982 resultados para Wasp pollination
Adaptations to new pollinators involve multiple floral traits, each requiring coordinated changes in multiple genes. Despite this genetic complexity, shifts in pollination syndromes have happened frequently during angiosperm evolution. Here we study the genetic basis of floral UV absorbance, a key trait for attracting nocturnal pollinators. In Petunia, mutations in a single gene, MYB-FL, explain two transitions in UV absorbance. A gain of UV absorbance in the transition from bee to moth pollination was determined by a cis-regulatory mutation, whereas a frameshift mutation caused subsequent loss of UV absorbance during the transition from moth to hummingbird pollination. The functional differences in MYB-FL provide insight into the process of speciation and clarify phylogenetic relationships between nascent species.
El proceso de fructificación y desarrollo en tomate puede ser inducido naturalmente por polinización o partenocarpia y artificialmente por aplicación de reguladores; esta respuesta es variable según tipo y dosis de hormona, momento de aplicación y cultivar involucrado. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la capacidad de auxinas y giberelinas para inducir el desarrollo partenocárpico en genotipos de crecimiento indeterminado. Como factores se consideraron tipo de regulador -AG3 y β-NOA- en dosis fija, momento de aplicación -0, 5, 12, 19, 26 dpa- y genotipo -Rutgers, Fortaleza F1 y Colt 45-. Las mejores respuestas a nivel de porcentaje de fructificación y peso fresco se obtuvieron con β-NOA en comparación con AG3. Considerando todos los factores analizados, solamente la aplicación de β-NOA a 5 dpa permitió alcanzar porcentajes de fructificación y tamaño final de frutos similares a los obtenidos por autopolinización. El período de sensibilidad y el tamaño final de los frutos presentaron interacción con las variables genotipo, momento de aplicación y tipo de regulador. Se observó además que AG3 provocó un escaso desarrollo placentario y ausencia de óvulos mientras que β-NOA indujo un desarrollo de placentas y óvulos similar al de los frutos obtenidos por autopolinización.
La antesis de una flor es un estadio crucial para el destino del ovario ya que estímulos endógenos -polinización o nivel hormonal elevado- o exógenos -aplicación hormonal- inducen el proceso de fructificación. En ausencia de estos estímulos el ovario deja de crecer e inicia un proceso de senescencia. Previamente se ha observado que, en ovarios no polinizados, la senescencia va acompañada por un incremento en la actividad/expresión de ciertas tiol-proteasas, parámetros que disminuyen durante la etapa temprana del desarrollo de frutos. El objetivo fue analizar la localización de proteasas y los cambios anatómicos asociados a los procesos de fructificación o senescencia que se producen durante la etapa temprana del desarrollo de los frutos de tomate obtenidos por polinización natural o por tratamiento con AG3. Durante el período en que los ovarios no polinizados mantienen su sensibilidad a la aplicación hormonal, se observó una acumulación de polipéptidos relacionados antigénicamente con la tiol-proteasa papaína, principalmente en la epidermis del pericarpio, sin evidenciarse alteraciones en la integridad de los tejidos. Frutos de 8 días de desarrollo obtenidos con AG3, en comparación con los polinizados, evidenciaron un incremento en el espesor del pericarpio relacionado principalmente con una mayor elongación de las células del mesocarpio.
Piezodorus guildinii Westwood and Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) are important soybean pests. P. guildinii causes more injury and is less susceptible to insecticides compared to N. viridula. N. viridula egg parasitoids are well studied; however, little is known about parasitoids of P. guildinii. Alfalfa, soybean and red clover were sampled during several seasons to characterize the abundance of both stink bugs, to determine their egg parasitoids, and to estimate parasitoids impact. In the field, Telenomus podisi (Ashmead),Trissolcus urichi (Crawford) and Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) emerged from P. guildinii, while only T. basalis (Wollaston) (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae) emerged from N. viridula. The proportions of parasitized eggs (i. e., the parasitoid impact) and egg masses, as well as the number of parasitized eggs/total number of eggs of the parasitized egg masses, were similar for alfalfa and soybean. Parasitism was not observed in red pclover. Parasitoid impact was lower during the dry growing seasons. Although P. guildinii field parasitism by T. urichi was less significant, laboratory experiments from the bibliography indicate that this wasp species performs well on this host. Trissolcus urichi would be an important biological control agent against P. guildinii, principally when the stink bug is more abundant.
Assessing wind conditions on complex terrain has become a hard task as terrain complexity increases. That is why there is a need to extrapolate in a reliable manner some wind parameters that determine wind farms viability such as annual average wind speed at all hub heights as well as turbulence intensities. The development of these tasks began in the early 90´s with the widely used linear model WAsP and WAsP Engineering especially designed for simple terrain with remarkable results on them but not so good on complex orographies. Simultaneously non-linearized Navier Stokes solvers have been rapidly developed in the last decade through CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) codes allowing simulating atmospheric boundary layer flows over steep complex terrain more accurately reducing uncertainties. This paper describes the features of these models by validating them through meteorological masts installed in a highly complex terrain. The study compares the results of the mentioned models in terms of wind speed and turbulence intensity.
