980 resultados para Toll Brothers


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Murderous Medea – following Euripides’ seminal tragedy countless authors and artists have depicted Medea as child-slaughtering outlaw and avenger. But the Medea myth is much more diverse and holds more depth than this. Medea’s path through her career as princess, magician, wife, mother and avengress opens with another abominable death: that of her brother Apsyrtos. This article focuses on how and why the death of Medea’s brother Apsyrtos has been examined and instrumentalised in modern adaptions of the myth by Hans Henny Jahnn, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Christa Wolf and Dea Loher. Whether guilty as charged but with sensible intentions to gain self-rule and show herself trustworthy or innocent of crime or murder but stricken with guilt and alienation, Medea’s involvement in her brother’s death seems to hold the key to modern interpretations of antiquity’s different strands of the Medea myth and its adaptability to modern concerns of subjectivity and emancipation.


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Certes la distinction tranchée entre tragédie et comédie n’a plus cours, par contre si vous essayez de ronger les frontières entre essai, roman, théâtre, poésie, quel tollé», écrivait Michel Butor. Pour représenter la multiplicité des frontières, il a pourtant été nécessaire dans ce livre de convoquer une écriture située elle-même aux frontières des genres, polyphonique, procédant par montage et rapprochements de voix éparses, selon un principe de choralité. En est né un genre hybride, le «théâtre-essai» (à la façon dont certains vidéastes pratiquent le «vidéo-essai»). En tant qu’essai, ce livre repose sur une base documentaire, qui a porté d’une part sur la figuration des frontières en littérature et dans les arts, d’autre part sur les approches des frontières par les différents domaines du savoir (géographie, droit, polémologie, sociologie, anthropologie et écologie). Mais c’est à travers le langage théâtral lui-même, tant sur le plan textuel que de l’organisation de l’espace, que les frontières sont ici interrogées : celles qui séparent le littéraire du non-littéraire, ou la salle de la scène.


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X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) has been identified as a potent regulator of innate immune responses, and loss-of-function mutations in XIAP cause the development of the X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome type 2 (XLP-2) in humans. Using gene-targeted mice, we show that loss of XIAP or deletion of its RING domain lead to excessive cell death and IL-1β secretion from dendritic cells triggered by diverse Toll-like receptor stimuli. Aberrant IL-1β secretion is TNF dependent and requires RIP3 but is independent of cIAP1/cIAP2. The observed cell death also requires TNF and RIP3 but proceeds independently of caspase-1/caspase-11 or caspase-8 function. Loss of XIAP results in aberrantly elevated ubiquitylation of RIP1 outside of TNFR complex I. Virally infected Xiap−/− mice present with symptoms reminiscent of XLP-2. Our data show that XIAP controls RIP3-dependent cell death and IL-1β secretion in response to TNF, which might contribute to hyperinflammation in patients with XLP-2.


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Salmonella enterica subspecies 1 serovar Typhimurium is a common cause of gastrointestinal infections. The host's innate immune system and a complex set of Salmonella virulence factors are thought to contribute to enteric disease. The serovar Typhimurium virulence factors have been studied extensively by using tissue culture assays, and bovine infection models have been used to verify the role of these factors in enterocolitis. Streptomycin-pretreated mice provide an alternative animal model to study enteric salmonellosis. In this model, the Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 type III secretion system has a key virulence function. Nothing is known about the role of other virulence factors. We investigated the role of flagella in murine serovar Typhimurium colitis. A nonflagellated serovar Typhimurium mutant (fliGHI) efficiently colonized the intestine but caused little colitis during the early phase of infection (10 and 24 h postinfection). In competition assays with differentially labeled strains, the fliGHI mutant had a reduced capacity to get near the intestinal epithelium, as determined by fluorescence microscopy. A flagellated but nonchemotactic cheY mutant had the same virulence defects as the fliGHI mutant for causing colitis. In competitive infections, both mutants colonized the intestine of streptomycin-pretreated mice by day 1 postinfection but were outcompeted by the wild-type strain by day 3 postinfection. Together, these data demonstrate that flagella are required for efficient colonization and induction of colitis in streptomycin-pretreated mice. This effect is mostly attributable to chemotaxis. Recognition of flagellar subunits (i.e., flagellin) by innate immune receptors (i.e., Toll-like receptor 5) may be less important.


