989 resultados para Trabalhadores brasileiros estrangeiros - Japão


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A Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2002, disputada no Japão e na Coreia do Sul, representava um desafio inédito para a cobertura dos jornais brasileiros: oferecer um conteúdo atraente para o leitor diante dos prazos de edição e publicação, os quais antecediam em poucos momentos os horários das partidas do torneio. Uma das estratégias para combater a efemeridade do tempo da notícia foi a de recorrer à colaboração de escritores e cronistas. Convocados para comentar o evento, esses profissionais distanciaram-se da mera referência jornalística; assim, fatos e notícias reconstruídos passaram a adquirir contornos carregados de subjetividade e criação literária.


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This article aims, through a theoretical essay, to promote a reflection about the new roles played by people in families, at work and at the society in general. Based on papers and scientific bibliography, it broaches the changes at the contemporary society, linked to changes on world of work and family relationships, focused on the unbalance at family-work relation. Some current organizational initiatives were cited as plans of prevention and improvement of worker health, which affect their relations. It was considered the need of reconstruction of gender stereotypes and reducing the inequality of opportunity between people as focal points for changing a current scenario, which prevails in the lack of balance between requirements that can generate negative consequences both for health the individual and their families and for the organization.


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The ornaments have always been appreciated by human. And today is obviously the need to include the concepts of ecology in all areas. In this scenario ecodesign becomes a great ally for professionals who work in the making of ornaments, including jewelers. Aiming to decrease and the preservation of noble metals and the use of alternative materials, the ecodesign of adornment makes even more valued and attractive, it promotes sustainable consumption. Based on these concepts, this paper aims to investigate the Brazilian professionals who use sustainable ideas for making your accessories and social work related to this activity.


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An expansion of the professional field of Public Relations can be seen nowadays, influenced by factors such as the increasing use of information and communications technologies for the dissemination of information on public management and the potential creation of dialogue between government and citizens. Despite this trend, there is still a need for specific knowledge about normative aspects of public communication generated by governments on the internet and its role in the fulfillment of the right to information. This article offers a contribution to fulfill the gap of guidelines and standards for professional performance. It describes the results of empirical research which identified the potential contribution of government web portals of the main cities of São Paulo, in the southeastern Brazil, to the strengthening of citizenship, considered in its dimension of exercising the right to information about public policies, particularly those which have an impact on education. The depth and breadth of information were investigated according with twelve categories of evaluation: history; diagnoses; goals; goals; resources and current actions; planned resources and actions; efficiency; effectiveness; impact; cost-effectiveness; user satisfaction; and equity. The data found on the analyzed portals correspond to the average of 11% of which was considered, under the theoretical-methodological context of the research, as information necessary to comprise the full characterization of a public policy in relation to the categories of assessment. Opportunities to improve government web portals were detected, for which we suggest communication management strategies.


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A partir de um questionário aplicado a alunos de Jornalismo, a pesquisa visa mapear como esses estudantes se posicionam em relação aos valores formadores da cultura e da ética profissional, bem como avaliar quais são as práticas profissionais consideradas validadas ou não por eles. Foi feito um cruzamento de dados entre os estudantes dos primeiros e dos últimos anos, entre os alunos do sexo feminino e masculino, entre os que já atuam no mercado de trabalho e os que ainda não exercem a atividade profissional e entre os estudantes de diferentes posicionamentos políticos. Isso permitiu observar quais são as mudanças de valores que os estudantes passam ao longo do curso, além de uma medição dos fatores de influência em relação às diversas esferas de sociabilidade. Dentre os cruzamentos, a maior amplitude das diferenças de respostas foi obtida entre alunos que já trabalham e os que ainda não, o que nos leva a repensar o papel da tríade ensino-pesquisa-extensão nas faculdades de Jornalismo.


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The ergonomic design seeks to establish parameters to improve the interface between the technologies (products, systems and environments) and between man (users). Among the many factors involved, there are the activities performed in hospital settings, both by patients and by clinical staff. Accordingly, efforts have been demonstrated biomechanical with a leading occupational problem, especially regarding the transfer of patients.


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The ergonomic design seeks to establish parameters to improve the interface between the technologies (products, systems and environments) and between man (users). Among the many factors involved, there are the activities performed in hospital settings, both by patients and by clinical staff. Accordingly, efforts have been demonstrated biomechanical with a leading occupational problem, especially regarding the transfer of patients.


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In the first decades of the last century, Brazilian intellectuals played an im- portant role in the new configuration to the country reached. Brazil had then passed by rapid process of moderniza- tion. The educational field was place of contention between different currents of intellectuals. The idea was to create a new society through what is called the New School. In Brazil, unlike in Europe, most of the population had no access to school. Therefore, the New School was not privileged to critique existing school system, but the actual construction of the large Brazilian childhood schooling. Thus, we crea- ted libraries in teaching urban school groups, with the aim of improving the training of primary school teachers in the pedagogical ideas of the New School. This work has for objective to understand the conflicts among Brazi- lian intellectuals on the list of recommended readings for teacher training schools in the first half of the twentieth century. This paper presents an exam- ple of this intellectual dispute through the analysis of a Brazilian school li- brary copy of the 1930s.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We present here a qualitative analysis of a sample of papers published in Brazilian science education journals, which expresses researchers discourses related to Astronomy Education. Within this analytical universe, we sought for discursive excerpts about their justifications for the teaching of this subject, which made the basis for the production of a collective discourse, which identity is socially represented by the researchers authors set. Setting up articulations with discourse analysis, the procedures of the collective subject discourse show to be an important methodological tool to answer to the central question of this study: what do the Brazilian researchers assert as justifications for teaching Astronomy? In other words: why teach Astronomy? Outcomes point to the retaking of reflections about the importance of matters like as Astronomy in formal education, catalyzing teachers work innovative articulations.


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Information and communication technology have contributed to the realization of the ideals of citizen participation in public decisions, as well as to help in fighting corruption and wrongdoing in government. After all, democracy entails the right to information. The government, in many spheres, has encouraged the responsible use of the internet. Conduct manuals and standards have been published for public segments to direct the responsible use of these tools by their agents. This article aims to determine whether the manuals comply with the principles of digital democracy. Conduct manuals were analyzed in digital media from four Brazilian public organizations: Embrapa; Department of Communication of the Federal Government; Judiciary and Health Department of the Federal District. As a methodology, content analysis, based on criteria focused on transparency and encouraging civic engagement was used.


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The article presents survey of public servants of a Higher Education Institution (HEI) that aimed to diagnose the presence of stress in this population, the stress phase in which individuals find themselves and the prevalence of symptoms, whether physical or psychological. This study aimed to characterize the symptomatology of the population experiencing stress and major stressors of the work context where participants act. The survey revealed that 46.6% of the participants are experiencing stress, mostly found in the resistance phase with predominantly psychological symptoms. Among the major stressors of work contexts, stood the physical environment of the workplace, sector infrastructure work, the process of professional performance evaluation adopted by IES, low recognition given to the work done and the small number of servers in certain sectors . The results revealed the presence of stress advancement of this sample and the need for appropriate policy actions and management practices of people who aim to act to minimize this phenomenon.


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This article is part of the result of the Master's thesis of the author, guided by coauthor, and presents a theoretical and conceptual reflection on the representation of Technology in thematic sections Technology in four Brazilian newspaper sites. The fundamental hypothesis is that these editorials prioritize issues that meet market interests of companies in the sector and may be leaving out important social and cultural issues to the understanding of the relationship between technology and society. The study is itself oriented by prospects of journalistic theming and specialized journalism, from a quantitative analysis involving the websites from newspapers of Technology sections O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S. Paulo, Gazeta do Povo and Correio Braziliense. The study confirms the hypothesis that representation of Technology in newspapers is primarily the marketing, have not corresponding to an expectation of social and cultural concept. In addition, it is noticed that the editorial in question do not have specialized journalism characteristics, despite of potential generated by thematic segmentation.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)