In this paper, we present our research into self-organizing building algorithms. This idea of self-organization of animal/plants behaviour interests researchers to explore the mechanisms required for this emergent phenomena and try to apply them in other domains. We were able to implement a typical construction algorithm in a 3D simulation environment and reproduce the results of previous research in the area. LSystems, morphogenetic programming and wasp nest building are explained in order to understand self-organizing models. We proposed Grammatical swarm as a good tool to optimize building structures.
La gestión de hábitat orientada a la conservación de polinizadores en los agro-ecosistemas requiere una selección de especies vegetales atendiendo fundamentalmente a dos criterios: i) el potencial atractivo de sus flores a los polinizadores; y ii) la simplicidad en su manejo agronómico. Además de estas premisas, es necesario considerar la capacidad invasora de estas especies vegetales, debido a que algunas de las más atractivas pueden resultar invasoras en determinados agro-ecosistemas. Por lo tanto, es preciso determinar qué especies vegetales son las más indicadas para ser implementadas en cada agro-ecosistema. En la presente tesis doctoral se plantea la búsqueda de las especies vegetales adecuadas para atraer polinizadores en los agro-ecosistemas del centro de España. En una primera aproximación, se ha evaluado la atracción y expansión espacial (potencial invasivo) de seis plantas perennes de la familia Lamiaceae (aromáticas), elegidas por ser nativas de la región mediterránea. La elección de las especies vegetales se ha llevado a cabo con el fin de crear márgenes funcionales basados en la mezcla de especies vegetales con distintos periodos de floración, de modo que prolonguen la disponibilidad de recursos florales en el tiempo. Tras un primer año dedicado al establecimiento de las especies aromáticas, en los dos años siguientes se ha estudiado la atracción individual y combinada de las especies vegetales sobre los polinizadores, y como ésta se ve afectada por la densidad y la morfología floral, utilizando para ello un diseño experimental en bloques al azar. Los resultados de este estudio han puesto de manifiesto que la morfología floral no tuvo influencia sobre la atracción de las especies vegetales, pero si la densidad floral, puesto que las especies vegetales con mayor densidad de flores (Nepeta tuberosa e Hyssopus officinalis) han mostrado mayor atracción a polinizadores. Cabe destacar que de las seis especies consideradas, dos especies de verano (Melissa officinalis y Thymbra capitata) no han contribuido de forma efectiva a la atracción de la mezcla hacia los polinizadores, mostrando una reducción significativa de este parámetro respecto a las otras especies aromáticas a lo largo del verano. Se ha observado que ninguna de las especies aromáticas evaluadas ha mostrado tendencia invasora a lo largo del estudio. En base a estos resultados, se puede concluir que entre las especies aromáticas estudiadas, N. tuberosa, H. officinalis y Salvia verbenaca son las que ofrecen mayor potencial para ser utilizadas en la conservación de polinizadores. De forma similar al caso de las plantas aromáticas, se ha llevado a cabo una segunda experimentación que incluía doce plantas anuales con floración de primavera, en la que se evaluó la atracción a polinizadores y su comportamiento agronómico. Este estudio con especies herbáceas se ha prolongado durante dos años, utilizando un diseño experimental de bloques aleatorios. Las variables analizadas fueron: el atractivo de las distintas especies vegetales a los polinizadores, su eficiencia de atracción (calculada como una combinación de la duración de la floración y las visitas de insectos), su respuesta a dos tipos de manejo agronómico (cultivo en mezcla frente a monocultivo; laboreo frente a no-laboreo) y su potencial invasivo. Los resultados de esta segunda experimentación han mostrado que las flores de Borago officinalis, Echium plantagineum, Phacelia tanacetifolia y Diplotaxis tenuifolia son atractivas a las abejas, mientras que las flores de Calendula arvensis, Coriandrum sativum, D. tenuifolia y Lobularia maritima son atractivas a los sírfidos. Con independencia del tipo de polinizadores atraídos por cada especie vegetal, se ha observado una mayor eficiencia de atracción en parcelas con monocultivo de D. tenuifolia respecto a las parcelas donde se cultivó una mezcla de especies herbáceas, si bien en estas últimas se observó mayor eficiencia de atracción que en la mayoría de parcelas mono-específicas. Respecto al potencial invasivo de las especies herbáceas, a pesar de que algunas de las más atractivas a polinizadores (P. tanacetifolia and C. arvensis) mostraron tendencia a un comportamiento invasor, su capacidad de auto-reproducción se vio reducida con el laboreo. En resumen, D. tenuifolia es la única especie que presentó una alta eficiencia de atracción a distintos tipos de polinizadores, conjuntamente con una alta capacidad de auto-reproducción pero sin mostrar carácter invasor. Comparando el atractivo de las especies vegetales utilizadas en este estudio sobre los polinizadores, D. tenuifolia es la especie más recomendable para su cultivo orientado a la atracción de polinizadores en agro-ecosistemas en el centro de España. Esta especie herbácea, conocida como rúcula, tiene la ventaja añadida de ser una especie comercializada para el consumo humano. Además de su atractivo a polinizadores, deben considerarse otros aspectos relacionados con la fisiología y el comportamiento de esta especie vegetal en los agro-ecosistemas antes de recomendar su cultivo. Dado que el cultivo en un campo agrícola de una nueva especie vegetal implica unos costes de producción, por ejemplo debidos a la utilización de agua de riego, es necesario evaluar el incremento en dichos costes en función de demanda hídrica específica de esa especie