1000 resultados para Ultra-sonografia cervical


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Spinal cord injuries result after diving into shallow water, often after incautious jumps head first into water of unknown depth during recreational or sport activities. Mortality is generally due to upper cervical trauma. The authors present a case of a diving-related death in a young woman who underwent medicolegal investigations. The measured water depth at the supposed dive site was 1.40 m. Postmortem radiology and autopsy revealed fractures of the body and the posterior arch of the fifth cervical vertebra, a fracture of the right transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra and hemorrhages involving the cervical paraspinal muscles. Neuropathology showed a posterior epidural hematoma involving the whole cervical region and a symmetric laceration of the spinal cord located at the fourth and fifth cervical vertebra level, surrounded by multiple petechial hemorrhages. Toxicology revealed the presence of ethanol in both blood and urine samples. The death was attributed to cervical spine fracture (C5-C6), spinal cord contusion, and subsequent drowning. This case highlights the usefulness of postmortem radiology, examination of the deep structures of the neck, toxicology, neuropathology, and a detailed research of signs of drowning to formulate appropriate hypotheses pertaining to the cause and mechanism of death.


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The goal of this study was to investigate the performance of 3D synchrotron differential phase contrast (DPC) imaging for the visualization of both macroscopic and microscopic aspects of atherosclerosis in the mouse vasculature ex vivo. The hearts and aortas of 2 atherosclerotic and 2 wild-type control mice were scanned with DPC imaging with an isotropic resolution of 15 μm. The coronary artery vessel walls were segmented in the DPC datasets to assess their thickness, and histological staining was performed at the level of atherosclerotic plaques. The DPC imaging allowed for the visualization of complex structures such as the coronary arteries and their branches, the thin fibrous cap of atherosclerotic plaques as well as the chordae tendineae. The coronary vessel wall thickness ranged from 37.4 ± 5.6 μm in proximal coronary arteries to 13.6 ± 3.3 μm in distal branches. No consistent differences in coronary vessel wall thickness were detected between the wild-type and atherosclerotic hearts in this proof-of-concept study, although the standard deviation in the atherosclerotic mice was higher in most segments, consistent with the observation of occasional focal vessel wall thickening. Overall, DPC imaging of the cardiovascular system of the mice allowed for a simultaneous detailed 3D morphological assessment of both large structures and microscopic details.


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O osteossarcoma extra-esquelético é uma neoplasia rara caracterizada pela produção de osteóide "maligno". Esta condição tem sido descrita em faixa etária acima da esperada para o osteossarcoma ósseo, e a coxa é o local de predileção. Realizamos revisão da literatura e descrevemos o caso clínico de uma paciente de 19 anos de idade com história de massa na região cervical direita associada a parestesia dos membros superiores, a qual foi diagnosticada como portadora de osteossarcoma extra-esquelético. Enfatizamos as características clínicas, os aspectos das imagens em diversos métodos empregados (exames radiográficos convencionais, tomografia computadorizada, exame por ressonância magnética), análise histopatológica e os principais diagnósticos diferenciais desta afecção.


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OBJETIVO: Padronizar método ultra-sonográfico de biometria hepática em crianças, visando estabelecer maior precisão nos planos de corte e minimizar o fator operador-dependência; testar a reprodutibilidade intra-observador. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: A hepatometria ultra-sonográfica foi realizada em 32 crianças, entre 0 e 6 anos de idade, sem doença hepática ou das vias biliares. Todas as crianças foram examinadas por um mesmo observador, em duas ocasiões diferentes (exames 1 e 2). Os planos seccionais foram estabelecidos inter-relacionando linhas de orientação externas a reparos anatômicos intra-abdominais, extra e intra-hepáticos. Para análise comparativa das medidas dos exames 1 e 2 foi utilizado o teste t pareado. O coeficiente de Pearson foi empregado para análise de correlação: a) dos parâmetros entre si; b) entre a idade das crianças e a diferença das medidas dos exames 1 e 2. RESULTADOS: À análise estatística não houve: a) diferença significante no estudo da variabilidade intra-observador; b) correlação significante entre a diferença das medidas e as idades dos pacientes. Verificamos que os parâmetros estão, no geral, direta e altamente correlacionados entre si (r > 0,60). CONCLUSÃO: O método é reprodutível por um mesmo observador. As medidas dos diâmetros crânio-caudal na linha médio-esternal e crânio-caudal posterior na linha hemiclavicular, usando referenciais anatômicos intra-hepáticos, mostraram-se precisas e mais práticas que as demais.


