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Background. Potassium (K) deficiency (KD) and/or hypokalemia have been associated with disturbances of phosphate metabolism The purpose of the present study was to determine the cellular mechanisms that mediate the impairment of renal proximal tubular Na/Pi cotransport in a model of K deficiency in the rat. Methods. K deficiency in the rat was achieved by feeding rats a K-deficient diet for seven days. which resulted in a marked decrease in serum and tissue K content. Results. K deficiency resulted in a marked increase in urinary Pi excretion and a decrease in the V-max of brush-border membrane (BBM) Na/Pi cotransport activity (1943 95 in control vs. 1183 +/- 99 pmol/5 sec/mg BBM protein in K deficiency. P < 0.02). Surprisingly. the decrease in Na/Pi cotransport activity was associated with increases in the abundance of type I (NaPi-1). and type II (NaPi-2) and type III (Glvr-1) Na/Pi protein. The decrease in Na/Pi transport was associated with significant alterations in BBM lipid composition, including increases in sphingomyelin. glucosylceramide. and ganglioside GM, content and a decrease in BBM lipid fluidity. Inhibition of glucosylceramide synthesis resulted in increases in BBM Na/Pi cotransport activity in control and K-deficient rats. The resultant Na/Pi cotransport activity in K-deficit nt rats was the same as in control rats (1148 +/- 52 in control + PDMP vs. 11.52 +/- 61 pmol/5 sec/mg BBM protein in K deficiency + PDMP). These changes in transport activity occurred independent of further changes in BBM NaPi-2 protein or renal cortical NaPi-2 mRNA abundance. Conclusion. K deficiency in the rat causes inhibition of renal Na/Pi cotransport activity by post-translational mechanisms that are mediated in part through alterations in glucosylceramide content and membrane lipid dynamics.
Primary aldosteronism (PAL) may be as much as ten times more common than has been traditionally thought, with most patients normokalemic. The study of familial varieties has facilitated a fuller appreciation of the nature and diversity of its clinical, biochemical, morphological and molecular aspects. In familial hyperaldosteronism type I (FH-I), glucocorticoid-remediable PAL is caused by inheritance of an ACTH-regulated, hybrid CYP11B1/CYP11B2 gene. Genetic testing has greatly facilitated diagnosis. Hypertension severity varies widely, demonstrating relationships with gender, affected parent's gender, urinary kallikrein level, degree of biochemical disturbance and hybrid gene crossover point position. Analyses of aldosterone/PRA/cortisol 'day-curves' have revealed that (1) the hybrid gene dominates over wild type CYP11B2 in terms of aldosterone regulation and (2) correction of hypertension in FH-I requires only partial suppression of ACTH, and much smaller glucocorticoid doses than those previously recommended. Familial hyperaldosteronism type II is not glucocorticoid-remediable, and is clinically, biochemically and morphologically indistinguishable from apparently sporadic PAL. In one informative family available for linkage analysis, FH-II does not segregate with either the CYP11B2, AT1 or MEN1 genes, but a genome-wide search has revealed linkage with a locus in chromosome 7. As has already occurred in FH-I, elucidation of causative mutations is likely to facilitate earlier detection of PAL and other curable or specifically treatable forms of hypertension. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Leaking urine Is frequently mentioned (anecdotally) by women as a barrier to physical activity. The aim of this paper was to use results from the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health (ALSWH) to explore the prevalence of leaking urine in Australian women, and to ascertain whether leaking urine might be a barrier to participation for women. More than 41,000 women participated in the baseline surveys of the ALSWH in 1996. More than one third of the mid-age (45-50 years) and older (70-75) women and 13% of the young women (18-23) reported leaking urine. There was a cross-sectional association between leaking urine and physical activity, such that women with more frequent urinary leakage were also more likely to report low levels of physical activity. More than one thousand of those who reported leaking urine at baseline participated in a follow-up study in 1999. Of these, more than 40% of the mid-age women (who were aged 48-53 in 1999), and one in seven of the younger (21-26 years) and older (73-79 years) women reported leaking urine during sport or exercise. More than one third of the mid-age women and more than one quarter of the older women, but only 7% of the younger women said they avoided sporting activities because of leaking urine. The data are highly suggestive that leaking urine may be a barrier to physical activity, especially among mid-age women. As current estimates suggest that fewer than half of all Australian women are adequately active for health benefit, health professionals could be more proactive in raising this issue with women and offering help through non-invasive strategies such as pelvic floor muscle exercises.
