981 resultados para Tropical plant species


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1. The potential for seed dispersal by fish (ichthyochory) will vary among aquatic plants because of differences in seed size and morphology.

2. To examine how seed morphology influences the probability of dispersal by the common carp (Cyprinus carpio), we studied seed ingestion, retention time and subsequent egestion and germination of seeds of Sparganium emersum and Sagittaria sagittifolia, two aquatic plant species with similar sized but morphologically different seeds.

3. We compared dispersal probabilities between the two plant species, in which the probability of dispersal is assumed to be a function of the probabilities of seed ingestion, egestion and germination, and the dispersal distance is assumed to be a function of seed egestion rate over time.

4. We found that, although the soft seeds of S. sagittifolia had an approximately 1.5 times higher probability of being ingested by the carp than the hard seeds of S. emersum (83.15% ± 1.8% versus 56.16% ± 2.7%, respectively), the latter had an almost twofold higher probability of surviving the passage through the digestive tract (38.58% ± 2.7% versus 20.97% ± 1.5%, respectively). Patterns of seed egestion over time did not differ between the two plant species, despite the difference in seed morphology. Gut passage had a different effect on seed germination between plant species. Compared with non-ingested controls, seeds of S. emersum showed a 12.6% increase in germination and a 2.1 day acceleration in germination rate, whereas seeds of S. sagittifolia displayed a 47.3% decrease and 5.1 day delay, respectively.

5. Our results suggest that seed morphology affects the dispersal probability and postdispersal establishment, but not the dispersal distance, of aquatic plants that are dispersed by fish.


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In this paper, we examine how rural people in the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park in Nepal perceive the effects of accidently transported invasive plant species, such as Mikania micrantha, Lantana camara and Chromolaena odorata, on their livelihoods. We found that their perception of the impact of each species on their livelihood varies with factors such as the duration of the presence of invasive plants in the landscape, and household characteristics. Results of a household survey indicate that farm households close to the forests have responded to the invasive species both as a victim and a beneficiary. Farm households are likely to adapt to the invaded environment as they have a history of interacting with invasive plants and can commoditise them through appropriate intervention. Additionally, the findings indicate that rural people are willing to invest in the control and management of invasive plants if appropriate technical assistance is available. Without assistance, they consider mitigating the infestation an unattainable mission and consider acceptance of the invasive species as a part of the rural ecosystem an inevitable outcome.


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Box-Ironbark forests extend across a swathe of northern Victoria on the inland side of the Great Dividing Range. Although extensively cleared and modified, they support a distinctive suite of plants and animals. Historical fire regimes in this ecosystem are largely unknown, as are the effects of fire on most of the biota. However, knowledge of the ecological attributes of plant species has been used to determine minimum and maximum tolerable fire intervals for this ecosystem to guide current fire management. Here, we consider the potential effects of planned fire in the context of major ecological drivers of the current box-ironbark forests: namely, the climate and physical environment; historical land clearing and fragmentation; and extractive land uses. We outline an experimental management and research project based on application of planned burns in different seasons (autumn, spring) and at different levels of burn cover (patchy, extensive). A range of ecological attributes will be monitored before and after burns to provide better understanding of the landscape-scale effects of fire in box-ironbark forests. Such integration of management and research is essential to address the many knowledge gaps in fire ecology, particularly in the context of massively increased levels of planned burning currently being implemented in Victoria.


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Increased selfing and inbreeding and, consequently, depauperate genetic diversities are commonly expected for alien colonies. We compared RAPDs data for native (southern Europe) and alien (British Isles) populations of hoary mustard (Hirschfeldia incana). This species is normally out-breeding, but it is capable of self- fertilization. Contrary to the common expectations, genetic diversities in native and alien populations were similar, without any strong evidence of decreased levels of genetic diversities in alien populations. A variety of factors may have contributed to this observation, including high variation in founding groups, founders originating from multiple H. incana source populations, and high rates of past and/or current gene flow. A review of other studies showed that this pattern of similar genetic diversities in native and alien populations was not unusual but has been regularly observed in other invasive plant species.


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This thesis addresses the issue of estimating the willingness of members of low-income communities to contribute to the management of the invasion of exotic plant species by applying the stated preference method of a choice experiment in the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park in Nepal.


