958 resultados para Tubular Joints


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A small minority of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients may develop a deforming arthritis, typically with a non-erosive (Jaccoud's) pattern, although erosive features indistinguishable from rheumatoid arthritis may also occur. High-resolution ultrasonography (HRUS) allows detailed 'real time' imaging of joint and tendon morphostructural changes involving the hand in patients with several rheumatic diseases. The main aim of this pictorial essay is to provide the first descriptive HRUS and power Doppler (PD) findings of joint and tendon involvement of the hand and wrist in patients with SLE arthritis. Seventeen patients with SLE and hand involvement were examined. HRUS of the wrist, 2nd and 3rd MCP joints, 3rd PIP joint and 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger flexor tendons were studied in the dominant hand for each patient. Sixteen (94%) patients had joint effusion or synovial hypertrophy in the wrist. Twelve (71%) patients had joint effusion or synovial hypertrophy in 2nd or 3rd MCPJs. Eight (47%) patients had erosion at 2nd or 3rd MCPJs. In three cases erosions were not present radiologically. Eleven (65%) patients had evidence of tenosynovitis. In SLE, HRUS with PD detects a high prevalence of inflammatory pathology in the tendons and synovium of the hand and wrist, and a high prevalence of MCP joint erosions. HRUS offers a sensitive, real-time and readily repeatable assessment of soft-tissue, inflammatory and bony changes in SLE hands.


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Ulva, one of the first Linnaean genera, was later circumscribed to consist of green seaweeds with distromatic blades, and Enteromorpha Link was established for tubular forms. Although several lines of evidence suggest that these generic constructs are artificial, Ulva and Enteromorpha have been maintained as separate genera. Our aims were to determine phylogenetic relationships among taxa currently attributed to Ulva, Enteromorpha, Umbraulva Bae et I.K. Lee and the monotypic genus Chloropelta C.E. Tanner, and to make any nomenclatural changes justified by our findings. Analyses of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer DNA (ITS nrDNA) (29 ingroup taxa including the type species of Ulva and Enteromorpha), the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene (for a subset of taxa) and a combined data set were carried out. All trees had a strongly supported clade consisting of all Ulva, Enteromorpha and Chloropelta species, but Ulva and Enteromorpha were not monophyletic. The recent removal of Umbraulva olivascens (P.J.L. Dangeard) Bae et I.K. Lee from Ulva is supported, although the relationship of the segregate genus Umbraulva to Ulvaria requires further investigation. These results, combined with earlier molecular and culture data, provide strong evidence that Ulva, Enteromorpha and Chloropelta are not distinct evolutionary entities and should not be recognized as separate genera. A comparison of traits for surveyed species revealed few synapomorphies. Because Ulva is the oldest name, Enteromorpha and Chloropelta are here reduced to synonymy with Ulva, and new combinations are made where necessary.


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This paper investigates the performance of stone columns in a weak deposit such as peat. It evaluates the effects of reinforcing stone columns by jacketing with a tubular wire mesh and bridging reinforcement with a metal rod and a concrete plug. A series of plate loading tests was conducted on isolated stone columns installed in a soil bed consisting of a peat layer sandwiched between two layers of sand. The load–displacement characteristics of footings supported by stone columns were investigated by applying load to a circular plate supported on: (a) untreated soil; (b) soil treated with stone columns; and (c) soil treated with stone columns reinforced with the above reinforcing techniques. The work has shown that the settlement characteristics of the soil can be improved by installing stone columns and that a significant enhancement in the load–settlement response is achieved when the columns are reinforced by the various methods.


