926 resultados para The Battered Child Syndrome


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-escolar


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The β-adrenergic receptor kinase 1 (βARK1) is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) family that mediates the agonist-dependent phosphorylation and desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors. We have cloned and disrupted the βARK1 gene in mice by homologous recombination. No homozygote βARK1−/− embryos survive beyond gestational day 15.5. Prior to gestational day 15.5, βARK1−/− embryos display pronounced hypoplasia of the ventricular myocardium essentially identical to the “thin myocardium syndrome” observed upon gene inactivation of several transcription factors (RXRα, N-myc, TEF-1, WT-1). Lethality in βARK1−/− embryos is likely due to heart failure as they exhibit a >70% decrease in cardiac ejection fraction determined by direct in utero intravital microscopy. These results along with the virtual absence of endogenous GRK activity in βARK1−/− embryos demonstrate that βARK1 appears to be the predominant GRK in early embryogenesis and that it plays a fundamental role in cardiac development.


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Inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene causes the familial cancer syndrome, VHL disease, characterized by a predisposition to renal cell carcinoma and other tumor types. Loss of VHL gene function also is found in a majority of sporadic renal carcinomas. A preponderance of the tumor-disposing inherited missense mutations detected in VHL disease are within the elongin-binding domain of VHL. This region mediates the formation of a multiprotein VHL complex containing elongin B, elongin C, cul-2, and Rbx1. This VHL complex is thought to function as an E3 ubiquitin ligase. Here, we report that VHL proteins harboring mutations which disrupt elongin binding are unstable and rapidly degraded by the proteasome. In contrast, wild-type VHL proteins are directly stabilized by associating with both elongins B and C. In addition, elongins B and C are stabilized through their interactions with each other and VHL. Thus, the entire VHL/elongin complex is resistant to proteasomal degradation. Because the elongin-binding domain of VHL is frequently mutated in cancers, these results suggest that loss of elongin binding causes tumorigenesis by compromising VHL protein stability and/or potential VHL ubiquitination functions.


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Escherichia coli O157:H7 causes Shiga toxin (Stx)-mediated vascular damage, resulting in hemorrhagic colitis and the hemolytic uremic syndrome in humans. These infections are often foodborne, and healthy carrier cattle are a major reservoir of E. coli O157:H7. We were interested in knowing why cattle are tolerant to infection with E. coli O157:H7. Cattle tissues were examined for the Stx receptor globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), for receptivity to Stx binding in vitro, and for susceptibility to the enterotoxic effects of Stx in vivo. TLC was used to detect Gb3 in tissues from a newborn calf. Gb3 was detected by TLC in kidney and brain, but not in the gastrointestinal tract. Immunohistochemistry was used to define binding of Stx1 and Stx2 overlaid onto sections from cattle tissues. Stx1 and Stx2 bound to selected tubules in the cortex of the kidney of both newborn calves (n = 3) and adult cattle (n = 3). Stx did not bind to blood vessels in any of the six gastrointestinal and five extraintestinal organs examined. The lack of Gb3 and of Stx receptivity in the gastrointestinal tract raised questions about the toxicity of Stx in bovine intestine. We found that neither viable E. coli O157:H7 nor Stx-containing bacterial extracts were enterotoxic (caused fluid accumulation) in ligated ileal loops in newborn calves. The lack of vascular receptors for Stx provides insight into why cattle are tolerant reservoir hosts for E. coli O157:H7.