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Os autores relatam dois casos da doença de Madelung, que consiste em depósitos simétricos de gordura localizados no pescoço, ombros e mediastino superior, envolvendo nervos e vasos. Recomenda-se o uso da tomografia computadorizada, a qual confirma a natureza lipóide da massa, útil no estadiamento pré-operatório e acompanhamento pós-cirúrgico.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to systematically compare a comprehensive array of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features in terms of their sensitivity and specificity to diagnose cervical lymph node metastases in patients with thyroid cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 41 patients with thyroid malignancy who underwent surgical excision of cervical lymph nodes and had preoperative MR imaging ≤4weeks prior to surgery. Three head and neck neuroradiologists independently evaluated all the MR images. Using the pathology results as reference, the sensitivity, specificity and interobserver agreement of each MR imaging characteristic were calculated. RESULTS: On multivariate analysis, no single imaging feature was significantly correlated with metastasis. In general, imaging features demonstrated high specificity, but poor sensitivity and moderate interobserver agreement at best. CONCLUSIONS: Commonly used MR imaging features have limited sensitivity at correctly identifying cervical lymph node metastases in patients with thyroid cancer. A negative neck MR scan should not dissuade a surgeon from performing a neck dissection in patients with thyroid carcinomas.


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Alterations in the hepatic lipid content (HLC) and fatty acid composition are associated with disruptions in whole body metabolism, both in humans and in rodent models, and can be non-invasively assessed by (1)H-MRS in vivo. We used (1)H-MRS to characterize the hepatic fatty-acyl chains of healthy mice and to follow changes caused by streptozotocin (STZ) injection. Using STEAM at 14.1 T with an ultra-short TE of 2.8 ms, confounding effects from T2 relaxation and J-coupling were avoided, allowing for accurate estimations of the contribution of unsaturated (UFA), saturated (SFA), mono-unsaturated (MUFA) and poly-unsaturated (PUFA) fatty-acyl chains, number of double bonds, PU bonds and mean chain length. Compared with in vivo (1) H-MRS, high resolution NMR performed in vitro in hepatic lipid extracts reported longer fatty-acyl chains (18 versus 15 carbons) with a lower contribution from UFA (61 ± 1% versus 80 ± 5%) but a higher number of PU bonds per UFA (1.39 ± 0.03 versus 0.58 ± 0.08), driven by the presence of membrane species in the extracts. STZ injection caused a decrease of HLC (from 1.7 ± 0.3% to 0.7 ± 0.1%), an increase in the contribution of SFA (from 21 ± 2% to 45 ± 6%) and a reduction of the mean length (from 15 to 13 carbons) of cytosolic fatty-acyl chains. In addition, SFAs were also likely to have increased in membrane lipids of STZ-induced diabetic mice, along with a decrease of the mean chain length. These studies show the applicability of (1)H-MRS in vivo to monitor changes in the composition of the hepatic fatty-acyl chains in mice even when they exhibit reduced HLC, pointing to the value of this methodology to evaluate lipid-lowering interventions in the scope of metabolic disorders.


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PURPOSE: Statistical shape and appearance models play an important role in reducing the segmentation processing time of a vertebra and in improving results for 3D model development. Here, we describe the different steps in generating a statistical shape model (SSM) of the second cervical vertebra (C2) and provide the shape model for general use by the scientific community. The main difficulties in its construction are the morphological complexity of the C2 and its variability in the population. METHODS: The input dataset is composed of manually segmented anonymized patient computerized tomography (CT) scans. The alignment of the different datasets is done with the procrustes alignment on surface models, and then, the registration is cast as a model-fitting problem using a Gaussian process. A principal component analysis (PCA)-based model is generated which includes the variability of the C2. RESULTS: The SSM was generated using 92 CT scans. The resulting SSM was evaluated for specificity, compactness and generalization ability. The SSM of the C2 is freely available to the scientific community in Slicer (an open source software for image analysis and scientific visualization) with a module created to visualize the SSM using Statismo, a framework for statistical shape modeling. CONCLUSION: The SSM of the vertebra allows the shape variability of the C2 to be represented. Moreover, the SSM will enable semi-automatic segmentation and 3D model generation of the vertebra, which would greatly benefit surgery planning.


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OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento de aspectos pessoais, ocupacionais e de sintomas músculo-esqueléticos percebidos por médicos ultra-sonografistas. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 41 médicos ultra-sonografistas que responderam a uma entrevista e a um questionário relacionado a aspectos organizacionais e à percepção de sintomas. Utilizaram-se, para a análise estatística dos resultados, os coeficientes de variação e de Spearman, e o teste t de Student. Análise de regressão logística foi utilizada para identificar a contribuição de algumas variáveis na determinação do desconforto. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostraram alta taxa de desconforto músculo-esquelético relacionado ao trabalho (85%). Entre os sintomáticos, a prevalência de dor foi de 50% nos membros superiores, seguido da coluna vertebral (39%). Foram identificados vários aspectos de risco presentes nesta atividade profissional, tais como: altas cargas diárias de trabalho influenciando na presença da dor, alta demanda cognitiva, estresse freqüentemente presente na rotina dos ultra-sonografistas, entre outros. O teste de regressão demonstrou alta probabilidade de ocorrência de lesões quando o conjunto de variáveis analisadas agia concomitantemente (r = 0,97). CONCLUSÃO: De maneira geral, os resultados indicam que as atividades dos ultra-sonografistas podem ser consideradas como de risco para o sistema músculo-esquelético.