Radiolabelled C-14 cylindrospermopsin (CYN) has been prepared and used to investigate the distribution and excretion of CYN in vivo in male Quackenbush mice. At a dose of 0.2 mg/kg (i.e., approx. median lethal dose) the following mean (SID) urinary and faecal recoveries (cumulative) were obtained, respectively: (0-6 hours, n = 4) 48.2 (29.3)%, 11.9 (21.4)%; (0-12 hours, n = 12) 66.0 (27.1)%, 5.7 (5.6)%; (0-24 hours, n = 12) 68.4 (26.7)%, 8.5 (8.1)%. Mean (SD) recoveries from livers at 6 hours were 20.6 (6.4)% (n = 4), at 48 hours 13.1 (7.7)% (n = 8), and 5-7 days were 2.1 (2.1)% (n = 8). A substantial amount (up to 23%) can be retained in the liver for up to 48 hours with a lesser amount retained in the kidneys. The excretion patterns show substantial interindividual variability between predominantly faecal or urinary excretion, but these patterns are not related in any simple manner to the outcome in terms of toxicity. There is at least one methanol-extractable metabolite as well as a nonmethanol-extractable metabolite in the liver. The methanol-extractable metabolite was not found in the kidney and is more hydrophilic than CYN itself on reverse phase. (C) 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer syndrome (HNPCC) is an autosomal dominant condition accounting for 2–5% of all colorectal carcinomas as well as a small subset of endometrial, upper urinary tract and other gastrointestinal cancers. An assay to detect the underlying defect in HNPCC, inactivation of a DNA mismatch repair enzyme, would be useful in identifying HNPCC probands. Monoclonal antibodies against hMLH1 and hMSH2, two DNA mismatch repair proteins which account for most HNPCC cancers, are commercially available. This study sought to investigate the potential utility of these antibodies in determining the expression status of these proteins in paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissue and to identify key technical protocol components associated with successful staining. A set of 20 colorectal carcinoma cases of known hMLH1 and hMSH2 mutation and expression status underwent immunoperoxidase staining at multiple institutions, each of which used their own technical protocol. Staining for hMSH2 was successful in most laboratories while staining for hMLH1 proved problematic in multiple labs. However, a significant minority of laboratories demonstrated excellent results including high discriminatory power with both monoclonal antibodies. These laboratories appropriately identified hMLH1 or hMSH2 inactivation with high sensitivity and specificity. The key protocol point associated with successful staining was an antigen retrieval step involving heat treatment and either EDTA or citrate buffer. This study demonstrates the potential utility of immunohistochemistry in detecting HNPCC probands and identifies key technical components for successful staining.
Symptoms of bladder irritability are common after incontinence surgery but their cause is unknown. This study tests the hypothesis that irritative symptoms after colposuspension are due to distortion of the trigone. As part of longitudinal follow-up studies, 175 women were examined 6 months to 12 years after either an open or a laparoscopic Burch colposuspension. The main outcome measures were symptoms of bladder irritability (frequency, nocturia and urge incontinence) and ultrasound findings (bladder neck position at rest and on Valsalva, the presence of a colposuspension ridge, ridge depth and ridge distance, and trigonal angle). Two positive associations between ultrasound parameters and symptoms of bladder irritability were observed: urge incontinence was more likely in the presence of bladder neck funneling, and women with nocturia had a higher trigonal angle. Increased distortion of the trigone was associated with a reduced incidence of urge incontinence in the subgroup of patients after laparoscopic colposuspension. The data presented in this study do not support the hypothesis that symptoms of bladder irritability are due to trigonal distortion or overelevation.