vegetal. Esta variable es especialmente importante en zonas dónde se presentan sequías recurrentes como es el caso del centro y sur-este de la península Ibérica. Este razonamiento ha motivado un estudio sobre los efectos del estrés hídrico por sequía y el estrés por déficit moderado y severo de riego sobre el crecimiento y floración de la especie D. tenuifolia, así como sobre la atracción a polinizadores. Los resultados muestran que tanto el crecimiento y floración de D. tenuifolia como su atracción a polinizadores no se ven afectados si la falta de riego se produce durante un máximo de 4 días. Sin embargo, si la falta de riego se extiende a lo largo de 8 días o más, se observa una reducción significativa en el crecimiento vegetativo, el número de flores abiertas, el área total y el diámetro de dichas flores, así como en el diámetro y longitud del tubo de la corola. Por otro lado, el estudio pone de manifiesto que un déficit hídrico regulado permite una gestión eficiente del agua, la cual, dependiendo del objetivo final del cultivo de D. tenuifolia (para consumo o solo para atracción de polinizadores), puede reducir su consumo entre un 40 y un 70% sin afectar al crecimiento vegetativo y desarrollo floral, y sin reducir significativamente el atractivo a los polinizadores. Finalmente, esta tesis aborda un estudio para determinar cómo afecta el manejo de hábitat a la producción de los cultivos. En concreto, se ha planteado una experimentación que incluye márgenes mono-específicos y márgenes con una mezcla de especies atractivas a polinizadores, con el fin de determinar su efecto sobre la producción del cultivo de cilantro (C. sativum). La elección del cultivo de cilantro se debe a que requiere la polinización de insectos para su reproducción (aunque, en menor medida, puede polinizarse también por el viento), además de la facilidad para estimar su producción en condiciones semi-controladas de campo. El diseño experimental consistía en la siembra de márgenes mono-específicos de D. tenuifolia y márgenes con mezcla de seis especies anuales situados junto al cultivo de cilantro. Estos cultivos con márgenes florales fueron comparados con controles sin margen floral. Además, un segundo grupo de plantas de cilantro situadas junto a todos los tratamientos, cuyas flores fueron cubiertas para evitar su polinización, sirvió como control para evaluar la influencia de los polinizadores en la producción del cultivo. Los resultados muestran que la presencia de cualquiera de los dos tipos de margen floral mejora el peso y el porcentaje de germinación de las semillas de cilantro frente al control sin margen. Si se comparan los dos tipos de margen, se ha observado un mayor número de semillas de cilantro junto al margen con mezcla de especies florales respecto al margen mono-específico, probablemente debido al mayor número visitas de polinizadores. Puesto que el experimento se realizó en condiciones de campo semi-controladas, esto sugiere que las visitas de polinizadores fueron el factor determinante en los resultados. Por otro lado, los resultados apuntan a que la presencia de un margen floral (ya sea mono-especifico o de mezcla) en cultivos de pequeña escala puede aumentar la producción de cilantro en más de un 200%, al tiempo que contribuyen a la conservación de los polinizadores. ABSTRACT Habitat management, aimed to conserve pollinators in agro-ecosystems, requires selection of the most suitable plant species in terms of their attractiveness to pollinators and simplicity of agronomic management. However, since all flowers are not equally attractive to pollinators and many plant species can be weedy or invasive in the particular habitat, it is important to test which plant species are the most appropriate to be implemented in specific agro-ecosystems. For that reason, this PhD dissertation has been focused on determination of the most appropriate aromatic and herbaceous plants for conservation of pollinators in agro-ecosystems of Central Spain. Therefore, in a first approximation, spatial expansion (i.e. potential weediness) and attractiveness to pollinators of six aromatic perennial plants from the Lamiaceae family, native and frequent in the Mediterranean region, were evaluated. Preliminary plant selection was based on designing a functional mixed margins consisting of plants attractive to pollinators and with different blooming periods, in order to extend the availability of floral resources in the field. After a year of vegetative growth, the next two years the plant species were studied in a randomized block design experiment in order to estimate their attractiveness to pollinators in Central Spain and to investigate whether floral morphology and density affect attractiveness to pollinators. The final aim of the study was to evaluate how their phenology and attractiveness to pollinators can affect the functionality of a flowering mixture of these plants. In addition, the spatial expansion, i.e. potential weediness, of the selected plant species was estimated under field conditions, as the final purpose of the studied plants is to be implemented within agro-ecosystems. The results of the experiment showed that floral morphology did not affect the attractiveness of plants to pollinators, but floral density did, as plant species with higher floral density (i.e. Nepeta tuberosa and Hyssopus officinalis) showed significantly higher attractiveness to pollinators. In addition, of six plant species, two summer species (Melissa officinalis and Thymbra capitata) did not efficiently contribute to the attractiveness of the mixture to pollinators, which reduced its attractiveness during the summer period. Finally, as none of the plants showed weedy behaviour under field conditions, the attractive plant species, i.e. N. tuberosa, H. officinalis and the early spring flowering Salvia verbenaca, showed good potential to conserve the pollinators. Similarly, in a second approximation, the