974 resultados para Tower shadow


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The impact of salmon farming on the environment has been widely studied; there is, however, no consensus on the magnitude and quality of these effects and little information on their extent over large salmon farming areas. Forty-three salmon farm sites of which 29 are in full operation and grouped in nine locations in southern Chile were evaluated. Using statistical methods (two-way anova), no effects were found on water column variables such as nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate and chlorophyll, whereas they were significant on sediment variables such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and organic carbon (OC), among others. Natural variability evaluation of some parameters revealed that P in sediments had the lowest coefficient of variation (23.2%) when compared with N (65.2%), particulate organic matter (POM) (139%) and OC (39%), and showed more marked salmon farming effects with no locality effects. Four of the nine locations showed stronger effects on sediments, with average P values ranging from 150 to 230 mmol that were six to nine times higher than in control sites (25 mmol). Nitrogen and carbon in sediments, while showing significant effects on salmon farming, also showed locality effects that revealed other biogenic processes influencing sediment composition. Thus, P in sediments was proposed as a promising indicator of impact on salmon farming, although the relationship with fauna in sediments was not linear and somewhat variable; more research is therefore needed to understand such connections. Considering entire geographical locations, no relationship was found between sediment conditions under salmon cages and the condition of the water column at a farm. This may indicate the possibility of high dilution rates and recycling processes, which so far preclude the detection of more global impacts beyond the cages shadow.


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Illumination invariance remains the most researched, yet the most challenging aspect of automatic face recognition. In this paper we investigate the discriminative power of colour-based invariants in the presence of large illumination changes between training and test data, when appearance changes due to cast shadows and non-Lambertian effects are significant. Specifically, there are three main contributions: (i) we employ a more sophisticated photometric model of the camera and show how its parameters can be estimated, (ii) we derive several novel colour-based face invariants, and (iii) on a large database of video sequences we examine and evaluate the largest number of colour-based representations in the literature. Our results suggest that colour invariants do have a substantial discriminative power which may increase the robustness and accuracy of recognition from low resolution images.


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An internal crisis within architecture and the way historiography both presents and conceals it, can be seen most strikingly in the contrast between two publications by the architectural historian Sigfried Giedion, Space Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition, published in 1941, and Mechanization Takes Command: A Contribution to Anonymous History, published in 1948. These two publications take us back to the scene of World War Two, the former during the war and after Giedion's affair with America, and the latter after the war. At the time of publication Giedion's former book, Space, Time and Architecture, was seen as a "blockbuster" by the architectural community (especially in the USA). The latter publication, Mechanization, did not receive a favourable response by the same professional community. Their contrasting historiography suggests that the internal crisis of architecture is in a constant struggle with architecture's exterior, in this case, war. Giedion's Mechanization can be seen as the shadow text of the progressive myth of the former. With a focus on Mechanization, the paper aims to open its discursive approach to history. The post-war city is where Giedion's publications and my studies on "a gap of history" coincide and intersect. Giedion is fascinated with psychic factors shown in the recurring theme of the split between thought and feeling and exemplified in the dialectic between image and text. Drawing on psychoanalytic theory I argue that this functions as a mirror-stage in relation to a discourse on architecture and to architecture's disciplinary boundaries where the subject of architecture lacks the ideality and unity that is represented in the former publication.


