991 resultados para Transportation networks


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Sequential transformation in a family of metal-organic framework compounds has been investigated employing both a solid-state as well as a solution mediated route. The compounds, cobalt oxy-bis(benzoate) and manganese oxybis(benzoate) having a two-dimensional structure, were reacted with bipyridine forming cobalt oxy-bis(benzoate)-4,4'-bipyridine and manganese oxy-bis(benzoate)-4,4'-bipyridine, respectively. The bipyridine containing compounds appear to form sequentially through stable intermediates. For the cobalt system, the transformation from a two-dimensional compound, Co(H2O)(2)(OBA)] (OBA = 4,4'-oxy-bis(benzoate)), I, to two different three-dimensional compounds, Co(bpy)(OBA)]center dot bpy, II, (bpy = 4,4'-bipyridine) and Co(bpy)(0.5)(OBA)], III, and reversibility between II and III have been investigated. In the manganese system, transformation from a two-dimensional compound, Mn(H2O)(2)(OBA)], Ia, to two different three-dimensional compounds, Mn (bpy)(OBA)]center dot bpy, Ha and Ha to Mn(bpy)(0.5)(OBA)], Ilia, has been investigated. It has also been possible to identify intermediate products during these transformation reactions. The possible pathways for the formation of the compounds were postulated.


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Clock synchronisation is an important requirement for various applications in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Most of the existing clock synchronisation protocols for WSNs use some hierarchical structure that introduces an extra overhead due to the dynamic nature of WSNs. Besides, it is difficult to integrate these clock synchronisation protocols with sleep scheduling scheme, which is a major technique to conserve energy. In this paper, we propose a fully distributed peer-to-peer based clock synchronisation protocol, named Distributed Clock Synchronisation Protocol (DCSP), using a novel technique of pullback for complete sensor networks. The pullback technique ensures that synchronisation phases of any pair of clocks always overlap. We have derived an exact expression for a bound on maximum synchronisation error in the DCSP protocol, and simulation study verifies that it is indeed less than the computed upper bound. Experimental study using a few TelosB motes also verifies that the pullback occurs as predicted.


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Our work is motivated by geographical forwarding of sporadic alarm packets to a base station in a wireless sensor network (WSN), where the nodes are sleep-wake cycling periodically and asynchronously. We seek to develop local forwarding algorithms that can be tuned so as to tradeoff the end-to-end delay against a total cost, such as the hop count or total energy. Our approach is to solve, at each forwarding node enroute to the sink, the local forwarding problem of minimizing one-hop waiting delay subject to a lower bound constraint on a suitable reward offered by the next-hop relay; the constraint serves to tune the tradeoff. The reward metric used for the local problem is based on the end-to-end total cost objective (for instance, when the total cost is hop count, we choose to use the progress toward sink made by a relay as the reward). The forwarding node, to begin with, is uncertain about the number of relays, their wake-up times, and the reward values, but knows the probability distributions of these quantities. At each relay wake-up instant, when a relay reveals its reward value, the forwarding node's problem is to forward the packet or to wait for further relays to wake-up. In terms of the operations research literature, our work can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem. We formulate our local forwarding problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and obtain inner and outer bounds for the optimal policy. Motivated by the computational complexity involved in the policies derived out of these bounds, we formulate an alternate simplified model, the optimal policy for which is a simple threshold rule. We provide simulation results to compare the performance of the inner and outer bound policies against the simple policy, and also against the optimal policy when the source knows the exact number of relays. Observing the good performance and the ease of implementation of the simple policy, we apply it to our motivating problem, i.e., local geographical routing of sporadic alarm packets in a large WSN. We compare the end-to-end performance (i.e., average total delay and average total cost) obtained by the simple policy, when used for local geographical forwarding, against that obtained by the globally optimal forwarding algorithm proposed by Kim et al. 1].


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Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have been found to be a robust tool to model many non-linear hydrological processes. The present study aims at evaluating the performance of ANN in simulating and predicting ground water levels in the uplands of a tropical coastal riparian wetland. The study involves comparison of two network architectures, Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) trained under five algorithms namely Levenberg Marquardt algorithm, Resilient Back propagation algorithm, BFGS Quasi Newton algorithm, Scaled Conjugate Gradient algorithm, and Fletcher Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm by simulating the water levels in a well in the study area. The study is analyzed in two cases-one with four inputs to the networks and two with eight inputs to the networks. The two networks-five algorithms in both the cases are compared to determine the best performing combination that could simulate and predict the process satisfactorily. Ad Hoc (Trial and Error) method is followed in optimizing network structure in all cases. On the whole, it is noticed from the results that the Artificial Neural Networks have simulated and predicted the water levels in the well with fair accuracy. This is evident from low values of Normalized Root Mean Square Error and Relative Root Mean Square Error and high values of Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency Index and Correlation Coefficient (which are taken as the performance measures to calibrate the networks) calculated after the analysis. On comparison of ground water levels predicted with those at the observation well, FFNN trained with Fletcher Reeves Conjugate Gradient algorithm taken four inputs has outperformed all other combinations.


