997 resultados para Visible lasers


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A screendance artist response to the essay "Falling into the surface (toward a materiality of affect)" 1999 by Pia Ednie-Brown curated by Simon Ellis.


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This paper describes the construction of the visual space of surveillance by the global anti-doping apparatus, it is a space inhabited daily by professional cyclists. Two principal mechanisms of this apparatus will be discussed—the Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport; in order to illustrate how this space is constructed and how it visualises the invisible act of doping. These mechanisms act to supervise and govern the professional cyclist and work to classify them as either clean or dirty in terms of the use of prohibited doping substances or methods. Contrary to the analysis of liberal anti-doping scholars such as Hanstad, Loland and Møller this paper argues that Foucault’s Panopticon paradigm is a useful tool for the analysis of this apparatus. The Whereabouts System and Biological Passport are the instruments by which the anti-doping apparatus intensifies the construction of the space of surveillance in professional sport. This space of surveillance not only locates and makes visible the physical location of each individual cyclist, but it also makes visible their internal bodily functions, in this case the composition and the fluctuations of the composition of their blood. In making the cyclist visible the instruments do not allow the cause of doping, or the event of doping to be known or observed. Rather what they do is cast the body in terms of abnormalities of time, place or blood. In the case of an abnormality of the cyclist’s blood, the cause itself cannot be identified with any certainty, all that is made visible is a suggestion, or a probability, that doping may have occurred. The ultimate effects are twofold—an internalisation and continual monitoring of one’s self as well as by the authorities, and a radical change in the nature and the definition of the offence of doping. No longer is it positive evidence of doping that is punishable, but what becomes punishable is an abnormality, in the cyclist’s location, or their body, which suggests a probability that the invisible act of doping may have occurred. In the course of this process accepted manners of proving an offence by the use of scientific evidence and expert commentary are transformed. The Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport open up a new manner in which the invisible can be visualised. Through the discourse and the attendant commentary of the expert a new alliance between doping and the law is constructed. The result is a redistribution of the way in which the law visualises and treats the symptoms (the signifier) and the signified act of doping. The Whereabouts System and Biological Passport are the instruments by which the anti-doping apparatus intensifies the construction of the space of surveillance in professional sport. This space of surveillance not only locates and makes visible the physical location of each individual cyclist, but it also makes visible their internal bodily functions, in this case the composition and the fluctuations of the composition of their blood. In making the cyclist visible the instruments do not allow the cause of doping, or the event of doping to be known or observed. Rather what they do is cast the body in terms of abnormalities of time, place or blood. In the case of an abnormality of the cyclists’s blood, the cause itself cannot be identified with any certainty, all that is made visible is a suggestion, or a probability, that doping may have occurred. The ultimate effects are twofold—an internalisation and continual monitoring of one’s self as well as by the authorities, and a radical change in the nature and the definition of the offence of doping. No longer is it positive evidence of doping that is punishable, but what becomes punishable is an abnormality, in the cyclist’s location, or their body, which suggests a probability that the invisible act of doping may have occurred. In the course of this process accepted manners of proving an offence by the use of scientific evidence and expert commentary are transformed. The Whereabouts System and the Biological Passport open up a new manner in which the invisible can be visualised. Through the discourse and the attendant commentary of the expert a new alliance between doping and the law is constructed. The result is a redistribution of the way in which the law visualises and treats the symptoms (the signifier) and the signified act of doping.


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This paper argues that feminist analyses remain crucial to any critical analysis of social policy. From the outset, it needs to be said that we are not suggesting that other critical analyses are less important, such as anti-racist analysis, for example (Dominelli 2002a, 2002b). We also acknowledge the significance of intersectionality theory which identifies the ways in which race and racism may compound gender inequality to shape experiences of oppression or privilege (Mullings & Schultz 2006; Weber 2006). Having said this, in this paper we argue that feminist analyses remain as important as ever, in challenging dominant patriarchal/capitalist discourse currently informing social policy in Australia.