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The potato cyst nematodes (PCN), Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) and G. pallida (Stone), are major pests of ware and seed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crops worldwide and severely impact the movement of potatoes around the globe through quarantine restrictions. In Australia, only G. rostochiensis has been discovered, on four separate occasions between 1986 and 2008. The infested areas are the subject of strict regulation and quarantine procedures and while they are considered to be contained, managing nematode populations remains a priority. This study has identified the G. rostochiensis Ro1 resistance-status of potato cultivars currently grown by Australian potato growers, and new cultivars emerging from the Australian Potato Breeding Program. Resistance was assessed by a simple and robust procedure carried out in a purpose-built quarantine facility. Of the 24 potato cultivars grown in the affected Koo Wee Rup district in 2004, 10 were resistant to nematode infestation, including the locally important cultivar Atlantic. Other cultivars important to the Victorian and Australian potato industry, such as Kennebec, Desiree, Sebago and Coliban, were classified as susceptible. Importantly, this study provided evidence that the Koo Wee Rup PCN population was able to complete its lifecycle on the native plant species, S. aviculare (kangaroo apple), potentially acting as an alternate host and spreading PCN among potato crops.


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Exotic animal and plant species introduced into the Australian continent often imparted catastrophic effects on the indigenous fauna and flora. Proponents of biological control introduced the South American Cane Toad (Bufo marinus) into the sugar cane fields of Queensland in 1935. The Cane Toad is one of the most toxic bufonids and when seized by naive Australian predators, the toxin usually kills the attacker. One group of Australian squamate reptiles that are very susceptible to Cane Toad toxins is varanid lizards. Prior to Cane Toad invasion of our study area, the Adelaide River floodplain of the Northern Territory of Australia, annual mortality of adult male radio-tagged yellow-spotted Goannas (Varanus panoptes) was very low. After the arrival of toads in October 2005, all radio-tracked goannas were found dead in August 2006, most likely attempting to feed on the toads. Our results suggest that invasive Cane Toads place naive adult male Yellow-spotted Goannas at risk of possibly >90% mortality. This increase in mortality could reduce the genetic diversity and hamper long-term survival of these large carnivorous lizards.


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Electron microscopy techniques such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) have been invaluable tools for the study of the micromorphology of plant cuticles. However, for electron microscopy, the preparation techniques required may invariably introduce artefacts in cuticle preservation. Further, there are a limited number of methods available for quantifying the image data obtained through electron microscopy. Therefore, in this study, optical microscopy techniques were coupled with staining procedures and, along with SEM were used to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the ultrastructure of plant leaf cuticles. Leaf cryosections of Triticum aestivum (wheat), Zea mays (maize), and Lupinus angustifolius (lupin) were stained with either fat-soluble azo stain Sudan IV or fluorescent, diarylmethane Auramine O and were observed under confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). For all the plant species tested, the cuticle on the leaf surfaces could be clearly resolved in many cases into cuticular proper (CP), external cuticular layer (ECL), and internal cuticular layer (ICL). Novel image data analysis procedures for quantifying the epicuticular wax micromorphology were developed, and epicuticular waxes of L. angustifolius were described here for the first time. Together, application of a multifaceted approach involving the use of a range of techniques to study the plant cuticle has led to a better understanding of cuticular structure and provides new insights into leaf surface architecture.


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Co-flowering plant species commonly share flower visitors, and thus have the potential to influence each other's pollination. In this study we analysed 750 quantitative plant-pollinator networks from 28 studies representing diverse biomes worldwide. We show that the potential for one plant species to influence another indirectly via shared pollinators was greater for plants whose resources were more abundant (higher floral unit number and nectar sugar content) and more accessible. The potential indirect influence was also stronger between phylogenetically closer plant species and was independent of plant geographic origin (native vs. non-native). The positive effect of nectar sugar content and phylogenetic proximity was much more accentuated for bees than for other groups. Consequently, the impact of these factors depends on the pollination mode of plants, e.g. bee or fly pollinated. Our findings may help predict which plant species have the greatest importance in the functioning of plant-pollination networks.


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 The research has made significant addition to the knowledge of the role of mycorrhizas as an elicitor for the production of secondary metabolites in three plant species along with extraction techniques that have paved the way for a feasible method of continuous supply of secondary metabolites while maintaining viability.