attractiveness to pollinators and agronomic behaviour of twelve herbaceous plants blooming in spring were studied. This experiment was conducted over two years in a randomized block design in order to evaluate attractiveness of preselected plant species to pollinators, as well as their attractiveness efficiency (a combination of duration of flowering and insect visitation), their response to two different agronomic management practices (growing in mixed vs. mono-specific plots; tillage vs. no-tillage), and their potential weediness. The results of this experiment showed that the flowers of Borago officinalis, Echium plantagineum, Phacelia tanacetifolia and Diplotaxis tenuifolia were attractive to bees, while Calendula arvensis, Coriandrum sativum, D. tenuifolia and Lobularia maritima were attractive to hoverflies. In addition, floral mixture resulted in lower attractiveness efficiency to pollinators than mono-specific D. tenuifolia, but higher than most of the mono-specific stands. On the other hand, although some of the most attractive plant species (e.g. P. tanacetifolia and C. arvensis) showed potential weediness, their self-seeding was reduced by tillage. After comparing attractiveness efficiency of various herbaceous species to pollinators and their potential weediness, the results indicated that D. tenuifolia showed the highest attractiveness efficiency to pollinators and efficient self-reproduction, making it highly recommended to attract bees and hoverflies in agro-ecosystems of Central Spain. In addition, this plant, commonly known as wild rocket, has a supplementary economic value as a commercialized crop. The implementation of a new floral margin in agro-ecosystems means increased production costs, especially in regions with frequent and long droughts (as it is Central and South-East area of Iberian Peninsula), where the principal agricultural cost is irrigation. Therefore, before recommending D. tenuifolia for sustainable habitat management within agro-ecosystems, it is necessary to study the effect of drought stress and moderate and severe deficit irrigation on its growth, flower development and attractiveness to pollinators. The results of this experiment showed that in greenhouse conditions, potted D. tenuifolia could be without irrigation for 4 days without affecting its growth, flowering and attractiveness to pollinators. However, lack of irrigation for 8 days or longer significantly reduced the vegetative growth, number of open flowers, total floral area, flower diameter, corolla tube diameter and corolla tube length of D. tenuifolia. This study showed that regulated deficit irrigation can improve water use efficiency, and depending on the purpose of growing D. tenuifolia, as a crop or as a beneficial plant to attract pollinators, it can reduce water consumption by 40% to 70% without affecting its vegetative and floral development and without reducing its attractiveness to pollinators. Finally, the following experiment was developed in order to understand how habitat management can influence on the agricultural production. For this purpose, it was evaluated if the vicinity of mixed and mono-specific field margins, preselected to conserve pollinators within agro-ecosystems, can improve seed production in coriander (C. sativum). The selection of this plant species for the experiment was based on its necessity for insect pollination for production of seeds (even though some pollen can be transmitted from one flower to another by wind) and the fact that under semi-controlled field conditions established in the field it is possible to estimate its total seed production. Since D. tenuifolia is attractive for both bees and hoverflies in Central Spain, the main objective of this experiment was to estimate the impact of two different types of field margins, i.e. mono-specific margin with D. tenuifolia and mixed margin with six herbaceous species, on the seed production of potted coriander. For that reason, it was tested: i) if open pollination (control without proximate field margin and treatments with nearby mono-specific and mixed margin) increases the seed production of coriander when compared with no-pollination (covered inflorescences of coriander) under field conditions; ii) if frequency of pollinator visitation to the flowers of coriander was higher in the presence of field margins than in the control without field margin; and iii) if seed production was higher in the presence of field margins than in control plants of coriander without field margin. The results showed that the proximity of both types of floral margins (mixed and mono-specific) improved the seed quality of coriander plants, as seed weight and germination rate were higher than in control plants without field margin. Furthermore, the number of seeds produced was significantly higher in coriander plants grown near mixed margins than near mono-specific margin, probably due to an increase in pollinator visits. Since the experiment was conducted under semi-controlled field conditions, it can be concluded that pollinator visits was the main factor that biased the results, and that presence of both mixed or mono-specific (D. tenuifolia) margins can improve the production of coriander for more than 200% in small-scale gardens and, in addition, conserve the local pollinators.
The H5 program with the complete rebuild of the guide system and the upgrade or renovation of all instruments leads to a tremendous increase of the instrument performances. The improvement was obtained both in terms of more useful flux and upgrade of the different instruments (e.g. higher field density for IN15). In addition, the industrial application instrument D50 offers an addition to the ILL instrument suite (see p. 27 in this issue). With the commissioning of the new spin echo spectrometer WASP in 2016, the H5 program will be completed and a considerable improvement for the ILL instrument park will be finalized.