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Dysfunction and loss of neurons are the major characteristics of CNS disorders that include stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer's disease. Activation of the Toll-like receptor 7 by extracellular microRNA let-7, a highly expressed microRNA in the CNS, induces neuronal cell death. Let-7 released from injured neurons and immune cells acts on neighboring cells, exacerbating CNS damage. Here we show that a synthetic peptide analogous to the mammalian PreImplantation factor (PIF) secreted by developing embryos and which is present in the maternal circulation during pregnancy inhibits the biogenesis of let-7 in both neuronal and immune cells of the mouse. The synthetic peptide, sPIF, destabilizes KH-type splicing regulatory protein (KSRP), a key microRNA-processing protein, in a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-dependent manner, leading to decreased production of let-7. Furthermore, s.c. administration of sPIF into neonatal rats following hypoxic-ischemic brain injury robustly rescued cortical volume and number of neurons and decreased the detrimental glial response, as is consistent with diminished levels of KSRP and let-7 in sPIF-treated brains. Our results reveal a previously unexpected mechanism of action of PIF and underscore the potential clinical utility of sPIF in treating hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. The newly identified PIF/TLR4/KSRP/let-7 regulatory axis also may operate during embryo implantation and development.


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We explored the host-pathogen interactions of the human opportunistic fungus Candida albicans using Drosophila melanogaster. We established that a Drosophila strain devoid of functional Toll receptor is highly susceptible to the human pathogen C. albicans. Using this sensitive strain, we have been able to show that a set of specific C. albicans mutants of different virulence in mammalian infection models are also impaired in virulence in Drosophila and remarkably display the same rank order of virulence. This immunodeficient insect model also revealed virulence properties undetected in an immunocompetent murine model of infection. The genetic systems available in both host and pathogen will enable the identification of host-specific components and C. albicans genes involved in the host-fungal interplay.


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OBJECTIVES Saliva has been implicated to support oral wound healing, a process that requires a transient inflammatory reaction. However, definitive proof that saliva can provoke an inflammatory response remained elusive. MATERIALS AND METHODS We investigated the ability of freshly harvested and sterile-filtered saliva to cause an inflammatory response of oral fibroblasts and epithelial cells. The expression of cytokines and chemokines was assessed by microarray, RT-PCR, immunoassays, and Luminex technology. The involvement of signaling pathways was determined by Western blot analysis and pharmacologic inhibitors. RESULTS We report that sterile-filtered whole saliva was a potent inducer of IL-6 and IL-8 in fibroblasts from the gingiva, the palate, and the periodontal ligament, but not of oral epithelial cells. This strong inflammatory response requires nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling. The pro-inflammatory capacity is heat stable and has a molecular weight of <40 kDa. Genome-wide microarrays and Luminex technology further revealed that saliva substantially increased expression of other inflammatory genes and various chemokines. To preclude that the observed pro-inflammatory activity is the result of oral bacteria, sterile-filtered parotid saliva, collected under almost aseptic conditions, was used and also increased IL-6 and IL-8 expression in gingiva fibroblasts. The inflammatory response was, furthermore, independent of MYD88, an adapter protein of the Toll-like receptor signaling pathway. CONCLUSIONS We conclude that saliva can provoke a robust inflammatory response in oral fibroblasts involving the classical nuclear factor-kappa B and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Since fibroblasts but not epithelial cells show a strong inflammatory response, saliva may support the innate immunity of defect sites exposing the oral connective tissue.


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Immunotherapy for type I allergies is well established and is regarded to be the most efficient treatment option besides allergen avoidance. As of today, different forms of allergen preparations are used in this regard, as well as different routes of application. Virus-like particles (VLPs) represent a potent vaccine platform with proven immunogenicity and clinical efficacy. The addition of toll-like receptor ligands and/or depot-forming adjuvants further enhances activation of innate as well as adaptive immune responses. CpG motifs represent intensively investigated and potent direct stimulators of plasmacytoid dendritic cells and B cells, while T cell responses are enhanced indirectly through increased antigen presentation and cytokine release. This article will focus on the function of VLPs loaded with DNA rich in nonmethylated CG motifs (CpGs) and the clinical experience gained in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, demonstrating clinical efficacy also if administered without allergens. Several published studies have demonstrated a beneficial impact on allergic symptoms by treatment with CpG-loaded VLPs. Subcutaneous injection of VLPs loaded with CpGs was tested with or without the adjuvant alum in the presence or absence of an allergen. The results encourage further investigation of VLPs and CpG motifs in immunotherapy, either as a stand-alone product or as adjuvants for allergen-specific immunotherapy.