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The application of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) as a smart delivery system to agricultural crops is gaining attention but the release of nanoparticles into the environment may pose a potential threat to biological systems. We investigated the effects of MSNs on the growth and development of wheat and lupin plants grown under controlled conditions. We report a dramatic increase in the growth of wheat and lupin plants exposed to MSNs. We also found that, in leaves, MSNs localised to chloroplasts and that photosynthetic activity was significantly increased. In addition, absorption and cellular distribution of MSNs by the two plant species following root uptake were observed using scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS). Following uptake of MSNs at 500 and 1000 mg L(-1), there was enhancement of seed germination, increased plant biomass, total protein and chlorophyll content. Treatment of both species with MSNs at the highest concentration (2000 mg L(-1)) did not result in oxidative stress or cell membrane damage. These findings show that MSNs can be used as novel delivery systems in plants and that over the range of concentrations tested, MSNs do not have any negative impacts on plant growth or development.


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Dois experimentos e um levantamento por amostragem foram analisados no contexto de dados espaciais. Os experimentos foram delineados em blocos completos casualizados sendo que no experimento um (EXP 1) foram avaliados oito cultivares de trevo branco, sendo estudadas as variáveis Matéria Seca Total (MST) e Matéria Seca de Gramíneas (MSGRAM) e no experimento dois (EXP 2) 20 cultivares de espécies forrageiras, onde foi estudada a variável Percentagem de Implantação (%IMPL). As variáveis foram analisadas no contexto de modelos mistos, sendo modelada a variabilidade espacial através de semivariogramas exponencias, esféricos e gaussianos. Verificou-se uma diminuição em média de 19% e 14% do Coeficiente de Variação (CV) das medias dos cultivares, e uma diminuição em média de 24,6% e 33,3% nos erros padrões dos contrastes ortogonais propostos em MST e MSGRAM. No levantamento por amostragem, estudou-se a associação espacial em Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth , Paspalum notatum Fl e Demodium incanum DC, amostrados em uma transecção fixa de quadros contiguos, a quatro tamanhos de unidades amostrais (0,1x0,1m; 0,1x0,3m; 0,1x0,5m; e 0,1x1,0m). Nas espécies Aristida laevis (Nees) Kunth e Paspalum notatum Fl, existiu um bom ajuste dos semivariogramas a tamanhos menores das unidades amostrais, diminuíndo quando a unidade amostral foi maior. Desmodium incanum DC apresentou comportamento contrario, ajustando melhor os semivariogramas a tamanhos maiores das unidades amostrais.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo geral ampliar o conhecimento sobre a ecologia vegetal das matas de Restinga arenosa em substratos bem drenados no Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foram realizados o estudo florístico e fitossociológico do componente arbóreo de cinco capões de Restinga e a verificação de padrões de interações mutualísticas entre aves frugívoras e as árvores, além do estudo do componente de regeneração e suas relações com o estrato arbóreo adulto. Para a amostragem da vegetação, foi usado o método de parcelas, incluindo-se todas as árvores com DAP ≥ 5cm, totalizando uma área de 1,02ha. Com estes dados, foram estimados os parâmetros usuais em fitossociologia. Em um dos capões, foi realizado também o levantamento florístico e fitossociológico das plântulas (0,05 ≤ altura < 1m) e juvenis (altura ≥ 1m, DAP < 5cm), avaliando-se as relações com o estrato arbóreo adulto, o potencial e a taxa de regeneração natural para cada espécie. Para o estudo dos mutualismos, foram feitas observações visuais e capturas de aves durante um ano. Foram estimadas a conectância do sistema mutualístico e o índice de importância das espécies. Também foi feita a rede de interações do sistema e feita a análise da variação destas interações ao longo das estações do ano. A composição florística resultou em uma riqueza total de 20 famílias e 29 espécies para os cinco capões. A densidade total arbórea teve uma média máxima de 1207 ind/ha e mínima de 747 ind/ha. Sebastiania serrata apresentou o maior valor de importância e Myrtaceae foi a família mais representada. A diversidade específica foi baixa, variando de 1,08 a 2,38 (nats). No sistema mutualístico, registraram-se 29 espécies interagindo (aves e plantas), com uma conectância de 23,9%. Turdus amaurochalinus e T. rufiventris interagiram com a maioria das espécies arbóreas e tiveram o maior índice de importância, sendo caracterizadas como as principais dispersoras em potencial. Ocotea pulchella e Myrsine spp. foram registradas com maior número de eventos de consumo de frutos, no entanto, Ficus organesis interagiu com mais espécies frugívoras, além de ter a maior importância na dieta das aves. Houve variações no número eventos de frugivoria ao longo das estações, bem como no número de espécies frugívoras e de espécies arbóreas consumidas. O componente de regeneração apresentou riqueza específica e diversidade semelhantes às do estrato arbóreo adulto, refletindo uma similaridade florística maior que 70%. A maioria das espécies (73,7%) apresentou taxa de regeneração negativa, revelando o padrão de 'J' invertido. Os resultados indicam a existência de diferenças na composição e estrutura arbórea entre os capões de Restinga, além de uma boa capacidade de regeneração para a maioria das espécies vegetais estudadas. Os dados revelam também um sistema dispersão generalista, no qual poucas espécies de aves interagem com muitas espécies arbóreas e vice-versa.