As a counter discourse, feminism puts women’s experiences and the unequal relationships of patriarchy at the forefront of analysis, highlights gender inequalities entrenched in social institutions and policy, and draws attention to the organisation of society along gender specific lines and the inequalities resulting from the relegation of women to the private sphere (Dominelli 2002a).

Specifically, we will demonstrate that the Howard government’s policy responses to the issue of family violence have reflected a renewed attack on previous gains made by women, and exemplify a neo-liberal, neo-conservative approach to social policy that demands a critical feminist analysis. Given the recent federal election, it seems particularly timely to reassert the importance of a feminist analysis of social policy and to direct the attention of the new federal government towards reversing recent trends to de-politicise violence towards women.


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The study reported in this paper examines the experiences of Chinese and Vietnamese international students in engaging in their institutional written discourse at an Australian university. The study highlights the significance of exploring the real accounts of the students as the ‘insiders’ and uncovering students’ individual potential choices and intentions as their ‘seemingly unrecognized’ values in producing their own texts in English as a second language. In particular, based on international students’ reflection on their intentions and potential choices in academic practices, the study signals how the taken-for-granted institutional conventions may contribute to silencing or marginalizing the possibilities for alternative approaches to knowledge and communication within the higher education institutional context.


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We consider the incidence semirings of graphs and prove that every incidence semiring has convenient visible bases for its right ideals and for its left ideals, and that these visible bases can be used to determine the weights of all right ideals that have maximum weight and all left ideals that have maximum weight. ©2013 Australian Mathematical Publishing Association Inc..


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This research intends to increase the photocatalytic efficiency of cotton fabrics coated with TiO2-based nanocomposites under illumination particularly visible light. The fabrics were functionalized using a low-temperature sol-gel method of TiO2/Metal/SiO2 nanocomposite systems. Integrating silica and noble metals into TiO2 sol was put forth for boosting its functionality. Three noble metals (gold (Au), platinum (Pt) and silver (Ag)) with four different concentrations were employed. The photocatalytic activity of the functionalized fabrics was assessed through coffee stain-removal test and photodecomposition of methylene blue (MB) under UV and visible light. The impact of coating layers on fabrics' hydrophilicity was analyzed through measuring the water contact angle as well as the water absorption time. The fabrics were characterized using XRD, SEM and EDS. It was corroborated that the presence of silica enhanced the self-stain-removal capability of fabrics under UV. Moreover, the self-cleaning property of fabrics improved under both UV and visible light after integrating the metals into the colloids. In the same line, the self-cleaning activity threshold of fabrics was shifted to visible region.


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Perovskite praseodymium ferrite (PrFeO3) porous nanotubes are prepared by electrospinning of the precursor solution into nanofibers, subsequently by annealing the precursor fibers at a low temperature (e.g. 40 °C) and finally by calcination at a high temperature. The low temperature annealing treatment is found to play a key role in the formation of porous nanotube. The porous tubes show a perovskite-type PrFeO3 crystal characteristic with high optical absorption in the UV-visible region and an energy band gap of 1.97 eV. When compared with PrFeO3 porous nanofibers and PrFeO3 particles, the PrFeO3 porous nanotubes show better visible-light photo-catalytic ability to degrade Rhodamine B in aqueous phase because of the increased surface area and more active catalytic sites on the inner walls and outer surfaces.


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Parents as partners in their children's learning is predicated by a notion of a mutual understanding of the learning as shared by educators. Documenting learning in early childhood education and care (ECE & C) settings has evolved from more traditional developmental approaches to include photographs, artefacts and social stories to make learning visible for parents. However, while educators are using these approaches to document learning in ECE & C settings, the shared understanding of the learning for parents is not always mutually understood. The paper presents a small-scale case study, which examined the way parents in one long day ECE & C service which had recently redeveloped an outdoor play area to bring in more natural affordances to support the children's learning and development. The paper reports on the perceptions of two parents with children attending this centre in how the educators were making visible the learning and development afforded the children through engaging in this newly designed space. The study found that while educators were using a range of documentation approaches, the parents had little shared understanding of their children as engaging in this space.


