981 resultados para Transcriptional regulator


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The second messenger cAMP stimulates the expression of numerous genes via the protein kinase A-mediated phosphorylation of the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) at Ser-133. Ser-133 phosphorylation, in turn, appears to induce target gene expression by promoting interaction between CREB and CBP, a 265-kDa nuclear phospho-CREB-binding protein. It is unclear, however, whether Ser-133 phosphorylation per se is sufficient for CREB-CBP complex formation and for target gene induction in vivo. Here we examine CREB activity in Jurkat T cells after stimulation of the T-cell receptor (TCR), an event that leads to calcium entry and diacylglycerol production. Triggering of the TCR stimulated Ser-133 phosphorylation of CREB with high stoichiometry, but TCR activation did not promote CREB-CBP complex formation or target gene induction unless suboptimal doses of cAMP agonist were provided as a costimulus. Our results demonstrate that, in addition to mediating Ser-133 phosphorylation of CREB, protein kinase A regulates additional proteins that are required for recruitment of the transcriptional apparatus to cAMP-responsive genes.


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Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinases have been implicated in several aspects of intracellular membrane trafficking, although a detailed mechanism is yet to be established. In this study we demonstrated that wortmannin, a specific inhibitor of PI 3-kinases, inhibited constitutive endocytosis of horseradish peroxidase and transferrin in BHK-21 and TRVb-1 cells. The IC50 was approximately 40 ng/ml (93 nM). In addition, wortmannin blocked the stimulation of horseradish peroxidase uptake by the small GTPase Rab5 but not the stimulation by the GTPase-defective, constitutively activated Rab5 Gln79-->Leu mutant (Rab5:Q79L), providing further evidence that PI 3-kinase activity is essential for the early endocytic process. To further investigate the mechanism, we examined the effect of wortmannin on early endosome fusion in vitro. Wortmannin decreased endosome fusion by 80% with an IC50 value similar to that in intact cells. Addition of Rab5:Q79L but not wild-type Rab5 reversed the inhibitory effect of wortmannin. Furthermore, addition of a constitutively activated PI 3-kinase but not its inactive counterpart stimulated early endosome fusion in vitro. These results strongly indicate that PI 3-kinase plays an important role in regulation of early endosome fusion, probably via activation of Rab5.


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CD19 receptor is expressed at high levels on human B-lineage lymphoid cells and is physically associated with the Src protooncogene family protein-tyrosine kinase Lyn. Recent studies indicate that the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn receptor-enzyme complex plays a pivotal role for survival and clonogenicity of immature B-cell precursors from acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients, but its significance for mature B-lineage lymphoid cells (e.g., B-lineage lymphoma cells) is unknown. CD19-associated Lyn kinase can be selectively targeted and inhibited with B43-Gen, a CD19 receptor-specific immunoconjugate containing the naturally occurring protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein (Gen). We now present experimental evidence that targeting the membrane-associated CD19-Lyn complex in vitro with B43-Gen triggers rapid apoptotic cell death in highly radiation-resistant p53-Bax- Ramos-BT B-lineage lymphoma cells expressing high levels of Bcl-2 protein without affecting the Bcl-2 expression level. The therapeutic potential of this membrane-directed apoptosis induction strategy was examined in a scid mouse xenograft model of radiation-resistant high-grade human B-lineage lymphoma. Remarkably, in vivo treatment of scid mice challenged with an invariably fatal number of Ramos-BT cells with B43-Gen at a dose level < 1/10 the maximum tolerated dose resulted in 70% long-term event-free survival. Taken together, these results provide unprecedented evidence that the membrane-associated anti-apoptotic CD19-Lyn complex may be at least as important as Bcl-2/Bax ratio for survival of lymphoma cells.


