966 resultados para Very long instruction word (VLIW)


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Background: Gestational trophoblastic disease is a fascinating group of pregnancy disorders characterised by abnormal proliferation of trophoblast, ranging from benign to malignant. Because the disease is uncommon, there is a need to formulate management with the assistance of collective information. Methodology: A review of available information from English written literature was undertaken especially data reported by registries around the world (Charing Cross Hospital in England, the North-western University and the New England area in the USA as well as our own experience in Queensland, Australia). Where possible, collated data from relevant studies were analysed to answer some of the questions posed in clinical practice, with reference to metastatic disease to liver and brain, twinning of molar gestation and coexisting fetus, and placental-site tumour. Results: We found that molar gestation can be classified according to its clinical presentation which influences the time taken to reach human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) 'negativity' and the risk of persisting disease. Categorisation of risk is the basis for choice of chemotherapy to achieve good outcomes. Metastases to liver and brain remain problems in management; the development of 'new' metastases during chemotherapy is a very poor prognostic factor. In the variant of twinning with molar gestation and coexisting fetus, it is important to elucidate the fetal karyotype in planning management: a 69XXX fetus is not salvageable but a normal 46XX or 46XY fetus faces the prospect of early preterm delivery. The placental-site tumour is very rare; localised disease is curable by surgery; chemotherapy is less effective in disseminated disease. From collated worldwide data, the recurrence rate after one mole is 1.3% and after two or more is 20%. Reproductive outcome in subsequent pregnancies, even after multidrug chemotherapy, is not different from the general population. Because of the increased risk long-term of second tumours after multidrug chemotherapy a closer surveillance of these patients is necessary Conclusion: In general, the disease in its persisting or malignant form is 'a cancer model par excellence' because of an identifiable precursor condition, a reliable HCG marker, and sensitivity of the disease to cytotoxic drugs. With current management, retention of fertility is possible and normal reproductive outcome assured.


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For the first time it was possible to observe regular quasiperiodic scintillations (QPS) in VHF radio-satellite transmissions from orbiting satellites simultaneously at short (2.1 km) and long (121 km) meridional baselines in the vicinity of a typical mid-latitude station (Brisbane; 27.5degreesS and 152.9degreesE geog. and 35.6degrees invar.lat.), using three sites (St. Lucia-S, Taringa-T in Brisbane and Boreen Pt.-B, north of Brisbane). A few pronounced quasiperiodic (QP) events were recorded showing unambiguous regular structures at the sites which made it possible to deduce a time displacement of the regular fading minimum at S, T and B. The QP structure is highly dependent on the geometry of the ray-path from a satellite to the observer which is manifested as a change of a QP event from symmetrical to non-symmetrical for stations separated by 2.1 km, and to a radical change in the structure of the event over a distance of 121 km. It is suggested the short-duration intense QP events are due to a Fresnel diffraction (or a reflection mechanism) of radio-satellite signals by a single ionospheric irregularity in a form of an ellipsoid with a large ionization gradient along the major axis. The structure of a QP event depends on the angle of viewing of the irregular blob from a radio-satellite. In view of this it is suggested that the reported variety of the ionization formation, responsible for different types of QPS, is only apparent but not real. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes the modification of a two-dimensional finite element long wave hydrodynamic model in order to predict the net current and water levels attributable to the influences of waves. Tests examine the effects of the application of wave induced forces, including comparisons to a physical experiment. An example of a real river system is presented with comparisons to measured data, which demonstrate the importance of simulating the combined effects of tides and waves upon hydrodynamic behavior. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The impact of basal ganglia dysfunction on semantic processing was investigated by comparing the performance of individuals with nonthalamic subcortical (NS) vascular lesions, Parkinson's disease (PD), cortical lesions, and matched controls on a semantic priming task. Unequibiased lexical ambiguity primes were used in auditory prime-target pairs comprising 4 critical conditions; dominant related (e.g., bank-money), subordinate related (e.g., bank-river), dominant unrelated (e.g.,foot-money) and subordinate unrelated (e.g., bat-river). Participants made speeded lexical decisions (word/nonword) on targets using a go-no-go response. When a short prime-target interstimulus interval (ISI) of 200 ins was employed, all groups demonstrated priming for dominant and subordinate conditions, indicating nonselective meaning facilitation and intact automatic lexical processing. Differences emerged at the long ISI (1250 ms), where control and cortical lesion participants evidenced selective facilitation of the dominant meaning, whereas NS and PD groups demonstrated a protracted period of nonselective meaning facilitation. This finding suggests a circumscribed deficit in the selective attentional engagement of the semantic network on the basis of meaning frequency, possibly implicating a disturbance of frontal-subcortical systems influencing inhibitory semantic mechanisms.