Los programas de Gestión Integrada de Plagas (GIP) promueven el uso de estrategias de control que sean respetuosas con el medio ambiente, sin embargo el uso de insecticidas en los cultivos hortícolas sigue siendo necesario para el control de determinadas plagas, como es el caso de la mosca blanca Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Por ello, el objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de la integración de las tres estrategias de control más empleadas hoy en día para el control de plagas: el control biológico, el físico y el químico. Una primera parte de este trabajo ha consistido en el estudio de los efectos letales y subletales de once insecticidas, aplicados a la dosis máxima de campo, sobre los enemigos naturales Eretmocerus mundus Mercet y Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot, mediante ensayos de laboratorio y persistencia (laboratorio extendido). Para la evaluación de la toxicidad de los insecticidas sobre los estados de vida más protegidos de estos enemigos naturales, se trataron bajo la Torre de Potter las pupas de E. mundus y los huevos de A. swirskii. Además, se llevaron a cabo ensayos de contacto residual para determinar los efectos letales y subletales de estos insecticidas sobre el estado adulto de ambas especies de enemigos naturales. Para ello, los pesticidas se aplicaron sobre placas de cristal (laboratorio) o sobre plantas (laboratorio extendido: persistencia). Los resultados mostraron que los insecticidas flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, metoxifenocida, spiromesifen y spirotetramat eran compatibles con el estado de pupa de E. mundus (OILB 1: Inocuos). Sin embargo, abamectina, deltametrina y emamectina fueron categorizadas como ligeramente tóxicas (OILB 2) al causar efectos deletéreos. Los dos pesticidas más tóxicos fueron spinosad y sulfoxaflor, los cuales redujeron significativamente la emergencia de las pupas tratadas (OILB 4: Tóxicos). Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metoxifenocida y spiromesifen fueron compatibles con el estado adulto de E. mundus (OILB 1: Inocuos). Abamectina, deltametrina, emamectina, metaflumizona y spiromesifen pueden ser recomendados para su uso en programas de GIP, si se usan los plazos de seguridad apropiados, de acuerdo con la persistencia de cada uno de estos insecticidas, antes de la liberación del enemigo natural. Al contrario, spinosad y sulfoxaflor no resultaron ser compatibles (OILB D: Persistentes), aunque la realización de ensayos adicionales es necesaria para ver los efectos de los mismos en campo. Todos los insecticidas estudiados, excepto el spirotetramat (OILB 2: Ligeramente tóxico), fueron selectivos para el estado de huevo de A. swirskii (OILB 1: Inocuos). Flonicamida, flubendiamida, metaflumizona, metoxifenocida, spiromesifen, spirotetramat y sulfoxaflor, fueron compatibles con el estado adulto de A. swirskii (OILB 1: Inocuos). Abamectina, deltametrina, emamectina y spinosad pueden ser recomendados para su uso en programas de GIP, si se usan los plazos de seguridad apropiados, de acuerdo con la persistencia de cada uno de estos insecticidas, antes de la liberación del enemigo natural. Entre las nuevas estrategias de la GIP, los plásticos y mallas fotoselectivas han demostrado ser una herramienta importante para el control de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos hortícolas protegidos. Por ello, en una segunda parte de este trabajo, se estudiaron tanto los efectos directos, como la combinación de efectos directos y mediados por planta y plaga de ambientes pobres en luz UV, en presencia o ausencia del Virus del rizado amarillo del tomate (TYLCV), sobre E. mundus. En primer lugar, se realizó un ensayo al aire libre para la evaluación de la capacidad de vuelo de E. mundus en cajas tipo túnel (1 x 0,6 x 0,6 m) cubiertas con distintas barreras absorbentes de luz UV. Se detectó un efecto directo en la capacidad de orientación de E. mundus, debido a que este parasitoide utiliza estímulos visuales para localizar a sus huéspedes, únicamente en las barreras que bloqueaban más del 65% de la luz UV (malla G). En segundo lugar, bajo condiciones de invernadero, se evaluó la combinación de efectos directos y mediados por planta y plaga sobre E. mundus, usando plantas de tomate sanas o infectadas con el TYLCV y cajas (30 x 30 x 60 cm) cubiertas con los distintos plásticos fotoselectivos. En este caso, no se observó ningún efecto en la capacidad benéfica del parasitoide cuando este estaba en contacto con plantas de tomate infestadas con ninfas de B. tabaci, lo que demuestra que este insecto usa estímulos táctiles para encontrar a sus huéspedes a cortas distancias. Además, las diferentes condiciones de radiación UV estudiadas tuvieron cierto impacto en la morfología, fisiología y bioquímica de las plantas de tomate, infestadas o no con el virus de la cuchara, detectándose pequeñas alteraciones en alguno de los parámetros estudiados, como el peso fresco y seco, el contenido en H y el espesor de las cutículas y de las paredes celulares de la epidermis foliar. Por último, no se observaron efectos de la radiación UV mediados por planta, ni en B. tabaci ni en su parasitoide, E. mundus. En una tercera parte, se evaluaron los efectos de una malla tratada con bifentrin sobre ambos enemigos naturales, en ensayos de laboratorio, semicampo y campo. Las mallas tratadas fueron diseñadas originariamente para el control de mosquitos vectores de la malaria, y actualmente se está trabajando para su uso en agricultura, como una nueva estrategia de control de plagas. En ensayos de laboratorio, cuando adultos de E. mundus y A. swirskii se expusieron por contacto durante 72 horas con la malla tratada (cajas de 6 cm diámetro), se registró una alta mortalidad. Sin embargo, en el ensayo de preferencia, estos enemigos naturales no fueron capaces de detectar la presencia de bifentrin y, en aquellos individuos forzados a atravesar la malla tratada, no se observó mortalidad a corto plazo (72 horas). En estudios de semicampo, llevados a