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Souvenir hunters are often limited in their selection of souvenirs to objects that evoke an iconic and/or generic relationship to place. For example, a small-scale replica of the Eiffel Tower might substitute for a whole range of other more personal responses to the sensory experience of being in Paris. This paper reports on a collaborative and cross-artform five-day workshop, “Souvenirs of the Senses”, conducted in Qatar in early 2013 as part of Tasmeem Doha: Hybrid Making, a biennial international art and design conference. Two of the three workshop leaders, Patrick West and Jondi Keane, were Australian-based visitors whereas workshop leader Valerie Jeremijenko is permanently based in Qatar. There were five workshop participants from a diverse range of international and Qatari backgrounds. One of the conference themes, “Made in Qatar”, heightened our attention to what it means to be spending time in, and making things in, one place as opposed to any other place. What did it mean to be making something in a country where so many things have to be imported? Building on this line of thought, the second conference theme, “Hybrid Making”, suggested possibilities for undoing traditional modes of souvenir making as part of the creation of more complex objects that might be sutured to the singular experiences of place that happen when a.) established regimes of tourism are disrupted, and b.) experiences of place are curated via a focused awareness of the operations of the senses as sustained within our collaborative, cross-artform workshop environment. What attracts our attention is how objects ripe for “souveniring”, when they are considered as perceptual systems, suggest new ways of experimenting with the fabrication of objects and of artistic and individual relationships to place, and further, how hybrid souvenirs affect the way in which a place is re-membered (put together) and re-made in memory.


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1. 'MotherDaughter', Six works, 75 cm x 75 cm each, watercolour and ink wash, charcoal, graphite, photocopy transfer, on Arches 300gsm 2. 'MotherDaughter II'. One work made up of 15 images, 30 cm x 37 cm each, watercolour and ink wash, charcoal, graphite, eye-shadow powders, photocopy transfer, on Arches 300gsm. 3. 'MotherSon'. One work made up of 15 images, 30 cm x 37 cm each, black and coloured photocopy transfers, on Arches 300gsm. 4. 'MotherSon II'. One work made up of 8 60 cm x 40.5 cm each, black and coloured photocopy transfers, on Arches 300gsm. 5. 'MotherSon III'. One work made up of 6 images, 60 cm x 40.5 cm each, black and coloured photocopy transfers, on Arches 300gsm. 6. 'FatherDaughter'. One work made up of fourteen images, 37.5 cm x 52.5 cm each, ink and watercolour wash, photocopy transfer, charcoal and graphite, on Arches 300gsm. 7. 'his/ her'. Twenty-six bound books, 25 cm x 23 cm x 1.5 cm each when closed, letterpress text and facial imprints (eye-shadow powders), charcoal, on Magnani Velata Arvorio 210gsm. 7. 'Closed Book'. Ten books comprising 10 to 12 drawings, 16.5 cm x 8 cm each image, photocopy transfer, charcoal, on Arches 300gsm.


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Not-I/Thou: The Other Subject of Art and Architecture is a series of essays delineating the gray areas and black zones in present-day cultural production. Part One is an implicit critique of neoliberal capitalism and its assault on the humanities through the pseudo-scientific and pseudo-empirical biases of academic and professional disciplines, while Part Two returns to apparent lost causes in the historical development of modernity and post-modernity, particularly the recourse to artistic production as both a form of mnemonics and periodic (and renascent) avant-garde agitation. In-between these twin systems of taking the measure of things, Art and Architecture, as forms of speculative intellectual capital, emerge from the shadow-lands of half-conscious and half-unconscious forces to become gestures toward a type of knowledge that has no utilitarian or generic agency. Defying the tendencies of such discourses to fall prey to instrumental orders that effectively neuter the inherent radical agenda of both, Art and Architecture are represented in this series of essays as noetic apparatuses, operating at the edge of authorized systems of knowledge, quietly and secretly validating and valorizing the shadowy and recondite, collective and personal operations of intellect in service to no particular end.


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This chapter argues that one key legacy of the US effort to bring democracy to Iraq has been that many elements within Iraq’s Shia Arab political elite have viewed democracy through the lens of a cynical majoritarianism and manipulated it to catapult themselves to power. This has had a further legacy, enabling the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to utilise his incumbency to maintain the veneer of democracy while becoming increasingly dictatorial and authoritarian. In doing so, Maliki’s government shares much in common with other ‘hybrid regimes’ in which governments hijack nominally democratic mechanisms such as elections, media freedoms, political opposition and civil society as part of their strategy to retain, rather than diffuse, power (Dodge 2012b, 2013). Although Maliki hasdeployed a host of different strategies along these lines – including blatant sectarianism, undermining key state institutions, the creation of a shadow state loyal to himself, and the concentration of military and political power in his own hands – this chapter focuses on Maliki’s less well-known efforts to shatter the unity of his Shia Arab political opponents. It focuses on his first two terms in power and examines the ways in which he has been able to systematically fracture the Shia political elite to such an extent that once tenuously united factions now stand bitterly divided. The chapter concludes by reflecting on the reasoning behind such an approach and the prospects of Iraq’s democracy moving beyond the blatant power grab of the incumbent Malikigovernment.