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The phenobarbitone-responsive minimal promoter has been shown to lie between nt -179 and nt + 1 in the 5' (upstream) region of the CYP2B1/B2 gene in rat liver, on the basis of the drug responsiveness of the sequence linked to human growth hormone gene as reporter and targeted to liver as an asialoglycoprotein-DNA complex in vivo. Competition analyses of the nuclear protein-DNA complexes formed in gel shift assays with the positive (nt -69 to -98) and negative (nt -126 to -160) cis elements (PE and NE, respectively) identified within this region earlier indicate that the same protein may be binding to both the elements. The protein species purified on PE and NE affinity columns appear to be identical based on SDS/PAGE analysis, where it migrates as a protein of 26-28 kDa. Traces of a high molecular weight protein (94-100 kDa) are also seen in the preparation obtained after one round of affinity chromatography. The purified protein stimulates transcription of a minigene construct containing the 179 nt on the 5' side of the CYP2B1/B2 gene linked to the I exon in a cell-free system from liver nuclei. The purified protein can give rise to all the three complexes (I, II, and III) with the PE, just as the crude nuclear extract, under appropriate conditions. Manipulations in vitro indicate that the NE has a significantly higher affinity for the dephosphorylated form than for the phosphorylated form of the protein. The PE binds both forms. Phenobarbitone treatment of the animal leads to a significant increase in the phosphorylation of the 26- to 28-kDa and 94-kDa proteins in nuclear labeling experiments followed by isolation on a PE affinity column. We propose that the protein binding predominantly to the NE in the dephosphorylated state characterizes the basal level of transcription of the CYP2B1/B2 gene. Phenobarbitone treatment leads to phosphorylation of the protein, shifting the equilibrium toward binding to the PE. This can promote interaction with an upstream enhancer through other proteins such as the 94-kDa protein and leads to a significant activation of transcription.


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Rhizobium meliloti C4-dicarboxylic acid transport protein D (DCTD) activates transcription by a form of RNA polymerase holoenzyme that has sigma 54 as its sigma factor (referred to as E sigma 54). DCTD catalyzes the ATP-dependent isomerization of closed complexes between E sigma 54 and the dctA promoter to transcriptionally productive open complexes. Transcriptional activation probably involves specific protein-protein interactions between DCTD and E sigma 54. Interactions between sigma 54-dependent activators and E sigma 54 are transient, and there has been no report of a biochemical assay for contact between E sigma 54 and any activator to date. Heterobifunctional crosslinking reagents were used to examine protein-protein interactions between the various subunits of E sigma 54 and DCTD. DCTD was crosslinked to Salmonella typhimurium sigma 54 with the crosslinking reagents succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate. Cys-307 of sigma 54 was identified by site-directed mutagenesis as the residue that was crosslinked to DCTD. DCTD was also crosslinked to the beta subunit of Escherichia coli core RNA polymerase with succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate, but not with N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate. These data suggest that interactions of DCTD with sigma 54 and the beta subunit may be important for transcriptional activation and offer evidence for interactions between a sigma 54-dependent activator and sigma 54, as well as the beta subunit of RNA polymerase.


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DNA conformational changes are essential for the assembly of multiprotein complexes that contact several DNA sequence elements. An approach based on atomic force microscopy was chosen to visualize specific protein-DNA interactions occurring on eukaryotic class II nuclear gene promoters. Here we report that binding of the transcription regulatory protein Jun to linearized plasmid DNA containing the consensus AP-1 binding site upstream of a class II gene promoter leads to bending of the DNA template. This binding of Jun was found to be essential for the formation of preinitiation complexes (PICs). The cooperative binding of Jun and PIC led to looping of DNA at the protein binding sites. These loops were not seen in the absence of either PICs, Jun, or the AP-1 binding site, suggesting a direct interaction between DNA-bound Jun homodimers and proteins bound to the core promoter. This direct visualization of functional transcriptional complexes confirms the theoretical predictions for the mode of gene regulation by trans-activating proteins.


