993 resultados para West of São Paulo


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This study aimed to perform the analysis and characterization of environmental sensitivity to oil from Baixada Santista in the State of São Paulo. The work was done by integrating data of physical environmet, socio-economic activities and the biological / ecological provided by the Research Group on Environmental Sensitivity to Oil Spill in the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences of UNESP “Julio de Mesquita Filho” wich works in the conjunction with the Program of Human Resources Training in Geosciences and Environmental Sciences Applied to the Oil and Gas (PRH-05) of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP). Were also performed descriptive statistical analysis, based on dispersion and trend parameters, which allowed to answer questions related to environmental sensitivity index (ISL) prevalence, the predominance of the ISL by environment and the predominance of the environments of the area, thus providing an overview of Baixada Santista’s main towns about sensitivity to oil. Analyses performed in this study may also help mitigate the environmental and socioeconomic impacts and contribute to contingency plans development for Baixada Santista


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Faced with the global discussion about the development of new alternative energy sources, this work tries to contribute to the understanding of the introduction of biodiesel in the energy market, identifying the barriers in the social logic, economic and productive in different spaces, rural and urban. Based on the guidelines of the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program (PNPB), it intended to accompany the implementation of public policies in relation to family farmers settled in the Pontal, located in the western region of São Paulo. In parallel, we will analyze the organizational structure and logistics of the production of biodiesel in the city, although it does not dependent on agricultural production and it is not a target of public policies, it takes advantage of the demand created by PNPB when it comes to increasing the amount of biodiesel blended with mineral origin diesel. The activity examined in the urban space is the collection of used frying oil held by Ecosanta Biofuels, a company located in the town of Maua, São Paulo metropolitan region. The monograph aims to broaden our understanding despite the urban-rural issue regarding the obstacles and opportunities in expanding renewable energy


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The Atlantic forest has a large number of endemic species due to the varieties of environments, altitudes, and climates found along its distribution. The species Brachycephalus ephippium is an example of endemic anuran from this forest formation, occurring in the states of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, between 750 and 1200 m altitude. This species is abundant in the Serra do Japi, an Atlantic Forest remnant, which houses high biodiversity, located in Jundiaí city, between three big urban centers in the state of São Paulo. This remnant, which has altitude ranging between 700 and 1300 meters, is threatened by global climate changes and, spite of legally protected, by intense pressure of urbanization. The aim of the present study was to verify the association between of environmental variables with the abundance and distribution of B. ephippium in the Serra do Japi. The air relative humidity showed a positive correlation with the presence of B. ephippium individuals and the best model to explain the abundance involved air relative temperature and litter temperature. These results allowed the investigation of the environment use by this species and can be used to provide conservationist actions


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The yeast Cryptococcus neoformans is the etiologic agent of cryptococcosis, an infectious cosmopolitan disease that affects humans. Although rare, this disease is potentially fatal, especially for immunocompromised hosts. This pathogen is frequently isolated from excrements of pigeons and parrots, with many environmental sources such as birds, pigeon droppings, eucalyptus leaves, decaying trees, towers, churches and places of storage of grain (the port area). The isolation of this microorganism has been obtained also from the aquatic environment. The identification of environmental sources is needed to protect human health, especially susceptible populations such as immunocompromised. Therefore, this study investigated the presence of Cryptococcus neoformans in yeast isolates obtained from samples of sea water and sand from three regions of São Paulo: São Sebastião Channel, Santos and Ubatuba. Isolates were analyzed according to micro-and macroscopic characteristics and biochemical tests: microculture, urease, ink nankin, auxanograma, zymogram and phenol. We analyzed 199 isolates, 175 of which had features suggestive for Cryptococcus spp. in microculture. All these 175 isolates were sown in the Christensen urea middle to verify the production of urease and submitted to the technique nankin ink to visualize the capsule. Of these, only 24 were selected for the next test that was the auxanograma (assimilation of carbohydrate and nitrogen). Of the 24, 10 were tested in zymograms (fermented sugar), from which 5 were selected for the phenoloxidase test in medium containing dopamine. None of the 5 isolates tested had black or brown color characteristic of Cryptococcus neoformans. According to these tests, we arrived at 5 isolates identified to the genus Cryptococcus, but not the neoformans specie


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In recent years the development based on a pattern of production and consumption in large-scale, established relations with degrading the environment, jeopardizing the availability of natural resources. From then on, it became necessary to integrate the environmental dimension to the other planning issues, appearing then the Environmental Planning. The objective of the Environmental Planning generally defined by society, aims help in making decisions; subsidized by a diagnosis at the same time identify and define objectives more environmentally suitable to assist in developing public policy. Thus, the development of prospective scenarios together by experts and stakeholders assists in public policy development and decision-making. In 2007, seeking to structure environmental management in the State, the Department of the Environment of São Paulo has created 21 Strategic Environmental Projects, including the project Cenários Ambientais 2020 with the goal of developing public policy proposals for medium and long term from prospective environmental scenarios. This paper reviews the methodologies used in constructing the scenarios in this project; sought to evaluate the construction process according to what is proposed by Alcamo and Henrichs (2008); and investigated the context that encouraged the development of the project


