929 resultados para Testosterone Propionate


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Absorption across the gastro-intestinal epithelium is via two pathways; the transcellular and paracellular pathway. Caco-2 cells, when cultured on polycarbonate filters, formed a confluent monolayer with many properties of differentiated intestinal epithelial cells, As a model of human gastro-intestinaJ tract epithelia they were used to elucidate and characterise the transepithelial transport of two protein kinase C inhibitors, N-(3-chlorophenyl)-4-[2-(3-hydroxypropylamino)-4-pyridyl]-2-pyrimidinamin (CHPP) and N-benzoyl-staurosporine (NBS), and the polypeptide, human calcitonin. Lanthanum ions are proposed as a paracellular pathway inhibitor and tested with D-mannitol permeability and transepithelial electrical resistance measurements. The effect La3+ has on the carrier-mediated transport of D-glucose and Sodium taurocholate as well as the vesicularly transcytosed horseradish peroxidase was also investigated. As expected, 2 mM apical La3+ increases transepithelial electrical resistance 1.S-fold and decreases mannitol permeability by 63.0 % ± 1.37 %. This inhibition was not repeated by other cations. Apical 2 mM La3+ was found to decrease carrier-mediated D-glucose and taurocholate permeability by only 8.7 % ± 1.6 %, 26.3 % ± 5.0 %. There was no inhibitory effect on testosterone or PEG 4000 permeability observed with La3+. However, for horseradish peroxidase and human calcitonin permeability was decreased by 98.7 % ± 11.7%, and 96.2 % ± 0.8 % respectively by 2 mM La3+. Indicating that human calcitonin could also be transported by vesicular transcytosis. The addition of 2 mM La3+ to the apical surface of Caco-2 monolayers produces a paracellular pathway inhibition. Therefore, La3+ could be a useful additional tool in delineating the transepithelial pathway of passive drug absorption.


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The effects of antioxidants and stabilizers on the oxidative degradation of polyolefins (low density polyethylene [LDPE] and polypropylene [PPJ have been studied after subjecting to prior high temperature processing treatments. The changes in the both chemical and physical properties of unstabilized polymers occurring during processing were found to be strongly dependent on the amount of oxygen present in the mixer. Subsequent thermal and photo-oxidation showed very similar characteristics and the chromophore primarily responsible for:both thermo and photooxidative degradation of unstabilized polymers was found to be hydroperoxide formed during processing. Removal of hydroperoxide by heat treatment in an inert atmosphere although increasing ketonic carbonyl concentration, markedly decreased the rate of photo-oxidation, introducing an induction period similar to that of an unprocessed sample. It was concluded that hydroperoxides are the most important initiators in normally processed polymers during the early stages of photo-oxidation. Antioxidants such as metal dithiocarbamates which act by destroying peroxides into non-radica1 products were found to be efficient melt stabilizers for polyolefins and effective UV stabilizers during the initial photo-oxidation stage, whilst a phenolic antioxidant, n-octadecyl-3-(3',5'-di-terbutyl 4'hydroxypheny1) propionate (Irganox 1076) retarded photo-oxidation rate in the later stages. A typical 'UV absorber' 2-hydroxy-4-octyloxy-benzophenone (HOBP) has a minor thermal antioxidant action but retarded photo-oxidation at all stages. A substituated piperidine derivative, Bis [] sebacate (Tinuvin 770) behaved as an pro-oxidant during thermal oxidation of polyolefins but was an effective stabilizer against UV light. The UV absorber, HOBP synergised effectively with both peroxide decomposing antioxidants (metal dithiocarbamates) and a chain-breaking antioxidant (Irganox 1076) during photo-oxidation of the poymers studed whereas the combined effect was additive during thermal oxidation. By contrast, the peroxide decornposers and chain-breaking antioxidant (Irganox 1076) which were effective synergists during thermal oxidation of LDPE· were antagonistic during photo-oxidation. The mechanisms of these processes are discussed.