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 The control of energy distribution or energy intensity inside a laser spot using a defocusing method enables the formation of high-quality microchannels of multiple cross-sections in polycarbonate. Moreover, a thermal mathematical model of the process was developed to aid understanding of the process and to allow channel topology prediction.


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© 2014 The Textile Institute. This study intends to enhance the functionality of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles applied to wool fabrics under visible light. Herein, TiO2, TiO2/SiO2, TiO2/Metal, and TiO2/Metal/SiO2 nanocomposite sols were synthesized and applied to wool fabrics through a low-temperature sol–gel method. The impacts of three types of noble metals, namely gold (Au), platinum (Pt), and silver (Ag), on the photoefficiency of TiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 under visible light were studied. Different molar ratios of Metal toTiO2 (0.01, 0.1, 0.5, and 1%) were employed in synthesizing the sols. Photocatalytic efficiency of fabrics was analyzed through monitoring the removal of red wine stain and degradation of methylene blue under simulated sunlight and visible light, respectively. Also, the antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacterium and the mechanical properties of fabrics were investigated. Through applying binary and ternary nanocomposite sols to fabrics, an enhanced visible-light-induced self-cleaning property was imparted to wool fabrics. It was concluded that the presence of silica and optimized amount of noble metals had a synergistic impact on boosting the photocatalytic and antimicrobial activities of coated samples. The fabrics were further characterized using attenuated total reflectance, energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry, and scanning electron microscopy images.


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A visualização em tempo real de cenas complexas através de ambientes de rede é um dos desafios na computação gráfica. O uso da visibilidade pré-computada associada a regiões do espaço, tal como a abordagem dos Potentially Visible Sets (PVS), pode reduzir a quantidade de dados enviados através da rede. Entretanto, o PVS para algumas regiões pode ainda ser bastante complexo, e portanto uma estratégia diferente para diminuir a quantidade de informações é necessária. Neste trabalho é introduzido o conceito de Smart Visible Set (SVS), que corresponde a uma partição das informações contidas no PVS segundo o ângulo de visão do observador e as distâncias entre as regiões. Dessa forma, o conceito de “visível” ou de “não-visível” encontrado nos PVS é estendido. A informação referente ao conjunto “visível” é ampliada para “dentro do campo de visão” ou “fora do campo de visão” e “longe” ou “perto”. Desta forma a informação referente ao conjunto “visível” é subdividida, permitindo um maior controle sobre cortes ou ajustes nos dados que devem ser feitos para adequar a quantidade de dados a ser transmitida aos limites impostos pela rede. O armazenamento dos SVS como matrizes de bits permite ainda uma interação entre diferentes SVS. Outros SVS podem ser adicionados ou subtraídos entre si com um custo computacional muito pequeno permitindo uma rápida alteração no resultado final. Transmitir apenas a informação dentro de campo de visão do usuário ou não transmitir a informação muito distante são exemplos dos tipos de ajustes que podem ser realizados para se diminuir a quantidade de informações enviadas. Como o cálculo do SVS depende da existência de informação de visibilidade entre regiões foi implementado o algoritmo conhecido como “Dual Ray Space”, que por sua vez depende do particionamento da cena em regiões. Para o particionamento da cena em uma BSP-Tree, foi modificada a aplicação QBSP3. Depois de calculada, a visibilidade é particionada em diferentes conjuntos através da aplicação SVS. Finalmente, diferentes tipos de SVS puderam ser testados em uma aplicação de navegação por um cenário 3D chamada BSPViewer. Essa aplicação também permite comparações entre diferentes tipos de SVS e PVS. Os resultados obtidos apontam o SVS como uma forma de redução da quantidade de polígonos que devem ser renderizados em uma cena, diminuindo a quantidade de informação que deve ser enviada aos usuários. O SVS particionado pela distância entre as regiões permite um corte rápido na informação muito distante do usuário. Outra vantagem do uso dos SVS é que pode ser realizado um ordenamento das informações segundo sua importância para o usuário, desde que uma métrica de importância visual tenha sido definida previamente.