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To identify proteins that regulate the transcriptional activity of c-Jun, we have used the yeast two-hybrid screen to detect mammalian polypeptides that might interact functionally with the N-terminal segment of c-Jun, a known regulatory region. Among the proteins identified is a short form of Stat3 (designated Stat3 beta). Stat3 beta is missing the 55 C-terminal amino acid residues of the long form (Stat3 alpha) and has 7 additional amino acid residues at its C terminus. In the absence of added cytokines, expression of Stat3 beta (but not Stat3 alpha) in transfected cells activated a promoter containing the interleukin 6 responsive element of the rat alpha 2-macroglobulin gene; coexpression of Stat3 beta and c-Jun led to enhanced cooperative activation of the promoter. Nuclear extracts of cells transfected with a Stat3 beta expression plasmid formed a complex with an oligonucleotide containing a Stat3 binding site, whereas extracts of cells transfected with a Stat3 alpha plasmid did not. We conclude that there is a short form of Stat3 (Stat3 beta), that Stat3 beta is transcriptionally active under conditions where Stat3 alpha is not, and that Stat3 beta and c-Jun are capable of cooperative activation of certain promoters.


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Millions of people die every year in the tropical world from diseases transmitted by hematophagous insects. Failure of conventional containment measures emphasizes the need for additional approaches, such as transformation of vector insects with genes that restrict vectorial capacity. The availability of an efficient promoter to drive foreign genes in transgenic insects is a necessary tool to test the feasibility of such approach. Here we characterize the putative promoter region of a black fly midgut carboxypeptidase gene and show that these sequences correctly direct the expression of a beta-glucuronidase reporter in Drosophila melanogaster. By histochemical staining and mRNA analysis, we found that the gene is expressed strongly and gut-specifically in the transgenic Drosophila. This gut-specific black fly carboxypeptidase promoter provides a valuable tool for the study of disease vectors.


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Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.


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The dorsoventral axis is established early in Xenopus development and may involve signaling by Wnts, a family of Wnt1-protooncogene-related proteins. The protein kinase shaggy functions in the wingless/Wnt signaling pathway, which operates during Drosophila development. To assess the role of a closely related kinase, glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK-3 beta), in vertebrate embryogenesis, we cloned a cDNA encoding a Xenopus homolog of GSK-3 beta (XGSK-3 beta). XGSK-3 beta-specific transcripts were detected by Northern analysis in Xenopus eggs and early embryos. Microinjection of the mRNA encoding a catalytically inactive form of rat GSK-3 beta into a ventrovegetal blastomere of eight-cell embryos caused ectopic formation of a secondary body axis containing a complete set of dorsal and anterior structures. Furthermore, in isolated ectodermal explants, the mutant GSK-3 beta mRNA activated the expression of neural tissue markers. Wild-type XGSK-3 beta mRNA suppressed the dorsalizing effects of both the mutated GSK-3 beta and Xenopus dishevelled, a proposed upstream signaling component of the same pathway. These results strongly suggest that XGSK-3 beta functions to inhibit dorsoventral axis formation in the embryo and provide evidence for conservation of the Wnt signaling pathway in Drosophila and vertebrates.


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Chronic infection by alginate-producing (mucoid) Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the leading cause of mortality among cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. During the course of sustained infection, the production of an alginate capsule protects the bacteria and allows them to persist in the CF lung. One of the key regulators of alginate synthesis is the algT (algU) gene encoding a putative alternative sigma factor (sigma E). AlgT was hyperproduced and purified from Escherichia coli. The N-terminal sequence of the purified protein matched perfectly with that predicted from the DNA sequence. The purified protein, in the presence of E. coli RNA polymerase core enzyme, was able to initiate transcription of an algT promoter. Deletion of the -35 region of this promoter abolished this activity in vitro as well as in vivo. These data indicate that the algT gene encodes a sigma factor that is autoregulatory.


