957 resultados para Urban Area


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A methodology for analyzing the solar access and its influence on both air temperature and thermal comfort of the urban environment was here developed by applying the potentiality of GIS tools. Urban canyons in a specific area of a Brazilian medium sized city were studied. First, a computational algorithm was applied in order to allow the determination of sky view factors (SVF) and sun-paths in urban canyons. Then, air temperatures in 40 measurement points were collected within the study area. Solar radiation values of these canyons were determined and subsequently stored in a GIS database. The creation of thermal maps for the whole neighbourhood was possible due to a statistical treatment of the data, by promoting the interpolation of values. All data could then be spatially cross-examined. In addition, thermal comfort maps for summer and winter periods were generated. The methodology allowed the identification of thermal tendencies within the neighbourhood, what can be useful in the conception of guidelines for urban planning purposes.


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This study proposes the development of thermal and energy consumption maps to generate useful planning information. A residential neighbourhood in a medium-sized city was selected as the study area. In this area, 40 points were taken as urban reference points where air temperatures at the pedestrian level were collected. At the same time, rural temperatures made available by the city meteorological station were registered. Data of electrical energy consumption of the building units (houses and apartments) were collected through a household survey that was also designed to identify the users' income levels. Then, maps were developed so that the configuration of urban heat islands and electrical energy consumption could be visualised, compared and analysed. The results showed that the income level was the most important variable influencing electrical energy consumption. However, a strong relationship of the consumption with the thermal environment was also observed.


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After nearly 80 years since the construction of its core, represented today by the city's central area, Londrina, located in the state of Parana, has the appearance of a new city but its features and trends of planning policies depict the bad examples of Brazilian cities. With a booming urban growth, from north to south of the county, the urban interstices represented by big voids in the middle of the city created speculation and the concept of an ideal city slowly disappeared. With a metropolitan appearance and, at the same time, with small town aspects, Londrina stands out as an automobile-oriented city, a fact that has impacted the livelihood of the population, generating environmental impacts for all social classes. This paper discusses how the form of occupation in Londrina, characterized by the sprawl phenomenon and its relation to car preference as a mode of transportation has generated urban environmental impacts. It was concluded that the choice of using cars in Londrina, as well in other medium-sized Brazilian cities studied by the comparative method, has increased and has generated bottlenecks in traffic. As a consequence, there is a constant expropriation of properties for widening roads and at the same time, the presence of various densities and urban voids that form an uneven urban space and an obstacle to efficient urban planning. © 2012 WIT Press.


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The fragmentation of forest habitats in urban areas has aroused increasing interest in recent years according to the growing environmental problems. The fragmentation of theses ecosystems is caused, in general, by the pressure of housing, agriculture and industry, causing losses in biodiversity and problems of soil degradation in the border areas of theses remnants. The establishment of indicators of soil degradation becomes essential for the implementation of conservation and reclamation. This study analyzes physical and chemical characteristics of soil under different forms of vegetation in the forest surrounding the Quilombo Forest, located in Campinas/SP - Brazil, and examines the possibility of using these indices as indicators of environmental degradation in urban remnants. The parameters analyzed were: specific weight natural (γn), specific weight of solids (γs) Ca, P, K, Mg, pH, organic matter, H + Al, Sum of Base (SB) Percent Base Saturation (V%), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). The study shows that in general the different forms of land used in the study area significantly changed (or according to) the physical aspects of soil The porosity and voids of the soil stood out as the best indicators of soil physical degradation in the layer 0-20 cm deep. In relation to chemical indices, the soil under the cultivation of cane sugar had a significantly higher pH, K, Ca, Mg and sum of bases. The areas of forest showed higher levels of phosphorus, organic matter and CEC, indicating the importance of maintaining vegetation and replacement for the cycling of organic matter.


