997 resultados para Traduzione, passiva, russo
Após o nascimento, os cabritos são dependentes das imunoglobulinas colostrais devido às características placentárias que não permitem a passagem de macromoléculas da circulação materna. De acordo com a literatura, os cabritos possuem capacidade absortiva por até quatro dias. Muitos aspectos fisiológicos de outras espécies são aceitos e utilizados para caprinos, mas aqueles relacionados à transferência de imunidade passiva precisam de investigação. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram determinar o período de passagem de macromoléculas da mucosa intestinal para a circulação e a duração da proteção humoral transferida passivamente pela ingestão de colostro bovino e caprino. Sessenta cabritos recém-nascidos foram distribuídos em seis tratamentos: T 0 (n=25), ingestão natural de colostro caprino à vontade; T 1 (n=7), colostro bovino entre o nascimento e duas horas pós-parto; T 2 (n=7), ingestão de colostro bovino entre quatro e seis horas pós-nascimento; T 3 (n=7), leite nas primeiras oito horas e colostro bovino entre 10 e 12 horas pós-parto; T 4 (n=7), ingestão de leite até 18 horas e colostro bovino entre 22 e 24 horas pós-nascimento; T 5 (n=7), leite até 30 horas e ingestão de colostro bovino entre 34 e 36 horas pós-parto. Determinaram-se as concentrações séricas de proteína total (PT), gamaglobulina, imunoglobulina G (IgG) e a atividade sérica de gama glutamiltransferase (GGT). Ao nascimento, todos os neonatos tiveram valores mais baixos das variáveis, com aumento significativo da PT e gamaglobulina, após dois dias, nos grupos T 0, T 1 e T 2; a IgG e GGT aumentaram em todos os grupos. Os tratamentos T 3, T 4 e T 5 foram considerados como indutores de falha de transferência de imunidade passiva. A absorção de macromoléculas pelo trato intestinal dos cabritos ocorreu até 36 horas pós-parto, sendo mais efetiva até 12 horas. Os níveis de anticorpos persistiram até 75 dias após a ingestão de colostro bovino, porém, com concentrações inadequadas.
Para a avaliação da transferência de citocinas para o sangue de bezerros neonatos via ingestão de colostro de fêmeas bovinas holandesas, foram utilizados 15 bezerros nascidos de parto eutócico, distribuídos igualmente por três grupos experimentais (n=5): G1- receberam dois litros de colostro fresco provenientes de suas próprias mães; G2- receberam dois litros de colostro provenientes de "pool" de colostro congelado e o G3- foram alimentados apenas com leite. Nestes grupos foram coletadas amostras de sangue em cinco tempos durante os primeiros quinze dias de vida e mensuradas as concentrações das citocinas Interleucina-1 β (IL-1b), Interleucina-6 (IL-6), Fator de necrose tumoral- α (TNF-a) e Interferon-γ (IFN-γ). Também se mensurou tais citocinas (IL-1 β, IL-6 e TNF-α) nos sobrenadantes do colostro de do "pool" de colostro fornecidos aos bezerros dos grupos G1 e G2 respectivamente. Verificou-se a transferência das citocinas IL-1b, IL-6, TNF-a e IFN-γ pela presença no soro dos bezerros do grupo G1, enquanto que nos demais grupos (G2 e G3) não foram detectadas.