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A idade e o crescimento da cioba da costa central do Brasil foram estudados a partir de leituras de otólitos obtidos em amostragens mensais de desembarques comerciais, realizados nas cidades de Vitória e Vila Velha, entre os anos de 1998 e 1999. Através da análise do incremento marginal, foi verificada a formação anual de uma zona translúcida a partir do final do outono e durante o inverno. Foram observadas ciobas de 2 a 19 anos. Os comprimentos furcais (CF) médios retrocalculados variaram de 108 mm para idade 1 a 524 mm para idade 19. A equação de Von Bertalanffy ajustada aos CF médios retrocalculados foi CFt = 567,1 (1 - e -0.130 (t + 0.773)). A relação comprimento peso foi P = 2,68x10-5CF2.914, onde P = peso total em gramas. O crescimento é lento, com os incrementos anuais em peso aumentando gradativamente até atingir o máximo de 164 g entre as idades 7 e 8 anos. Os resultados deste trabalho indicam que a cioba tem longa expectativa de vida e baixas taxas de crescimento somático, características das espécies mais sensíveis à exploração pesqueira.


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O presente trabalho investigou o problema da modelagem da dispersão de compostos odorantes em presença de obstáculos (cúbicos e com forma complexa) sob condição de estabilidade atmosférica neutra. Foi empregada modelagem numérica baseada nas equações de transporte (CFD1) bem como em modelos algébricos baseados na pluma Gausseana (AERMOD2, CALPUFF3 e FPM4). Para a validação dos resultados dos modelos e a avaliação do seu desempenho foram empregados dados de experimentos em túnel de vento e em campo. A fim de incluir os efeitos da turbulência atmosférica na dispersão, dois diferentes modelos de sub-malha associados à Simulação das Grandes Escalas (LES5) foram investigados (Smagorinsky dinâmico e WALE6) e, para a inclusão dos efeitos de obstáculos na dispersão nos modelos Gausseanos, foi empregado o modelo PRIME7. O uso do PRIME também foi proposto para o FPM como uma inovação. De forma geral, os resultados indicam que o uso de CFD/LES é uma ferramenta útil para a investigação da dispersão e o impacto de compostos odorantes em presença de obstáculos e também para desenvolvimento dos modelos Gausseanos. Os resultados também indicam que o modelo FPM proposto, com a inclusão dos efeitos do obstáculo baseado no PRIME também é uma ferramenta muito útil em modelagem da dispersão de odores devido à sua simplicidade e fácil configuração quando comparado a modelos mais complexos como CFD e mesmo os modelos regulatórios AERMOD e CALPUFF. A grande vantagem do FPM é a possibilidade de estimar-se o fator de intermitência e a relação pico-média (P/M), parâmetros úteis para a avaliação do impacto de odores. Os resultados obtidos no presente trabalho indicam que a determinação dos parâmetros de dispersão para os segmentos de pluma, bem como os parâmetros de tempo longo nas proximidades da fonte e do obstáculo no modelo FPM pode ser melhorada e simulações CFD podem ser usadas como uma ferramenta de desenvolvimento para este propósito. Palavras chave: controle de odor, dispersão, fluidodinâmica computacional, modelagem matemática, modelagem gaussiana de pluma flutuante, simulação de grandes vórtices (LES).


