952 resultados para Trajetória


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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The thesis intends to discuss the ethics by the way of love. So, it uses as a mention the musical work and the set of attitudes of the group that changed the way of thinking across the 20th Century mass-comm, entering a new way of thinking about the World: The Beatles. Analyzing the lyrics and the writing of the songs was searched the comprehension of he intrinsic love message at the Ethics it expresses. At the musical art of The Beatles political messages had been announced in a time that the World sought a Ethic way beyond the several declared war and the Cold War. Taking the Edgar Morin works as a base, O método 6, Ética (2005), it sought to understand the idea who permeates the human relations: the good, the possible, the necessary. Another works used as a cognitive base were Meus demônios (2003), Cultura de massas no Século XX: neurose (2005), Cultura de massas no Século XX (2006), The Beatles Anthology (2000) and Many years from now (2000). Holding the Ethics idea showed by Morin were established imaginary lines that perpass the behavior of the group known in the entire World understood till nowadays as tolerance, comprehension, peace, love and endurance messengers. The Beatles operate during the sixties a musical reborn, which allowed to the people the discussion and the reflexion about the World and the human being new behavior,endurance but acting with tolerance. Permeating the basic study, we find the Beatles way, the group origin, the fast walk till success, the spiritual choice, who guide their behavior and the end of the band. The music used as a masscomp instrument passes by the condition of a simple way of communicating. It deeply action feeds feelings, allows transcendence and is showed as target of human being transformation. The Ethics in music passes by the ideological barriers and becomes to comprehension with a clear synthony for the man, cause the polyphony and the new musical order establish the messages worldwide


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This research is responsible for the investigation and problematization of the violence production process in children and teenagers through deviant behaviour, especially the drug s use and traffic, given that the deviant behaviour named juvenile criminality is something built and that can t be disassociated from the social and institutional relations that are ideological and violent, as well as the construction of, social and individual, positive identities can become important instruments for the process of democratization and the effective juvenile citizenship. In relation to the teorical referential, the work was developed from readings beyond the social science camp, without getting far from it, searching for support in other scientific camps and making your bases on Manuel Castells formulations about the power of the identity, and on Nancy Fraser and Axel Honneth in relation to the recognition struggle. In the empiric field, the discourses and graphic representations from twenty four children and teenagers that attend a social project were privileged, and compared to those shown at the documentary and the book Falcão Meninos do Tráfico produced by MV Bill, in relation to the social profile and life trajectory. From the study subjects' perspective, the data suggest that the children and the teenagers conceive violence as a natural thing, either as victims or persecutors. However, the research shows that, despite the subjects of the two studied groups reveled in your discourses the influence of the violent relations in their daily lives, the subjects got recognition during the process of identity construction by the groups with which they maintained the sense of belonging, either it being the family, the community or the school, they were positively influenced and established a positive representation of themselves and didn t show any deviant and violent tendency or behaviour. Therefore, we demonstrate the role of the school for an education for peace, as well as the participation of the family, the community and the stimulation of the juvenile protagonism as transforming practices, capable of awaking the citizenship and avoiding the construction of people that reproduce deviant and violent behaviour


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The neoliberalism proclaims the crisis of the State in front of globalization , but, approaching two books taken as basic on this theoretical chain - The road to serfdom, of Friedrich Hayek, and Capitalism and Freedom, of Milton Friedman - to analyze this supposed dualism, the conclusion into which we arrive is another one. Remembering liberal tradition and quickly, later, analyzing critically the workmanships, can be perceived that others are the conflicts really gifts in the current capitalist reality - market versus State et capitalism versus democracy - and, from the understanding on the reading made and the theoretical trajectory of its authors, we may see as the neoliberalism locates itself in relation to these conflicts, which polar regions of these antagonisms privileges, what represents the State for itself, and what it intends as much more global philosophy than economic/politics thinking only


