925 resultados para Travel Time Prediction
Multiple-sown field trials in 4 consecutive years in the Riverina region of south-eastern Australia provided 24 different combinations of temperature and day length, which enabled the development of crop phenology models. A crop model was developed for 7 cultivars from diverse origins to identify if photoperiod sensitivity is involved in determining phenological development, and if that is advantageous in avoiding low-temperature damage. Cultivars that were mildly photoperiod-sensitive were identified from sowing to flowering and from panicle initiation to flowering. The crop models were run for 47 years of temperature data to quantify the risk of encountering low temperature during the critical young microspore stage for 5 different sowing dates. Cultivars that were mildly photoperiod-sensitive, such as Amaroo, had a reduced likelihood of encountering low temperature for a wider range of sowing dates compared with photoperiod-insensitive cultivars. The benefits of increased photoperiod sensitivity include greater sowing flexibility and reduced water use as growth duration is shortened when sowing is delayed. Determining the optimal sowing date also requires other considerations, e. g. the risk of cold damage at other sensitive stages such as flowering and the response of yield to a delay in flowering under non-limiting conditions. It was concluded that appropriate sowing time and the use of photoperiod-sensitive cultivars can be advantageous in the Riverina region in avoiding low temperature damage during reproductive development.
Pulse transit time (PTT) is a non-invasive measure, defined as time taken for the pulse pressure waves to travel from the R-wave of electrocardiogram to a selected peripheral site. Baseline PTT value is known to be influenced by physiologic variables like heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and arterial compliance (AC). However, few quantitative data are available describing the factors which can influence PTT measurements in a child during breathing. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of changes in breathing efforts on PTT baseline and fluctuations. Two different inspiratory resistive loading (IRL) devices were used to simulate loaded breathing in order to induce these effects. It is known that HR can influence the normative PTT value however the effect of HR variability (HRV) is not well-studied. Two groups of 3 healthy children ( 0.05) HR changes during all test activities. Results showed that HRV is not the sole contributor to PTT variations and suggest that changes in other physiologic parameters are also equally important. Hence, monitoring PTT measurement can be indicative of these associated changes during tidal or increased breathing efforts in healthy children.
Collaborative filtering is regarded as one of the most promising recommendation algorithms. The item-based approaches for collaborative filtering identify the similarity between two items by comparing users' ratings on them. In these approaches, ratings produced at different times are weighted equally. That is to say, changes in user purchase interest are not taken into consideration. For example, an item that was rated recently by a user should have a bigger impact on the prediction of future user behaviour than an item that was rated a long time ago. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm to compute the time weights for different items in a manner that will assign a decreasing weight to old data. More specifically, the users' purchase habits vary. Even the same user has quite different attitudes towards different items. Our proposed algorithm uses clustering to discriminate between different kinds of items. To each item cluster, we trace each user's purchase interest change and introduce a personalized decay factor according to the user own purchase behaviour. Empirical studies have shown that our new algorithm substantially improves the precision of item-based collaborative filtering without introducing higher order computational complexity.
Non-technical losses (NTL) identification and prediction are important tasks for many utilities. Data from customer information system (CIS) can be used for NTL analysis. However, in order to accurately and efficiently perform NTL analysis, the original data from CIS need to be pre-processed before any detailed NTL analysis can be carried out. In this paper, we propose a feature selection based method for CIS data pre-processing in order to extract the most relevant information for further analysis such as clustering and classifications. By removing irrelevant and redundant features, feature selection is an essential step in data mining process in finding optimal subset of features to improve the quality of result by giving faster time processing, higher accuracy and simpler results with fewer features. Detailed feature selection analysis is presented in the paper. Both time-domain and load shape data are compared based on the accuracy, consistency and statistical dependencies between features.
We present a novel method for prediction of the onset of a spontaneous (paroxysmal) atrial fibrilation episode by representing the electrocardiograph (ECG) output as two time series corresponding to the interbeat intervals and the lengths of the atrial component of the ECG. We will then show how different entropy measures can be calulated from both of these series and then combined in a neural network trained using the Bayesian evidence procedure to form and effective predictive classifier.
This paper presents a forecasting technique for forward electricity/gas prices, one day ahead. This technique combines a Kalman filter (KF) and a generalised autoregressive conditional heteroschedasticity (GARCH) model (often used in financial forecasting). The GARCH model is used to compute next value of a time series. The KF updates parameters of the GARCH model when the new observation is available. This technique is applied to real data from the UK energy markets to evaluate its performance. The results show that the forecasting accuracy is improved significantly by using this hybrid model. The methodology can be also applied to forecasting market clearing prices and electricity/gas loads.