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The introduction of advanced welding methods as an alternative joining process to riveting in the manufacture of primary aircraft structure has the potential to realize reductions in both manufacturing costs and structural weight. However, welding processes can introduce undesirable residual stresses and distortions in the final fabricated components, as well as localized loss of mechanical properties at the weld joints. The aim of this research is to determine and characterize the key process effects of advanced welding assembly methods on stiffened panel static strength performance. This in-depth understanding of the relationships between welding process effects and buckling and collapse strength is required to achieve manufacturing cost reductions without introducing structural analysis uncertainties and hence conservative over designed welded panels. This current work is focused at the sub-component level and examines the static strength of friction stir welded multi stiffener panels. The undertaken experimental and computational studies have demonstrated that local skin buckling is predominantly influenced by the magnitude of welding induced residual stresses and associated geometric distortions, whereas panel collapse behavior is sensitive to the lateral width of the physically joined skin and stiffener flange material, the strength of material in the Heat Affected Zone as well as the magnitude of the welding induced residual stresses. Copyright © 2006 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we present an inertial-sensor-based monitoring system for measuring the movement of human upper limbs. Two wearable inertial sensors are placed near the wrist and elbow joints, respectively. The measurement drift in segment orientation is dramatically reduced after a Kalman filter is applied to estimate inclinations using accelerations and turning rates from gyroscopes. Using premeasured lengths of the upper and lower arms, we compute the position of the wrist and elbow joints via a proposed kinematic model. Experimental results demonstrate that this new motion capture system, in comparison to an optical motion tracker, possesses an RMS position error of less than 0.009 m, with a drift of less than 0.005 ms-1 in five daily activities. In addition, the RMS angle error is less than 3??. This indicates that the proposed approach has performed well in terms of accuracy and reliability.


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Synovial fluid is a potential source of novel biomarkers for many arthritic disorders involving joint inflammation, including juvenile idiopathic arthritis. We first compared the distinctive protein ‘fingerprints’ of local inflammation in synovial fluid with systemic profiles within matched plasma samples. The synovial fluid proteome at the time of joint inflammation was then evaluated across clinical subgroups to identify early disease associated proteins. We measured the synovial fluid and plasma proteomes using the two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis approach. Image analysis software was used to highlight the expression levels of joint and subgroup associated proteins across the study cohort (n = 32). A defined subset of 30 proteins had statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between sample types such that synovial fluid could be differentiated from plasma. Furthermore distinctive synovial proteome expression patterns segregate patient subgroups. Protein expression patterns localized in the chronically inflamed joint therefore have the potential to identify patients more likely to suffer disease which will spread from a single joint to multiple joints. The proteins identified could act as criteria to prevent disease extension by more aggressive therapeutic intervention directed at an earlier stage than is currently possible.


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The classification of a microsporidian parasite observed in the abdominal muscles of amphipod hosts has been repeatedly revised but still remains inconclusive. This parasite has variable spore numbers within a sporophorous vesicle and has been assigned to the genera Glugea, Pleistophora, Stempellia, and Thelohania. We used electron microscopy and molecular evidence to resolve the previous taxonomic confusion and confirm its identification as Pleistophora mulleri. The life cycle of P. mulleri is described from the freshwater amphipod host Gammarus duebeni celticus. Infection appeared as white tubular masses within the abdominal muscle of the host. Light and transmission electron microscope examination revealed the presence of an active microsporidian infection that was diffuse within the muscle block with no evidence of xenoma formation. Paucinucleate merogonial plasmodia were surrounded by an amorphous coat immediately external to the plasmalemma. The amorphous coat developed into a merontogenetic sporophorous vesicle that was present throughout sporulation. Sporogony was polysporous resulting in uninucleate spores, with a bipartite polaroplast, an anisofilar polar filament and a large posterior vacuole. SSU rDNA analysis supported the ultrastructural evidence clearly placing this parasite within the genus Pleistophora. This paper indicates that Pleistophora species are not restricted to vertebrate hosts.


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Light and electron microscopy were used to characterize the structure of secretory cells and their products involved in attachment of two monogenean parasites of fish, in order to understand their role in the attachment process. In Bravohollisia rosetta and Bravohollisia gussevi, peduncular gland cells with two nuclei, granular endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi bodies produce dual electron-dense (DED) secretory bodies with a homogenous electron-dense rind and a less electron-dense fibrillar core (oval and concave in B. rosetta and oval in B. gussevi). The DED secretory bodies are altered as they migrate from the gland cell to the haptoral reservoir, the superficial anchor grooves, and into the gill tissues. The contents of the DED secretory bodies are exocytosed into the reservoirs, fibrillar cores persisting in the matrix, some of which condense, forming highly electron-dense spherical bodies. Small, oval, electron-dense bodies occur in the grooves, while no inclusions are visible in the homogenous exudate within the gill tissues. The single tubular extension of the reservoir enters a bifurcate channel within the anchor via a concealed, crevice-like opening on one side of the anchor. The channel directs secretions into the left and the right grooves via concealed apertures. The secretions, introduced into the tissues by the anchors, probably assist in attachment. The secretions are manifested externally as net-like structures and observed in some cases to be still attached to the point of exudation, on anchors detached from the gill tissues. This suggests that despite having the anchors detached, the worms can still remain anchored to the gill tissues via these net-like structures. Based on this, it is postulated that the net-like secretions probably function as a safety line to anchor the worm during the onset of locomotion and in doing so reduce the risk of tearing host tissues.