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The companies are part of an important segment of the society, besides, it exercises a significant contribution, being also responsible for helping in the improvement of the quality of life of the population. Like this being, to present research looked for to investigate the perception that the entrepreneurs of the building site of Aracaju/SE have concerning the theme Business Social Responsibility (RSE). besides the perceptions, it was part also of the research, to know the entrepreneur's of the building site social construction and the possible practices of Social Responsibility. The research grew in two different moments. The first looked for the theoretical embasamento, trying to study the economical sociology, understanding the effects provoked by the economy, understanding to you reason them that you/they took to the appearance of the perceptions that you/they permeate the historicity among the market, the nascedouro of the associations as company and his/her dynamics in the society. It was also researched, the concept of social responsibility in national and local extent, as well as, the contextualização of the state of Sergipe, detaching the municipal district of Aracaju, and describing how it happened his/her development starting from what is considered urbanization. In the second moment, the accomplishment of interviews in five companies, allowed to notice the entrepreneurs' perception concerning business social responsibility, as well as, actions of different characteristics in four of the samples. In these actions, they are patronage in cultural events, donations of projects for charity institutions, the concern with the preservation of the environment in the use of work materials ecologically correct, preventive health and employees' training. Concluding the research, I introduce the conclusions which it allowed to arrive me, and I point some suggestions for future researches that enlarge the reflection on this theme


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This study was presented to the Post-Graduation Program in Social Sciences at UFRN as part of the requisites for obtaining the title of Master in Social Sciences. It describes the results of the research From social movements to the institutional functions: the consolidation of a generation . Its main objective is to describe the history of a political generation that emerged from the social movements, in the 80 s, in Sergipe, and that nowadays occupies the main governmental positions in the State s political scenario. As its specific objectives, the research described the emerging of social movements in the 80s in Sergipe; it found in the social movements in Sergipe, in the 80s, the beginning of the history of a new political generation, and described the consolidation of this new political generation in institutional positions as the expression of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics. Among the social movements that gained visibility in that period and that projected their leadership into the political scenario of Sergipe, this study highlights: the students movement, teacher s movement, bank clercks movement, miners movement, and rural workers movement. It utilized as methodology the research in sites, magazines, and the use of testimonies from semi-structured interviews. The main leadership of the five movements that were analyzed is, nowadays, governing the state, administering the capital s city hall, and performing legislative work at the Legislative Assembly of Sergipe, and at the Chamber of City Councilmen of Aracaju. This study described the political history of the main leadership of that generation of militants and organizers of social movements, and of left party groups in Sergipe, highlighting that their consolidation in the political scenario of the State meant the consolidation of a new group of power in Sergipe s politics.


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This paper examines two aspects. First, the symbolic dimension of politics and some of the elements that make up this universe, as the scenario, the representation, the myth, the spectacle, the media and the political and electoral marketing. We assume that the policy brings together a set of traits related to both reason and the human subjectivity, and can not be summed up in just a few calculations based on rationality. In the case of elections, in a process (ritual, according Irlys Barrier) of choice, there is a meeting of two systems of representations: to that transmitted by a political actor, in a scene from a particular context, based on a life trajectory unique, and the other from the public, crossed by social relations, situations own wishes, desires, expectations and unique perspectives. Between them there are the means of mass media (especially television), and with them the advent of language media and advertising applied to politics, changing the layout of public visibility and inaugurating what Rejane Accioly Carvalho will call the "aesthetics of mostrabilidade". This does not necessarily mean a preponderance of media on politics as a whole but only its adaptation to that with regard to contact with the public, the ad extra portion of the policy, according to Wilson Gomes. In a second aspect, try to apply these elements to a specific study to verify them in building an effective public image, in this case, the current governor of Rio Grande do Norte, Wilma de Faria. The concept of public image is from the book of Wilson Gomes The transformation was visible in the mass media, and relates to a conceptual image to fix "personality traits" through political history, personal conduct, action of image makers and the public reception. For this we will review some videos aired on Free Time for political propaganda in the years 2002 and 2006.