Sosialistisen vallankumouksen jälkeen Neuvosto-Venäjän oli monien muiden kysymysten ohella ratkaistava sosialismin saavutusten puolustaminen. Aluksi ratkaisuksi suunniteltiin vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuvaa punakaartia, mutta riittävän miesvahvuuden turvaamiseksi päädyttiin yleiseen asevelvollisuuteen. Pian Venäjän sisällissodan jälkeen sotataidon suunta painottui enemmän vanhan armeijan asiantuntijoiden näkemysten kuin vallankumoussankarien kokemusten mukaiseksi, vaikka Frunzen puna-armeijalle kirjoittama doktriini perustui luokkataisteluun ja korosti sisällissodassa hyväksi koettua operatiivista liikkuvuutta. Neuvostoliiton ja Venäjän sotataidon perustana on Pietari I:n aloittama länsimainen suuntaus, jota kuitenkin täydentävät vahvat kansalliset piirteet. Venäläisen sotataidon henkisenä isänä voidaan hyvällä syyllä pitää Aleksandr Suvorovia, jonka opetukset näkyvät tekstilainausten lisäksi myös periaatteissa ja sotilaskasvatuksessa. Napoleonin sotien jälkeen perustettu Keisarillinen yleisesikunta-akatemia loi Venäjälle sotatieteellisen tutkimuksen ja opetuksen. Sotatieteen mahdollisuuksia ei 1800-luvun Venäjällä osattu täysin hyödyntää. Aseistuksen kasvavan tehon merkitystä vähättelevä asenne johti sotataidon taantumisen ja katastrofiin Venäjän–Japanin sodassa. Sen kokemuksia analysoidessaan Aleksandr Neznamov kehitti edelleen saksalaista operaation käsitettä ja loi perustan Neuvostoliitossa 1920-luvulla kehitetylle operaatiotaidolle. Neuvostoliittolaisen sotataidon päämääränä oli kehittää taktinen ja operatiivinen ratkaisu aseistuksen tehon kasvun aikaansaamaan puolustuksen ylivoimaisuuteen. Ratkaisussa hyödynnettiin brittien kokemuksia ja tutkimusta. Neuvostoliittolainen taktiikka ja operaatiotaito eivät kuitenkaan olleet brittiläisen mekanisoidun sodankäynnin tai saksalaisen salamasodan itäinen kopioita vaan itsenäisiin ratkaisuihin pohjautuvia. Syvän taistelun ja operaation teoriaa kokeiltiin harjoituksissa, ja sitä kehitettiin Stalinin vuoden 1937 puhdistuksiin saakka. Toisen maailmansodan taisteluissa puna-armeija sovelsi alkuvaiheen katastrofin jälkeen syvän taistelun ja syvän operaation oppeja. Komentajien ja joukkojen taito ei riittänyt teorian vaatimusten mukaiseen toimintaan, siksi syväksi aiotusta taistelusta tuli ajoittain ainoastaan tiheää. Suuren isänmaallisen sodan kokemusten perusteella neuvostoliittolainen sotatiede kehitti yleisjoukkojen taistelun periaatteet, jotka ovat säilyneet muuttumattomina nykypäivään saakka. Kylmän sodan aikakaudella ydin- ja tavanomaisen aseistuksen merkitys sodan ja taistelun kuvassa vaihteli. Lännen sotataidon ja aseteknologian kehitys pakotti Neuvostoliiton siirtymään 1980-luvulla sotilaallisessa ajattelussaan hyökkäyksestä puolustukseen. Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen Venäjän sotilaallisen turvallisuuden takaajana on ydinaseistus. Yhdysvaltain tavanomainen ilma-avaruushyökkäyskyky vaatii Venäjää kehittämään torjuntajärjestelmiä. Tavanomaisten joukkojen rakentamisessa Venäjä seuraa tarkasti läntisen sotataidon kehittymistä, mutta pitäytyy omaperäisiin ratkaisuihin, joiden kehittämisessä sen vahvalla sotatieteellisellä järjestelmällä ja dialektisen materialismin metodilla on edelleen olennaisen tärkeä merkitys.
