993 resultados para Ultrasound device


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The field of electronic noses and gas sensing has been developing rapidly since the introduction of the silicon based sensors. There are numerous systems that can detect and indicate the level of a specific gas. We introduce here a system that is low power, small and cheap enough to be used in mobile robotic platforms while still being accurate and reliable enough for confident use. The design is based around a small circuit board mounted in a plastic case with holes to allow the sensors to protrude through the top and allow the natural flow of gas evenly across them. The main control board consists of a microcontroller PCB with surface mount components for low cost and power consumption. The firmware of the device is based on an algorithm that uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) which receives input from an array of gas sensors. The various sensors feeding the ANN allow the microcontroller to determine the gas type and quantity. The Testing of the device involves the training of the ANN with a number of different target gases to determine the weightings for the ANN. Accuracy and reliability of the ANN is validated through testing in a specific gas filled environment.


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There has been a growing interest in the industrial application of ultrasound, especially in the food industry. Power ultrasound can have a number of physical effects; it can increase turbulence through both the introduction of vibrational energy and through acoustic streaming, it can cause both particle agglomeration and particle dispersion and clean surfaces with a scouring action. Our work in this area has focused on the use of ultrasound to enhance membrane processing. Low frequency ultrasound has been used to facilitate cross flow ultrafiltration of dairy whey solutions for both during the ultrafiltration production cycle and the cleaning cycle. During the production cycle, the use of ultrasound reduces both pore blockage and the specific resistance of the fouling cake layer. This leads to higher flux rates and the potential for longer production cycles. During the cleaning cycle, ultrasound systematically increases cleaning efficiency, thus has the potential to reduce both total chemical consumption and system downtime. There was no deterioration in cleaning effectiveness or membrane condition which imples that sonication , has not damaged the membrane itself. Similarly, there was no change in the chemical nature of soluble proteins following sonication.


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Work previously presented has shown that ultrasound can be effective in enhancing both the production and cleaning cycles of dairy membrane  processes. In this present work we extend these previous results to consider the effect of ultrasonic frequency and the use of intermittent ultrasound. These results show that the use of continuous low frequency (50 kHz) ultrasound is most effective in both the fouling and cleaning cycles. The application of intermittent high frequency (1 MHz) ultrasound is less effective. At higher transmembrane pressure, high frequency pulsed sonication can indeed lead to a reduction in steady state membrane flux. The benefits of ultrasound arise from a reduction in both concentration polarization and in the resistance provided by the more labile protein deposits that are removed during a water wash. Conversely, the loss of membrane flux when high frequency pulsed sonication is used arises from a significant increase in the more tenacious ‘irreversible’ fouling deposit.


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Flat sheet polymeric UF membranes of 30000 MWCO were obtained from Millipore Inc. Polypropylene spacers of a 50 mil (1.3 mm) thickness were obtained from KOCH membrane systems. A single 30 cm^sup 2^ membrane sheet was sandwiched with a spacer on the feed side of a cross flow Minitan S unit (Millipore Inc). The unit was immersed in a 50 kHz ultrasonic bath that was switched on as required. All experiments used re-constituted spray-dried whey powder to foul the membrane.


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This paper details the design of a closed-loop insulin delivery device, consisting of a glucose sensing circuit, and a basic microprocessor-based syringe pump. The glucose sensing circuit contains the required components to interface with CGMS's glucose sensor assembly, while the syringe pump design uses microprocessor to allow flexible control over the pump driver. Instrumentation developed in this paper provides a ready reference to other researchers on the construction of a closed-loop insulin delivery apparatus with amperometric glucose sensor.


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Chronic perforations of the eardrum or tympanic membrane represent a significant source of morbidity worldwide. Myringoplasty is the operative repair of a perforated tympanic membrane and is a procedure commonly performed by otolaryngologists. Its purpose is to close the tympanic membrane, improve hearing and limit patient susceptibility to middle ear infections. The success rates of the different surgical techniques used to perform a myringoplasty, and the optimal graft materials to achieve complete closure and restore hearing, vary significantly in the literature. A number of autologous tissues, homografts and synthetic materials are described as graft options. With the advent and development of tissue engineering in the last decade, a number of biomaterials have been studied and attempts have been made to mimic biological functions with these materials. Fibroin, a core structural protein in silk from silkworms, has been widely studied with biomedical applications in mind. Several cell types, including keratinocytes, have grown on silk biomaterials, and scaffolds manufactured from silk have successfully been used in wound healing and for tissue engineering purposes. This review focuses on the current available grafts for myringoplasty and their limitations, and examines the biomechanical properties of silk, assessing the potential benefits of a silk fibroin scaffold as a novel device for use as a graft in myringoplasty surgery.


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This thesis presents a novel web scanning device with high processing speed and optical sensitivity and a study of the interrelationships between dimensional parameters and functional properties of nonwovens using such a web scanning device.


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Malaysian patent application number PCT/MY2008/000190 Australian application number : 2009203047


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This paper reports the development of a platform technology for measuring platelet function and aggregation based on localized strain rate micro-gradients. Recent experimental findings within our laboratories have identified a key role for strain rate micro-gradients in focally triggering initial recruitment and subsequent aggregation of discoid platelets at sites of blood vessel injury. We present the design justification, hydrodynamic characterization and experimental validation of a microfluidic device incorporating contraction–expansion geometries that generate strain rate conditions mimicking the effects of pathological changes in blood vessel geometry. Blood perfusion through this device supports our published findings of both in vivo and in vitro platelet aggregation and confirms a critical requirement for the coupling of blood flow acceleration to downstream deceleration for the initiation and stabilization of platelet aggregation, in the absence of soluble platelet agonists. The microfluidics platform presented will facilitate the detailed analysis of the effects of hemodynamic parameters on the rate and extent of platelet aggregation and will be a useful tool to elucidate the hemodynamic and platelet mechano-transduction mechanisms, underlying this shear-dependent process.


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Most of the embedded systems that detect gases today are for specific types and indicate the levels of the gas present with their standard sensors. We introduce here an adaptable system that can detect and distinguish the type of gas in a volatile environment such as searching for Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). This is achieved with a small device mounted on a mobile robot through the use of an algorithm that is an Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The input layer to the ANN is an array of environmental and gas sensors. The small device, comprising of a multilayer circuit board with sensors in a rugged lightweight case, mounts on the mobile robot and communicates the gaseous data to the robot.

The ANN is implemented in the hardware of a FPGA with the control of the ANN being achieved through the configurable processor and memory. Calibration and testing of the device involves the training of device and the ANN with specific target gases. The Accuracy of the device is validated through lab testing against high-end gas test instruments with known concentrations of gases.