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Ground management problems are typically solved by the simulation-optimization approach where complex numerical models are used to simulate the groundwater flow and/or contamination transport. These numerical models take a lot of time to solve the management problems and hence become computationally expensive. In this study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) models were developed and coupled for the management of groundwater of Dore river basin in France. The Analytic Element Method (AEM) based flow model was developed and used to generate the dataset for the training and testing of the ANN model. This developed ANN-PSO model was applied to minimize the pumping cost of the wells, including cost of the pipe line. The discharge and location of the pumping wells were taken as the decision variable and the ANN-PSO model was applied to find out the optimal location of the wells. The results of the ANN-PSO model are found similar to the results obtained by AEM-PSO model. The results show that the ANN model can reduce the computational burden significantly as it is able to analyze different scenarios, and the ANN-PSO model is capable of identifying the optimal location of wells efficiently.


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We consider the problem of secure communication in mobile Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Achieving security in WSNs requires robust encryption and authentication standards among the sensor nodes. Severe resources constraints in typical Wireless Sensor nodes hinder them in achieving key agreements. It is proved from past studies that many notable key management schemes do not work well in sensor networks due to their limited capacities. The idea of key predistribution is not feasible considering the fact that the network could scale to millions. We prove a novel algorithm that provides robust and secure communication channel in WSNs. Our Double Encryption with Validation Time (DEV) using Key Management Protocol algorithm works on the basis of timed sessions within which a secure secret key remains valid. A mobile node is used to bootstrap and exchange secure keys among communicating pairs of nodes. Analysis and simulation results show that the performance of the DEV using Key Management Protocol Algorithm is better than the SEV scheme and other related work.


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Information diffusion and influence maximization are important and extensively studied problems in social networks. Various models and algorithms have been proposed in the literature in the context of the influence maximization problem. A crucial assumption in all these studies is that the influence probabilities are known to the social planner. This assumption is unrealistic since the influence probabilities are usually private information of the individual agents and strategic agents may not reveal them truthfully. Moreover, the influence probabilities could vary significantly with the type of the information flowing in the network and the time at which the information is propagating in the network. In this paper, we use a mechanism design approach to elicit influence probabilities truthfully from the agents. Our main contribution is to design a scoring rule based mechanism in the context of the influencer-influencee model. In particular, we show the incentive compatibility of the mechanisms and propose a reverse weighted scoring rule based mechanism as an appropriate mechanism to use.


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We investigate the problem of influence limitation in the presence of competing campaigns in a social network. Given a negative campaign which starts propagating from a specified source and a positive/counter campaign that is initiated, after a certain time delay, to limit the the influence or spread of misinformation by the negative campaign, we are interested in finding the top k influential nodes at which the positive campaign may be triggered. This problem has numerous applications in situations such as limiting the propagation of rumor, arresting the spread of virus through inoculation, initiating a counter-campaign against malicious propaganda, etc. The influence function for the generic influence limitation problem is non-submodular. Restricted versions of the influence limitation problem, reported in the literature, assume submodularity of the influence function and do not capture the problem in a realistic setting. In this paper, we propose a novel computational approach for the influence limitation problem based on Shapley value, a solution concept in cooperative game theory. Our approach works equally effectively for both submodular and non-submodular influence functions. Experiments on standard real world social network datasets reveal that the proposed approach outperforms existing heuristics in the literature. As a non-trivial extension, we also address the problem of influence limitation in the presence of multiple competing campaigns.


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There are many wireless sensor network(WSN) applications which require reliable data transfer between the nodes. Several techniques including link level retransmission, error correction methods and hybrid Automatic Repeat re- Quest(ARQ) were introduced into the wireless sensor networks for ensuring reliability. In this paper, we use Automatic reSend request(ASQ) technique with regular acknowledgement to design reliable end-to-end communication protocol, called Adaptive Reliable Transport(ARTP) protocol, for WSNs. Besides ensuring reliability, objective of ARTP protocol is to ensure message stream FIFO at the receiver side instead of the byte stream FIFO used in TCP/IP protocol suite. To realize this objective, a new protocol stack has been used in the ARTP protocol. The ARTP protocol saves energy without affecting the throughput by sending three different types of acknowledgements, viz. ACK, NACK and FNACK with semantics different from that existing in the literature currently and adapting to the network conditions. Additionally, the protocol controls flow based on the receiver's feedback and congestion by holding ACK messages. To the best of our knowledge, there has been little or no attempt to build a receiver controlled regularly acknowledged reliable communication protocol. We have carried out extensive simulation studies of our protocol using Castalia simulator, and the study shows that our protocol performs better than related protocols in wireless/wire line networks, in terms of throughput and energy efficiency.