Manihot caerulescens e M. tripartita são espécies arbustivas de cerrado, conhecidas como mandioca-brava. Não são encontrados muitos trabalhos sobre estrutura do pericarpo de Euphorbiaceae e muitas das descrições morfológicas existentes apresentam interpretações dúbias, especialmente sobre a deiscência. O presente trabalho objetivou descrever a morfologia, anatomia e ontogênese do pericarpo das duas espécies de Manihot, comparando-as entre si e relacionando aspectos estruturais do pericarpo à deiscência. Verificou-se que o desenvolvimento do pericarpo enquadra-se em quatro estágios, típicos de frutos secos. Dois meristemas são formados: um subadaxial, que produz o mesocarpo interno; outro adaxial, que forma o endocarpo, homogêneo e colenquimatoso em M. caerulescens, e heterogêneo em M. tripartita, com fibroesclereídes gelatinosas externas e uma porção colenquimatosa interna. Observou-se a formação de tecido de separação, composto por parênquima laxo, em direção aos feixes dorsais dos três carpelos e aos septos, o qual é mais evidente em M. tripartita. Por fim, verificou-se variação na composição do estrato esclerenquimático: em M. caerulescens, há uma faixa de fibroesclereídes e uma de braquiesclereídes, ambas do mesocarpo; em M. tripartita, ocorrem essas duas faixas mesocárpicas, com maior espessura, acrescidas do endocarpo externo, também composto por fibroesclereídes. Os frutos de ambas as espécies são cápsulas, cujo tipo varia em função do desenvolvimento do tecido de separação e da amplitude do estrato esclerenquimático. Assim, M. caerulescens apresenta cápsulas indeiscentes, enquanto M. tripartita forma cápsulas septi-loculicidas, uma vez que a deiscência, embora passiva, ocorre nas regiões dorsais e em direção aos septos.
Studies on the association between vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphism and bone mineral density (BMD) in different populations have produced conflicting results probably due to ethnic differences in the populations studied. The Brazilian population is characterized by a very broad genetic background and a high degree of miscegenation. Of an initial group of 164, we studied 127 women from the city of São Paulo, aged 20 to 47 years (median, 31 years), with normal menses, a normal diet and no history of diseases or use of any medication that could alter BMD. VDR genotype was assessed by PCR amplification followed by BsmI digestion of DNA isolated from peripheral leukocytes. BMD was measured using dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (Lunar DPX) at the lumbar site (L2-L4) and femoral neck. Most of the women (77.6%) were considered to be of predominantly European ancestry (20.6% of them reported also native American ancestry), 12.8% were of African-Brazilian ancestry and 9.6% of Asian ancestry, 41.0% (52) were classified as bb, 48.8% (62) as Bb and 10.2% (13) as BB. The BB, Bb and bb groups did not differ in age, height, weight, body mass index or age at menarche. Lumbar spine BMD was significantly higher in the bb group (1.22 ± 0.16 g/cm²) than in the BB group (1.08 ± 0.14; P<0.05), and the Bb group presented an intermediate value (1.17 ± 0.15). Femoral neck BMD was higher in the bb group (0.99 ± 0.11 g/cm²) compared to Bb (0.93 ± 0.12) and BB (0.90 ± 0.09) (P<0.05). These data indicate that there is a significant correlation between the VDR BsmI genotype and BMD in healthy Brazilian premenopausal females.
Several studies demonstrate that, within the ventral medullary surface (VMS), excitatory amino acids are necessary components of the neural circuits involved in the tonic and reflex control of respiration and circulation. In the present study we investigated the cardiorespiratory effects of unilateral microinjections of the broad spectrum glutamate antagonist kynurenic acid (2 nmol/200 nl) along the VMS of urethane-anesthetized rats. Within the VMS only one region was responsive to this drug. This area includes most of the intermediate respiratory area, partially overlapping the rostral ventrolateral medulla (IA/RVL). When microinjected into the IA/RVL, kynurenic acid produced a respiratory depression, without changes in mean arterial pressure or heart rate. The respiratory depression observed was characterized by a decrease in ventilation, tidal volume and mean inspiratory flow and an increase in respiratory frequency. Therefore, the observed respiratory depression was entirely due to a reduction in the inspiratory drive. Microinjections of vehicle (200 nl of saline) into this area produced no significant changes in breathing pattern, blood pressure or heart rate. Respiratory depression in response to the blockade of glutamatergic receptors inside the rostral VMS suggests that neurons at this site have an endogenous glutamatergic input controlling the respiratory cycle duration and the inspiratory drive transmission.