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geschrieben v. P. Bonaventura Hammer, Franziskanerordenspriester


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UNLABELLED Patients carrying very rare loss-of-function mutations in interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 4 (IRAK4), a critical signaling mediator in Toll-like receptor signaling, are severely immunodeficient, highlighting the paramount role of IRAK kinases in innate immunity. We discovered a comparatively frequent coding variant of the enigmatic human IRAK2, L392V (rs3844283), which is found homozygously in ∼15% of Caucasians, to be associated with a reduced ability to induce interferon-alpha in primary human plasmacytoid dendritic cells in response to hepatitis C virus (HCV). Cytokine production in response to purified Toll-like receptor agonists was also impaired. Additionally, rs3844283 was epidemiologically associated with a chronic course of HCV infection in two independent HCV cohorts and emerged as an independent predictor of chronic HCV disease. Mechanistically, IRAK2 L392V showed intact binding to, but impaired ubiquitination of, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6, a vital step in signal transduction. CONCLUSION Our study highlights IRAK2 and its genetic variants as critical factors and potentially novel biomarkers for human antiviral innate immunity.


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Archduke Ernest of Austria (1553–1595), second son of Emperor Maximilian II and younger brother of Emperor Rudolf II, was in his youth a possible candidate for the thrones of the Empire or the Spanish Kingdom. Instead, he became Governor-General of the Netherlands in 1593 and relocated to Brussels in 1594 where he was welcomed with lavish festivities as the bearer of hope and prosperity. Unfortunately, Ernest died only thirteen months later without having achieved any political success. His brother and successor Albert of Austria commissioned the funeral monument for Ernest in 1600 after it was settled that he would be buried in Brussels and not Vienna. Focusing on this monument, which draws stylistically from various dynasty-related models, it will be shown that Albert intended to use this monument – and thus his brother’s memoria – to make the Brussels Cathedral the primary location of Habsburg dynastic memory in the Low Countries.


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Mycoplasma bovis is an emerging bacterial agent causing bovine mastitis. Although these cell wall-free bacteria lack classical virulence factors, they are able to activate the immune system of the host. However, effects on the bovine mammary immune system are not yet well characterized and detailed knowledge would improve the prevention and therapy of mycoplasmal mastitis. The aim of this study was to investigate the immunogenic effects of M. bovis on the mammary gland in an established primary bovine mammary epithelial cell (bMEC) culture system. Primary bMEC of four different cows were challenged with live and heat-inactivated M. bovis strain JF4278 isolated from acute bovine mastitis, as well as with the type strain PG45. The immune response was evaluated 6 and 24h after mycoplasmal challenge by measuring the relative mRNA expression of selected immune factors by quantitative PCR. M. bovis triggered an immune response in bMEC, reflected by the upregulation of tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin(IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, lactoferrin, Toll-like receptor-2, RANTES, and serum amyloid A mRNA. Interestingly, this cellular reaction was only observed in response to live, but not to heat-inactivated M. bovis, in contrast to other bacterial pathogens of mastitis such as Staphylococcus aureus. This study provides evidence that bMEC exhibit a strong inflammatory reaction in response to live M. bovis. The lack of a cellular response to heat-inactivated M. bovis supports the current hypothesis that mycoplasmas activate the immune system through secreted secondary metabolites.