Perineal ultrasound was used to detect and quantify levator activity by measuring the displacement of the internal urethral meatus against the inferoposterior margin of the symphysis pubis, Women who had previously been instructed in pelvic floor muscle exercises were more likely to contract the levator muscle when asked to do so than were those without previous instruction (P
A prospective clinical study was carried out to evaluate the influence of posture on perineal ultrasound imaging parameters. One hundred and thirty-two consecutive women presenting with symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction were examined by multichannel videourodynamics and perineal ultrasound, both supine and standing. Ultrasound included color Doppler imaging when available, i.e. in a subgroup of 99 patients. The position of the bladder neck at rest was higher in the supine position (P
The 'integral theory of pelvic floor dysfunction', first proposed by Petros and Ulmsten in 1990, claims that anterior vaginal wall relaxation is associated with symptoms of urgency, frequency, nocturia and urge incontinence. A retrospective study was designed to test this hypothesis. Imaging data and urodynamic reports from 272 women suffering from symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction were evaluated. Opening of the retrovesical angle, bladder neck descent, urethral rotation and descent of a cystocele during Valsalva were used to quantify anterior vaginal wall laxity None of the tested parameters were associated with symptoms and signs of detrusor overactivity. On the contrary, patients with higher grades of urethral and bladder descent were less likely to suffer from nocturia and urge incontinence and were less likely to leave sensory urgency and detrusor instability diagnosed on urodynamic testing. The findings of this study therefore do not support this hypothesis of the 'integral theory'.
The response of the abdominal muscles to voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor (PF) muscles was investigated in women with no history of symptoms of stress urinary incontinence to determine whether there is co-activation of the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity during exercises for the PF muscles. Electromyographic (EMG) activity of each of the abdominal muscles was recorded with fine-wire electrodes in seven parous females. Subjects contracted the PF muscles maximally in three lumbar spine positions while lying supine. In all subjects. the EMG activity of the abdominal muscles was increased above the baseline level during contractions of the PF muscles in at least one of the spinal positions. The amplitude of the increase in EMG activity of obliquus externus abdominis was greatest when the spine was positioned in flexion and the increase in activity of transversus abdominis was greater than that of rectus abdominis and obliquus externus abdominis when the spine was positioned in extension. In an additional pilot experiment. EMG recordings were made from the pubococcygeus and the abdominal muscles with fine-wire electrodes in two subjects during the performance of three different sub-maximal isometric abdominal muscle maneuvers. Both subjects showed an increase in EMG activity of the pubococcygeus with each abdominal muscle contraction. The results of these experiments indicate that abdominal muscle activity is a normal response to PF exercise in subjects with no symptoms of PF muscle dysfunction and provide preliminary evidence that specific abdominal exercises activate the PF muscles. Neurourol. Urodynam. 20:31-42, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