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The question of which factors are central in determining whether a cell will undertake a new round of mitosis or will decycle has been examined in the isolated thymic lymphocyte model. Such cell populations possess both in vivo and in vitro a subpopulation of quiescent lymphoblasts which may be induced to reinitiate their mitotic programme. In the intact animal the major determinant of proliferative activity is the plasma ionised calcium concentration. However it has been established in culture that a variety of hormones, ions, cyclic nucleotides, plant lectins and ionophores may like calcium elicit a mitogenic response. These agents do not appear however to initiate DNA synthesis in an identical fashion. Rather there are two distinct intracellular mitogenic axes. The first axis includes a number of adenylate cyclase stimulants, cyclic AMP, phosphodiesterase inhibitors and magnesium ions. It was found that all these mitogens required extracellular magnesium ions to exhibit their stimulatory capacity. This dichotomy in mitogenic activity was further emphasised by the observation that these mitogens are all inhibited by testosterone, whilst the magnesium-independent mitogens were insensitive to this androgen. Indeed this second group of stimulatory factors required the presence of calcium ions in the extracellular milieu for activity, and were, in contrast to the magnesium-dependent mitogens inhibited by the presence of oestradiol in the culture. By examining the interrelationships between these various mitogens and inhibitors it has been possible to propose a mechanism to describe the activation process in the thymocyte. Studies of the metabolism of cyclic nucleotides, membrane potential and transmembrane ion fluxes indicate that there may be a complex relationship between membrane fluidity, ion balance and cyclic nucleotide levels which may individually or in concert promote the initiation of DNA synthesis. A number of possible mechanisms are discussed to account for these observations.


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Concanavalin A, a T cell mitogen enhanced DNA synthesis in murine splenocytes. Amongst the early signals prior to this event was an increase in cytosolic calcium derived from both intra- and extracellular sources. The requirements for extracellular calcium persisted for four hours after the lectin administration which itself was needed for six hours. Putative calcium channel antagonists and calmodulin inhibitors blocked ihe increase in DNA synthesis. The calcium signal was mimicked by application of the ionophore, A23187, although no increase in DNA synthesis occurred. An activator of protein kinase C, 12-0- tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate, had little effect in isolation but the combined application of these two agents greatly enhanced DNA synthesis. The natural mediators of these events are presumed to be inositol trisphosphate and diacylglycerol derived from phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate hydrolysis. Lectin application and protein kinase C activation both increased intracellular pH possibly as a result of Na'l'/H"'' exchange since amiloride an inhibitor of this antiporter inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis. The calcium and hydrogen ionic changes occur within minutes of lectin application; the protracted requirement for this mitogen suggests further signalling mechanisms occur to elicit maximum DNA synthesis in these cells. Gonadectomy caused an increase in thymic and splenic weight. Spleno-cytes derived from castrated mice showed no change in mitogen response whereas those from ovariectomised mice demonstrated a reduced lectin sensitivity. Testosterone, 5 a dihydrotestosterone, a and 0 oestradiol all inhibited lectin induced DNA synthesis but only at pharmacological concentrations. Testosterone glucuronide and cholesterol were without effect Studies with mouse serum fractions of differing steroidal status were unable to confirm the presence or absence of serum factors which might mediate the effects of steroid on lymphoid cells, all fractions tested inhibited lymphocyte transformation. Both interleukin-2 and lipopolysaccharide induced splenocyte mitogene-sis was also impaired by high steroid concentrations in vitro, suggesting that steroids mediate their effect by a non-specific, non-receptor-mediated event.