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 The question of whether Islam and Muslims belong in the West has been the subject of considerable political “debate” well before the events of 9/11. Indeed, subsequent events, though different but connected, have unfolded on the international scene as the “War on Terror”. This question has undoubtedly attracted public attention and the answers are more polarised nowadays as we live in the highly mediatised shadow of Al-Qa’eda and its more violent incarnation, the Islamic State (IS). Indeed, the clash of civilisation thesis advanced by Samuel Huntington had at its core a philosophical and practical assumption that Islam and the West are on a collision course because of their divergent cultural and value systems. In other words the cultural fault line that divides the Muslim world from the West is not only about democracy but also about ethics and values. The excessive securitisation of Islam and its public construction as “alien”, “foreign”, “threatening” and altogether “incompatible” with Western democratic values adds weight to the self-fulfilling prophecy that sees nothing but violent clashes in history that stretch from the Crusades to the War on Terror.


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‘Snap’ deploys the queer cliché of becoming-sailor as a trope for recognition in the amorous encounter and literalises the ‘copycat’ as its catalyst. As Girard argues (1973), the human is foremost mimetic: this story makes its claim for originality and authenticity of connection through the playful recycling of cliché.‘Snap’ eschews the relative affectlessness of some metafiction by staging an amorous approach under the shadow of mortality. It exploits the liminal moment of modernist short fiction to summon the ‘manifold’ of experience. Here, love opens a space of intertextual esonance (Costello 2007), including motifs of Genet (masquerade), Duras (haunting) and Maurice Blanchot (the infinite approach), by writing the threshold of encounter as the intensive silence of wond


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Because young children are devoting increasing time to playing on handheld touchscreen devices, understanding children's ability to learn from this activity is important. Through two experiments we examined the ability of 4- to 6-year-old children to learn how to solve a problem (Tower of Hanoi) on a touchscreen device and subsequently apply this learning in their interactions with physical objects. The results were that participants demonstrated significant improvement at solving the task irrespective of the modality (touchscreen vs. physical version) with which they practiced. Moreover, children's learning on the touchscreen smoothly transferred to a subsequent attempt on the physical version. We conclude that, at least with respect to certain activities, children are quite capable of transferring learning from touchscreen devices. This result highlights the limitations of generalizing across screen-based activities (e.g., "screen time") in discussing the effects of media on young children's development.


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Dynamically changing background (dynamic background) still presents a great challenge to many motion-based video surveillance systems. In the context of event detection, it is a major source of false alarms. There is a strong need from the security industry either to detect and suppress these false alarms, or dampen the effects of background changes, so as to increase the sensitivity to meaningful events of interest. In this paper, we restrict our focus to one of the most common causes of dynamic background changes: 1) that of swaying tree branches and 2) their shadows under windy conditions. Considering the ultimate goal in a video analytics pipeline, we formulate a new dynamic background detection problem as a signal processing alternative to the previously described but unreliable computer vision-based approaches. Within this new framework, we directly reduce the number of false alarms by testing if the detected events are due to characteristic background motions. In addition, we introduce a new data set suitable for the evaluation of dynamic background detection. It consists of real-world events detected by a commercial surveillance system from two static surveillance cameras. The research question we address is whether dynamic background can be detected reliably and efficiently using simple motion features and in the presence of similar but meaningful events, such as loitering. Inspired by the tree aerodynamics theory, we propose a novel method named local variation persistence (LVP), that captures the key characteristics of swaying motions. The method is posed as a convex optimization problem, whose variable is the local variation. We derive a computationally efficient algorithm for solving the optimization problem, the solution of which is then used to form a powerful detection statistic. On our newly collected data set, we demonstrate that the proposed LVP achieves excellent detection results and outperforms the best alternative adapted from existing art in the dynamic background literature.