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The GNAS1 gene encodes the α subunit of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein Gs, which couples signaling through peptide hormone receptors to cAMP generation. GNAS1 mutations underlie the hormone resistance syndrome pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ia (PHP-Ia), so the maternal inheritance displayed by PHP-Ia has raised suspicions that GNAS1 is imprinted. Despite this suggestion, in most tissues Gsα is biallelically encoded. In contrast, the large G protein XLαs, also encoded by GNAS1, is paternally derived. Because the inheritance of PHP-Ia predicts the existence of maternally, rather than paternally, expressed transcripts, we have investigated the allelic origin of other mRNAs derived from GNAS1. We find this gene to be remarkable in the complexity of its allele-specific regulation. Two upstream promoters, each associated with a large coding exon, lie only 11 kb apart, yet show opposite patterns of allele-specific methylation and monoallelic transcription. The more 5′ of these exons encodes the neuroendocrine secretory protein NESP55, which is expressed exclusively from the maternal allele. The NESP55 exon is 11 kb 5′ to the paternally expressed XLαs exon. The transcripts from these two promoters both splice onto GNAS1 exon 2, yet share no coding sequences. Despite their structural unrelatedness, the encoded proteins, of opposite allelic origin, both have been implicated in regulated secretion in neuroendocrine tissues. Remarkably, maternally (NESP55), paternally (XLαs), and biallelically (Gsα) derived proteins all are produced by different patterns of promoter use and alternative splicing of GNAS1, a gene showing simultaneous imprinting in both the paternal and maternal directions.


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The long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a heritable disorder that predisposes to sudden cardiac death. LQTS is caused by mutations in ion channel genes including HERG and KCNE1, but the precise mechanisms remain unclear. To clarify this situation we injected adenoviral vectors expressing wild-type or LQT mutants of HERG and KCNE1 into guinea pig myocardium. End points at 48–72 h included electrophysiology in isolated myocytes and electrocardiography in vivo. HERG increased the rapid component, IKr, of the delayed rectifier current, thereby accelerating repolarization, increasing refractoriness, and diminishing beat-to-beat action potential variability. Conversely, HERG-G628S suppressed IKr without significantly delaying repolarization. Nevertheless, HERG-G628S abbreviated refractoriness and increased beat-to-beat variability, leading to early afterdepolarizations (EADs). KCNE1 increased the slow component of the delayed rectifier, IKs, without clear phenotypic sequelae. In contrast, KCNE1-D76N suppressed IKs and markedly slowed repolarization, leading to frequent EADs and electrocardiographic QT prolongation. Thus, the two genes predispose to sudden death by distinct mechanisms: the KCNE1 mutant flagrantly undermines cardiac repolarization, and HERG-G628S subtly facilitates the genesis and propagation of premature beats. Our ability to produce electrocardiographic long QT in vivo with a clinical KCNE1 mutation demonstrates the utility of somatic gene transfer in creating genotype-specific disease models.


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DAX-1 [dosage-sensitive sex reversal, adrenal hypoplasia congenita (AHC) critical region on the X chromosome, gene 1] is an orphan nuclear receptor that represses transcription by steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1), a factor that regulates expression of multiple steroidogenic enzymes and other genes involved in reproduction. Mutations in the human DAX1 gene (also known as AHC) cause the X-linked syndrome AHC, a disorder that is associated with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism also. Characterization of Dax1-deficient male mice revealed primary testicular defects that included Leydig cell hyperplasia (LCH) and progressive degeneration of the germinal epithelium, leading to infertility. In this study, we investigated the effect of Dax1 disruption on the expression profile of various steroidogenic enzyme genes in Leydig cells isolated from Dax1-deficient male mice. Expression of the aromatase (Cyp19) gene, which encodes the enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol, was increased significantly in the Leydig cells isolated from mutant mice, whereas the expression of other proteins (e.g., StAR and Cyp11a) was not altered. In in vitro transfection studies, DAX-1 repressed the SF-1-mediated transactivation of the Cyp19 promoter but did not inhibit the StAR or Cyp11a promoters. Elevated Cyp19 expression was accompanied by increased intratesticular levels of estradiol. Administration of tamoxifen, a selective estrogen-receptor modulator, restored fertility to the Dax1-deficient male mice and partially corrected LCH, suggesting that estrogen excess contributes to LCH and infertility. Based on these in vivo and in vitro analyses, aromatase seems to be a physiologic target of Dax-1 in Leydig cells, and increased Cyp19 expression may account, in part, for the infertility and LCH in Dax1-deficient mice.