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PURPOSE: To meta-analyze the literature on the clinical performance of Class V restorations to assess the factors that influence retention, marginal integrity, and marginal discoloration of cervical lesions restored with composite resins, glass-ionomer-cement-based materials [glass-ionomer cement (GIC) and resin-modified glass ionomers (RMGICs)], and polyacid-modified resin composites (PMRC). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The English literature was searched (MEDLINE and SCOPUS) for prospective clinical trials on cervical restorations with an observation period of at least 18 months. The studies had to report about retention, marginal discoloration, marginal integrity, and marginal caries and include a description of the operative technique (beveling of enamel, roughening of dentin, type of isolation). Eighty-one studies involving 185 experiments for 47 adhesives matched the inclusion criteria. The statistical analysis was carried out by using the following linear mixed model: log (-log (Y /100)) = β + α log(T ) + error with β = log(λ), where β is a summary measure of the non-linear deterioration occurring in each experiment, including a random study effect. RESULTS: On average, 12.3% of the cervical restorations were lost, 27.9% exhibited marginal discoloration, and 34.6% exhibited deterioration of marginal integrity after 5 years. The calculation of the clinical index was 17.4% of failures after 5 years and 32.3% after 8 years. A higher variability was found for retention loss and marginal discoloration. Hardly any secondary caries lesions were detected, even in the experiments with a follow-up time longer than 8 years. Restorations placed using rubber-dam in teeth whose dentin was roughened showed a statistically significantly higher retention rate than those placed in teeth with unprepared dentin or without rubber-dam (p < 0.05). However, enamel beveling had no influence on any of the examined variables. Significant differences were found between pairs of adhesive systems and also between pairs of classes of adhesive systems. One-step self-etching had a significantly worse clinically index than two-step self-etching and three-step etch-and-rinse (p = 0.026 and p = 0.002, respectively). CONCLUSION: The clinical performance is significantly influenced by the type of adhesive system and/or the adhesive class to which the system belongs. Whether the dentin/enamel is roughened or not and whether rubberdam isolation is used or not also significantly influenced the clinical performance. Composite resin restorations placed with two-step self-etching and three-step etch-and-rinse adhesive systems should be preferred over onestep self-etching adhesive systems, GIC-based materials, and PMRCs.


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BACKGROUND: Studies have recently focused on the effect of running a mountain ultra-marathon (MUM) and their results show muscular inflammation, damage and force loss. However, the link between peripheral oedema and muscle force loss is not really established. We tested the hypothesis that, after a MUM, lower leg muscles' swelling could be associated with muscle force loss. The knee extensor (KE) and the plantar flexor (PF) muscles' contractile function was measured by supramaximal electrical stimulations, potentiated low- and high-frequency doublets (PS10 and PS100) of the KE and the PF were measured by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and bioimpedance was used to assess body composition in the runners (n = 11) before (Pre) and after (Post) the MUM and compared with the controls (n = 8). RESULTS: The maximal voluntary contraction of the KE and the PF significantly decreased by 20 % Post-MUM in the runners. Hydration of the non-fat mass (NF-Hyd) and extracellular water volume (Ve) were increased by 12 % Post-MUM (p < 0.001) in the runners. Calf circumference (+2 %, p < 0.05) was also increased. Significant relationships were found for percentage increases in Ve and NF-Hyd with percentage decrease in PS10 of the PF (r = -0.68 and r = -0.70, p < 0.05) and with percentage increase of calf circumference (r = 0.72 and r = 0.73, p < 0.05) in the runners. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that increases in circumference and in hydric volume are associated to contractile impairment in the calf in ultra-marathon runners.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar e confrontar a presença de alterações ultra-sonográficas nas gestações Rh negativo sensibilizadas, quando a anemia fetal foi determinada ou pela espectrofotometria do líquido amniótico, ou pela dopplervelocimetria da artéria cerebral média. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Observacional descritivo com grupo de comparação. Nosso grupo de estudo foi constituído por 99 pacientes, avaliadas no período de janeiro de 1995 a janeiro de 2004. Foram analisados e comparados dois grupos: 74 gestantes sensibilizadas pelo fator Rh cuja anemia fetal foi acompanhada pela espectrofotometria (grupo SE) e 25 gestantes sensibilizadas pelo fator Rh cuja anemia fetal foi acompanhada pela dopplervelocimetria (grupo SD). Avaliamos a presença ou não de alterações ultra-sonográficas no acompanhamento pré-natal e confrontamos os dois grupos de estudo. RESULTADOS: No grupo cuja anemia fetal foi acompanhada através da espectrofotometria (grupo SE), apuramos modificações placentárias, principalmente o aumento da espessura e sua alteração textural, mais assiduamente que as encontradiças no grupo de gestantes sensibilizadas, em que a anemia foi determinada através da dopplervelocimetria (grupo SD) (64% X 32%, p = 6,294). CONCLUSÃO: As alterações ultra-sonográficas foram detectadas em dobro quando a anemia foi avaliada pela espectrofotometria em comparação com o grupo seguido pela dopplervelocimetria.