Macrophages are important components of natural immunity involved in inhibition of tumor growth and destruction of tumor cells. It is known that these cells can be activated for tumoricidal activity by lymphokines and bacterial products. We investigated whether YAC-1 tumor cells infected with Mycoplasma arginini stimulate nitric oxide (NO) release and macrophage cytotoxic activity. Thioglycollate-elicited macrophages from male BALB/c mice were co-cultured for 20 h with YAC-1 tumor cells infected or not with Mycoplasma arginini. The cytotoxic activity was evaluated by MTT assay and nitrite levels were determined with the Griess reagent. Thioglycollate-elicited macrophages co-cultured with noninfected YAC-1 cells showed low cytotoxic activity (34.7 ± 8.6%) and low production of NO (4.7 ± 3.1 µM NO2-). These macrophages co-cultured with mycoplasma-infected YAC-1 cells showed significantly higher cytotoxic activity (61.4 ± 9.1%; P<0.05) and higher NO production (48.5 ± 13 µM NO2-; P<0.05). Addition of L-NAME (10 mM), an inhibitor of NO synthesis, to these co-cultures reduced the cytotoxic activity to 37.4 ± 2% (P<0.05) and NO production to 3 ± 4 µM NO2- (P<0.05). The present data show that Mycoplasma arginini is able to induce macrophage cytotoxic activity and that this activity is partially mediated by NO.
It has been shown that HLA class I molecules play a significant role in the regulation of the proliferation of T cells activated by mitogens and antigens. We evaluated the ability of mAb to a framework determinant of HLA class I molecules to regulate T cell proliferation and interferon gamma (IFN-g) production against leishmania, PPD, C. albicans and tetanus toxoid antigens in patients with tegumentary leishmaniasis and healthy subjects. The anti-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) mAb (W6/32) suppressed lymphocyte proliferation by 90% in cultures stimulated with aCD3, but the suppression was variable in cultures stimulated with leishmania antigen. This suppression ranged from 30-67% and was observed only in 5 of 11 patients. IFN-g production against leishmania antigen was also suppressed by anti-HLA class I mAb. In 3 patients IFN-g levels were suppressed by more than 60%, while in the other 2 cultures IFN-g levels were 36 and 10% lower than controls. The suppression by HLA class I mAb to the proliferative response in leishmaniasis patients and in healthy controls varied with the antigens and the patients or donors tested. To determine whether the suppression is directed at antigen presenting cells (APCs) or at the responding T cells, experiments with antigen-primed non-adherent cells, separately incubated with W6/32, were performed. Suppression of proliferation was only observed when the W6/32 mAb was added in the presence of T cells. These data provide evidence that a mAb directed at HLA class I framework determinants can suppress proliferation and cytokine secretion in response to several antigens.
The tumoricidal activity of activated macrophages has been attributed largely to the release of tumor necrosis factor (TNF), or to the production of reactive oxygen or nitrogen intermediates. The L929 tumor cell line (a murine fibroblast-like cell) when treated with actinomycin D (ActD) has been used to measure TNFa cytotoxicity. In the present study, we determined the cytotoxic activity of BCG-activated peritoneal macrophages against ActD-untreated L929 tumor cells. Furthermore, we measured the production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric oxide (NO) and TNF by macrophages cultured in the presence or absence of L929 cells. As expected, BCG-activated macrophages produced significant amounts of H2O2 (16.0 ± 3.0 µM), TNF (512 U/ml) and NO (71.5 ± 3.2 µM). TNF (256 U/ml) and NO (78.9 ± 9.7 µM) production was unchanged in co-cultures of L929 cells with BCG-activated macrophages but H2O2 production was totally inhibited. The cytotoxic activity was dependent on NO release since L-NAME (2.5, 5.0 and 10 mM), which blocks NO synthase, inhibited the killing of L929 cells. Addition of anti-TNF (20 µg/ml) antibodies to the cultures did not affect the tumoricidal activity of macrophages. Our results indicate that macrophage-mediated killing of L929 cells is largely dependent on NO production but independent of H2O2 or TNF release.