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This paper presents a tool that combines two kinds of Petri Net analyses to set the fastest routes to one vehicle in a bounded area of traffic urban. The first analysis consists of the discovery of possible routes in a state space generated from an IOPT Petri net model given the initial marking as the vehicle position. The second analysis receives the routes found in the first analysis and calculates the state equations at incidence matrix created from the High Level Petri net model to define the fastest route for each vehicle that arrive in the roads. It was considered the exchange of information between vehicle and infrastructure (V2I) to get the position and speed of all vehicles and support the analyses. With the results obtained we conclude that is possible optimizing the urban traffic flow if this tool is applied to all vehicles in a bounded urban traffic. © 2012 IEEE.


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Through the geotechnology's use, the aim of this study was to characterize the urban occupation interference and occurrence of floods in the upstream area of watershed from the stream Wenzel (Rio Claro-SP/Brazil). Urbanized watersheds are composed of a variety of features and the development of cartographic material allowed the analysis of the evolution of land used for 1958 and 2006 scenarios. The thematic maps were generated using software Spring 4.3.3, wherein it got the separation of matters from vegetation cover and other intra urban features. Procedures of digital processes and classification of surface cover allowed quantifying the occupied area by each coverage type: woody vegetation, grass, grass with bare soil, bare soil, building, asphaltic sheets and exposed soil. Quantification of the different covers' occupied areas allowed relating the parameter Curve Number (Soil Conservation Service) as efficient methodology for runoff values estimative. The results indicate vegetation cover's reduction, intensive surface's sealing and suppression of water bodies. These factors imply changes of hydrological dynamics of the source, increasing flow and transfer of larger volumes of water and flood peaks to downstream sectors. The use of geotechnology allowed analyzing the evolution of urbanization and it permits also to infer about trends for future or inadequate occupancy to hydrological and environmental point of view. © 2013 IEEE.


