990 resultados para Tumores da fossa craniana posterior


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A functional nervous system requires the precise arrangement of all nerve cells and their neurites. To achieve this correct assembly, a myriad of molecular guidance cues works together to direct the outgrowth of neurites to their correct positions. The small nematode C. elegans provides the ideal model system to study the complex mechanisms of neurite guidance due to its relatively simple nervous system, composed of 302 neurons. I used two mechanosensory neurons, called the posterior lateral microtubule (PLM), to investigate the role of the ephrin and Eph receptor protein family in neurite termination in C. elegans. Activation of the C. elegans Eph receptor VAB-1 on the PLM growth cone is sufficient to cause PLM termination, but the identity and location of the activating ligand has not been established. In my thesis I investigated the ability of the ephrin ligand EFN-1 to activate VAB-1 to cause PLM termination when expressed on the same cell (in cis) and on opposing cells (in trans) to the receptor. I showed that EFN-1 is able to activate VAB-1 in cis and in trans to cause PLM termination. I also assessed the hypodermal seam cells as the source of the ephrin stop cue using fluorescently labelled and seam cell mutant transgenic worms. I found that although the PLM shows consistent termination on the seam cell V2 in wild type worms independent of PLM length, this process is not significantly disrupted in seam cell mutants. With this information I have created a new hypothesis that the PLM neurite is able the provide a positional cue for the developing seam cells, and have created a new transgenic strain which can be used to assess the impact of PLM and ALM cell ablation on seam cell position. My research is the first to demonstrate the ability of an ephrin ligand to activate its ephrin receptor in cis, and further research can investigate if this finding has in vivo applications.


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The application of custom classification techniques and posterior probability modeling (PPM) using Worldview-2 multispectral imagery to archaeological field survey is presented in this paper. Research is focused on the identification of Neolithic felsite stone tool workshops in the North Mavine region of the Shetland Islands in Northern Scotland. Sample data from known workshops surveyed using differential GPS are used alongside known non-sites to train a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier based on a combination of datasets including Worldview-2 bands, band difference ratios (BDR) and topographical derivatives. Principal components analysis is further used to test and reduce dimensionality caused by redundant datasets. Probability models were generated by LDA using principal components and tested with sites identified through geological field survey. Testing shows the prospective ability of this technique and significance between 0.05 and 0.01, and gain statistics between 0.90 and 0.94, higher than those obtained using maximum likelihood and random forest classifiers. Results suggest that this approach is best suited to relatively homogenous site types, and performs better with correlated data sources. Finally, by combining posterior probability models and least-cost analysis, a survey least-cost efficacy model is generated showing the utility of such approaches to archaeological field survey.


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Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) caused by reactivation of the JC virus (JCV), a human polyomavirus, occurs in autoimmune disorders, most frequently in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We describe a HIV-negative 34-year-old female with SLE who had been treated with immunosuppressant therapy (IST; steroids and azathioprine) since 2004. In 2011, she developed decreased sensation and weakness of the right hand, followed by vertigo and gait instability. The diagnosis of PML was made on the basis of brain MRI findings (posterior fossa lesions) and JCV isolation from the cerebrospinal fluid (700 copies/ml). IST was immediately discontinued. Cidofovir, mirtazapine, mefloquine and cycles of cytarabine were sequentially added, but there was progressive deterioration with a fatal outcome 1 year after disease onset. This report discusses current therapeutic choices for PML and the importance of early infection screening when SLE patients present with neurological symptoms. In the light of recent reports of PML in SLE patients treated with rituximab or belimumab, we highlight that other IST may just as well be implicated. We conclude that severe lymphopenia was most likely responsible for JCV reactivation in this patient and discuss how effective management of lymphopenia in SLE and PML therapy remains an unmet need.


