999 resultados para Trabajador de viñas


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Durante el periodo de conservación de algunas frutas se producen pérdidas que, en parte, se deben a la aparición de alteraciones fúngicas que provocan podredumbres. El sistema de control más extendido es el empleo de productos químicos de síntesis, aunque también es importante el correcto manejo de la plantación, la recolección y limpieza de envases y un correcto manejo del frio, entre otros.


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Las dificultades con que se encuentran los recién diplomados en trabajo social para insertarse en el mercado laboral, cuando aún se necesitan más recursos y hay muchas posibilidades de generar nuevos servicios de proximidad a la comunidad, nos plantea a los formadores el desafío de tener que preparar a los futuros profesionales para ser emprendedores en iniciativas sociales con el doble objetivo de aumentar la oferta de servicios a la población y a la vez las posibilidades de inserción profesional. La comunicación que propongo partiría del análisis de esta paradoja que todos percibimos para fundamentar la inclusión de nuevos contenidos en el plan de estudios de nuestra Universidad. Se tratará de exponer mi experiencia docente de cómo crear iniciativas a partir de trabajar, el Plan de empresa dentro de la asignatura de Administración y gestión de servicios sociales. Expondré como he organizado la materia, la confección de materiales y todo lo relacionado con la didáctica y la metodología puesto que se trata de una planificación compleja que aborda tanto los aspectos técnicos de la actividad como otros propios de la creación de empresas productivas. Intentaré terminar con una reflexión sobre qué supone este cambio de registro para nuestros alumnos y las interpelaciones y dificultades que también supone para el docente, con el ánimo de que pueda inspirar a otros colegas o para que, entre todos, valoremos la validez de incorporar este nuevo rol dentro del perfil profesional del trabajador social para un mundo mejor.


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Tuberous sclerosis (TS) or Bourneville"s disease is a rare, multisystemic genetic disorder. It involves alterations to ectodermal and mesodermal cell differentiation and proliferation, causing benign hamartomatous tumors, neurofibromas and angiofibromas in the brain and other vital organs including the kidney, heart, eyes, lungs, skin and mucosa. It also affects the central nervous system and produces neurological dysfunctions such as seizures, mental retardation and behavior disorders. Tuberous (rootshaped) growths develop in the brain, and calcify over time, becoming hard and sclerotic, hence the name given to the disease. Although inheritance is autosomal dominant, 60-70% of cases occur through spontaneous mutations. The disease is related to some mutations or alterations in two genes, named TSC1 and TSC2. Discovered in 1997, TSC1 is located on chromosome 9q34 and produces a protein called hamartin. TSC2, discovered in 1993, is located on chromosome 16p13 and produces a protein called tuberin. The prevalence of the disease is 1/6000-10,000 live newborns, and it is estimated that there are 1-2 million sufferers worldwide. This paper presents a literature review and a family case report of a mother and two of her daughters with oral features of TS


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Translators Helper és una aplicació pensada per als professionals de la traducció, que vol unificar i donar resposta a unes necessitats evidents per a qualsevol treballador autònom: la disponibilitat junt amb la mobilitat.


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We show that the quasifission paths predicted by the one-body dissipation dynamics, in the slowest phase of a binary reaction, follow a quasistatic path, which represents a sequence of states of thermal equilibrium at a fixed value of the deformation coordinate. This establishes the use of the statistical particle-evaporation model in the case of dynamical time-evolving systems. Pre- and post-scission multiplicities of neutrons and total multiplicities of protons and α particles in fission reactions of 63Cu+92Mo, 60Ni+100Mo, 63Cu+100Mo at 10 MeV/u and 20Ne+144,148,154Sm at 20 MeV/u are reproduced reasonably well with statistical model calculations performed along dynamic trajectories whose slow stage (from the most compact configuration up to the point where the neck starts to develop) lasts some 35×10−21 s.