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This dissertaion reflects about life's trajectory of a specific clown: Roger Avanzi, who gives animus to the clown Picolino II. The main objective is to promove reflections about the insertion of the clowns in the universe of the circus, to make us comprehend the process of formation of a clown formed in a traditional circus family. In this research, we begin of the conjecture that, through the individual memory we can think about rebuild the process of a professional's integral formation.Then, we trace the itinerary of Roger Avanzi, the clown Picolino II, think that it has possibilities, in this case, to discuss about what is a clown's formation when it come from a traditional circus family. To walk on this universe, a huge numer of authors that deeply studyed about the circus ans the clowns, like: Avanzi; Tamaoki (2004), Bolognesi (2003), Castro (2005), Pantano (2007), Ruiz (1987), Silva (1997) e Torres (1998). We bring then, a theoric base that certainly, fortifies and corroborates our thoughts and reflections about the universe of circus and the trajectory of clown's formation, with special atention to Roger Avanzi, fundamentals i studies about it and with memories like Halbwachs's (2004) and Bosi's (1994). The reflections enabled to conclude that a clown doesn't born done; it becomes in the cultural trajectory, in which all the human are inserted


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Shows up the memory of the elderly, as a consistent experience in the in the construction of the social memory of Janduís, Rio Grande do Norte, where the research takes place. Through an autobiographic narrative, in a qualitative approaching, the intent is to stand up aspects about the individual history and collective memories, starting in a simple question: what did they remember? A question that turns into many others, as how the remember and under which circumstances. So, the lived and remembered moments are the subject of this paper, as these testimonials shows and reveals the citizens typical aspects, intending to telling (again) the city s history by the memories of this people. By oral statements and the analysis that followed, subjective aspects that made a social memory, highlight in violent episodes, that, now remembered, occurred in the historical sediment, which connects several social times, establishing a narrative standard. In Janduís, this standard is about the memory that sticks out their individual ways, and the collective life, in the past, standing out the fair and the events that occurred on it, as the most remembered place, where the memories go stronger. When they narrate are incorporated others facts, the story is reinvented, connecting the past to the future. The paper also revels builders subjects aspects of a social memory, as historical sediment that joins the social times. At the present moment, the fair, to them, is a place that doesn t exist anymore; for the city, is a place of enlargement of women s presence at the trending spaces, which means a place of social transformation. That being said, the fair, in both times, present and past, turns into a analysis object, with important elements to reference narrative s time and place. And how the narrative update the past recorded in the old citizen s memory. What was intended to do was articulate the memory and the history form temporal and special etching that define the place and the narrative context: the lived and the remembered at the group s day by day. In that way, were identify the collective memory s common elements, enunciating the memory and the narratives that update that history, influencing and being influenced, forming in memories in a collective phenomenon fueling the local imaginary


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En la interface de las Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación, la tesis expone una discusión sobre la Comunicación Social como área de conocimiento y discute las bases fenomenológicas de la producción de significado utilitario sobre el mundo. Para dar cuenta de esa reflexión se tiene como referencia la película Slumdog Millionaire? del director Danny Boyle. La experiencia vivida por el personaje principal llamado Jamal Malik sirve de apoyo a su éxito en un programa de TV cuyos desafíos consigue vencer uno a uno y transformarse en un millonario. El film, y en consecuencia la trayectoria de Jamal, es el operador cognitivo para que se presente la estrategia del personaje que transforma su conocimiento experimental en conocimiento pertinente, objetivo. La investigación sirve de base para ofrecer el argumento central de que solo existe conocimiento por medio de la experiencia vivida. A partir de esa concepción, la comunicación es vista en este ensayo como entrecruzamiento de caminos y nudos que se asemejan a un rizoma donde cada construcción de sentido, cada palabra que gana significación representa diversos enlaces de esos nudos sistémicos. Aseguramos que la comunicación es una condición sine qua non a los humanos y puede ser comprendida por la paradoja natural-artificial. Es de esta paradoja, que presentamos una contribución de la complejidad de la comunicación creyendo de forma dialógica que sí, hay una condición innata de la comunicación (y así mismo post humana) concomitantemente con la hipótesis de la artificialidad comunicacional. Corroboramos así, la idea de que el conocimiento fenomenológico de la comunicación es un juego de la construcción científica y, por lo tanto, un juego de la humanidad. En este mismo juego podemos comprender la comunicación por intermedio de algunos macro conceptos de la compleja actividad de comunicar (retroalimentación, recursividad y holograma) constelando así una estrategia de ligazón/estímulo/respuesta que nos permite conocer bien y saber organizar mejor el conocimiento adquirido en la práctica. La tesis tiene como interlocutores principales Claude Lévi-Strauss, Edgar Morin, Jean-Marie Pelt, Norval Baitello Junior y Vilém Flusser, entre otros