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The importance of endogenous rhythms in the photoperiodic control of the annual reproduction cycle in female rainbow trout was investigated. The effect of photoperiod regimes on the different stages of maturation was assessed by recording the timing of ovulation and from quantifying associated changes in serum oestradiol-17,testosterone and total calcium. Maintained under constant 6L:18D and constant temperature for up to four years, rainbow trout exhibited an endogenous rhythm of maturation with a periodicity of approximately one year. This rhythm of maturation appears to be driven by an autonomous circannual oscillator or clock which can be dissociated from the neuroendocrine mechanisms controlling gonadal maturation. Under conditions of constant 18L:6D or LL the periodicity of the maturation rhythm was 5.5-6 months; it is suggested that this periodicity may be caused by a splitting or uncoupling of at least two circannual clocks involved in the control of maturation. Abrupt changes in the length of the photoperiod act as a zeitgeber to entrain the endogenous rhythm of maturation. Whether the timing of maturation is advanced or delayed depends primarily on the direction of the change in photoperiod and its timing in relation to the phase of the rhythm, with the magnitude of the alteration in photoperiod having only a supplementary effect. The effect of specific changes in photoperiod on the entrainment of the maturation cycle can be described in terms of a phase-response curve. Photic information is transduced, probably by the pineal gland, into a daily rhythm of melatonin; exposure of rainbow trout to skeleton and resonance photoperiod regimes indicated that daylength measurement is effected by endogenous circadian clock(s) rather than by hour-glass mechanisms. A gating mechanism is closely associated with the circannual clock which determines the timing of onset of maturation in virgin female rainbow trout, only allowing fish that have attained a threshold stage of development to undergo gonadal maturation. Collectively the results support the hypothesis that the female rainbow trout exhibits an endogenous circannual rhythm of maturation which can be entrained by changes in photoperiod.


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Copper(II) complexes of hexadentate ethylenediaminetetracarboxylic acid type ligands Heda3p and Heddadp (Heda3p = ethylenediamine-N-acetic-N,N',N'-tri-3-propionic acid; H eddadp = ethylenediamine-N,N'-diacetic-N,N'-di-3- propionic acid) have been prepared. An octahedral trans(O) geometry (two propionate ligands coordinated in axial positions) has been established crystallographically for the Ba[Cu(eda3p)]·8HO compound, while Ba[Cu(eddadp)]·8HO is proposed to adopt a trans(O ) geometry (two axial acetates) on the basis of density functional theory calculations and comparisons of IR and UV-vis spectral data. Experimental and computed structural data correlating similar copper(II) chelate complexes have been used to better understand the isomerism and departure from regular octahedral geometry within the series. The in-plane O-Cu-N chelate angles show the smallest deviation from the ideal octahedral value of 90°, and hence the lowest strain, for the eddadp complex with two equatorial ß-propionate rings. A linear dependence between tetragonality and the number of five-membered rings has been established. A natural bonding orbital analysis of the series of complexes is also presented.


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A significant number of poly a-ester homologues of poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) have been synthesized and used in miscibility studies together with conventional isomeric diacid-diol polyester variants, poly ß-esters (based on ß-hydroxybutyrate (HB) and ß-hydroxyvalerate (HV)), poly e-caprolactone (PCL), poly e-caprolactone copolymers (e.g. poly(L-lactide-co-caprolactone), and a series of cellulose-based polymers (e.g. cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB), cellulose acetate propionate (CAP)). A combinatorial approach to rapid miscibility screening using 96-well plates and a uv-visible multi-wavelength plate reader has been developed enabling the clarity of PLLA-based multi-component blend films to be observed. Using these techniques and materials, the ternary phase compatibility diagrams of a range of three-component blend films was prepared, illustrating ranges of behavior varying from miscible blends giving rise to clear films to immiscible blends which are opaque. In this way, novel three-component blends of PLLA/CAB/PCL were developed which are miscible when the CAB content is more than 30%, PLLA less than 80% and PCL less than 60%.


