1000 resultados para UNITED-ATOM DESCRIPTION


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The description of Lernaeenicus longiventris is expanded and revised, based on specimens collected from the skin and fins of mullets, Mugil platanus Gunther, 1880, from 21 locations in coastal waters of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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A new species of sand fly from Santa Cruz, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is described as Lutzomyia (Pressatia) mamedei.


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This paper is the first to use a randomized trial in the US to analyze the short- and long-term educational and employment impacts of an afterschool program that offered disadvantaged high-school youth: mentoring, educational services, and financial rewards with the objective to improve high-school graduation and postsecondary schooling enrollment. The short-term hefty beneficial average impacts quickly faded away. Heterogeneity matters. While encouraging results are found for younger youth, and when the program is implemented in relatively small communities of 9th graders; detrimental longlived outcomes are found for males, and when case managers are partially compensated by incentive payments and students receive more regular reminders of incentives.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) has favorable characteristics for diagnostic evaluation and risk stratification of patients with known or suspected CAD. CMR utilization in CAD detection is growing fast. However, data on its cost-effectiveness are scarce. The goal of this study is to compare the costs of two strategies for detection of significant coronary artery stenoses in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD): 1) Performing CMR first to assess myocardial ischemia and/or infarct scar before referring positive patients (defined as presence of ischemia and/or infarct scar to coronary angiography (CXA) versus 2) a hypothetical CXA performed in all patients as a single test to detect CAD. METHODS: A subgroup of the European CMR pilot registry was used including 2,717 consecutive patients who underwent stress-CMR. From these patients, 21% were positive for CAD (ischemia and/or infarct scar), 73% negative, and 6% uncertain and underwent additional testing. The diagnostic costs were evaluated using invoicing costs of each test performed. Costs analysis was performed from a health care payer perspective in German, United Kingdom, Swiss, and United States health care settings. RESULTS: In the public sectors of the German, United Kingdom, and Swiss health care systems, cost savings from the CMR-driven strategy were 50%, 25% and 23%, respectively, versus outpatient CXA. If CXA was carried out as an inpatient procedure, cost savings were 46%, 50% and 48%, respectively. In the United States context, cost savings were 51% when compared with inpatient CXA, but higher for CMR by 8% versus outpatient CXA. CONCLUSION: This analysis suggests that from an economic perspective, the use of CMR should be encouraged as a management option for patients with suspected CAD.


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Two new species are described from the caiman. Caiman crocodilus yacare. Proterodiplostomum breve n. sp. differs from all other species in the genus by the following chacacteristics: (1) the paraprostate gland is shorter and club-shaped; (2) the genital cone is, in average, eight times longer than that of P. medusae; (3) the genital atrium is larger and without pseudosuckers; (4) the oral sucker and pharynx are longer; and (5) there are larger numbers of papillae surrounding the tribocytic organ (40) against 20 in P. longum, 16 in p. tumidilum, 8 in P. ophidum, and 16-18 in P. medusae. Proterodiplostomum globulare n. sp. differs from all the other species in the fenus by the following characteristics: (1) from P. tumidilum, P. lomgum, P. medusae, and P. breve n. sp. for the absense of pseudosuckers or muscular bunches in the inferior wall of the genital atrium; (2) the shape of the paraprostate gland, which is globular and not cylindrical as in P. longum, P. tumidilum, P. medusae, and P. ophidum; (3) the size of the tribocytic organ 201-407 long, 183-495 wide, while is 138-270 long, 102-292 wide in P. medusae, and 138-270 long, 255 wide in P. ophidum; (4) the number of papillae in the tribocytic organ (18-20) in P. globulare and 16-18 in P. medusae, and 8 in P. ophidum. Specimens belonging to six other species of proterodiplostomes are recorded for the first time infecting the caiman, C. c. yacare in the Pantanal Mato-grossense, Brazil, namely: Proterodiplostomum medusae, P. tumidilum, Cystodiplostomum hollyi, Prolecithodiplostomum constrictum, Paradiplostomum abbreviatum, and Herpetodiplostomum caimancola.


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Metacamopia oligoplites n. sp., a gill filament parasite of carangid fishes of three species of Oligoplites Gill, O. palometa (Cuvier), O. saurus (Bloch & Schneider), and O. saliens (Bloch), from the coast of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is described and illustrated. Metacamopia oligoplites n. sp. differs from M. indica by: the shape of the body; the pre-, para-, and post-germarial testes; vaginas lacking sclerotized structures; well-developed seminal receptacles; muscular sleeves around the constriction between the vaginas and the seminal receptacles; and the haptor highly asymmetric, with a large, heel-like area; and differs from M. chorinemi by: the esophagus lacking diverticles; a larger number of testes (26-55) and not just, approximately 10; and the vaginas lacking sclerotized structures of any kind. This is the first record of Metacamopia in the South Atlantic Ocean. The generic diagnosis of Metacamopia is emended. Hargicola oligoplites is reported for the first time in the South Atlantic Ocean. Oligoplites palometa and O. saliens are new host records for Hargicola oligoplites.


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Thirty species of nematodes recovered from Piciformes hosts are reported. Procyrnea anterovulvata n. sp. from Chelidoptera tenebrosa brasiliensis is described and compared to P. colaptes and P. pileata. The considered morphometric parameters are mainly related to the ratio between length of the body/distance of the vulva to the anterior end. It is approximately 1:0.5 in P. colaptes and P. pileata compared to 1:0.1 in the new species. The male of Synhimantus (Dispharynx) crassissima is described for the first time. Thelazia (Thelaziella) spizaeti is revalidated and new records are reported for some species.


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The adult female and male and the pupal and larval stages of Culex (Culex) interfor Dyar are described and compared with those of Cx. bidens Dyar. Available data about distribution are presented.


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The fourth instar larva of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis (Phlebotomidae: Phlebotominae) was studied by scanning electron microscope. Based on three-dimensional observations, the fine structure and setal position (using of setal numeration) of the larva are presented.


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Simulium (Pternaspatha) diamantinum n. sp. is described from females, males, pupae and larvae, collected at Mendoza, San Juan and Neuquén. Some specimens of this species from Laguna del Diamante were included before by Wygodzinsky and Coscarón (1967) in S. strigidorsum Enderlein. The new species is compared with closely related species of the S. (Pternaspatha) "nigristrigatum group". The following synonym is established: Simulium (Pternaspatha) bachmanni Wygodzinsky & Coscarón = Simulium (Pternaspatha) nigristrigatum (Enderlein).


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Warileya lumbrerasi n. sp. is described from the northern Peruvian Andes. This species was collected inside houses, and is the seventh species described within the genus Warileya Hertig, 1948.


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In order to evaluate the prevalence of canine heartworm in the State of Rio de Janeiro, a multicenter survey was carried out in two phases. The survey involved 1376 dogs from two cities: Rio de Janeiro and Niterói, and its surroundings, including the eastern shore and mountain resorts, which were further divided into sections. In the first phase, 795 dog blood samples were examined by the modified Knott test for the detection of microfilariae. A total of 134 samples (16.85%) were microfilaremic: 8.61% from Rio de Janeiro, 21.76% from Niterói and its surroundings, 33.33% from the eastern shore and 30.43% from the mountain resorts. In the second phase, 595 dog blood samples were examined first by the modified Knott test and the amicrofilaremic samples were subsequently examined by an immunoenzymatic test (ELISA) for antigen detection. In summary, 83 samples (13.95%) were microfilaremic and 44 (7.98%) of the amicrofilaremic samples were positive for heartworm antigen (occult infections). In Rio de Janeiro, 13.68% of the dogs were infected (i.e., antigen-and/or microfilaria-positive) and 8.51% of the dogs had microfilaremic infections. In comparison, Niterói and its surroundings showed values of 24.46% and 17.30% and the eastern shore showed values of 52.46% and 31.15%. In contrast the mountain resorts showed 20% microfilaremic only


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This report deals with the identification of 139 samples of nematodes recovered from Brazilian jays. Viktorocara brasiliensis n. sp. is proposed and compared with V. capillaris, V. limosae, V. charadrii and V. garridoi which are the other species included in the genus. The differentiation of V. brasiliensis n. sp. was based on the ratios between muscular and glandular esophagus and spicules, as well. Other referred species are Acuaria mamillaris, A. mayori, Aprocta sp., Cheilospirura sp., Diplotriaena americana, D. bargusinica, Oxyspirura matogrosensis, Oxyspirura sp., Pelecitus helicinus, Procyrnea sp., Skrjabinura spiralis, Subulura papillosa, Synhimantus sp. and Tetrameres (Microtetrameres) sp., with the establishment of some new host records


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The larval and pupal stages of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) rondoni (Neiva and Pinto) (Albimanus Section) are fully described and illustrated for the first time. The larval stage is similar to An. (Nys.) strodei Root. It can be recognized by the following combination of characters: clypeal index, 1.6-2.9; single, aciculate setae 2,3-C; seta 3-C 0.5-0.7 the length of 2-C; setae 1,2-P rarely sharing a common tubercle; seta 1-P with narrow leaflets. The pupal stage is distinguished from other Nyssorhynchus by having setae 1-IV-VII and 5-V-VII branched. Only minor variation was found in setal counts between specimens from Peixoto de Azevedo, State of Mato Grosso and Bocaina, State of São Paulo, Brazil


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Chemokines (chemoattractant cytokines) induce potent and selective chemotaxis of leukocyte subsets in vitro. Here, we review briefly the chemokines shown to induce eosinophil chemotaxis in vitro and describe a novel model for the study of the ability of chemokines to stimulate eosinophil migration in vivo. Eosinophils were purified from the blood of mice over-expressing the IL-5 gene and labelled with 111In. Only the C-C chemokines, eotaxin and MIP-1alpha, but not RANTES, MCP-1, MCP-3, MCP-4, MIP-1ß, KC and MIP-2, effectively induced the recruitment of 111In-eosinophils in mouse skin. We suggest that this mouse model will be useful in assessing the role of endogenously-generated chemokines in mediating eosinophil migration to sites of allergic inflammation in vivo.