cabo bajo condiciones de invernadero en cajas de 25 x 25 x 60 cm de altura, la capacidad benéfica de E. mundus no se vio afectada. Finalmente, en ensayos de campo llevados a cabo en invernaderos comerciales (4000m2) en Almería, A. swirskii no se vio afectado por la presencia en el cultivo de la malla tratada con bifentrin y los niveles de infestación de B. tabaci y F. occidentalis detectados bajo dicha malla, fueron inferiores a los del control. Por último, se ha evaluado la composición de la microflora bacteriana de tres especies de parasitoides, E. mundus, Eretmocerus eremicus Rose & Zolnerowich y Encarsia formosa Gahan, y la influencia de la misma en su susceptibilidad a insecticidas. Se llevó a cabo una extracción total de ADN de los insectos y la región variable V4 del ARNr se amplificó usando cebadores universales bacterianos. Para identificar las secuencias de los géneros bacterianos presentes en los parasitoides, se realizó una Next Generation sequencing (Illumina sequencing). Una vez identificados los géneros bacterianos, el gen ADNr 16S de las Actinobacterias se amplificó del ADN extraído de los insectos, usando cebadores universales bacterianos y específicos de Actinobacterias, y los productos de la Nested PCR fueron clonados para identificar todas las especies del género Arthrobacter. Tres bacterias (A. aurescens Phillips, A. nicotinovarans Kodama, Yamamoto, Amano and Amichi y A. uratoxydans Stackebrandt, Fowler, Fiedler and Seiler), próximas a las especies de Arthrobacter presentes en los parasitoides, se obtuvieron de la colección bacteriana del BCCMTM/LMG y se midió su actividad esterasa. Finalmente, se realizaron ensayos con antibióticos (tetraciclina) y de contacto residual con insecticidas (abamectina) para determinar la influencia de las especies de Arthrobacter en la susceptibilidad de E. mundus a insecticidas. Los resultados muestran que este género bacteriano puede afectar a la toxicidad de E. mundus a abamectina, mostrando la importancia de la comunidad microbiana en enemigos naturales, factor que debe ser considerado en los estudios de evaluación de los riesgos de los insecticidas. ABSTRACT Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs promote the use of control strategies more respectful with the environment; however the use of insecticides in vegetable crops is still needed to control certain pests, such as the whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius). Therefore, the objective of this work is to study the integration of the three most commonly used pest control strategies nowadays: biological, physical and chemical control. Firstly, the lethal and sublethal effects of eleven insecticides, applied at their maximum field recommended concentration, on the parasitic wasp Eretmocerus mundus Mercet and the predator Amblyseius swirskii Athias-Henriot has been assessed in the laboratory and in persistence tests (extended laboratory). To test the effects of pesticides on the most protected life stage of these natural enemies, E. mundus pupae and A. swirskii eggs were sprayed under a Potter precision spray tower. Laboratory contact tests were therefore conducted to determine the lethal and sublethal effects of these pesticides on the adult stage of these natural enemies. In the residual contact tests the pesticides were applied on glass plates (laboratory) or plants (extended laboratory: persistence). The study showed that the insecticides flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide, spiromesifen and spirotetramat were selective for E. mundus pupae (IOBC 1: Harmless). Nevertheless, abamectin, deltamethrin and emamectin were categorized as slightly harmful (IOBC 2) due to the deleterious effects caused. The two most harmful pesticides were spinosad and sulfoxaflor, which significantly reduced the adult emergence from treated pupae (IOBC 4: Harmful). Flonicamid, flubendiamide, methoxyfenozide and spiromesifen were compatible with E. mundus adults (IOBC 1: Harmless). Base on the duration of the harmful activity, abamectin, deltamethrin, emamectin, metaflumizone and spirotetramat could be recommended for use in IPM programs if appropriate safety deadlines are used before the natural enemy release. On the contrary, spinosad and sulfoxaflor were not compatible (IOBC D: persistent), although additional studies are required to determine their effects under field conditions. All the pesticides tested, except spirotetramat (IOBC 2: Slightly harmful), were selective for A. swirskii eggs (IOBC 1: Harmless). Flonicamid, flubendiamide, metaflumizone, methoxyfenozide, spiromesifen, spirotetramat and sulfoxaflor were compatible with A. swirskii adults (IOBC 1: Harmless). However, abamectin, deltamethrin, emamectin and spinosad could be recommended for use in IPM programs if appropriate safety deadlines are used before the natural enemy release. Among new IPM strategies, UV-absorbing photoselective plastic films and nets have been shown to be an important tool for the control of pests and diseases in horticultural protected crops. Because of that, we secondly studied the plant and pest insect-mediated and/or the direct effects on E. mundus under different UV radiation conditions, in presence or absence of the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV). In the first experiment, performed outdoors, the flight activity of E. mundus was studied in one-chamber tunnels (1 x 0.6 x 0.6 m) covered with different photoselective barriers. Because E. mundus uses visual cues for host location at a long distance, a direct effect on its host location ability was detected, but only in the UV-absorbing barriers blocking more than 65% of the UV light (G net). In a second experiment, the direct and plant and pest insect-mediated effects of different UV radiation conditions on E. mundus were studied, inside cages (30 x 30 x 60 cm) covered with the different UVplastic films and under greenhouse conditions, using healthy or TYLCV-virus infected tomato plants. In this case, not any effect on the beneficial capacity of this