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Arterial entrapment syndrome (AES) at elbow level is very rare and to our knowledge no case of AES by lacertus fibrosus in the cubital fossa in presence of brachial artery duplication has been described to date. We describe a rare case of acute arterial thrombosis of one of two brachial arteries highlighted in the cubital fossa which developed after strenuous right elbow flexor muscle activity and hyper-extensions presumably related to AES by lacertus fibrosus at elbow level. A 43-year-old right-handed woman, experienced paleness, coldness and numbness of the right hand, after 8 consecutive hours of gardening. As she worked, her ipsilateral flexor elbow muscles remained in prolonged and inappropriate tension. Clinical examination evidenced the absence of radial artery pulse in the wrist and mild hypothermia in the second and third finger. During surgical exploration two anastomosed brachial arteries were detected in the cubital fossa under the lacertus fibrosus. The lateral superficial brachial artery was occluded. Intraoperative arteriography evidenced brachial artery duplication at the third superior of the arm and normal vascular pattern at the forearm level. In cases of unexplained atypical intermittent upper extremity claudication or acute ischemic symptoms an AES should always be ruled out, particularly when symptoms are exacerbated by strenuous upper extremity activity or when upper limb muscular hypertrophy is evident. In these cases a thorough dynamic clinical and instrumental examination is mandatory to confirm a diagnosis of AES and to avoid possible future ischemic complications.


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Introdução – A dosimetria in vivo é útil na medição da dose administrada aos doentes durante o tratamento, avaliando diferenças significativas entre a dose prescrita e a dose administrada no volume alvo, bem como nos órgãos de risco. Objetivo – Comparar a dose medida com a dose calculada em doentes com tumores de mama com e sem filtro físico. Métodos – Realizaram-se medições da dose na pele, utilizando díodos tipo–p, para os campos tangenciais e respetivos field-in-field em 38 doentes. Resultados – Verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos campos tangenciais open (ρ=0,000). Discussão – Estudos reportam desvios sistemáticos significativos entre a dose calculada e a dose medida. Conclusão – Com este estudo conclui-se que não existe influência nas doses devido à presença do filtro físico.


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Introdução: As neoplasias do espaço parafaríngeo são raras, representando apenas 0,5% dos tumores da cabeça e pescoço. A maioria são benignas, mas uma ampla variedade de patologias benignas e malignas podem ser encontradas neste espaço, o que cria desafios complexos de diagnóstico e tratamento. Objetivo: Descrever e analisar uma série de casos de neoplasias primárias do espaço parafaríngeo tratadas no Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa Francisco Gentil (IPOLFG). Material e métodos: Estudo retrospetivo, com recolha e análise dos dados dos processos clínicos de tumores primários do espaço parafaríngeo, que foram diagnosticados ou referenciados ao IPOLFG entre 1 de Janeiro de 2003 e 31 de Dezembro de 2013. Resultados: Foram incluídos 38 doentes. A idade mediana foi de 52 anos (Âmbito Interquartil: 40-63 anos). Dez (26,3%) doentes eram assintomáticos. O sintoma mais comum à apresentação foi a sensação de corpo estranho orofaríngeo (23,7%) e o achado mais frequente foi um abaulamento orofaríngeo (78,4%). Todos os doentes fizeram exames de imagem pré-operatórios: 94,7% tomografia computorizada e 68,4% ressonância magnética. A citologia aspirativa foi realizada em 39,5%. 31 tumores eram benignos (81,6%), sendo os mais frequentes os adenomas pleomórficos (58,1%). 7 eram malignos (18,4%), com os carcinomas exadenomas pleomórficos (28,6%) e os linfomas (28,6%) sendo os mais comuns. 36 doentes (94,7%) foram submetidos a tratamento cirúrgico primário; os outros 2 doentes (5,3%) receberam tratamento não cirúrgico, com quimioterapia e quimioradioterapia, respectivamente. A abordagem cervical foi a mais utilizada (80%). A mandibulotomia foi necessária em apenas 5,7%. A complicação mais frequente foi a neuropatia de pares cranianos de novo, identificada em 22,2%. Destes, 75% foram sequela da resseção de tumores neurogénicos. Todas as neuropatias que resultaram da resseção de tumores não neurogénicos foram transitórias. O follow-up mediano foi de 6,5 anos. A taxa de recorrência foi de 13,5%. Conclusões: Os tumores do espaço parafaríngeo requerem um elevado índice de suspeição para serem diagnosticados num estadio precoce. A resseção cirúrgica completa é o principal tratamento. A abordagem cirúrgica deve ser selecionada caso a caso, mas a cervical fornece um excelente acesso à maioria dos tumores deste espaço


