993 resultados para West (U.S.)


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This is the report from the Lune, Wyre and Furness Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 10th April 1980. The report contains the minutes of previous meetings, information regarding rod and line licence duties, the pipeline project by British Gas Corporation, fisheries byelaws, a survey of goosanders and mergansers and information on Pedder Pots reservoir. It also includes the report by the area fisheries officer which looks at river conditions and fishing, an update on Middleton Hatchery and the cage rearing of smolts for the River Leven. It also covers stockings carried out by Angling Associations, U.D.N. fish disease and monthly salmon and sea trout catches for the 1979 season. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the West Cumbria Special Fisheries Advisory Group meeting, which was held on the 25th June, 1982. The report contains sections on the Application by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) for a temporary licence to abstract additional quantities from Wastwater, and River Derwent Abstraction (Prescribed Flows). The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the West Cumbria Special Fisheries Advisory Group meeting, which was held on the 28th July, 1982. The report contains sections on minutes of the meeting held on the 25th June, 1982, Application by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) for a temporary licence to abstract additional quantities from Wastwater, and River Derwent Abstraction (Prescribed Flows) and fisheries implications. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the West Cumbria Special Fisheries Advisory Group meeting, which was held on the 9th March, 1983. The report contains sections on Fish Passes at Yearl Weir River Derwent, Ennerdale, and Ehen; River Calder abstraction and augmentation from boreholes; and the augmentation of River Ehen by minewater to support increased abstraction by BNFL. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the West Cumbria Special Fisheries Advisory Group meeting, which was held on the 16th May, 1986. The report contains sections on a Fish Pass at Ennerdale, Authority proposals for discharge of compensation water from Ennerdale and a diagram of fish pass at Ennerdale. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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O Orógeno Ribeira representa um cinturão de dobramentos e empurrões, gerado no Neoproterozóico/Cambriano, durante a Orogênese Brasiliana, na borda sul/sudeste do Cráton do São Francisco e compreende quatro terrenos tectono-estratigráficos: 1) o Terreno Ocidental, interpretado como resultado do retrabalhamento do paleocontinente São Francisco, é constituído de duas escamas de empurrão de escala crustal (Domínios Andrelândia e Juiz de Fora); 2) o Terreno Oriental representa uma outra microplaca e abriga o Arco Magmático Rio Negro; 3) o Terreno Paraíba do Sul, que constitui-se na escama superior deste segmento da faixa; e 4) o Terreno Cabo Frio, cuja docagem foi tardia, ocupa pequena área no litoral norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Em todos os diferentes compartimentos do segmento central da Faixa Ribeira podem ser identificadas três unidades tectono-estratigráficas: 1) unidades pré-1,8 Ga. (ortognaisses e ortogranulitos do embasamento); 2) rochas metassedimentares pós-1,8 Ga; e 3) granitóides/charnockitóides brasilianos. O Complexo Mantiqueira é composto por ortognaisses migmatíticos, tonalíticos a graníticos, e anfibolitos associados, constitui o embasamento pré-1,8 Ga das rochas da Megasseqüência Andrelândia no domínio homônimo do Terreno Ocidental. Foram integrados 68 dados litogeoquímicos dentre ortognaisses e metabasitos do Complexo Mantiqueira. As rochas dessa unidade pertencem a duas séries distintas: série calcioalcalina (rochas intermediárias a ácidas); e série transicional (rochas básicas, ora de afinidade toleítica, ora alcalina). Com base em critérios petrológicos, análise quantitativa e em valores [La/Yb]N, verificou-se que o Complexo Mantiqueira é bastante heterogêneo, incluindo diversos grupos petrogeneticamente distintos. Dentre as rochas da série transicional, foram identificados 2 conjuntos: 1) rochas basálticas toleiíticas, com [La/Yb]N entre 2,13 e 4,72 (fontes do tipo E-MORB e/ou intraplaca);e 2) rochas basálticas de afinidade alcalina, com [La/Yb]N entre 11,79 e 22,78. As rochas da série calciolacalina foram agrupadas em cinco diferentes conjuntos: 1) ortognaisses migmatíticos quartzo dioríticos a tonalíticos, com [La/Yb]N entre 11,37 e 38,26; 2) ortognaisses bandados de composição quarzto diorítica a granodiorítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 4,35 e 9,28; 3) ortognaisses homogênos de composição tonalítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 16,57 e 38,59; 4) leucognaisses brancos de composição tonalítica/trondhjemítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 46,69 e 65,06; e 5) ortognaisse róseo porfiroclástico de composição tonalítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 82,70 e 171,36. As análises geocronológicas U-Pb SHRIMP foram realizadas no Research School of Earth Science (ANU/Canberra/Austrália). Foram obtidas idades paleoproterozóicas para as rochas das duas séries identificadas, interpretadas como a idade de cristalização dos protólitos magmáticos desses gnaisses e metabasitos. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma variação de idades de cristalização de 2139 35 a 2143,4 9,4, para as rochas da série transicional, e de 2126,4 8 a 2204,5 6,7, para aquelas da série calcioalcalina. Dentre todas as amostras estudadas, apenas a amostra JF-CM-516IV forneceu dados discordantes de idades arqueanas (292916 Ma), interpretados como dados de herança. Contudo, evidências dessa herança semelhantes a esta são observadas em outras amostras. Ambas as séries também apresentaram idades de metamorfismo neoproterozóico, no intervalo de 548 17 Ma a 590,5 7,7 Ma que é consistente com o metamorfismo M1 (entre 550 e 590 Ma), contemporâneo à colisão entre os Terrenos Ocidental e Oriental do setor central da Faixa Ribeira (Heilbron, 1993 e Heilbron et al., 1995).