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Microporous polycaprolactone (PCL) matrices loaded with hydrophobic steroidal drugs or a hydrophilic drug - pilocarpine hydrochloride - were produced by precipitation casting using solutions of PCL in acetone. The efficiency of steroid incorporation in the final matrix (progesterone (56 %) testosterone (46 %) dexamethasone (80 %)) depended on the nature of the drug initially co-dissolved in the PCL solution. Approximately 90 % w/w of the initial load of progesterone, 85 % testosterone and 50 % dexamethasone was released from the matrices in PBS at 37°C over 8 days. Pilocarpine hydrochloride (PH)-loaded PCL matrices, prepared by dispersion of powder in PCL solution, released 70-90 % of the PH content over 12 days in PBS. Application of the Higuchi model revealed that the kinetics of steroid and PH release were consistent with a Fickian diffusion mechanism with corresponding diffusion coefficients of 5.8 × 10-9 (progesterone), 3.9 × 10 -9 (testosterone), 7.1 × 10-10 (dexamethasone) and 22 × 10-8 cm2/s (pilocarpine hydrochloride). The formulation techniques described are expected to be useful for production of implantable, insertable and topical devices for sustained delivery of a range of bioactive molecules of interest in drug delivery and tissue engineering.


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Communication signals are shaped by the opposing selection pressures imposed by predators and mates. A dynamic signal might serve as an adaptive compromise between an inconspicuous signal that evades predators and an extravagant signal preferred by females. Such a signal has been described in the gymnotiform electric fish, Brachyhypopomus gauderio, which produces a sexually dimorphic electric organ discharge (EOD). The EOD varies on a circadian rhythm and in response to social cues. This signal plasticity is mediated by the slow action of androgens and rapid action of melanocortins. My dissertation research tested the hypotheses that (1) signal plasticity is related to sociality levels in gymnotiform species, and (2) differences in signal plasticity are regulated by differential sensitivity to androgen and melanocortin hormones. To assess the breadth of dynamic signaling within the order Gymnotiformes, I sampled 13 species from the five gymnotiform families. I recorded EODs to observe spontaneous signal oscillations after which I injected melanocortin hormones, saline control, or presented the fish with a conspecific. I showed that through the co-option of the ancient melanocortin pathway, gymnotiforms dynamically regulate EOD amplitude, spectral frequency, both, or neither. To investigate whether observed EOD plasticities are related to species-specific sociality I tested four species; two territorial, highly aggressive species, Gymnotus carapo and Apteronotus leptorhynchus, a highly gregarious species, Eigenmannia cf. virescens , and an intermediate short-lived species with a fluid social system, Brachyhypopomus gauderio. I examined the relationship between the androgens testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone, the melanocortin α-MSH, and their roles in regulating EOD waveform. I implanted all fish with androgen and blank silicone implants, and injected with α-MSH before and at the peak of implant effect. I found that waveforms of the most territorial and aggressive species were insensitive to hormone treatments; maintaining a static, stereotyped signal that preserves encoding of individual identity. Species with a fluid social system were most responsive to hormone treatments, exhibiting signals that reflect immediate condition and reproductive state. In conclusion, variation in gymnotiform signal plasticity is hormonally regulated and seems to reflect species-specific sociality.


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Neuroglobin (Ngb) and cytoglobin (Cygb) are two new additions to the globin family, exhibiting heme iron hexa-coordination, a disulfide bond and large internal cavities. These proteins are implicated in cytoprotection under hypoxic-ischemic conditions, but the molecular basis of their cytoprotective function is unclear. Herein, a photothermal and spectroscopic study of the interactions of diatomic ligands with Ngb, Cygb, myoglobin and hemoglobin is presented. The impact of the disulfide bond in Ngb and Cygb and role of conserved residues in Ngb His64, Val68, Cys55, Cys120 and Tyr44 on conformational dynamics associated with ligand binding/dissociation were investigated. Transient absorption and photoacoustic calorimetry studies indicate that CO photo-dissociation from Ngb leads to a volume expansion (13.4±0.9 mL mol-1), whereas a smaller volume change was determined for Ngb with reduced Cys (ΔV=4.6±0.3 mL mol-1). Furthermore, Val68 side chain regulates ligand migration between the distal pocket and internal hydrophobic cavities since Val68Phe geminate quantum yield is ∼2.7 times larger than that of WT Ngb. His64Gln and Tyr44Phe mutations alter the thermodynamic parameters associated with CO photo-release indicating that electrostatic/hydrogen binding network that includes heme propionate groups, Lys 67, His64, and Tyr 44 in Ngb modulates the energetics of CO photo-dissociation. In Cygb, CO escape from the protein matrix is fast (< 40 ns) with a ΔH of 18±2 kcal mol-1 in Cygbred, whereas disulfide bridge formation promotes a biphasic ligand escape associated with an overall enthalpy change of 9±4 kcal mol-1. Therefore, the disulfide bond modulates conformational dynamics in Ngb and Cygb. I propose that in Cygb with reduced Cys the photo-dissociated ligand escapes through the hydrophobic tunnel as occurs in Ngb, whereas the CO preferentially migrates through the His64 gate in Cygbox. To characterize Cygb surface 1,8-ANS interactions with Cygb were investigated employing fluorescence spectroscopy, ITC and docking simulations. Two 1,8-ANS binding sites were identified. One binding site is located close to the extended N-terminus of Cygb and was also identified as a binding site for oleate. Furthermore, guanidinium hydrochloride-induced unfolding studies of Cygb reveal that the disulfide bond does not impact Cygb stability, whereas binding of cyanide slightly increases the protein stability.