Jackson (2005) developed a hybrid model of personality and learning, known as the learning styles profiler (LSP) which was designed to span biological, socio-cognitive, and experiential research foci of personality and learning research. The hybrid model argues that functional and dysfunctional learning outcomes can be best understood in terms of how cognitions and experiences control, discipline, and re-express the biologically based scale of sensation-seeking. In two studies with part-time workers undertaking tertiary education (N=137 and 58), established models of approach and avoidance from each of the three different research foci were compared with Jackson's hybrid model in their predictiveness of leadership, work, and university outcomes using self-report and supervisor ratings. Results showed that the hybrid model was generally optimal and, as hypothesized, that goal orientation was a mediator of sensation-seeking on outcomes (work performance, university performance, leader behaviours, and counterproductive work behaviour). Our studies suggest that the hybrid model has considerable promise as a predictor of work and educational outcomes as well as dysfunctional outcomes.
Vaccines are the greatest single instrument of prophylaxis against infectious diseases, with immeasurable benefits to human wellbeing. The accurate and reliable prediction of peptide-MHC binding is fundamental to the robust identification of T-cell epitopes and thus the successful design of peptide- and protein-based vaccines. The prediction of MHC class II peptide binding has hitherto proved recalcitrant and refractory. Here we illustrate the utility of existing computational tools for in silico prediction of peptides binding to class II MHCs. Most of the methods, tested in the present study, detect more than the half of the true binders in the top 5% of all possible nonamers generated from one protein. This number increases in the top 10% and 15% and then does not change significantly. For the top 15% the identified binders approach 86%. In terms of lab work this means 85% less expenditure on materials, labour and time. We show that while existing caveats are well founded, nonetheless use of computational models of class II binding can still offer viable help to the work of the immunologist and vaccinologist.
The sudden loss of the plasma magnetic confinement, known as disruption, is one of the major issue in a nuclear fusion machine as JET (Joint European Torus), Disruptions pose very serious problems to the safety of the machine. The energy stored in the plasma is released to the machine structure in few milliseconds resulting in forces that at JET reach several Mega Newtons. The problem is even more severe in the nuclear fusion power station where the forces are in the order of one hundred Mega Newtons. The events that occur during a disruption are still not well understood even if some mechanisms that can lead to a disruption have been identified and can be used to predict them. Unfortunately it is always a combination of these events that generates a disruption and therefore it is not possible to use simple algorithms to predict it. This thesis analyses the possibility of using neural network algorithms to predict plasma disruptions in real time. This involves the determination of plasma parameters every few milliseconds. A plasma boundary reconstruction algorithm, XLOC, has been developed in collaboration with Dr. D. Ollrien and Dr. J. Ellis capable of determining the plasma wall/distance every 2 milliseconds. The XLOC output has been used to develop a multilayer perceptron network to determine plasma parameters as ?i and q? with which a machine operational space has been experimentally defined. If the limits of this operational space are breached the disruption probability increases considerably. Another approach for prediction disruptions is to use neural network classification methods to define the JET operational space. Two methods have been studied. The first method uses a multilayer perceptron network with softmax activation function for the output layer. This method can be used for classifying the input patterns in various classes. In this case the plasma input patterns have been divided between disrupting and safe patterns, giving the possibility of assigning a disruption probability to every plasma input pattern. The second method determines the novelty of an input pattern by calculating the probability density distribution of successful plasma patterns that have been run at JET. The density distribution is represented as a mixture distribution, and its parameters arc determined using the Expectation-Maximisation method. If the dataset, used to determine the distribution parameters, covers sufficiently well the machine operational space. Then, the patterns flagged as novel can be regarded as patterns belonging to a disrupting plasma. Together with these methods, a network has been designed to predict the vertical forces, that a disruption can cause, in order to avoid that too dangerous plasma configurations are run. This network can be run before the pulse using the pre-programmed plasma configuration or on line becoming a tool that allows to stop dangerous plasma configuration. All these methods have been implemented in real time on a dual Pentium Pro based machine. The Disruption Prediction and Prevention System has shown that internal plasma parameters can be determined on-line with a good accuracy. Also the disruption detection algorithms showed promising results considering the fact that JET is an experimental machine where always new plasma configurations are tested trying to improve its performances.