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Incubating rat aortic smooth muscle cells with either platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF) or insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) increased the phosphorylation of PHAS-I, an inhibitor of the mRNA cap binding protein, eukaryotic initiation factor (eIF) 4E. Phosphorylation of PHAS-I promoted dissociation of the PHAS-I-eIF-4E complex, an effect that could partly explain the stimulation of protein synthesis by the two growth factors. Increasing cAMP with forskolin decreased PHAS-I phosphorylation and markedly increased the amount of eIF-4E bound to PHAS-I, effects consistent with an action of cAMP to inhibit protein synthesis. Both PDGF and IGF-I activated p70S6K, but only PDGF increased mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Forskolin decreased by 50% the effect of PDGF on increasing p70S6K, and forskolin abolished the effect of IGF-I on the kinase. The effects of PDGF and IGF-I on increasing PHAS-I phosphorylation, on dissociating the PHAS-I-eIF-4E complex, and on increasing p70S6K were abolished by rapamycin. The results indicate that IGF-I and PDGF increase PHAS-I phosphorylation in smooth muscle cells by the same rapamycin-sensitive pathway that leads to activation of p70S6K.


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A 1747-bp insertion within a lignin peroxidase allele of Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM-F-1767 is described. Pce1, the element, lies immediately adjacent to the fourth intron of lip12. Southern blots reveal the presence of Pce1-homologous sequences in other P. chrysosporium strains. Transposon-like features include inverted terminal repeats and a dinucleotide (TA) target duplication. Atypical of transposons, Pce1 is present at very low copy numbers (one to five copies), and conserved transposase motifs are lacking. The mutation transcriptionally inactivates lip12 and is inherited in a 1:1 Mendelian fashion among haploid progeny. Thus, Pce1 is a transposon-like element that may play a significant role in generating ligninolytic variation in certain P. chrysosporium strains.


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The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) functions as a Cl- channel that becomes activated after phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). We demonstrate that PKA also plays a crucial role in maintaining basal expression of the CFTR gene in the human colon carcinoma cell line T84. Inhibition of PKA activity by expression of a dominant-negative regulatory subunit or treatment with the PKA-selective inhibitor N-[2-(p-bromocinnamylamino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide (H-89) caused a complete suppression of CFTR gene expression without affecting other constitutively active genes. Basal expression of a 2.2-kb region of the CFTR promoter linked to a luciferase reporter gene (CFTR-luc) exhibited the same dependence on PKA. The ability of cAMP to induce CFTR over basal levels is cell-type specific. In T84 cells, both the endogenous CFTR gene and CFTR-luc exhibited only a modest inducibility (approximately 2-fold), whereas in the human choriocarcinoma cell line JEG-3, CFTR-luc could be induced at least 4-fold. A variant cAMP-response element is present at position -48 to -41 in the CFTR promoter, and mutation of this sequence blocks basal expression. We conclude that cAMP, acting through PKA, is an essential regulator of basal CFTR gene expression and may mediate an induction of CFTR in responsive cell types.


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Cystic fibrosis (CF), a disorder of electrolyte transport manifest in the lungs, pancreas, sweat duct, and vas deferens, is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). The CFTR protein has been shown to function as a cAMP-activated chloride channel and also regulates a separate protein, the outwardly rectifying chloride channel (ORCC). To determine the consequence of disease-producing mutations upon these functions, mutant CFTR was transiently expressed in Xenopus oocytes and in human airway epithelial cells lacking functional CFTR. Both G551D, a mutation that causes severe lung disease, and A455E, a mutation associated with mild lung disease, altered but did not abolish CFTR's function as a chloride channel in Xenopus oocytes. Airway epithelial cells transfected with CFTR bearing either A455E or G551D had levels of chloride conductance significantly greater than those of mock-transfected and lower than those of wild-type CFTR-transfected cells, as measured by chloride efflux. A combination of channel blockers and analysis of current-voltage relationships were used to dissect the contribution of CFTR and the ORCC to whole cell currents of transfected cells. While CFTR bearing either mutation could function as a chloride channel, only CFTR bearing A455E retained the function of regulating the ORCC. These results indicate that CF mutations can affect CFTR functions differently and suggest that severity of pulmonary disease may be more closely associated with the regulatory rather than chloride channel function of CFTR.