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We describe a novel method for human activity segmentation and interpretation in surveillance applications based on Gabor filter-bank features. A complex human activity is modeled as a sequence of elementary human actions like walking, running, jogging, boxing, hand-waving etc. Since human silhouette can be modeled by a set of rectangles, the elementary human actions can be modeled as a sequence of a set of rectangles with different orientations and scales. The activity segmentation is based on Gabor filter-bank features and normalized spectral clustering. The feature trajectories of an action category are learnt from training example videos using Dynamic Time Warping. The combined segmentation and the recognition processes are very efficient as both the algorithms share the same framework and Gabor features computed for the former can be used for the later. We have also proposed a simple shadow detection technique to extract good silhouette which is necessary for good accuracy of an action recognition technique. © 2008 IEEE.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho é o estudo do comportamento, em termos de freqüências naturais de estruturas de torres estaiadas, para diversas situações de serviço. Para isso criou-se uma formulação para a determinação dessas freqüências, utilizando o método da matriz de transferência. O procedimento consiste na discretização da estrutura em elementos de barras, massas discretas, molas e amortecedores viscosos, para a representação da estrutura. Com relação aos cabos da torre estaiada, desenvolveu-se uma expressão que nos fornece a rigidez completa dos mesmos, apoiados nos extremos, com amortecimento viscoso e as propriedades físicas e geométricas uniformes. Além disso, os cabos podem ser inclinados e sujeitos à excitação horizontal harmônica no apoio superior. Nesse caso, considera-se uma deformada parabólica do cabo na posição de equilíbrio estático, e por outro lado, os deslocamentos dinâmicos são considerados pequenos. A rigidez do cabo é válida para um ângulo de inclinação que varia de zero (0) a noventa (90) graus. Esse método é aplicável a microcomputadores devido a pouca memória empregada no processamento de dados. Com esse intuito, foi elaborado um programa para microcomputadores de 16 bits, que possibilita o estudo da estrutura da torre sobre o efeito de flexão pura, torção pura ou acoplamento de ambos. Exemplos numéricos de torres estaiadas e do comportamento da rigidez de cabos foram desenvolvidos para as mais diversas situações de cálculo.


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As fundações empregadas para linhas de transmissão de alta tensão em depósitos de argilas moles saturadas são geralmente estacas. No Rio Grande do Sul, projetos alternativos com fundações superficiais foram empregados em forma experimental para torres de suspensão, as quais apresentaram bom desempenho com menor custo. Esta pesquisa visa apontar critérios racionais da mecânica dos solos que permitam projetar, a partir do conhecimento do perfil de resistência não drenada, fundações superficiais em depósitos de argilas moles saturadas com maior confiabilidade. Para a determinaçao do perfil de resistência não drenada foi desenvolvido um cone manual com leituras elétricas, o qual foi testado apresentando bons resultados. A vantagem do uso deste equipamento reside no fato de que pode ser transportado manualmente a locais de difícil acesso, onde são implantadas as torres de alta tensão. Os demais parâmetros de solos do local de estudo, situado no município de Canoas no Rio Grande do Sul, foram obtidos a partir de ensaios de compressão triaxial do tipo adensado isotropicamente não drenado (CIU) com medida de poro pressão e de ensaios de adensamento. Foram analisadas as fundações superficiais das torres de suspensão projetadas, empregando teorias analíticas convencionais, baseadas no conhecimento da resistência não drenada, e o método de elementos finitos. A partir deste estudo, é sugerida uma metodologia para projetos de fundações superficiais de torres de suspensão em argilas moles saturadas.