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Clock synchronization is an extremely important requirement of wireless sensor networks(WSNs). There are many application scenarios such as weather monitoring and forecasting etc. where external clock synchronization may be required because WSN itself may consists of components which are not connected to each other. A usual approach for external clock synchronization in WSNs is to synchronize the clock of a reference node with an external source such as UTC, and the remaining nodes synchronize with the reference node using an internal clock synchronization protocol. In order to provide highly accurate time, both the offset and the drift rate of each clock with respect to reference node are estimated from time to time, and these are used for getting correct time from local clock reading. A problem with this approach is that it is difficult to estimate the offset of a clock with respect to the reference node when drift rate of clocks varies over a period of time. In this paper, we first propose a novel internal clock synchronization protocol based on weighted averaging technique, which synchronizes all the clocks of a WSN to a reference node periodically. We call this protocol weighted average based internal clock synchronization(WICS) protocol. Based on this protocol, we then propose our weighted average based external clock synchronization(WECS) protocol. We have analyzed the proposed protocols for maximum synchronization error and shown that it is always upper bounded. Extensive simulation studies of the proposed protocols have been carried out using Castalia simulator. Simulation results validate our theoretical claim that the maximum synchronization error is always upper bounded and also show that the proposed protocols perform better in comparison to other protocols in terms of synchronization accuracy. A prototype implementation of the proposed internal clock synchronization protocol using a few TelosB motes also validates our claim.


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In this paper optical code-division multiple-access (O-CDMA) packet network is considered, which offers inherent security in the access networks. Two types of random access protocols are proposed for packet transmission. In protocol 1, all distinct codes and in protocol 2, distinct codes as well as shifted versions of all these codes are used. O-CDMA network performance using optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) 1-D and two-dimensional (2-D) wavelength/time single-pulse-per-row (W/T SPR) codes are analyzed. The main advantage of using 2-D codes instead of one-dimensional (1-D) codes is to reduce the errors due to multiple access interference among different users. In this paper, correlation receiver and chip-level receiver are considered in the analysis. Using analytical model, we compute packet-success probability, throughput and compare for OOC and SPR codes in an O-CDMA network and the analysis shows improved performance with SPR codes as compared to OOC codes.


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In this paper optical code-division multiple-access (O-CDMA) packet network is considered, which offers inherent security in the access networks. Two types of random access protocols are proposed for packet transmission. In protocol 1, all distinct codes and in protocol 2, distinct codes as well as shifted versions of all these codes are used. O-CDMA network performance using optical orthogonal codes (OOCs) 1-D and two-dimensional (2-D) wavelength/time single-pulse-per-row (W/T SPR) codes are analyzed. The main advantage of using 2-D codes instead of one-dimensional (1-D) codes is to reduce the errors due to multiple access interference among different users. SPR codes are chosen as they have nearly ideal correlation properties. In this paper, correlation receiver is considered in the analysis. Using analytical model, we compare the OOC and SPR code performances in O-CDMA networks. We compute packet-success probability and throughput for both the types of codes. The analysis shows improved performance with SPR codes as compared to OOC codes.


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The b-phase of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is well known for its piezoelectric properties. PVDF films have been developed using solvent cast method. The films thus produced are in a-phase. The a-phase is transformed to piezoelectric b-phase when the film is hotstretched with various different stretching factors at various different temperatures. The films are then characterized in terms of their mechanical properties and surface morphological changes during the transformation from a- to b-phases by using X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter, Raman spectra, Infrared spectra, tensile testing, and scanning electron microscopy. The films showed increased crystallinity with stretching at temperature up to 808C. The optimum conditions to achieve b-phase have been discussed in detail. The fabricated PVDF sensors have been tested for free vibration and impact on plate structure, and its response is compared with conventional piezoelectric wafer type sensor. The resonant and antiresonant peaks in the frequency response of PVDF sensor match well with that of lead zirconate titanate wafer sensors. Effective piezoelectric properties and the variations in the frequency response spectra due to free vibration and impact loading conditions are reported. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 00:000–000, 2012. ª2012 Society of Plastics Engineers


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We study the trade-off between delivery delay and energy consumption in a delay tolerant network in which a message (or a file) has to be delivered to each of several destinations by epidemic relaying. In addition to the destinations, there are several other nodes in the network that can assist in relaying the message. We first assume that, at every instant, all the nodes know the number of relays carrying the packet and the number of destinations that have received the packet. We formulate the problem as a controlled continuous time Markov chain and derive the optimal closed loop control (i.e., forwarding policy). However, in practice, the intermittent connectivity in the network implies that the nodes may not have the required perfect knowledge of the system state. To address this issue, we obtain an ODE (i.e., fluid) approximation for the optimally controlled Markov chain. This fluid approximation also yields an asymptotically optimal open loop policy. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the deterministic policy over finite networks. Numerical results show that this policy performs close to the optimal closed loop policy.