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DNA polymerase η (Polη) functions in the error-free bypass of UV-induced DNA lesions, and a defect in Polη in humans causes the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Both yeast and human Polη replicate through a cis-syn thymine-thymine dimer (TT dimer) by inserting two As opposite the two Ts of the dimer. Polη, however, is a low-fidelity enzyme, and it misinserts nucleotides with a frequency of ≈ 10−2 to 10−3 opposite the two Ts of the TT dimer as well as opposite the undamaged template bases. This low fidelity of nucleotide insertion seems to conflict with the role of Polη in the error-free bypass of UV lesions. To resolve this issue, we have examined the ability of human and yeast Polη to extend from paired and mispaired primer termini opposite a TT dimer by using steady-state kinetic assays. We find that Polη extends from mispaired primer termini on damaged and undamaged DNAs with a frequency of ≈ 10−2 to 10−3 relative to paired primer termini. Thus, after the incorporation of an incorrect nucleotide, Polη would dissociate from the DNA rather than extend from the mispair. The resulting primer-terminal mispair then could be subject to proofreading by a 3′→5′ exonuclease. Replication through a TT dimer by Polη then would be more accurate than that predicted from the fidelity of nucleotide incorporation alone.


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Binding of the lipid A portion of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to leukocyte CD14 activates phagocytes and initiates the septic shock syndrome. Two lipid A analogs, lipid IVA and Rhodobacter sphaeroides lipid A (RSLA), have been described as LPS-receptor antagonists when tested with human phagocytes. In contrast, lipid IVA activated murine phagocytes, whereas RSLA was an LPS antagonist. Thus, these compounds displayed a species-specific pharmacology. To determine whether the species specificity of these LPS antagonists occurred as a result of interactions with CD14, the effects of lipid IVA and RSLA were examined by using human, mouse, and hamster cell lines transfected with murine or human CD14 cDNA expression vectors. These transfectants displayed sensitivities to lipid IVA and RSLA that reflected the sensitivities of macrophages of similar genotype (species) and were independent of the source of CD14 cDNA. For example, hamster macrophages and hamster fibroblasts transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA responded to lipid IVA and RSLA as LPS mimetics. Similarly, lipid IVA and RSLA acted as LPS antagonists in human phagocytes and human fibrosarcoma cells transfected with either mouse or human-derived CD14 cDNA. Therefore, the target of these LPS antagonists, which is encoded in the genomes of these cells, is distinct from CD14. Although the expression of CD14 is required for macrophage-like sensitivity to LPS, CD14 cannot discriminate between the lipid A moieties of these agents. We hypothesize that the target of the LPS antagonists is a lipid A recognition protein which functions as a signaling receptor that is triggered after interaction with CD14-bound LPS.


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Gene targeting allows precise, predetermined changes to be made in a chosen gene in the mouse genome. To date, targeting has been used most often for generation of animals completely lacking the product of a gene of interest. The resulting "knockout" mice have confirmed some hypotheses, have upset others, but have rarely been uninformative. Models of several human genetic diseases have been produced by targeting--including Gaucher disease, cystic fibrosis, and the fragile X syndrome. These diseases are primarily determined by defects in single genes, and their modes of inheritance are well understood. When the disease under study has a complex etiology with multiple genetic and environmental components, the generation of animal models becomes more difficult but no less valuable. The problems associated with dissecting out the individual genetic factors also increases substantially and the distinction between causation and correlation is often difficult. To prove causation in a complex system requires rigorous adherence to the principle that the experiments must allow detection of the effects of changing only a single variable at one time. Gene targeting experiments, when properly designed, can test the effects of a precise genetic change completely free from the effects of differences in any other genes (linked or unlinked to the test gene). They therefore allow proofs of causation.


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Analogs of the immunosuppressive cyclic undecapeptide cyclosporin A (CsA) with substitutions in positions 1, 4, 6, and/or 11 were rationally designed to possess substantially diminished or no immunosuppressive activity. When these compounds were assayed for their capacity to interfere with the replication of human immunodeficiency virus, some displayed a potent antiviral activity in newly infected cells. However, only CsA could interfere with virus replication in persistently infected cells. One CsA analog with antiviral activity costimulated the phytohemagglutinin-induced production of interleukin 2 by human lymphocytes. Human immunodeficiency virus particles from drug-exposed cells showed lower infectivity than virions from untreated cells. Thus, these nonimmunosuppressive analogs of CsA constitute a promising class of lead compounds to develop drugs for effective treatment of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.