une bonne condition physique à long terme si son vécu sportif a stimulé plusieurs habiletés motrices.


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The origin of divergent logarithmic contributions to gauge theory cross sections arising from soft and collinear radiation is explored and a general prescription for tackling next-to-soft logarithms is presented. The NNLO Abelian-like contributions to the Drell-Yan K-factor are reproduced using this generalised prescription. The soft limit of gravity is explored where the interplay between the eikonal phase and Reggeization of the graviton is explained using Wilson line techniques. The Wilson line technique is then implemented to treat the set of next-to-soft contributions arising from dressing external partons with a next-to-soft Wilson line.