parasitoid was detected, proving that he uses tactile cues at a short distance of the host. Moreover, the different UV radiation conditions studied had a certain direct impact in the morphology, physiology and biochemistry of tomato plants infested or not with the TYLCV, and small alterations in some parameters such as fresh and dry weight, H percentage and cuticle and cell wall thickness of epidermal cells of the leaves, were detected. Finally, none plant-mediated UV effects neither in the whitefly B. tabaci nor in their parasitic wasp were found. Thirdly, the effects of a bifenthrin treated net were evaluated in different laboratory, semi-field and field experiments on the natural enemies studied. Treated nets were developed long time ago aiming at the control of the mosquitoes vectors of malaria, and nowadays, there is a great interest on assessing the possibility of their use in agriculture. In laboratory assays, a high mortality was recorded when E. mundus and A. swirskii adults were exposed by contact to the bifenthrin treated net for 72 hours in small cages (12 cm diameter). However, these natural enemies were not able to detect the presence of bifenthrin in a dual-choice test and no short-term mortality (72 hours) was recorded in those individuals that went through the treated net. In semi-field assays, performed under greenhouse conditions with cages of 25 x 25 x 60 cm high, the beneficial capacity of E. mundus was not affected. Finally, in field assays carried out in commercial multispan greenhouses (4000 m2) in Almería, A. swirskii was not affected by the presence of the bifenthrin treated net in the crop and the B. tabaci and F. occidentalis infestation levels were significantly lower than in the control. Finally, the composition of the microflora present in three species of parasitoids, E. mundus, Eretmocerus eremicus Rose & Zolnerowich and Encarsia formosa Gahan, and its influence in their susceptibility to insecticides, have been assessed. A total DNA extraction was performed on insects and universal bacterial primers were used to amplify the variable V4 region of the rRNA. A Next Generation sequencing (Illumina sequencing) was performed to identify the sequences of the bacterial genera present in the parasitic wasps. Once, the bacterial genera were identified, 16S rDNA gene of Actinobacteria were amplified from insects DNA extracts using the universal bacterial and actinobacterial primers, and the nested PCR products, were cloned to identify the Arthrobacter species. Three bacteria (A. aurescens Phillips, A. nicotinovarans Kodama, Yamamoto, Amano and Amichi and A. uratoxydans Stackebrandt, Fowler, Fiedler and Seiler), having the closest match with the Arthrobacter species present in the parasitic wasps, were obtained from the BCCMTM/LMG bacteria collection and its esterase activity was measured. Finally, antibiotic and residual contact tests were done to determine the influence of Arthrobacter species in the susceptibility of E. mundus to pesticides (abamectin). The results suggest that this bacterial genus can affect the toxicity of E. mundus to abamectin, which in turn supports the importance of the microbial community in natural enemies that it should be considered as a factor in risk assessment tests of pesticides.
We report the characterization of a maize Wee1 homologue and its expression in developing endosperm. Using a 0.8-kb cDNA from an expressed sequence tag project, we isolated a 1.6-kb cDNA (ZmWee1), which encodes a protein of 403 aa with a calculated molecular size of 45.6 kDa. The deduced amino acid sequence shows 50% identity to the protein kinase domain of human Wee1. Overexpression of ZmWee1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe inhibited cell division and caused the cells to enlarge significantly. Recombinant ZmWee1 obtained from Escherichia coli is able to inhibit the activity of p13suc1-adsorbed cyclin-dependent kinase from maize. ZmWee1 is encoded by a single gene at a locus on the long arm of chromosome 4. RNA gel blots showed the ZmWee1 transcript is about 2.4 kb in length and that its abundance reaches a maximum 15 days after pollination in endosperm tissue. High levels of expression of ZmWee1 at this stage of endosperm development imply that ZmWee1 plays a role in endoreduplication. Our results show that control of cyclin-dependent kinase activity by Wee1 is conserved among eukaryotes, from fungi to animals and plants.
Many “workers” in north temperate colonies of the eusocial paper wasp Polistes fuscatus disappear within a few days of eclosion. We provide evidence that these females are pursuing an alternative reproductive strategy, i.e., dispersing to overwinter and become nest foundresses the following spring, instead of helping to rear brood on their natal nests. A female is most likely to stay and help at the natal nest (i.e., least likely to disperse) when it is among the first workers to emerge and when it emerges on a nest with more pupae (even though worker-brood relatedness tends to be lower in such colonies). The latter cause may result from the fact that pupae-laden nests are especially likely to survive, and thus any direct or indirect reproductive payoffs for staying and working are less likely to be lost. Disappearing females are significantly smaller than predicted if dispersal tendency was independent of body size (emergence order-controlled), suggesting that the females likely to be most effective at challenging for reproductive rights within the natal colony (i.e., the largest females) are also most likely to stay. Thus, early dispersal is conditional on a female’s emergence order, the maturity of its natal nest, and its body size. Finally, we present evidence that foundresses may actively limit the sizes of first-emerging females, perhaps to decrease the probability that the latter can effectively challenge foundresses for reproductive rights. The degree to which foundresses limit the size of first-emerging females accords well with the predictions of the theory of staying incentives.
Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome (WAS) is an X-linked immunodeficiency caused by mutations that affect the WAS protein (WASP) and characterized by cytoskeletal abnormalities in hematopoietic cells. By using the yeast two-hybrid system we have identified a proline-rich WASP-interacting protein (WIP), which coimmunoprecipitated with WASP from lymphocytes. WIP binds to WASP at a site distinct from the Cdc42 binding site and has actin as well as profilin binding motifs. Expression of WIP in human B cells, but not of a WIP truncation mutant that lacks the actin binding motif, increased polymerized actin content and induced the appearance of actin-containing cerebriform projections on the cell surface. These results suggest that WIP plays a role in cortical actin assembly that may be important for lymphocyte function.
RhoG is a member of the Rho family of GTPases that shares 72% and 62% sequence identity with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs, respectively. We have expressed mutant RhoG proteins fused to the green fluorescent protein and analyzed subsequent changes in cell surface morphology and modifications of cytoskeletal structures. In rat and mouse fibroblasts, green fluorescent protein chimera and endogenous RhoG proteins colocalize according to a tubular cytoplasmic pattern, with perinuclear accumulation and local concentration at the plasma membrane. Constitutively active RhoG proteins produce morphological and cytoskeletal changes similar to those elicited by a simultaneous activation of Rac1 and Cdc42Hs, i.e., the formation of ruffles, lamellipodia, filopodia, and partial loss of stress fibers. In addition, RhoG and Cdc42Hs promote the formation of microvilli at the cell apical membrane. RhoG-dependent events are not mediated through a direct interaction with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs targets such as PAK-1, POR1, or WASP proteins but require endogenous Rac1 and Cdc42Hs activities: coexpression of a dominant negative Rac1 impairs membrane ruffling and lamellipodia but not filopodia or microvilli formation. Conversely, coexpression of a dominant negative Cdc42Hs only blocks microvilli and filopodia, but not membrane ruffling and lamellipodia. Microtubule depolymerization upon nocodazole treatment leads to a loss of RhoG protein from the cell periphery associated with a reversal of the RhoG phenotype, whereas PDGF or bradykinin stimulation of nocodazole-treated cells could still promote Rac1- and Cdc42Hs-dependent cytoskeletal reorganization. Therefore, our data demonstrate that RhoG controls a pathway that requires the microtubule network and activates Rac1 and Cdc42Hs independently of their growth factor signaling pathways.
The promoters of MEA (FIS1), FIS2, and FIE (FIS3), genes that repress seed development in the absence of pollination, were fused to β-glucuronidase (GUS) to study their activity pattern. The FIS2∷GUS product is found in the embryo sac, in each of the polar cell nuclei, and in the central cell nucleus. After pollination, the maternally derived FIS2∷GUS protein occurs in the nuclei of the cenocytic endosperm. Before cellularization of the endosperm, activity is terminated in the micropylar and central nuclei of the endosperm and subsequently in the nuclei of the chalazal cyst. MEA∷GUS has a pattern of activity similar to that of FIS2∷GUS, but FIE∷GUS protein is found in many tissues, including the prepollination embryo sac, and in embryo and endosperm postpollination. The similarity in mutant phenotypes; the activity of FIE, MEA, and FIS2 in the same cells in the embryo sac; and the fact that MEA and FIE proteins interact in a yeast two-hybrid system suggest that these proteins operate in the same system of control of seed development. Maternal and not paternal FIS2∷GUS, MEA∷GUS, and FIE∷GUS show activity in early endosperm, so these genes may be imprinted. When fis2, mea, and fie mutants are pollinated, seed development is arrested at the heart embryo stage. The seed arrest of mea and fis2 is avoided when they are fertilized by a low methylation parent. The wild-type alleles of MEA or FIS2 are not required. The parent-of-origin-determined differential activity of MEA, FIS2, and FIE is not dependent on DNA methylation, but methylation does control some gene(s) that have key roles in seed development.
Profilins are thought to play a central role in the regulation of de novo actin assembly by preventing spontaneous actin polymerization through the binding of actin monomers, and the adding of monomeric actin to the barbed actin-filament ends. Other cellular functions of profilin in membrane trafficking and lipid based signaling are also likely. Binding of profilins to signaling molecules such as Arp2/3 complex, Mena, VASP, N-WASP, dynamin I, and others, further implicates profilin and actin as regulators of diverse motile activities. In mouse, two profilins are expressed from two distinct genes. Profilin I is expressed at high levels in all tissues and throughout development, whereas profilin II is expressed in neuronal cells. To examine the function of profilin I in vivo, we generated a null profilin I (pfn1ko) allele in mice. Homozygous pfn1ko/ko mice are not viable. Pfn1ko/ko embryos died as early as the two-cell stage, and no pfn1ko/ko blastocysts were detectable. Adult pfn1ko/wt mice show a 50% reduction in profilin I expression with no apparent impairment of cell function. However, pfn1ko/wt embryos have reduced survival during embryogenesis compared with wild type. Although weakly expressed in early embryos, profilin II cannot compensate for lack of profilin I. Our results indicate that mouse profilin I is an essential protein that has dosage-dependent effects on cell division and survival during embryogenesis.