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The impact of alkyl chain length on the esterification of C2–C16 organic acids with C1–C4 alcohols has been systematically investigated over bulk and SBA-15 supported sulfated zirconias (SZs). Rates of catalytic esterification for methanol with acetic acid are directly proportional to the sulfur content for both SZ and SZ/SBA-15, with the high dispersion of SZ achievable in conformal coatings over mesoporous SBA-15 confering significant rate-enhancements. Esterification over the most active 0.24 mmol gcat−1 bulk SZ and 0.29 mmol gcat−1 SZ/SBA-15 materials was inversely proportional to the alkyl chain length of alcohol and acid reactants; being most sensitive to changes from methanol to ethanol and acetic to hexanoic acids respectively. Kinetic analyses reveal that these alkyl chain dependencies are in excellent accord with the Taft relationship for polar and steric effects in aliphatic systems and the enthalpy of alcohol adsorption, implicating a Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism. The first continuous production of methyl propionate over a SZ fixed-bed is also demonstrated.


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For the first time, short-chain organic acids are described in interstitial waters from sediments and lithified materials in a backarc setting. Organic acids in interstitial waters from the Tonga forearc region were also analyzed and compared with previous organic acid analyses from the Mariana and Bonin forearc interstitial waters. In the Tonga backarc setting, propionate typically dominates the organic acid assemblage, and organic acids are a consistent feature of these interstitial waters. The persistent presence of ammonia and the dominance of propionate over formate in the backarc interstitial waters suggest that the organic acids in this setting have their origin in reductive deamination of amino acids derived from sedimentary proteinaceous material. The organic acid assemblage revealed in the samples from Hole 841B in the Tonga forearc are similar to the organic acid assemblage detected in the Mariana forearc, that is, formate dominates the assemblage over acetate or propionate. These forearc organic acid assemblages may both have formed by a similar mechanism.


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For the first time, short-chain organic acids are described from serpentine-associated interstitial waters. In this geologic setting, formate typically dominates the organic acid assemblage. Within the forearc setting, the organic acids are associated only with unconsolidated serpentine. Their existence may be the result of alkaline hydrolysis of ester linkages in organic matter that has been entrained in the serpentine diapir.


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Research has consistently found sex differences in mental rotation. Twin research has suggested that females with male co-twins perform better than females with female co-twins on mental rotation. Because twins share both pre-natal and post-natal environments, it is not possible to test whether this advantage is due to in-uterine transmission of testosterone from males to females or due to socialisation processes. The present study explored whether the advantage of females with brothers can be observed in non-twin siblings. Participants (N = 1799) were assessed on mental rotation. The observed group differences were overall small: males performed significantly better than females; females with sisters performed similarly to females with brothers; importantly, males with brothers performed significantly better than both female groups. The results suggest that sex differences in mental rotation are driven by the group of males with brothers.