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A ligação entre as zonas urbanas e as questões ambientais ficam mais próximas na medida em que cresce a conscientização global de conservar, melhorar e valorizar os serviços ambientais prestados pela natureza para a sustentabilidade da vida, dentro e fora da cidade. Cobertura vegetal (ou cobertura verde) está dentre as principais fontes de tais serviços. Uma vez que o processo de urbanização se mostra irreversível e os problemas ambientais urbanos se alastram em tamanho e extensão, a presença do verde está diretamente relacionada aos indicadores de qualidade de vida urbana. Como reflexo do processo de urbanização, a cidade de Belém perdeu uma grande porcentagem de seus ecossistemas naturais, de modo que este trabalho se concentrou em analisar alguns serviços ecossistêmicos—qualidade do ar, poluição do ar e regulação do clima - fornecidos pela qualidade e pela quantidade de cobertura vegetal local, considerando as alterações na distribuição espaço-temporal, em três distritos administrativos. Um marco teórico foi construído e analisado; a cobertura vegetal foi calculada, utilizando-se NDVI e Cobertura Vegetal Fracional em imagens do LANDSAT 5, ao longo de um período de 23 anos. A partir de uma proposta de escala mais detalhada de NDVI, análises quantitativas e qualitativas da cobertura verde evidenciaram perda significativa de cobertura muito densa, densa, moderada e aumento de áreas de pouca ou nenhuma vegetação. Ademais, lesão das áreas verdes sinalizou tendências de aumento da poluição do ar, da poluição sonora e da temperatura. A carência de dados relacionados ao meio ambiente não deixa dúvida sobre a urgência de investimento nos serviços ambientais provenientes da cobertura vegetal, para a sustentabilidade urbana em Belém, cujos cenários previstos são de drásticas perdas de área verde. Mais pesquisas e iniciativas de instituições públicas e privadas são necessárias para a contribuição aos serviços ambientais em Belém e, consequentemente, ao bem-estar público.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever aspectos populacionais relacionados ao estabelecimento da relação peso/comprimento, estimativa de tamanho de primeira maturação (L) e período reprodutivo de Poecilia reticulata encontrados em sistemas de coleta residual no campus da Universidade Federal do Pará, região metropolitana de Belém – PA (Brasil). Foram realizadas coletas mensais no período de junho de 2006 a março de 2007, utilizando um puçá, que resultou na captura de 1.936 exemplares, sendo 942 machos e 994 fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentaram-se maiores e mais pesadas que os machos. A relação peso/comprimento para machos foi estabelecida pela equação Pt = 5 × 10-5× Ct2,397 e para fêmeas esta foi dada pela fórmula Pt = 3 × 10-6 × Ct3,419. Os valores estimados para L foi 17,5 mm para machos 20,4 mm para fêmeas, sugerindo que os machos iniciam atividades reprodutivas em tamanhos menores que as fêmeas. A frequência mensal de fêmeas maduras não variou significativamente. Além disso, também não foram encontradas diferenças na proporção sexual durante os períodos investigados, sendo no geral, a proporção de fêmeas iguais as de machos. Desta forma, verificamos que, apesar das condições presentes nos sistemas de coleta residual da UFPA, a espécie P. reticulata parece ter adaptado seus processos biológicos.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) is genotoxic and recently was classified as carcinogenic to humans by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. PM chemical composition varies depending on source and atmospheric conditions. The Salmonella/microsome assay is the most used mutagenicity test and can identify the major chemical classes responsible for observed mutagenicity. The objective of this work was to characterize the mutagenicity of PM samples from a countryside city, Limeira, Brazil, which is influenced by heavy traffic and sugar cane biomass burning. Six samples of total PM were collected. Air mass backward trajectories were calculated. Organic extracts were assayed using the Salmonella/microsome microsuspension mutagenicity assay using TA98, YG1041, and TA1538, with and without metabolic activation (S9). YG1041 was the most sensitive strain and mutagenicity reached 9,700 revertants per m(3) without metabolic activation. Potency for TA1538 was higher than TA98, indicating that this strain should be considered in air mutagenicity studies. The increased response to YG1041 relative to TA98, and the decreased response with S9, suggests that nitroaromatics are the major contributors. Limeira is among the most mutagenic cities in the world. High mutagenicity in Limeira seems to occur when the air mass from the area of sugarcane production is mixed with air from the region impacted by anthropogenic activities such as traffic. An increase in the formation of nitro-polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may result from longer contact time between the aromatic compounds and the atmosphere with high NOx and ozone concentration, although more studies are required to confirm this hypothesis. Environ. Mol. Mutagen., 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o impacto das atividades antropogênicas da cidade de Belém pela comparação da qualidade da água e das comunidades de larvas de peixes em dois igarapés que desembocam no rio Guamá. Um dos igarapés atravessa um subúrbio pobre e populoso de Belém, enquanto o outro é localizado em uma ilha de Belém, declarada Área de Proteção Ambiental desde 1997. Dois pontos de coletas foram definidos em cada igarapé e monitorados durante oito horas, a cada três meses e durante um ano. O igarapé em região urbana apresentou fortes alterações na qualidade da água, durante o ano todo e em todas as marés, e isto deve se essencialmente a presença de um elevado número de coliformes termotolerantes. Poucas larvas foram encontradas. A água foi considerada imprópria para uso e atividades humanas, assim como para a vida aquática. O igarapé da ilha apresentou primeiros sinais de contaminação por nutrientes e bactéria durante o período chuvoso, parcialmente decorrente de fontes de poluição difusa. Em ambos os córregos, as comunidades larvais foram quase exclusivamente compostas de clupeiformes. Todos os estágios de desenvolvimento larval foram encontrados. Densidades e proporções mais elevadas de larvas recém eclodidas foram registradas durante a estação seca e associadas à presença de nitrato. Resultados apontam a necessidade de desenvolver um sistema de drenagem urbano para esgoto e água pluvial na maior brevidade, e recomenda um estudo de monitoramento integrado do igarapé na Área de Proteção Ambiental.