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Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) comprises a poorly understood group of chronic, childhood onset, autoimmune diseases with variable clinical outcomes. We investigated whether profiling of the synovial fluid (SF) proteome by a fluorescent dye based, two-dimensional gel (DIGE) approach could distinguish patients in whom inflammation extends to affect a large number of joints, early in the disease process. SF samples from 22 JIA patients were analyzed: 10 with oligoarticular arthritis, 5 extended oligoarticular and 7 polyarticular disease. SF samples were labeled with Cy dyes and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis. Multivariate analyses were used to isolate a panel of proteins which distinguish patient subgroups. Proteins were identified using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry with expression further verified by Western immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Hierarchical clustering based on the expression levels of a set of 40 proteins segregated the extended oligoarticular from the oligoarticular patients (p <0.05). Expression patterns of the isolated protein panel have also been observed over time, as disease spreads to multiple joints. The data indicates that synovial fluid proteome profiles could be used to stratify patients based on risk of disease extension. These protein profiles may also assist in monitoring therapeutic responses over time and help predict joint damage. © 2009 American Chemical Society.


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We have previously identified differentially expressed genes in cell models of diabetic nephropathy and renal biopsies. Here we have performed quantitative DNA methylation profiling in cell models of diabetic nephropathy. Over 3,000 CpG units in the promoter regions of 192 candidate genes were assessed in unstimulated human mesangial cells (HMCs) and proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTCs) compared to HMCs or PTCs exposed to appropriate stimuli. A total of 301 CpG units across 38 genes (similar to 20%) were identified as differentially methylated in unstimulated HMCs versus PTCs. Analysis of amplicon methylation values in unstimulated versus stimulated cell models failed to demonstrate a >20% difference between amplicons. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that specific DNA methylation signatures are present in HMCs and PTCs, and standard protocols for exposure of renal cells to stimuli that alter gene expression may be insufficient to replicate possible alterations in DNA methylation profiles in diabetic nephropathy.


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Methods of measuring the acoustic behavior of tubular systems can be broadly characterized as steady state measurements, where the measured signals are analyzed in terms of infinite duration sinusoids, and reflectometry measurements which exploit causality to separate the forward and backward going waves in a duct. This paper sets out a multiple microphone reflectometry technique which performs wave separation by using time domain convolution to track the forward and backward going waves in a cylindrical source tube. The current work uses two calibration runs (one for forward going waves and one for backward going waves) to measure the time domain transfer functions for each pair of microphones. These time domain transfer functions encode the time delay, frequency dependent losses and microphone gain ratios for travel between microphones. This approach is applied to the measurement of wave separation, bore profile and input impedance. The work differs from existing frequency domain methods in that it combines the information of multiple microphones within a time domain algorithm, and differs from existing time domain methods in its inclusion of the effect of losses and gain ratios in intermicrophone transfer functions.