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Este estudo faz uma abordagem sobre as alianças eleitorais, destacando duas vertentes importantes nos processos de suas formações nas arenas políticas. Na primeira parte do trabalho é feita uma análise mais geral a respeito da problemática em questão. Onde dois ciclos políticos são analisados, apresentando o comportamento político-partidário dos partidos no Brasil. No primeiro ciclo, uma breve compreensão da política café-com-leite na República Velha, na qual, PRP e PRM dominam politicamente a arena nacional. O segundo ciclo, compreendido de 1945 a 1964, foram analisados os processos eleitorais estaduais e nacionais. Nestes, os resultados analíticos mostram o que refletem no comportamento político-partidário dos partidos do passado e do presente no país. Outro aspecto importante também abordado na primeira parte foi a verticalização das alianças eleitorais, a qual teve como objetivo impor harmonia partidária entre os partidos nas formações das alianças eleitorais. Revendo esse processo político, vimos que, a imposição da verticalização não resolveu o problema da inexistência harmônica dos partidos no ato da formação das alianças eleitorais tocante ao espectro ideológico. A segunda parte da pesquisa está dividida em duas partes. A primeira faz uma análise sobre a trajetória política do PT e suas políticas de alianças, que se inicia no V Encontro Nacional do Partido em 1987. Como consequência da expansão partidária, outras políticas de alianças são aprovadas pelo Partido dos Trabalhadores. Na segunda parte, é trabalhada as eleições municipais de 2008 em Natal, que observa analiticamente a campanha do PT e as alianças eleitorais realizadas pelo Partido para participar do pleito. Os velhos adversários políticos e oligárquicos formaram alianças com PT. Partido que nasceu combatendo as velhas práticas da política conservadora no nosso país, nos estados e nos municípios brasileiros


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The study is about youthful subjectivities in quarters, of the West Zone of Natal-RN, marked for lacks and contingencies that constitute the everyday life of the social existence of its young inhabitants. For this purpose the researchers selected two youth groups: the Association of Youths Constructing Dreams (in the quarter of Felipe Camarão) and Lelo Melodia Crew (Quarter of Guarapes). Both are articulated through the strategy of coalition in regional and national nets. The hypothesis is that inside the groups and nets new youthful citizens arises. That would be a change in the representation of poor youth: from 1980 s street children - young whose social stigma associated poverty and crime to late 1990 s kids of project (pointing their trajectory in social projects) or, in present days, called as young peripherals - for the enrollment in cultural movements, as the hip hop movement - These new young citizens are contributing to new social imagery significations on poor youths. The methodology encloses: a) focal group; b) participant research analyzing the making arts (ways to think, social daily practices, actions engaged in a diversity plans) of youth groups; c) life stories of some of the youngs produced in workshops; d) not structuralized interviews. d) several documents of the groups; e) local and national surveys. Results emphasize a feeling of opening to a project of autonomy in relation to a social system that leaves them in a situation of social precariousness. Conclusion remarks that such practices of the youthful groups through the art, leisure, sport and culture unfold politics effect so that can point innovative forms of politics participation on the part of this specific segment of poor youths of Brasilian country, although conflicts and paradoxes crosses individual citizens, youth groups and youth nets.


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Romantic love constitutes a central value in the social imaginary of modern societies and with reflexes in today s society. This is because the romantic expectation of realization of love appears, in the majority of cases, as a guarantee of completeness and happiness of individuals. However, the ideal of romantic love imposes a series of demands and character roles that are not easy, in modern age, to be brought about into practice by the ones in love. And, it is in this sense that possible conflicts appear between the romantic proposition and the practical reality of contemporary love. Consequently, the possibility of suffering from love emerges because of these propositions. Initiating from these presumptions, this paper aims to study the contemporary forms of representation and expression of love and of the suffering because of love, through the course of love in the life of some men and women, residents of Natal/RN, that live and/or have lived emotional-sexual relationships, observing the relationship that can be established between suffering from love and the ideal romantic love


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior