967 resultados para Teenage sexuality


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This study was designed to examine the relationship between dyadic adjustment and intimacy, and to determine how this varies for different types of relationships between males and females, and for relationships of different duration. Eighty-seven heterosexual couples (10 dating, 21 living together, 56 married) participated in the study. The results demonstrated that there was a strong interrelationship between intimacy and dyadic adjustment for both males and females. Those in relationships of longer duration and married couples experienced higher levels of intimacy and relationship satisfaction than other couples. There was a general trend for married couples and those who were living together to have a higher level of agreement on their levels of intimacy and relationship adjustment than couples who were dating. The implication of these findings for obtaining a better understanding of the lifecycle of relationships is discussed.


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This review of the adult rape experience draws from theoretical conceptualizations in both psychology and victimology. It is an integrative discussion of Lerner's [Lerner, M.J. (1980). The Belief In A Just World. New York: Plenum] victimological theory of the “just world” and Gagnon and Simon's [Gagnon, J.H., & Simon, W. (1973). Sexual Conduct: The Sources of Human Sexuality. Chicago: Aldine] conceptualization of cognitive sex scripting. The “just world” is one in which an individual gets what he/she deserves. People will construe events and interpret the character of people to maintain this ideology. As theorized by Perloff [Perloff, L.S. (1983). Perceptions of vulnerability to victimisation. J Soc Issues 39, 41–61], this promotes a feeling of “unique invulnerability” in the absence of victimization. However, should victimization, such as rape, occur, this ideology can implicate detrimental effects of adjustment. This includes the “secondary victimization” from others, as theorized by Williams [Williams, J.E. (1984). Secondary victimisation: confronting public attitudes about rape. Victimol Int J 9, 66–81]. These victimological perspectives are cognitive scripts. They develop over time from exposure to family dynamics, sociocultural tenets describing gender roles and sexual conduct, and from an individual's parameters and dimensions of sexual individuality and disposition. How these victimological scripts may impact on the adjustment of adult raped men and women is discussed.


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The current study investigated the impact of physical disability on sexual feelings, sexual experiences, and sexual esteem. Thirty-five respondents (18 males and 17 females), with physical disabilities between 19 to 60 years (SD = 10, mean = 38) participated in focus groups where they discussed how their physical disability impacted on their sexuality. They also responded to a series of questions that were designed to examine disability-specific issues in sexual esteem using a four-point Likert-type scale. The data demonstrated that the participants struggled with many social and sexual barriers that were associated with having a physical impairment. This appeared to lead to increased feelings of negativity in many participants, including a belief that they were less sexually desirable than an able-bodied person and that having a disability seriously limited their sexual expression. The implications of these findings for practitioners and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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Family life is changing worldwide and an increasing number of women are choosing single parenthood. Adolescents who become pregnant and early childbearers do not always become pregnant unintentionally; some actively plan pregnancy while others are ambivalent mainly about the timing. This paper reports on a study using an ethnographic approach that explored the mothering experiences of five sole-supporting Australian teenage mothers who had a child over six months of age. It focuses on the story of one of them, a young woman who gave birth at 16 and set up home for herself and her son. Early childbearing is often a response to adverse social conditions such as poverty or homelessness and is not uncommonly chosen by teenage girls from socially deprived backgrounds. Educational and employment opportunities may be limited, whilst motherhood may provide a purpose in life when few other options are possible. Young women who make this choice need comprehensive services to support them in the parenting role, including appropriate health care, welfare and housing benefits, and support in dealing with parenting, a role which they may greatly desire but are not automatically well prepared for.


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The sociocultural theory of body image disturbance states that Western women experience pressure from sources such as parents, peers, and the media to maintain thinness. Social comparison theory emphasises the role of comparing one's appearance to others. Body image disturbance; awareness and Internalization of sociocultural messages regarding thinness; and sibling social comparisons were examined in 41 closest-in-age sisters through self-report questionnaires. Sisters showed similar levels of body image disturbance and sociocultural awareness and internalization. Sibling comparisons were negative for younger sisters but neutral or positive for older sisters. Sociocultural internalization predicted body dissatisfaction in both sisters, and body size distortion in younger sisters. Negative sibling comparisons during teenage years predicted body size distortion and body dissatisfaction in younger sisters, and preference for thinness in older sisters.


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The Physical Disability Sexual and Body Esteem (PDSBE) scale was developed to assess respondents' capacity to feel positive about their sexuality and their body while living with a physical impairment. The current paper presents four studies that were conducted to develop and assess the psychometric properties of the 10 item PDSBE scale. The first study was an exploratory factor analysis involving 348 participants with physical disabilities. The factors were: Sexual Esteem, Attractiveness to Others, and Body Esteem. The second study was a confirmatory factor analysis, with a total of 338 participants. This analysis confirmed the factor structure established in study 1. The third study revealed good test-retest reliability on a total of 47 participants with physical disabilities. The final study was conducted with 748 participants with physical disabilities and showed that the PDSBE had high reliability and good convergent and divergent validity. Mean scores showed that women scored significantly higher than men on the total PDSBE scale and on the Sexual Esteem and Attractiveness to Others subscales. Future applications for the PDSBE scale are discussed.


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The current study investigated the association between sexuality and psychological well-being in people with physical disabilities. A total of 1,196 participants completed the study. There were 748 participants who had a physical disability and 448 participants who were able-bodied. The results demonstrated that sexual esteem, body esteem, and sexual satisfaction were strong predictors of self-esteem and depression among people with physical disability, and that this relationship was stronger among people with physical disability than able-bodied participants. It was also found that body esteem was more closely associated with self-esteem in disabled women, while sexual esteem was more closely associated with self-esteem in disabled men. The results of the study suggest that researchers and clinicians who are concerned with the psychological health of people with physical disability should consider strategies to improve the body esteem and sexual well-being of people with physical disabilities.


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This paper presents the findings of a pilot study carried out in one regional center in Queensland, Australia. The study aimed to develop a snapshot image of teenage mothers. Of the thirty mothers who participated; just over half (16/30; 53%) reported using contraceptives, less than a third (8/30; 27%) used condoms to protect themselves from STDs and the majority (23/30; 77%) said their pregnancy was unplanned. Despite this, 16 (53%) attended prenatal classes, 16 (53%) breast-fed their infants and 27 (90%) were satisfied with motherhood. On average the fathers were almost four years older than the mother were (range 17 to 29 years), most fathers (23/30; 77%) were not teenagers themselves and only 11 (37%) were resident fathers following the birth of the baby. Exploratory analysis suggests that the fathers were significantly older than the teenage mothers were (t=−6.73, df 29, p=0.0001). Although these preliminary results are similar to those reported in the American literature further research is needed to confirm if the findings presented are representative of teenage mothers in Australia. While we await the results of future studies, practitioners are encouraged to continue to educate young women about appropriate and safer sexual practices.


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Young people may become disengaged from schooling in the middle years for a multitude of reasons. We consider the story of one young woman from the state of New South Wales, in Australia, who left school early, and consider some of the factors that contributed to her decision to remove herself from compulsory education. This young woman encountered injurious speech relating to her race, gender, sexuality, size and ability. In undertaking this analysis, we draw on Foucaultian theorizing of the subject and on the related Butlerian notion of performativity. Performative acts that occur within and around schools have the power to injure, to alienate and to potentially exclude students from access to schooling. This article details how performative acts may operate as mechanisms of exclusion, obfuscating the social conventions and institutional structures that invest them with power. Our analysis of how performative acts function in school settings concludes with some suggestions of how teachers and students might think differently about the production of their own and others' existence.


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Relationship and sexual satisfaction among people with multiple sclerosis (MS) has received little research attention. This article reports on a longitudinal investigation of the impact of coping style and illness-related variables among people with MS and the general population on sexual and relationship functioning. Both men (n = 120) and women (n= 201) with MS and men (n = 79) and women (n = 160) from the general population participated in the study at two points in time, 6 months apart. People with MS experienced lower levels of sexual activity, sexual satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction and higher levels of sexual dysfunction. Generally speaking, the time 1 levels of the health and coping variables explained little of the variance in the time 2 sexual and relationship variables. However, sexual activity at time 1 contributed significant unique variance to relationship satisfaction at time 2 for MS men, and coping strategies at time I contributed to relationship satisfaction among general population women at time 2. Furthermore, for those respondents who had been diagnosed with MS for less than 7 years, levels of sexual activity at time 2 were predicted by levels of sexual and relationship satisfaction, as well as levels of sexual activity at time 1. These results suggest that strategies used to cope with illness may not play a major role in sexual and relationship satisfaction. However, an examination of these strategies over a longer time frame is needed.


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This study investigated the association between the severity and duration of physical disability and sexual esteem, sexual depression, sexual satisfaction, and the frequency of sexual behavior. A total of 1,196 participants completed the study. There were 748 participants (367 males, 381 females) who had a physical disability and 448 participants (171 males, 277 females) who were able-bodied. The age range of participants was 18–69 years, with a mean age of 36.39 years (SD = 10.41). The results demonstrated that people with more severe physical impairments experienced significantly lower levels of sexual esteem and sexual satisfaction and significantly higher levels of sexual depression than people who had mild impairments or who did not report having a physical impairment. The study also found that people with more severe physical disabilities engaged in mutual sexual activity significantly less frequently. Women with physical disabilities had significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality and significantly more frequent mutual sexual experiences than their male counterparts. For people with physical disabilities, the frequency of oral sex and nude cuddling were significant predictors of sexual satisfaction in men, while the frequency of deep kissing predicted sexual satisfaction in women. Furthermore, the viewing of erotica was significantly related to sexual dissatisfaction in men. Finally, it was found that people who had experienced their physical impairment for a longer period of time reported significantly more positive feelings about their sexuality. Implications of these findings are discussed and suggestions are made for future research.


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A better understanding of motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders against children would improve treatment programmes designed to modify sexual offending behaviour. However, investigation of this issue is limited by lack of theoretically and empirically sound measures of motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders. This paper reports on two studies that were conducted to investigate the psychometric properties (validity, reliability, and social desirability) of the Stages of Change Questionnaire, adapted to measure motivation for behaviour change among sex offenders against children. In Study 1, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed for sex offenders against children (n=36) who were on a treatment waiting list. In Study 2, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were assessed for sex offenders against children (n=47) at pre-treatment, mid-treatment, and post-treatment. Both studies supported the validity and reliability of the adapted Stages of Change Questionnaire, and the influence of social desirability upon responding was less than expected. The results of this investigation supported the potential utility of the Stages of Change Questionnaire as a measure of motivation for behaviour change for sex offenders against children.


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Recent research has indicated that the stigma surrounding sexually transmitted infections (STIs) creates a psychological and emotional burden for individuals with these conditions. It would be expected that the stigma of having a STI would also alter the dynamics of an intimate relationship. This paper reviews the literature on the impact of STIs on intimate relationships, and considers the relevance of this research to both clinicians and researchers. In particular, the types of relationships in which the presence of a STI may have a varying degree of impact are examined. Since disclosure of a STI would also be expected to impact on a relationship, an overview of the factors involved in the disclosure of a STI to a partner is also considered. Finally, the implications of this research for both clinicians and researchers are discussed.