P2X(1)-type purinoceptors, have been shown to mediate fast transmission between sympathetic varicosities and smooth muscle cells in the mouse vas deferens but the spatial organization of these receptors on the smooth muscle cells remains inconclusive. Voltage clamp techniques were used to estimate the amplitudes of spontaneous excitatory junction currents (SEJCs) in cells of the vas deferens longitudinal smooth muscle layer. These currents involved the activation of about 6% of the P2X-type channels present on the cell, as compared to whole cell currents produced when isolated smooth muscle cells were exposed to maximal concentrations of either ATP or alpha,beta -MeATP. Immunofluorescence staining of the vas deferens with antibodies against P2X(1) receptor showed a diffuse, grainy distribution over the entire membrane of each smooth muscle cell. Anti-P2X(1) staining was not markedly clustered beneath anti-SV2-stained sympathetic varicosities. Similar results were obtained for cells in the urinary bladder. During development, P2X(1) mRNA was detected as early as embryonic day 15 (E15). Increasing intensities of diffuse immunostaining for P2X(1) were observed in the walls of the bladder, tail artery, and aorta from E15 until 6 weeks postnatal. The vas deferens showed increasing intensities of diffuse staining of its smooth muscle layers between 2 and 6 weeks postnatal, consistent with the time-course of development of fast purinergic transmission described previously. Together, the results suggest that the response of smooth muscle of the vas deferens to ATP released from sympathetic varicosities relies on rapidly desensitizing P2X(1) receptors, distributed diffusely across the smooth muscle cell surface. Synapse 42:1-11, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The anaerobic protozoa Giardia duodenalis, Trichomonas vaginalis, and Entamoeba histolytica infect up to a billion people each year. G. duodenalis and E. histolytica are primarily pathogens of the intestinal tract, although E. histolytica can form abscesses and invade other organs, where it can be fatal if left untreated. T. vaginalis infection is a sexually transmitted infection causing vaginitis and acute inflammatory disease of the genital mucosa. T. vaginalis has also been reported in the urinary tract fallopian tubes, and pelvis and can cause pneumonia, bronchitis, and oral lesions. Respiratory infections can be acquired perinatally. T. vaginalis infections have been associated with preterm delivery, low birth weight, and increased mortality as well as predisposing to human immunodeficiency virus infection, AIDS, and cervical cancer. All three organisms lack mitochondria and are susceptible to the nitroimidazole metronidazole because of similar low-redox-potential anaerobic metabolic pathways. Resistance to metronidazole and other drugs has been observed clinically and in the laboratory. Laboratory studies have identified the enzyme that activates metronidazole, pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase, to its nitroso form and distinct mechanisms of decreasing drug susceptibility that are induced in each organism. Although the nitroimidazoles have been the drug family of choice for treating the anaerobic protozoa, G. duodenalis is less susceptible to other antiparasitic drugs, such as furazolidone, albendazole, and quinacrine. Resistance has been demonstrated for each agent and the mechanism of resistance has been investigated. Metronidazole resistance in T. vaginalis is well documented, and the principal mechanisms have been defined Bypass metabolism, such as alternative oxidoreductases, have been discovered in both organisms. Aerobic versus anaerobic resistance in T. vaginalis is discussed. Mechanisms of metronidazole resistance in E. histolytica have recently been investigated ruing laboratory-induced resistant isolates. Instead of downregulation of the pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and ferredoxin pathway as seen in G. duodenalis and T. vaginalis, E. histolytica induces oxidative stress mechanisms, including superoxide dismutase and peroxiredoxin. The review examines the value of investigating both clinical and laboratory-induced syngeneic drug-resistant isolates and dissection of the complementary data obtained. Comparison of resistance mechanisms in anaerobic bacteria and the parasitic protozoa is discussed as well as the value of studies of the epidemiology of resistance.