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Este estudo buscou conhecer as representações sociais de alunos do ensino médio acerca da política afirmativa de cotas da UFES. Ao escolher realizar esta investigação científica, optei trabalhar com a Teoria das Representações Sociais (TRS), justamente por se tratar de uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, permitindo compreender melhor esse conjunto de saberes sociais cotidianos, explicações e afirmações que se originam na vida diária desses alunos. Para coleta e análise dos dados elegi trabalhar com grupos focais e análise de conteúdo, por acreditar que se tratam de técnicas mais apropriadas pelo tempo hábil destinado a tal propósito e o caráter exploratório dessa investigação. Foram eleitos como campo de pesquisa três escolas que ofertam o ensino médio no município de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. Sendo, respectivamente, uma da rede particular, uma estadual e uma federal. Apresentei também de forma introdutória os principais conceitos sistematizados por Serge Moscovici que serviram de coordenadas para a formulação da TRS. Em um segundo momento, faço um debate dialogado sobre as relações raciais no Brasil através de autores que tentaram interpretar a realidade de um país de passado escravista e patriarcal. Como resultado dos diálogos com alunos do ensino médio, percebi que as representações sociais desses estudantes estão ancorados a um conjunto de palavras ligadas a ideia de igualdade, mérito, preconceito pelas avessas, “medida tapa buraco”. Entretanto, alunos favoráveis às políticas de cotas utilizaram muito a palavra igualdade no sentido material da existência (econômico e social). Percebeu-se também diferenças significativas não somente de instituição para instituição, como uma diversidade muito grande de concepções dentro de uma mesma instituição de ensino. Exemplo disso foi encontrado no IFES de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, onde a visão sobre as cotas do primeiro grupo pertencente à turma de informática se aproximou mais das representações sociais dos alunos da escola particular, enquanto que as concepções do segundo grupo do curso de eletromecânica se conectavam mais com as falas dos alunos de escola pública.


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A evolução das concepções alternativas em direção ao conhecimento científico é um processo longo. Isso porque essas ideias são coerentes, universais, persistentes e consistentes (PINTÓ, et al., 1996). Vários autores têm destacado as contribuições da utilização de atividades investigativas para a evolução conceitual (AZEVEDO, 2006; CARVALHO, 2013; BORGES, 2002). Neste trabalho foi realizado um estudo sobre as contribuições dessas atividades para a evolução do conceito de velocidade. O estudo foi realizado em novembro de 2013 com alunos do primeiro ano do ensino médio que já haviam estudado o conteúdo de cinemática. A maioria deles demonstrou concepção alternativa, o que mostra que essa forma de conhecimento pode existir mesmo após a instrução formal. Foram realizadas três atividades que colocaram os alunos diante de diferentes situações com o objetivo de promover conflito cognitivo (CARVALHO, 1992). A produção escrita dos alunos foi recolhida e analisada utilizando-se como referencial a análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 1977). As atividades investigativas realizadas mostraram ser uma boa alternativa às aulas tradicionais de laboratório e demonstraram potencial em promover evolução das concepções alternativas.