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BACKGROUND: Several physiological studies in recent years have convincingly demonstrated increased clearance of intravascular protein tracers by several different tissues, including the retina, during early diabetes and galactosemia in the rat. This change has been described as a consequence of increased permeation, although vascular leakage has not been demonstrated, and the fate of such tracers remains unelucidated. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: A pilot study in this laboratory showed no evidence of vascular leakage but suggested increased endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) by retinal vascular endothelial cells (RVECs) in early diabetes. We therefore quantified RVEC endocytosis in normal, streptozotocin (STZ)-treated nondiabetic and STZ-diabetic rats using the design-based stereology method of "vertical sections." A duration of diabetes (6 weeks) was chosen to approximate the time period in which other workers have demonstrated increased protein permeation of the retina. RESULTS: After a 20-minute exposure to the tracer, HRP reaction product was observed in small vesicular and tubular endosomes and larger multivesicular bodies of the RVECs. Stereological analysis revealed a 6.5-fold increase in the volume of HRP-containing organelles in the RVECs of diabetic rats compared with STZ-treated nondiabetics or normal controls. None of the animals in this study showed HRP reaction product outside the retinal vascular endothelium. CONCLUSIONS: A highly significant increase in RVEC endocytosis occurs in early diabetes. Increased RVEC endocytosis may contribute to the observed clearance of intravascular protein tracers by the retina during early diabetes.


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Background: Mitochondria are central to the metabolism of cells and participate in many regulatory and signaling events. They are looked upon as dynamic tubular networks. We showed recently that the Carboxy-Terminal Modulator Protein (CTMP) is a mitochondrial protein that may be released into the cytosol under apoptotic conditions.


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Objective. To prospectively compare clinical examination of the ankle structures with ultrasound (US) findings. Methods. In 42 children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA; 25 girls, 17 boys, mean age 11.3 yrs, range 2.3–22.3 yrs), a total of 61 swollen/painful ankles were assessed clinically and ultrasonographically. Accurate clinical examination of the entire ankle joint was performed, focusing especially on 3 regions — tibiotalar joint and medial and lateral tendons. Clinical and US findings were both scored 0–3 (normal-severe). Results. US demonstrated no signs of tibiotalar joint effusion in 14 out of 43 ankles considered clinically involved. For the medial tendons, US showed tenosynovitis in 13 ankles out of 31 thought to be clinically normal; and for the lateral tendons, of the 19 deemed to be clinically involved, less than 50% had involvement on US. Very poor agreement was observed comparing the clinical and US scores for the 3 regions: tibiotalar joint, kappa = 0.3; medial tendons, kappa = 0.24; lateral tendons, kappa = 0.25. With regard to other ankle structures, only 39% of the subtalar (talocalcaneal) joints considered clinically involved were deemed abnormal on US. Finally, of the 10 ankles with talonavicular US effusion, only 2 were considered clinically involved. Conclusion. Using US findings as the “gold standard,” clinical examination of the ankle in children with JIA was found to be inadequate in identifying the structures involved. US assessment prior to any glucocorticoid injection should be considered to improve the outcome. A prospective study comparing the outcome following clinical- versus US-guided ankle joint injection should be undertaken, to confirm our findings.


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Residual stress due to shrinkage of polymethylmethacrylate bone cement after polymerisation is possibly one factor capable of initiating cracks in the mantle of cemented hip replacements. No relationship between residual stress and observed cracking of cement has yet been demonstrated. To investigate if any relationship exists, a physical model has been developed which allows direct observation of damage in the cement layer on the femoral side of total hip replacement. The model contains medial and lateral cement layers between a bony surface and a metal stem; the tubular nature of the cement mantle is ignored. Five specimens were prepared and examined for cracking using manual tracing of stained cracks, observed by transmission microscopy: cracks were located and measured using image analysis. A mathematical approach for the prediction of residual stress due to shrinkage was developed which uses the thermal history of the material to predict when stress-locking occurs, and estimates subsequent thermal stress. The residual stress distribution of the cement layer in the physical model was then calculated using finite element analysis. Results show maximum tensile stresses normal to the observed crack directions, suggesting a link between residual stress and preload cracking. The residual stress predicted depends strongly on the definition of the reference temperature for stress-locking. The highest residual stresses (4-7 MPa) are predicted for shrinkage from maximum temperature, in this case, magnitudes are sufficiently high to initiate cracks when the influence of stress raisers such as pores or interdigitation at the bone/cement interface are taken into account (up to 24 MPa when calculating stress around a pore according to the method of Harrigan and Harris (J. Biomech. 24(11) (1991) 1047-1058)). We conclude that the damage accumulation failure scenario begins before weight-bearing due to cracking induced by residual stress around pores or stress raisers. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.