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No Sudoeste do Rio Grande do Sul ocorrem manchas de substrato arenoso sem cobertura vegetal, conhecidos regionalmente como areais. A tese reexamina o problema e suas causas, enfatizando o papel da vegetação natural e propondo estratégias para a revegetação e prevenção à arenização em sistemas pastoris. Evidências foram obtidas em levantamentos e experimento avaliando processos de degradação e regeneração da vegetação campestre do entorno de areais. Levantamento da vegetação, realizado em 41 parcelas de 4,5 x 9,0 m na borda de 11 areais indicou a existência de dois tipos de comunidades. Areais de Manoel Viana e aqueles usados pelo gado em São Francisco de Assis, com alto percentual de substrato exposto, são caracterizados principalmente por Elyonurus sp., Axonopus pressus e Butia paraguayensis. Areais de Alegrete e aqueles excluídos de pastejo em São Francisco de Assis, com menor percentual de substrato exposto, são caracterizados principalmente por Andropogon lateralis e Aristida laevis. Foi também avaliada a dinâmica da vegetação em gradientes de arenização, usando quadros (0,25 m2) contíguos em 16 transecções de 10 m localizadas em cinco areais. A dinâmica da vegetação foi associada ao uso das áreas pelo gado, pois houve aumento, após 14 meses, de substrato exposto em comunidades de areais sob pastoreio, enquanto que aquelas sem gado apresentaram uma dinâmica espacial-temporal de maior estabilidade da cobertura vegetal. Um experimento foi realizado para avaliar, durante 8 meses, o efeito de níveis controlados de soterramento por areia (0, 5, 10 e 20 cm) em comunidades do entorno de dois areais sob pastoreio. Comunidades caracterizadas por Elyonurus sp. e Axonopus pressus foram mais tolerantes ao soterramento. As evidências indicam que a exclusão do gado de areais pode ser uma alternativa eficaz para a revegetação de areais por espécies das comunidades naturais do entorno. Ademais, a arenização pode ser prevenida pelo uso adequado dos campos que mantenha a cobertura vegetal natural protegendo o solo dos processos erosivos hídrico e eólico.


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Actually in the oil industry biotechnological approaches represent a challenge. In that, attention to metal structures affected by electrochemical corrosive processes, as well as by the interference of microorganisms (biocorrosion) which affect the kinetics of the environment / metal interface. Regarding to economical and environmental impacts reduction let to the use of natural products as an alternative to toxic synthetic inhibitors. This study aims the employment of green chemistry by evaluating the stem bark extracts (EHC, hydroalcoholic extract) and leaves (ECF, chloroform extract) of plant species Croton cajucara Benth as a corrosion inhibitor. In addition the effectiveness of corrosion inhibition of bioactive trans-clerodane dehydrocrotonin (DCTN) isolated from the stem bark of this Croton was also evaluated. For this purpose, carbon steel AISI 1020 was immersed in saline media (3,5 % NaCl) in the presence and absence of a microorganism recovered from a pipeline oil sample. Corrosion inhibition efficiency and its mechanisms were investigated by linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance. Culture-dependent and molecular biology techniques were used to characterize and identify bacterial species present in oil samples. The tested natural products EHC, ECF and DCTN (DMSO as solvent) in abiotic environment presented respectively, corrosion inhibition efficiencies of 57.6% (500 ppm), 86.1% (500 ppm) and 54.5% (62.5 ppm). Adsorption phenomena showed that EHC best fit Frumkin isotherm and ECF to Temkin isotherm. EHC extract (250 ppm) dissolved in a polar microemulsion system (MES-EHC) showed significant maximum inhibition efficiency (93.8%) fitting Langmuir isotherm. In the presence of the isolated Pseudomonas sp, EHC and ECF were able to form eco-compatible organic films with anti-corrosive properties