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The edification of the landscape in the scientific and social field, in speech as in the method, is taken in this study as a complex process, from which were developed relationships of dominance on the perception of space, which persist strongly consolidated, since the genesis of the conceptual practice till its actual praxis. Historically, the landscape studies took place slowly, immersed in many questions, in face of the multiplicity of meanings that the concept offers. In the psyche, the notion of landscape is present since a long time ago, as an unconscious human being practice, even before any ideological hypothesis formulation. However its materialization in the social conscious will come only from painting, and specially with the perspective, through the technicity of the view, at first wandering the infinity, now ordained in a frame‟. Since then, the landscape is perceived according to the order of the view, as the equivalent of nature and beauty, assuming at the same time, an important symbolic value, since it is linked to mnemonic and subjective processes that the being build with the territory. The domain on this space-cognitive experience, characteristic of the contemporary, consolidates in the social imaginary, building consensus on the landscape, whose aesthetic references make a cultural appeal, very pertinent to the actual capitalist dynamics of production the space worldwide, mainly of the spectacle and commodification of cities promoted by the city marketing. In Brazil, this consensual ideology of the landscape surpass the social imaginary and also dominates the political imaginary, whereas the main instrument for preserving the landscape, Decree-law 25, from November 30, 1937, and its limit to those of exceptional value or remarkable feature. The analysis of the processes for putting under governmental trust for inscription of goods by the landscape value, reveals the dominant, if not exclusive, adoption of selection criteria related to aesthetic aspects. Abstain, therefore, from what the nation considers patrimony , other landscapes that, besides not having, at first, remarkable aesthetic value, play a crucial role as an inheritance from ancestor relations between man and space and pre- existing condition for the same present and future relations. From this historical background, the research seeks to transfer into contemporaneity, the ideological analysis of the concept and its relation with the building of the landscape in the collective imaginary, in order to recognize, in current practices to landscape preservation, as much this genesis, rooted in aesthetics, remains strongly consolidated, feeding the current dynamics of consumption and commodification of the city. Therefore, as preliminary conclusion, one can state that the identification of landscapes of different value, especially aesthetic, maintains and intensify the treatment of the city as an object, a standard‟ commodity to be sold / traded on the world market, in detriment of its recognition as a dynamic process that, even though inserted in the global context, develops specificifities and peculiarities, inherent to the production of space, as Lefebvre preconizes, that is, to the production of life, social product , as characteristic, dissent generator


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The textile industry has a long tradition in Portugal and it is one of the most important sectors, despite the current economic crisis. It has always assumed a prominent role in terms of employment and a relevant position within the Portuguese economy. The lack of quality and the lower prices that other countries offer causes the loss of clients. Quality is a main tool to survive nowadays in the textile sector. To undertake our analysis, we made use of an existing database where 55 firms belonged to the textile industry, namely to the manufacturing sector. A new survey was created based on the original survey and was sent to 5 firms. Besides the survey, we also sent a few questions to the firms in order to retract more information about the actually situation in our country, concerning the textile industry. Several tables, graphs and pie charts were made to help shed light on our findings. This research was conducted in order to determine the importance of quality in the consolidation of textile firms in the north of Portugal. Most firms in our sample feel that quality improvement, business benefits, mobilizing employees’ knowledge and business image were important and that competition is very intense and is mainly by price and not by differentiation of product or service. The quality program has contributed to improve their competitive position and the improvement of their overall performance. The majority of the firms in our sample undertake TQM measures for quality purposes to meet customer expectations and prevent errors. Of all firms surveyed, the quality is certainly very important for its survival.


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Damping off is a nursery disease of great economic importance in papaya and seed treatment may be an effective measure to control. The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of papaya seeds treated with fungicides and stored under two environmental and packaging conditions. Additionally, the efficiency of fungicide treatments in the control of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani was evaluated. Papaya seeds were treated with the fungicides Captan, Tolylfluanid and the mixture Tolylfluanid + Captan (all commercial wettable powder formulations). Seeds of the control group were not treated. The seeds were stored for nine months in two conditions: packed in aluminum coated paper and kept at 7 ± 1ºC and in permeable kraft paper and kept in non-controlled environment. At the beginning of the storage and every three months the seed quality (germination and vigor tests), emergence rate index, height, dry mass and damping of plants in pre and post-emergence (in contaminated substrate and mycelia-free substrate) were analyzed. Both storage conditions as well as the fungicide treatments preserved the germination and seed vigor. In the infested substrate, seedling emergence was favored by fungicides, but in post-emergence, fungicides alone did not control the damping off caused by R. solani. Symptoms of damping off were not observed in the clean substrate. The results showed that the fungicide treatments may be used to pretreat papaya seed for long-term storage and commercialization.