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Introduction: According to the ecological view, coordination establishes byvirtueof social context. Affordances thought of as situational opportunities to interact are assumed to represent the guiding principles underlying decisions involved in interpersonal coordination. It’s generally agreed that affordances are not an objective part of the (social) environment but that they depend on the constructive perception of involved subjects. Theory and empirical data hold that cognitive operations enabling domain-specific efficacy beliefs are involved in the perception of affordances. The aim of the present study was to test the effects of these cognitive concepts in the subjective construction of local affordances and their influence on decision making in football. Methods: 71 football players (M = 24.3 years, SD = 3.3, 21 % women) from different divisions participated in the study. Participants were presented scenarios of offensive game situations. They were asked to take the perspective of the person on the ball and to indicate where they would pass the ball from within each situation. The participants stated their decisions in two conditions with different game score (1:0 vs. 0:1). The playing fields of all scenarios were then divided into ten zones. For each zone, participants were asked to rate their confidence in being able to pass the ball there (self-efficacy), the likelihood of the group staying in ball possession if the ball were passed into the zone (group-efficacy I), the likelihood of the ball being covered safely by a team member (pass control / group-efficacy II), and whether a pass would establish a better initial position to attack the opponents’ goal (offensive convenience). Answers were reported on visual analog scales ranging from 1 to 10. Data were analyzed specifying general linear models for binomially distributed data (Mplus). Maximum likelihood with non-normality robust standard errors was chosen to estimate parameters. Results: Analyses showed that zone- and domain-specific efficacy beliefs significantly affected passing decisions. Because of collinearity with self-efficacy and group-efficacy I, group-efficacy II was excluded from the models to ease interpretation of the results. Generally, zones with high values in the subjective ratings had a higher probability to be chosen as passing destination (βself-efficacy = 0.133, p < .001, OR = 1.142; βgroup-efficacy I = 0.128, p < .001, OR = 1.137; βoffensive convenience = 0.057, p < .01, OR = 1.059). There were, however, characteristic differences in the two score conditions. While group-efficacy I was the only significant predictor in condition 1 (βgroup-efficacy I = 0.379, p < .001), only self-efficacy and offensive convenience contributed to passing decisions in condition 2 (βself-efficacy = 0.135, p < .01; βoffensive convenience = 0.120, p < .001). Discussion: The results indicate that subjectively distinct attributes projected to playfield zones affect passing decisions. The study proposes a probabilistic alternative to Lewin’s (1951) hodological and deterministic field theory and enables insight into how dimensions of the psychological landscape afford passing behavior. Being part of a team, this psychological landscape is not only constituted by probabilities that refer to the potential and consequences of individual behavior, but also to that of the group system of which individuals are part of. Hence, in regulating action decisions in group settings, informers are extended to aspects referring to the group-level. References: Lewin, K. (1951). In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Field theory in social sciences: Selected theoretical papers by Kurt Lewin. New York: Harper & Brothers.


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Sepsis is an infection-induced systemic inflammatory syndrome, potentially causing organ failure. We previously showed attenuating effects on inflammation, thrombogenicity and haemodynamics by inhibiting the Toll-like receptor co-factor CD14 and complement factor C5 in a porcine Escherichia coli-induced sepsis model. The present study explored the effect on organ inflammation in these pigs. Tissue samples were examined from the combined treatment group (n = 8), the positive (n = 8) and negative (n = 6) control groups after 4h of sepsis. Inflammatory biomarkers were measured using ELISA, multiplex and qPCR analysis. Combined inhibition of C5 and CD14 markedly attenuated IL-1β by 31-66% (P < 0.05) and IL-6 by 54-96% (P < 0.01) in liver, kidney, lung and spleen; IL-8 by 65-100% in kidney, lung, spleen, and heart (P < 0.05) and MCP-1 by 46-69% in liver, kidney, spleen and heart (P < 0.05). Combined inhibition significantly attenuated tissue factor mRNA upregulation in spleen (P < 0.05) and IP-10 mRNA upregulation in four out of five organs. Finally, C5aR mRNA downregulation was prevented in heart and kidney (P < 0.05). Combined inhibition of C5 and CD14 thus markedly attenuated inflammatory responses in all organs examined. The anti-inflammatory effects observed in lung and heart may explain the delayed haemodynamic disturbances observed in septic pigs receiving combined inhibition of C5 and CD14.