In order to identify early abnormalities in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) we determined insulin (using an assay that does not cross-react with proinsulin) and proinsulin concentrations. The proinsulin/insulin ratio was used as an indicator of abnormal ß-cell function. The ratio of the first 30-min increase in insulin to glucose concentrations following the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT; I30-0/G30-0) was taken as an indicator of insulin secretion. Insulin resistance (R) was evaluated by the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) method. True insulin and proinsulin were measured during a 75-g OGTT in 35 individuals: 20 with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and without diabetes among their first-degree relatives (FDR) served as controls, and 15 with NGT who were FDR of patients with NIDDM. The FDR group presented higher insulin (414 pmol/l vs 195 pmol/l; P = 0.04) and proinsulin levels (19.6 pmol/l vs 12.3 pmol/l; P = 0.03) post-glucose load than the control group. When these groups were stratified according to BMI, the obese FDR (N = 8) showed higher fasting and post-glucose insulin levels than the obese NGT (N = 9) (fasting: 64.8 pmol/l vs 7.8 pmol/l; P = 0.04, and 60 min post-glucose: 480.6 pmol/l vs 192 pmol/l; P = 0.01). Also, values for HOMA (R) were higher in the obese FDR compared to obese NGT (2.53 vs 0.30; P = 0.075). These results show that FDR of NIDDM patients have true hyperinsulinemia (which is not a consequence of cross-reactivity with proinsulin) and hyperproinsulinemia and no dysfunction of a qualitative nature in ß-cells.
Abnormal production of interferon alpha (IFN-a) has been found in certain autoimmune diseases and can be also observed after prolonged therapy with IFN-a. IFN-a can contribute to the pathogenesis of allograft rejection in bone marrow transplants. Therefore, the development of IFN-a inhibitors as a soluble receptor protein may be valuable for the therapeutic control of these diseases. We have expressed two polypeptides encoding amino acids 93-260 (P1) and 261-410 (P2) of the extracellular domain of subunit 1 of the interferon-a receptor (IFNAR 1-EC) in E. coli. The activities of the recombinant polypeptides and of their respective antibodies were evaluated using antiproliferative and antiviral assays. Expression of P1 and P2 polypeptides was achieved by transformation of cloned plasmid pRSET A into E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS and by IPTG induction. P1 and P2 were purified by serial sonication steps and by gel filtration chromatography with 8 M urea and refolded by dialysis. Under reducing SDS-PAGE conditions, the molecular weight of P1 and P2 was 22 and 17 kDa, respectively. Polyclonal anti-P1 and anti-P2 antibodies were produced in mice. P1 and P2 and their respective polyclonal antibodies were able to block the antiproliferative activity of 6.25 nM IFN-aB on Daudi cells, but did not block IFN-aB activity at higher concentrations (>6.25 nM). On the other hand, the polypeptides and their respective antibodies did not inhibit the antiviral activity of IFN-aB on Hep 2/c cells challenged with encephalomyocarditis virus.
We sought to examine the possible participation of dopaminergic receptors in the phasic events that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, known as sawtooth waves (STW). These phasic phenomena of REM sleep exhibit a unique morphology and, although they represent a characteristic feature of REM sleep, little is known about the mechanisms which generate them and which are apparently different from rapid eye movements. STW behavior was studied in 10 male volunteers aged 20 to 35 years, who were submitted to polysomnographic monitoring (PSG). On the adaptation night they were submitted to the first PSG and on the second night, to the basal PSG. On the third night the volunteers received placebo or haloperidol and spent the whole night awake. On the fourth night they were submitted to the third PSG. After a 15-day rest period, the volunteers returned to the sleep laboratory and, according to a double-blind crossover randomized design, received haloperidol or placebo and spent the whole night awake, after which they were submitted to the fourth PSG. The volunteers who were given haloperidol combined with sleep deprivation exhibited an elevation of the duration and density of the STW, without significant alterations of the other REM sleep phasic phenomena such as rapid eye movement. These findings suggest that sawtooth waves must have their own generating mechanisms and that the dopaminergic receptors must exert a modulating role since REM sleep deprivation, as well as administration of neuroleptics, produces supersensitivity of dopaminergic receptors.