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We analyze the neutron skin thickness in finite nuclei with the droplet model and effective nuclear interactions. The ratio of the bulk symmetry energy J to the so-called surface stiffness coefficient Q has in the droplet model a prominent role in driving the size of neutron skins. We present a correlation between the density derivative of the nuclear symmetry energy at saturation and the J/Q ratio. We emphasize the role of the surface widths of the neutron and proton density profiles in the calculation of the neutron skin thickness when one uses realistic mean-field effective interactions. Next, taking as experimental baseline the neutron skin sizes measured in 26 antiprotonic atoms along the mass table, we explore constraints arising from neutron skins on the value of the J/Q ratio. The results favor a relatively soft symmetry energy at subsaturation densities. Our predictions are compared with the recent constraints derived from other experimental observables. Though the various extractions predict different ranges of values, one finds a narrow window L∼45-75 MeV for the coefficient L that characterizes the density derivative of the symmetry energy that is compatible with all the different empirical indications.


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The binding energies of deformed even-even nuclei have been analyzed within the framework of a recently proposed microscopic-macroscopic model. We have used the semiclassical Wigner-Kirkwood ̄h expansion up to fourth order, instead of the usual Strutinsky averaging scheme, to compute the shell corrections in a deformed Woods-Saxon potential including the spin-orbit contribution. For a large set of 561 even-even nuclei with Z 8 and N 8, we find an rms deviation from the experiment of 610 keV in binding energies, comparable to the one found for the same set of nuclei using the finite range droplet model of Moller and Nix (656 keV). As applications of our model, we explore its predictive power near the proton and neutron drip lines as well as in the superheavy mass region. Next, we systematically explore the fourth-order Wigner-Kirkwood corrections to the smooth part of the energy. It is found that the ratio of the fourth-order to the second-order corrections behaves in a very regular manner as a function of the asymmetry parameter I=(N−Z)/A. This allows us to absorb the fourth-order corrections into the second-order contributions to the binding energy, which enables us us to simplify and speed up the calculation of deformed nuclei.


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The recently developed semiclassical variational Wigner-Kirkwood (VWK) approach is applied to finite nuclei using external potentials and self-consistent mean fields derived from Skyrme inter-actions and from relativistic mean field theory. VWK consist s of the Thomas-Fermi part plus a pure, perturbative h 2 correction. In external potentials, VWK passes through the average of the quantal values of the accumulated level density and total en energy as a function of the Fermi energy. However, there is a problem of overbinding when the energy per particle is displayed as a function of the particle number. The situation is analyzed comparing spherical and deformed harmonic oscillator potentials. In the self-consistent case, we show for Skyrme forces that VWK binding energies are very close to those obtained from extended Thomas-Fermi functionals of h 4 order, pointing to the rapid convergence of the VWK theory. This satisfying result, however, does not cure the overbinding problem, i.e., the semiclassical energies show more binding than they should. This feature is more pronounced in the case of Skyrme forces than with the relativistic mean field approach. However, even in the latter case the shell correction energy for e.g.208 Pb turns out to be only ∼ −6 MeV what is about a factor two or three off the generally accepted value. As an adhoc remedy, increasing the kinetic energy by 2.5%, leads to shell correction energies well acceptable throughout the periodic table. The general importance of the present studies for other finite Fermi systems, self-bound or in external potentials, is pointed out.


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We perform Hartree calculations of symmetric and asymmetric semi-infinite nuclear matter in the framework of relativistic models based on effective hadronic field theories as recently proposed in the literature. In addition to the conventional cubic and quartic scalar self-interactions, the extended models incorporate a quartic vector self-interaction, scalar-vector non-linearities and tensor couplings of the vector mesons. We investigate the implications of these terms on nuclear surface properties such as the surface energy coefficient, surface thickness, surface stiffness coefficient, neutron skin thickness and the spin-orbit force.


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We describe a relation between the symmetry energy coefficients csym(ρ) of nuclear matter and asym(A) of finite nuclei that accommodates other correlations of nuclear properties with the low-density behavior of csym(ρ). Here, we take advantage of this relation to explore the prospects for constraining csym(ρ) of systematic measurements of neutron skin sizes across the mass table, using as example present data from antiprotonic atoms. The found constraints from neutron skins are in harmony with the recent determinations from reactions and giant resonances.