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20 Briefe zwischen Alfred Haas und Max Horkheimer, 1935-1941; 2 Briefe von Willy Haas an Max Horkheimer, 1938; 3 Briefe zwischen Virginia Haber und Max Horkheimer, 12.09.1945, August 1945; 7 Briefe zwischen Hugo Hahn und Max Horkheimer, 1942-1946; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Charles G. Haines, 23.10.1940; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hall, 02.07.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen H. Duncan Hall und Max Horkheimer, 04.08.1939, 24.07.1939; 2 Briefe zwsichen Herbert Berkerath und Max Horkheimer, 10.10.1939, 09.10.1939; 23 Briefe zwischen Wolfgang Hallgarten und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1941; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an die American Philosophic Society Philadelphia, 15.04.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Betty Drury und Max Horkheimer, 29.02.1940, 20.02.1940; 6 Briefe zwischen Nina Almond und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 1 Brief von Ruth E. Hollander an Max Horkheimer, 08.09.1938; 1 Brief von dem Brooklyn College an Wolfgang Hallgarten, 29.04.1938; 4 briefe zwischen dem Brooklyn College und Max Horkheimer, 18.05.1938, 17.05.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Robert Maynard Hutchins und Max Horkheimer, 02.11.1937, 28.10.1937; 2 Briefe zwsichen Hardt und Max Horkheimer, 01.10.1943; 4 Briefe zwischen Gertrude Hardt und Max Horkheimer, 1947-1948; 4 Briefe zwischen den Harper & Brothers New York und Max Horkheimer, 24.10.1950, 1950; 1 Brief von Friedrich Pollock an Margot von Mendelssohn, 13.09.1950; 1 Brief von Hartoch an Max Horkheimer, 09.06.1937; 4 Briefe zwischen dem Harvard College Cambridge Massachusetts und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1940; 3 Briefe zwischen Felix Hase und Max Horkheimer, 1936, 13.03.1936; 1 Brief von Freda E. Hecht an Max Horkheimer, 01.03.1947; 1 Brief von Ernest S. Hediger an Max Horkheimer, 02.09.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Agnes Heilbut und Max Horkheimer, 18.07.1938,; 7 Briefe zwischen Eduard Heimann und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1939; 1 Brief von Fritz Hein an Max Horkheimer, 14.06.1949; 2 Briefe zwischen Walter Heinemann und Max Horkheimer, 15.02.1945, 12.03.1945; 2 Briefe zwischen Philipp Heller und Max Horkheimer, 16.09.1944, 09.10.1944; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Hellmann, 23.03.1939; 4 Briefe zwischen L. E. Hellmann und Max Horkheimer, 1939; 4 Briefe zwischen P. A. Hemerijk und Max Horkheimer, 1936-1937, 03.02.1936; 5 Briefe zwischen Carl G. Hempel und Max Horkheimer, 1939-1941; 1 Lebenslauf von Hans Henning; 1 Brief von Else Henschke an Max Horkheimer, 24.07.1940; 1 Briefe von Isi Hepner an Max Horkheimer, 23.01.1941; 1 Brief von Leo Löwenthal an Isi Hepner, 03.02.1941; 1 Brief von Gertrude E. Herman anMax Horkheimer, 10.12.1949; 1 Brief von Wilhelm G. Hertz an Max Horkheimer, 29.09.1938; 2 Briefe zwischen Wieland Herzfelde und der National City Bank of New York, 28.11.1939, 30.11.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Karl Hess und Max Horkheimer, 14.08.1935, 25.10.1934; 4 Briefe zwischen Karl Heymann und Max Horkheimer, 1947, 1949; 19 Briefe zwischen Robert Hilb und Max Horkheimer, 1937-1941; 2 Briefe zwischen Joseph Rosenthal und Max Horkheimer, 12.11.1940, 25.10.1940; 2 Briefe zwischen Henry Church und Max Horkheimer, 14.12.1940, 18.12.1940; 1 Brief von Ellen Hilb an Max Horkheimer, 11.03.1938; 1 Brief von Emil Hilb an Max Horkheimer, 15.04.1939; 2 Briefe zwischen Yoshitaro Hirano und Max Horkheimer, 1936, 23.01.1936; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Hirsch, 1938; 1 Brief von Arnold Hirsch an Max Horkheimer, 14.07.1949; 4 Briefe zwischen Charles Hirsch und Max Horkheimer, 1937, 1938; 2 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Ernst Hirsch, Oktober 1938; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Julius Hirsch, 24.02.1942;