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The long-lived flowers of orchids increase the chances of pollination and thus the reproductive success of the species. However, a question arises: does the efficiency of pollination, expressed by fruit set, vary with the flower age? The objective of this study was to verify whether the flower age of Corymborkis flava(Sw.) Kuntze affects pollination efficiency. The following hypotheses were tested: 1) the fruit set of older flowers is lower than that of younger ones; 2) morphological observations (perianth and stigmatic area), stigma receptivity test by using a solution of hydrogen peroxide and hand-pollination tests are equally effective in defining the period of stigmatic receptivity. Flowers were found to be receptive from the first to the fourth day of anthesis. Fruit set of older flowers (third and fourth day) was lower than that of younger flowers. Morphological observations, the stigma receptivity test and hand-pollinations were equally effective in defining the period of stigmatic receptivity. However, to evaluate the maximum degree of stigma receptivity of orchid species with long-lived flowers, we recommend hand-pollinations, beyond the period of receptivity.


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Pretende defender que a educação contínua e ao longo da vida para o Serviço Social deve levar em conta os caminhos e as perspectivas que ultrapassam a arena da profissão do assistente social, e essa educação deve dialogar com os avanços nas vidas e nos trabalhos profissionais. Os assistentes sociais podem desta maneira moverem-se entre a prática, a gestão, a política profissional e a educação. Desde a experiência pré-qualificadora até à reforma, a avaliação e a supervisão podem ajudar a desenvolver caminhos profissionais e planos de educação relevantes. O exemplo deste processo de educação contínua multiprofissional em St. Christopher’s Hospice London pode ajudar a compreender como as pessoas podem desenvolver-se como pessoas e nos seus projectos profissionais.


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This paper aims to evaluate the social impacts of the Tourism Development Program (Prodetur) in the northeastern town of Porto Seguro, Bahia, Brazil. The method used is based on the difference in difference technique applied to the 1991 and 2000 Census microdata. The results suggest social advances following from poverty relief based on income - where the benefits are distributed, generally, in a relatively equal manner between the native and migrant population. There is a relative deterioration in the sanitary situation, which consists of a very serious problem in the mid- and long-term, whose costs are mostly borne by the native population. Therefore, maintaining the natural capital is the main aspect that distances Porto Seguro’s tourism supply from the concept of sustainability. The article also relies on difference in difference estimators to assess the impacts of local public policies related to the sector.


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RESUMO: O objectivo desta investigação foi analisar as diferenças relativas à produção de recordações falsas, de acordo com o paradigma de associados convergentes. Foram realizadas experiências, nas quais participaram crianças entre os 4 e os 5 anos e adultos. Como metodologia adoptámos a apresentação de dez listas de palavras associadas a uma palavra não incluída na lista (palavra crítica). A ordem das palavras de cada lista foi manipulada de forma a ser apresentada em sentido decrescente de força associativa (ordem standard) ou em sentido crescente (ordem invertida). A instrução fornecida antes da apresentação das listas foi também manipulada nas crianças de forma a incluir uma condição em que se pedia para as crianças repetirem os primeiros três itens de cada lista com o intuito de aumentar a recordação desses itens (instrução de primazia). A predição inicial foi de que este tipo de manipulação ao aumentar a recordação dos itens mais fortemente associados ao item crítico poderia também levar a um aumento das recordações falsas relativas ao item crítico. Os resultados mostraram que a instrução de primazia não teve efeito na produção de memórias falsas e que, nas crianças o uso de listas invertidas diminuiu o número evocações falsas, não tendo qualquer efeito nos adultos. Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as crianças e os adultos relativamente à produção de memórias falsas. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investigation was to analyze the differences in the production of false memories, according to the paradigm of converging associates. Experiments were carried out, which involved children between 4 and 5 and adults. The methodology adopted was the presentation of ten lists of words associated with a word not included in the list (critical word). The word order of each list was manipulated so as to be presented in descending order of associative strength (standard order) or an increasing trend (inverted order). The instruction given prior to the presentation of lists was also manipulated, in children, to include a condition in which it was asked children to repeat the first three items in each list in order to increase the recall of these items (primacy' instruction). The initial prediction was that this kind of manipulation witch increase the recall of the items most strongly associated with the critical item could also lead to an increase in false memories relative to the critical item. The results showed that the primacy instruction had no effect on production of false memories and that, in children the use of inverted lists reduced the number of false evocations and has no effect in adults. There were no statistically significant differences between children and adults for the production of false memories.