The pre- and postsynaptic actions of exogenously applied ATP were investigated in intact and dissociated parasympathetic neurotics of rat submandibular ganglia. Nerve-evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were not inhibited by the purinergic receptor antagonists, suramin and pyridoxal-phosphate-6-azophenyl-2 ' ,4 ' -disulphonic acid (PPADS), or the desensitising agonist, alpha,beta -methylene ATP. In contrast. EPSPs were abolished by the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonists, hexamethonium and mecamylamine. Focal application of ATP (100 muM) had no effect on membrane potential of the postsynaptic neurone or on the amplitude of spontaneous EPSPs. Taken together, these results suggest the absence of functional purinergic (P2) receptors on the postganglionic neurone in situ. In contrast, focally applied ATP (100 muM) reversibly inhibited nerve-evoked EPSPs. Similarly, bath application of the non-hydrolysable analogue of ATP, ATP gammaS, reversibly depressed EPSPs amplitude, The inhibitory effects of ATP and ATP gammaS on nerve-evoked transmitter release were antagonised by bath application of either PPADS or suramin, suggesting ATP activates a presynaptic P2 purinoceptor to inhibit acetylcholine release from preganglionic nerves in the submandibular ganglia. In acutely dissociated postganglionic neurotics from rat submandibular ganglia. focal application of ATP (100 LM) evoked an inward current and subsequent excitatory response and action potential firing, which was reversibly inhibited by PPADS (10 muM). The expression of P2X purinoceptors in wholemount and dissociated submandibular ganglion neurones was examined using polyclonal antibodies raised against the extracellular domain of six P2X purinoceptor subtypes (P2X(1-6)). In intact wholemount preparations, only the P2X(5) purinoceptor subtype was found to be expressed in the submandibular ganglion neurones and no P2X immunoreactivity was detected in the nerve fibres innervating the ganglion. Surprisingly, in dissociated submandibular ganglion neurones, high levels of P2X(2) and P2X(4) purinoceptors immunoreactivity were found on the cell surface. This increase in expression of P2X(2) and P2X(4) purinoceptors in dissociated submandibular neurones could explain the increased responsiveness of the neurotics to exogenous ATP. We conclude that disruption of ganglionic transmission in vivo by either nerve damage or synaptic blockade may up-regulate P2X expression or availability and alter neuronal excitability. (C) 2001 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective. To examine the feasibility and safety of a low anterior resection of the rectosigmoid plus adjacent pelvic tumour as part of primary cytoreduction for ovarian cancer. Methods. This study included 65 consecutive patients with primary ovarian cancer who had debulking surgery from 1996 through 2000. All patients underwent an en bloc resection of ovarian cancer and a rectosigmoid resection followed by an end-to-end anastomosis. Parameters for safety and efficacy were considered as primary statistical endpoints for the aim of this analysis. Results. Postoperative residual tumour was nil, 1 cm in 14, 34, and 14 patients, respectively. The median postoperative hospital stay was 11 days (range, 6 to 50 days). Intraoperative complications included an injury to the urinary bladder in one patient. Postoperative complications included wound complications (n=14, 21.5%), septicemia (n=9, 13.8%), cardiac complications (n=7, 10.8%), thromboembolic complications (n=5, 7.7%) ileus (n=2, 3.1%) anastomotic leak (n=2, 3.1%) and fistula (n=1, 1.5%). Reasons for a reoperation during the same admission included repair of an anastomotic leak (n=1), postoperative hemorrhage (n=1), and wound debridement (n=1). Wound complications, septicemia, and anastomotic leak formation were more frequent in patients who had a serum albumin level of less than or equal to 30 g/L preoperatively. There was one surgically related mortality in a patient who died from a cerebral vascular accident 2 days postoperatively. Conclusions. An en bloc resection as part of primary cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer is effective and its morbidity is acceptably low. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Tarramba leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala cv. Tarramba) foliage had per kilogram dry matter, 169 g protein and 29.8 g condensed tannins. Its value as a supplement, given either with or without urea, to sheep given a low-quality Callide Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Callide) hay was studied. Six rumen fistulated sheep (mean +/- s.d. liveweight, 34 +/- 1.4 kg) were used to compare 6 dietary treatments in an incomplete latin square design. Rhodes grass hay was given ad libitum either alone, or with urea 7 g/day (U), or with leucaena 150 g/day (L150), or leucaena with urea (L150U), or leucaena 300 g/day (L300), or leucaena with urea (L300U). Digestible organic matter intake was increased significantly by leucaena supplementation although digestibility of the whole diet did not alter. Rumen fluid ammonia-N was not altered by leucaena supplementation, but was increased by urea. This suggests that Tarramba foliage protein has some resistance to ruminal degradation. Liquid and solids passage rates were not affected by the treatments. Microbial nitrogen supply to the intestine (g/day), and the efficiency of microbial nitrogen synthesis (g/kg organic matter apparently digested in the rumen), were increased by leucaena supplementation (P