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Arnold–Chiari malformation is defined as downward displacement of the brainstem and cerebellum through the foramen magnum. It has different clinical presentations and four subtypes. It is known that downward migration of posterior fossa components through the foramen magnum and associated lower cranial nerve palsy and brainstem compression can cause respiratory failure. Acute respiratory failure could mark the onset of the disease. Posterior fossa decompression performed to treat primary disease can improve the central sleep abnormalities. As respiratory failure is rarely seen, this paper presents two cases of Arnold–Chiari malformation with respiratory failure.


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Acupuncture has been used therapeutically for thousands of years and is considered a relatively safe procedure. Sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) arthritis is a rare joint infection and has never been reported as an adverse event of acupuncture. We report the case of a 50-year-old woman who presented with progressive left neck, shoulder and upper chest pain after acupuncture. A computerized tomography (CT) scan revealed septic arthritis over the left sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) and methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia was noted. The patient was discharged uneventfully after intravenous antibiotic treatment. SCJ septic arthritis should be considered if unilateral neck and upper chest pain occurs after acupuncture.


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Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is a clinico-neuro-radiological diagnosis, which can complicate a wide range of conditions. Clinical features include generalised and/or focal neurological deficits. These features are also present in neurovascular disorders, such as stroke. Currently, emphasis in the management of hyperacute stroke is thrombolysis, and it is important to bear in mind stroke mimics as a possible cause of clinical features. The Authors present the case of a 66-year-old man, who presented with acute focal neurological deficit. His brain imaging and history were consistent with PRES.


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El Helicobacter Pylori ha sido asociado en la carcinogénesis del cáncer gástrico. Algunos estudios lo han asociado también al desarrollo de pólipos o cáncer colorectal, pero otros estudios no han encontrado dicha asociación. La mayoría de trabajos que muestran una asociación a favor provienen de países industrializados donde la prevalencia de tumores colorectales es alta en comparación con países en vías de desarrollo como el nuestro. Por otro lado, nosotros tenemos una mayor prevalencia de infección por H. Pylori. Es un estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo basados en registros informatizados provenientes de una sola institución; se seleccionaron 73 casos que fueron pareados con 149 controles por edad, sexo y año de realización de la colonoscopia. El diagnóstico de infección por H. Pylori fue determinado en su mayoría por el test rápido de urcasa pero también se recurrió a la serología, y patología en ambos grupos. El diagnóstico de cáncer colorecta y pólipos colorectales fue hecho con video colonoscopia. No se encontró diferencia entre la prevalencia de infección por H. Pylori en el grupo casos (70 por ciento) y en el grupo control (69 por ciento). El "Odds Ratio" fue de 1.03 (95 IC, 0.56-1.90). Por regresión logística bivariada se analizaron las variables nivel social y lugar residencial (urbana y rural) sin encontrar modificación alguna de la asociación


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La lesión traumática de la aorta descendente, causada por el extremo filoso de una fractura costal izquierda, es una inusual, y altamente mortal, complicación del trauma torácico cerrado. En este artículo se presenta el caso de una paciente adulta, hospitalizada por trauma torácico cerrado, que fallece repentinamente luego de un cambio postural días después de la admisión. En la autopsia se evidenciaron perforaciones aórticas coincidentes con segmentos de fracturas de los arcos costales posteriores izquierdos 5 y 7. El estudio histopatológico mostró que las lesiones estaban en proceso de reparación. Este caso demuestra que ante una muerte inesperada asociada a trauma torácico con fracturas costales es fundamental la realización de una autopsia médico-legal a fin de reconocer las perforaciones tardías de la aorta torácica.