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Many strategies for treating diseases require the delivery of drugs into the cell cytoplasm following internalization within endosomal vesicles. Thus, compounds triggered by low pH to disrupt membranes and release endosomal contents into the cytosol are of particular interest. Here, we report novel cationic lysine-based surfactants (hydrochloride salts of Nε- and Nα-acyl lysine methyl ester) that differ in the position of the positive charge and the length of the alkyl chain. Amino acid-based surfactants could be promising novel biomaterials in drug delivery systems, given their biocompatible properties and low cytotoxic potential. We examined their ability to disrupt the cell membrane in a range of pH values, concentrations and incubation times, using a standard hemolysis assay as a model of endosomal membranes. Furthermore, we addressed the mechanism of surfactant-mediated membrane destabilization, including the effects of each surfactant on erythrocyte morphology as a function of pH. We found that only surfactants with the positive charge on the α-amino group of lysine showed pH-sensitive hemolytic activity and improved kinetics within the endosomal pH range, indicating that the positive charge position is critical for pH-responsive behavior. Moreover, our results showed that an increase in the alkyl chain length from 14 to 16 carbon atoms was associated with a lower ability to disrupt cell membranes. Knowledge on modulating surfactant-lipid bilayer interactions may help us to develop more efficient biocompatible amino acid-based drug delivery devices.


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This study was performed in order to evaluate the efficacy of different mouthrinses whose use is extended in Spain. Six different antiseptic mouthrinses were studied by means of determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values against Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhimurium, Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus mutans, Prevotella intermedia, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Also in vivo experiments were carried out in volunteers by the use of mouthrinses and evaluation of bacterial populations before and after the treatment. Finally, the kinetics of bacterial death was determined. Results suggested that the determination of MIC values is not a reliable method to evaluate the antibacterial effect of such products. On the other hand those rinsing solutions based on the effect of oxygen, such as those containing carbamide peroxide have a greater efficacy against anaerobic bacteria compared with rinses whose active molecule is a disinfectant. Finally, the kinetics of bacterial death demonstrates that the essential oil rinse kills bacteria much faster. All tested mouthrinses were active as antibacterial although those based on oxygen production or essential oils were more active than solutions based on chlorhexidine and Triclosan


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El abordaje de la sexualidad en la realización de la historia clínica plantea en ocasiones dudas e incertidumbres sobre cómo llevarla a cabo. Para solventar dichas dificultades es necesario, en primer lugar, estructurar la entrevista mediante la formulación de objetivos, la definición de los contenidos a tratar, la utilización de una metodología facilitadora y la valoración continuada sobre el transcurso de la misma. En segundo lugar, es importante destacar la influencia que los valores y actitudes personales ejercen en la relación entre la matrona y la mujer.


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El abordaje de la sexualidad en la realización de la historia clínica plantea en ocasiones dudas e incertidumbres sobre cómo llevarla a cabo. Para solventar dichas dificultades es necesario, en primer lugar, estructurar la entrevista mediante la formulación de objetivos, la definición de los contenidos a tratar, la utilización de una metodología facilitadora y la valoración continuada sobre el transcurso de la misma. En segundo lugar, es importante destacar la influencia que los valores y actitudes personales ejercen en la relación entre la matrona y la mujer.


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En sus inicios, la huelga como tal, era considerada jurídicamente como un delito o como una libertad, pero no como un derecho, y así, se mantuvo durante muchos años. En una primera etapa, común en los ordenamientos jurídicos europeos del S. XIX, la huelga no fue admitida como un fenómeno de protesta lícito, por su origen y desarrollo claramente colectivo, consti-tuyendo de forma clara un atentado a los principios de la concepción individualista de la rela-ción laboral; de ahí que fuese reprimida enérgicamente por la vía penal al ser considerada un delito. En una segunda etapa, encontramos primero que se toleró a medida que las conciencias políticas y sus nuevas ideas entendieron que el fenómeno era imparable, con lo que a pesar de existir normas penales que prohibían y castigaban esas manifestaciones colectivas de trabaja-dores no se hacía uso de la represión. Más tarde se aceptó abiertamente pero no se reguló, lo que dio lugar a que al ser calificada la conducta del trabajador como una falta voluntaria de asistencia al trabajo, pudiese ser reprimida por el empresario y así justificar su despido por incumplimiento contractual, es decir, la huelga como libertad individual jugaba exclusivamen-te en el marco de la relación laboral individual de trabajo, pudiendo provocar, si esa era la decisión del patrono, la ruptura del contrato. No había excusa, en este supuesto, dado que la orden sindical de ir a la huelga no cambió la naturaleza del acto del trabajador, que, como se ha dicho anteriormente, representaba un incumplimiento de la obligación contractual