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Os granitoides do Domínio Cambuci, na região limítrofe entre os estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, foram separados em quatro principais grupos: (1) Complexo Serra da Bolívia (CSB) - Ortogranulitos e Ortognaisses Heterogêneos; Ortognaisse Cinza Foliado; e charnockitos da Região de Monte Verde (2) Leucogranitos/leucocharnockitos gnaissificados da Suíte São João do Paraíso (SSJP) (3) Granito Cinza Foliado (4) Leucogranito isotrópico. O CSB é caracterizado pelo magmatismo de caráter calcioalcalino do tipo I, oriundo em ambiente de arco vulcânico (Suíte Monte Verde) e retrabalhamento crustal (ortogranulitos leucocráticos). O Ortogranulito esverdeado fino, é considerado no presente estudo como rocha do embasamento para o Terreno Oriental, cristalizada durante o paleoproterozoico - Riaciano (2184,3 21 Ma) e recristalizada durante o evento metamórfico Brasiliano no neoproterozoico - Edicariano (607,2 1,5 Ma), cuja idade TDM é de 2936 Ma. O Ortogranulito leucocrático médio cristalizou-se no neoproterozoico Edicariano (entre 592 e 609 Ma) e idade TDM ca. 2100 Ma, ao qual apresenta registro de herança no paleoproterozoico. A Suíte Monte Verde caracteriza-se por um magmatismo calcioalcalino e a Suíte Córrego Fortaleza, por um magmatismo calcioalcalino de alto K, ambas com assinatura de arco magmático. Registram dois pulsos magmáticos, em no Neoproterozoico - Edicarano: um em 592 2 Ma, idade do charnoenderbito, com idade TDM 1797 Ma, e outro em 571,2 1,8 Ma (injeção de um charnockitoide). Para todas as rochas do CSB são registradas feições protomiloníticas, miloníticas e localmente ultramiloníticas. Os dados geoquímicos indicam que os granitoides da SSJP são da série calcioalcalina de alto K, gerados no Neoproterozoico (idades que variam desde 610,3 4,7 Ma até, 592,2 1,3 Ma. As idades TDM revelam valores discrepantes para duas amostras: 1918 Ma e 2415 Ma, sugerindo que tenham sido geradas de diferentes fontes. O Granito Cinza Foliado é da Série Shoshonítica, metaluminoso do tipo I e, de ambiência tectônica de granitos intraplaca. Entretanto, poderiam ter sido fomados em ambiente de arco cordilheirano, havendo contaminação de outras fontes crustais. Fato este pode ser confirmado pelas as idades TDM calculadas ≈ 1429 1446 Ma. O Leucogranito isotrópico ocorre em forma de diques de direção NW, possui textura maciça e é inequigranular. Dados geoquímicos revelam que são granitoides metaluminosos do tipo I da série shoshonítica, e, de acordo com a ambiência tectônica, são granitos intraplaca. O Leucogranito Isotrópico representa o magmatismo pós-colisional ao qual ocorreu entre 80 a 90 Ma de anos após o término do evento colisional na região central da Faixa Ribeira. O Leucogranito Issotrópico cristalizou-se no cambriano (512,3 3,3 Ma e 508,6 2,2 Ma) e com idades TDM ca. 1900


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This is the Acid waters in North West England: The effect of liming agricultural land on the chemistry and biology of the River Esk, North West England report produced by National Rivers Authority in 1992. This report focuses on the study of Acid Waters in the North West Region of England, UK, which began in 1982 and sampling was completed in October 1990. This work was initiated because of the observation of the simultaneous mortality of adult and juvenile salmon and sea-trout in both the River Esk and adjacent River Duddon in June 1980. Investigations at that time indicated that an "acid episode" was the most likely cause of this mortality. A land use study indicated that a reduction in agricultural liming may have been a major factor in the development of acid episodes and consequent fish kills in the River Esk and River Duddon. However there was no evidence that the mortalities of salmonids in the early 1980's were due to a reduction in agricultural liming. They were due to some other phenomenon such as a period of intense acid deposition.


