1000 resultados para Tribunes (sports) -- France -- Deauville (Calvados)
Report of the Working Group on Sports Sponsorship by the Alcohol Industry Click here to download PDF 60KB
Les sports équestres sont en plein développement en France où l'on compte plus d'un million de chevaux. Le nombre de cavaliers pratiquant en club ou chez eux est estimé à 600 000 et l'on dénombre plus de 68 000 emplois en France dans tous les domaines : agriculture, environnement, courses, loisirs, sports (www.haras-nationaux.fr). On trouve également dans les métiers du cheval les vétérinaires spécialisés ainsi que les maréchaux-ferrants. De plus, la France est un pays reconnu pour son activité d'élevage avec une production de chevaux de concours de très grande qualité.Récemment, plusieurs études relatant les expositions professionnelles à la poussière des écuries ont paru dans les journaux scientifiques. Les résultats montrent que la poussière issue des écuries contient, entre autres, des concentrations relativement élevées d'endotoxines (1) et de ?(1-3)-glucan (2) pouvant avoir des conséquences sur la santé respiratoire des travailleurs. En effet, des études précédentes ont montré que le fait de travailler ou de côtoyer des chevaux était associé avec une augmentation des risques de problèmes des voies respiratoires supérieures tels que des irritations du nez, de la toux (sèche et productive), de l'asthme, des bronchites chroniques et des épisodes d'" organic dust toxic syndrome (3) " (Gallagher et al., 2007 ; Mazan et al., 2009). [Auteure]
On the archaeological site of Menez-Dregan in Brittany, France, dated 300,000-500,000 years-old, paleoparasitological analysis of cave deposits led to the detection of well-preserved helminth eggs, which morphology and morphometry pointed to the diagnosis of Toxocara canis eggs, a parasite of carnivore mammals. Paleolithic remains suggested a parasitism of the hyena Crocuta spelaea or other canids that inhabited the region.
This booklet developed by safefood inpartnership with the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) in the Republic of Ireland and the British Dietetic Association in Northern Ireland, provides general advice for 13- to 17-year-olds who are involved in sport.
Since the 1990s, and especially since the early 2000s, passionate controversies (Göle 2014) have emerged around the new visibility of Islam in the public sphere across Europe. These controversies, which crystallized in the headscarf debate, seem even more disturbing given that women who wear it are often young, urban and educated: that is to say, "modern" (Göle 1997, 2011). Indeed, these young women wearing the hijab seem to disrupt the narrative of Western modernity, including the decline in religious practice (Hervieu-Léger 2006) or the narration of the process of secularization in Europe. It is in the context of these controversies that Islam is built imaginatively as a "public problem" that has to be "solved" (Behloul 2012). Thus, this social construction of the Muslim other has nurtured an assessment of the failure of multiculturalism in some European countries and a process of convergence around a single model of civic integration in Europe (Behloul 2012, Joppke 2004, 2010).
The aim of this intervention is to evaluate people's health at the start of the project and after one year to monitor people's phyical activity and to provide data
This dissertation aims to investigate empirical evidence on the importance and influence of attractiveness of nations in global competition. The notion of country attractiveness, which has been widely developed in the research areas of international business, tourism and migration, is a multi-dimensional construct to measure a country's characteristics with regard to its market or destination that attract international investors, tourists and migrants. This analytical concept provides an account of the mechanism as to how potential stakeholders evaluate more attractive countries based on certain criteria. Thus, in the field of international sport-event bidding, do international sport event owners also have specific country attractiveness for their sport event hosts? The dissertation attempts to address this research question by statistically assessing the effects of country attractiveness on the success of strategy for hosting international sports events. Based on theories of signaling and soft power, country attractiveness is defined and measured as the three dimensions of sustainable development: economic, social, and environmental attractiveness. This thesis proceeds to examine the concept of sport-event-hosting strategy and explore multi-level factors affecting the success in international sport-event bidding. By exploring past history of the Olympic Movement from theoretical perspectives, the thesis proposes and tests the hypotheses that economic, social and environmental attractiveness of a country may be correlated with its bid wins or the success of sport-event-hosting strategy. Quantitative analytical methods with various robustness checks are employed with using collected data on bidding results of major events in Olympic sports during the period from 1990 to 2012. The analysis results reveal that event owners of international Olympic sports are likely to prefer countries that have higher economic, social, and environmental attractiveness. The empirical assessment of this thesis suggests that high country attractiveness can be an essential element of prerequisites for a city/country to secure in order to bid with an increased chance of success.
The aim of the project was to analyse available data from routine sources and local health surveys to compare health and health-related behaviour in the populations of South East England and North France focusing particularly on health inequalities and social cohesion. The project compared the availability and accessibility of health-related programmes in each country.