As a consequence of the proinflammatory environment occurring in dialytic patients, cytokine overproduction has been implicated in hemodialysis co-morbidity. However, there are discrepancies among the various studies that have analyzed TNF-alpha synthesis and the presence of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) priming in this clinical setting. We measured bioactive cytokine by the L929 cell bioassay, and evaluated PBMC TNF-alpha production by 32 hemodialysis patients (HP) and 51 controls. No difference in TNF-alpha secretion was observed between controls and HP (859 ± 141 vs 697 ± 130 U/10(6) cells). Lipopolysaccharide (5 µg/ml) did not induce any further TNF-alpha release, showing no PBMC priming. Paraformaldehyde-fixed HP PBMC were not cytotoxic to L929 cells, suggesting the absence of membrane-anchored TNF-alpha. Cycloheximide inhibited PBMC cytotoxicity in HP and controls, indicating lack of a PBMC TNF-alpha pool, and dependence on de novo cytokine synthesis. Actinomycin D reduced TNF-alpha production in HP, but had no effect on controls. Therefore, our data imply that TNF-alpha production is an intrinsic activity of normal PBMC and is not altered in HP. Moreover, TNF-alpha is a product of de novo synthesis by PBMC and is not constitutively expressed on HP cell membranes. The effect of actinomycin D suggests a putative tighter control of TNF-alpha mRNA turnover in HP. This increased dependence on TNF-alpha RNA transcription in HP may reflect an adaptive response to hemodialysis stimuli.
Microbial pathogens such as bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) induce the activation of macrophages. Activated macrophages can be characterized by the increased production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen metabolites, generated via NADPH oxidase and inducible nitric oxide synthase, respectively, and by the increased expression of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules (MHC II). Multiple microassays have been developed to measure these parameters. Usually each assay requires 2-5 x 10(5) cells per well. In some experimental conditions the number of cells is the limiting factor for the phenotypic characterization of macrophages. Here we describe a method whereby this limitation can be circumvented. Using a single 96-well microassay and a very small number of peritoneal cells obtained from C3H/HePas mice, containing as little as <=2 x 10(5) macrophages per well, we determined sequentially the oxidative burst (H2O2), nitric oxide production and MHC II (IAk) expression of BCG-activated macrophages. More specifically, with 100 µl of cell suspension it was possible to quantify H2O2 release and nitric oxide production after 1 and 48 h, respectively, and IAk expression after 48 h of cell culture. In addition, this microassay is easy to perform, highly reproducible and more economical.
We evaluated the effects of chronic allergic airway inflammation and of treadmill training (12 weeks) of low and moderate intensity on muscle fiber cross-sectional area and mRNA levels of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in the mouse tibialis anterior muscle. Six 4-month-old male BALB/c mice (28.5 ± 0.8 g) per group were examined: 1) control, non-sensitized and non-trained (C); 2) ovalbumin sensitized (OA, 20 µg per mouse); 3) non-sensitized and trained at 50% maximum speed _ low intensity (PT50%); 4) non-sensitized and trained at 75% maximum speed _ moderate intensity (PT75%); 5) OA-sensitized and trained at 50% (OA+PT50%), 6) OA-sensitized and trained at 75% (OA+PT75%). There was no difference in muscle fiber cross-sectional area among groups and no difference in atrogin-1 and MuRF1 expression between C and OA groups. All exercised groups showed significantly decreased expression of atrogin-1 compared to C (1.01 ± 0.2-fold): PT50% = 0.71 ± 0.12-fold; OA+PT50% = 0.74 ± 0.03-fold; PT75% = 0.71 ± 0.09-fold; OA+PT75% = 0.74 ± 0.09-fold. Similarly significant results were obtained regarding MuRF1 gene expression compared to C (1.01 ± 0.23-fold): PT50% = 0.53 ± 0.20-fold; OA+PT50% = 0.55 ± 0.11-fold; PT75% = 0.35 ± 0.15-fold; OA+PT75% = 0.37 ± 0.08-fold. A short period of OA did not induce skeletal muscle atrophy in the mouse tibialis anterior muscle and aerobic training at low and moderate intensity negatively regulates the atrophy pathway in skeletal muscle of healthy mice or mice with allergic lung inflammation.