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This paper deals with the training of art educators, focusing on the courses offered at public universities in the state of São Paulo, where, specifically the pedagogical approach of training curricula of grades offered at UNESP, campus of São Paulo and Bauru. In the current situation have been proposed, from training in undergraduate courses, new tasks and responsibilities to work teaching the teacher in order to develop this educational increasingly effective so as to ensure efficient productivity autonomous learner in the process cognitive development in basic education, the teacher being assigned the task of stimulating that process and manage situations of educational work as a way of systematizing knowledge. The research consisted of questioning whether that teacher training allowed contact with the educational resources necessary for teaching, under current conditions assigned by the neoliberal conjuncture educational work of art educator with a view to the formation of aesthetic sensibility of the students from the class working, privileged pupils of public schools, to contribute to establishing the apprehension about the pedagogical training of art educators to confront the reality school, considering the specificity of action of these teachers. Therefore we conducted a desk study of existing legislation and the National Curriculum Guidelines that guide teacher training, correlating them to Pedagogical Policy Projects and curricula of undergraduate courses in Arts Education and / or Visual Arts courses UNESP. The work of desk research, quantitative and analytical, refers strictly pedagogical part, amid restructuring curriculum established by the undergraduate courses in the periods 2003 to 2011, with the promulgation of the CNE/ CP nº. 9 / 2001 and the Resolution CNE/CP n.º 1/2002 and n.º 2/2002... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This study aims to examine rural development in the State of São Paulo, comparing the administrative regions of Campinas, Registro, and São Jose dos Campos. In addition, it will be studied new concepts and new actors in rural Brazil together with actions and changes in the European Union regarding the rural development, as well as structural and social changes of the old dichotomy CITY – COUNTRYSIDE


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This paper proposes an analysis of two major polluting elements of the atmosphere of São Paulo city, carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). This study was performed through analysis of data on the quality of air, by means of published reports and records obtained by experiment using measuring rate monitor for CO2. Atmospheric data were collected and sorted. From this work it was possible to identify the concentration of carbon dioxide in the center of São Paulo on September 14, 2012 using the infrared gas analyzer (IRGA). From the ratios of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide spatially analyzed could identify major emitters by comparing records of pollutants and their origin. The analysis makes it possible to map the intensity of air pollution in urban areas, identifying the polluting elements, their issuers and thereby contributes to the current understanding of atmospheric features, bringing a geographical spatial analysis of air pollutants in São Paulo, contributing to awareness of vulnerabilities, enabling a useful tool for planning and maintenance of the urban environment related public policies


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The assumptions of Marxist philosophy helps us understand the inherent contradictions of the historical process. The category mode of production is understood as the means and the ends for which mankind produces and reproduces reality objectively and subjectively. The temporal evolution of the mode of production has spurred antagonistic social classes, which are the world capitalist bourgeoisie and proletariat. At the rise of the current mode of production each class produced a pedagogy according to your interests. The proposal of the workers is centered on unity between teaching and non-alienated labor, enabling the development of human potential and building a new social order. The last historical period was marked by the implementation of the neoliberal agenda to reduce social spending and market liberalization. The educational reforms of the state of São Paulo followed the same goals. From the program São Paulo Faz Escola, São Paulo School Curriculum was introduced in the State of São Paulo, which integrates several documents. The Student Notebook, separated by discipline and delivered bimonthly to students of public schools, is one of those publications. Specifically, the physics notebook brings a content with no depth, where theories are presented by minimizing the mathematical formalism for a broad education that meets the needs for dynamize the economy


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The city of São Paulo has, since the beginning of the expansion of its urban sprawl, represented relations of conflicts and contradictions between society and nature. Once the way society relates to nature is defined by how the social agents themselves correlate in certain social and historical contexts, the ways of interaction between the social and natural elements will be different according to the forms of production and appropriation of the urban space. Even more evident is the case of the great national metropolis, given its demographic dimensions and historical conditions, the process of urban expansion follows a logic where spaces of better quality for housing are occupied by those of better financial conditions. Thus, although there are exceptions, the poorest people live in places less desirable, in less resilient environments of lower environmental quality, relating to nature and its phenomena with greater risks. These risks are reflected here as recurring flooding, mudslides and landslides for which the rain is constantly blamed. So we have a situation where it is clear that a weather phenomenon differently interacts with different social groups. In this context, the study was conducted to compare extreme events occurred in two regions of São Paulo: the Freguesia do O, in the north side, and M'Boi Mirim, in the south side. Both are regions with large number of risk areas and are in the same urban climate unit. However, they present different conditions of social vulnerability. With the investigation of each extreme rain event occurred in the two regions, in the period of 2000-2010, supplemented by field research, we tried to observe how far the rain, with his intensity and volume, can, in fact, be related to the accidents.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Based on investment strategies, the history of the BNDES and the economic policy current between the years 2006 and 2010, this paper presents an analysis of the support given by the Bank in the state of São Paulo, trying to see how these influenced the territorial structure and development of this state in the period


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper proposes a comparative analysis of cultural critical, articles and reports related to the 28th International Biennial of Art of São Paulo published in the newspapers O Estado de S. Paulo and Jornal Semanal da 28ª Bienal de São Paulo, from October to December 2008. Specific aims of analysis are how an institution devoted, like Biennial, creates mechanisms to defend their choices and hegemonic position within the arts field and also to examine how this dedication can be demystified by critics from diffusion field not linked to the institution. For the study will be used the concepts of field, hierarchy of legitimacy and position of an agent developed by Pierre Bourdieu, as well as historical notions of Cultural Journalism and journalistic criticism