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This is the Water Resources in West Cumbria November 1976 report produced by the North West Water Authority. The report focuses on the provision of additional supplies of water in West Cumbria. In certain areas of West Cumbria difficulties arose in meeting peak demands. Moreover British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. (B.N.F.L) required additional water supplies. The area under consideration forms the western edge of the Lake District National Park and all the sources considered in this report, apart from the aquifer in the immediate vicinity of Calder Hall, lie wholly or partly within the National Park boundaries. The Rivers Ehen, Calder and Irt support migratory trout and salmon and are angling streams of a high quality. Amenity considerations therefore play an important part in determining the location and extent of any development.


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This is the report on the Fisheries Aspects of North West Water Authority Schemes to Increase Water Abstraction in West Cumbria by the Egremont and District Anglers’ Association. Existing river pollution and water abstraction in the Ennerdale Lake-River Ehen system is shown to have caused a major deterioration in the conditions in the Ehen fishery. This is reflected by the fact that catches of salmon, sea trout and smelts on the Ehen have all fallen to roughly 6% of the 1965 level; wich is far worse than the deterioration shown in salmon catches for S. W. Cumberland as a whole. Recommendations are made, in the light of proposals by North West Water Authority to increase water abstraction in West Cumbria, to prevent further deterioration in the Ehen fishery in the short term and to improve the situation in the longer term. It contains sections on pollution, water abstraction and fisheries background, flow statistics for and discussion of high water-droughts on the River Ehen, effects of droughts on Tidal Water and a discussion of N.W.W.A. Paper entitled `Water Resources in West Cumbria’ in the light of conditions on the River Ehen.


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This is the assessment of the flow requirements for upstream migration of salmonids in some rivers of North West England produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report focuses on the automatic fish counters operating on the resistivity principle used for several years in North West England. This report aims to investigate the flow requirements for upstream migration of salmon and migratory trout. The data obtained confirmed that during summer months most fish movement occurs in the higher range of the available flows, but the migration flow range varied from year to year, depending on prevailing river levels. Of the other environmental variables measured, only water temperature and incident light intensity appear to have any direct association with fish movement. Information on migration flow ranges were used in conjunction with computer simulations of the effects of abstraction proposals on historical flows to assess the implications of these proposals for migratory fish.


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This is a comparative survey of the Fish Populations of 10 West-Midlands Mere of Site of Special Scientific Interest Status. The meres of the Shropshire-Cheshire plain (West Midlands) comprise over 60 water bodies. Water quality in the meres ranges from naturally eutrophic to nutrient limited and some of them have received Site of Special Scientific Interest status (SSSIs). This survey was commissioned in order to obtain quantitative information on the fish fauna of selected SSSIs and evaluate the likely impact of fish on other species within the community. The current survey was concerned with 10 of the West Midlands’ meres, a cross section of sites was selected. Sites were widely distributed from Marton Pool in the south-western part of Shropshire to Tabley moat in Chesire. Meres varied in size, depth and nutrient status. All were to be sampled using the methods outlined. The report is divided into different sections for clarity and ease of reference. The materials and methods section provides an outline of the location and status of each mere and information on known fish species present. The results were considered individually and comparatively, relative abundance of fish, species present, their diet, sex, age, parasite burdens and growth. Inter-site comparisons were made using information derived from echo-soundings, growth rate, diet, and species abundance for each site. The final section will be in the form of a general discussion, comparative information from longer term studies, conclusions and recommendations.


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This is the report on Habitats Directive, the Review of Consents Stage 1 and 2 by the Environment Agency of the South Pennine Moors cSAC/SPA. The Habitats Directive has the main aim to promote the maintenance of biodiversity by defining a common framework for the conservation of wild plants and animals and habitats of community interest. The Directive establishes a European ecological network known as "Natura 2000". The network comprises Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA). In the section on Stage 1 or Screening Process of the Habitat Directive, it is identified the likely impacts upon the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of a project, plan or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, and considers whether these impacts are likely to be significant. In the section on Stage 2 or Appropiate Assessment of the Habitat Directive, it is considered the impact on the integrity of the Rixton Clay Pits cSAC of the projects, plans or activities, either alone or in combination with other projects, plans or activities, with respect to the site’s structure and function and its conservation objectives. Additionally, where these are adverse impacts, an assessment of the potential mitigation of those impacts. The criteria used in this report to identify relevant projects, plans or activities and their impacts are water quality discharge consents, waste management licences, abstraction licences, Integration Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) permits. Proformas, hydrogeological and GIS maps are included in the review.