927 resultados para TUBE RECONSTRUCTION


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Previous studies have either exclusively used annual tree-ring data or have combined tree-ring series with other, lower temporal resolution proxy series. Both approaches can lead to significant uncertainties, as tree-rings may underestimate the amplitude of past temperature variations, and the validity of non-annual records cannot be clearly assessed. In this study, we assembled 45 published Northern Hemisphere (NH) temperature proxy records covering the past millennium, each of which satisfied 3 essential criteria: the series must be of annual resolution, span at least a thousand years, and represent an explicit temperature signal. Suitable climate archives included ice cores, varved lake sediments, tree-rings and speleothems. We reconstructed the average annual land temperature series for the NH over the last millennium by applying 3 different reconstruction techniques: (1) principal components (PC) plus second-order autoregressive model (AR2), (2) composite plus scale (CPS) and (3) regularized errors-in-variables approach (EIV). Our reconstruction is in excellent agreement with 6 climate model simulations (including the first 5 models derived from the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) and an earth system model of intermediate complexity (LOVECLIM), showing similar temperatures at multi-decadal timescales; however, all simulations appear to underestimate the temperature during the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). A comparison with other NH reconstructions shows that our results are consistent with earlier studies. These results indicate that well-validated annual proxy series should be used to minimize proxy-based artifacts, and that these proxy series contain sufficient information to reconstruct the low-frequency climate variability over the past millennium.


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Neural tube defects (NTDs) are malformations of the developing brain and spinal cord; the most common are anencephaly and spina bifida. Evidence from many populations suggests that 50% of NTDs can be prevented through daily consumption of folic acid. A recent study has reported that folic acid may not protect populations of Mexican descent. This finding has serious implications for women living along the US-Mexico border. Not only is risk high in these Mexican American women compared with other US women; they also differ markedly in supplemental folic acid and dietary folate consumption, and in NTD-related risks (e.g., obesity, diabetes). This case-control study investigated whether folic acid supplements and dietary folate reduces NTDs in Mexican Americans. Cases included liveborn, stillborn, electively and spontaneously aborted NTD-affected fetuses and infants occurring in the 14-county Texas-Mexico border. Controls were randomly selected from unaffected live births, frequency matched to cases by hospital and year. An in-person interview of 110 case and 113 control mothers solicited data on folic acid supplements, dietary folate, and other covariates. Consumption of folic acid-containing vitamins before conception was only 5% for both case and control women. Taking vitamins the trimester before conception had no apparent effect, after adjusting for covariates [odds ratio (OR) = 1.0, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.3–3.4]. Combining folate from vitamins and diet showed a 20% risk reduction for women consuming at least 400 μg of folate daily [OR = 0.8, 95% CI = 0.5–1.5]; however, this estimate is statistically indistinguishable from the null. Although consistent with an inherent ineffectiveness of supplemental folic acid, that so few women consumed multivitamins during the critical time severely limited the assessment of folic acid in this population. A reduced folate response in Mexican descent women may be due to a genetic heterogeneity for metabolizing folate. Alternatively, folate intakes may be insufficient to overcome other underlying risk factors. In conclusion, determining whether folic acid reduces NTD risk in Mexican American women requires further study in populations with higher folic acid exposures. Meanwhile, we should pursue all recommended prevention strategies to reduce risk, including motivating Mexican American women of childbearing age to take folic acid routinely. ^


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Resting endothelial cells express the small proteoglycan biglycan, whereas sprouting endothelial cells also synthesize decorin, a related proteoglycan. Here we show that decorin is expressed in endothelial cells in human granulomatous tissue. For in vitro investigations, the human endothelium-derived cell line, EA.hy 926, was cultured for 6 or more days in the presence of 1% fetal calf serum on top of or within floating collagen lattices which were also populated by a small number of rat fibroblasts. Endothelial cells aligned in cord-like structures and developed cavities that were surrounded by human decorin. About 14% and 20% of endothelial cells became apoptotic after 6 and 12 days of co-culture, respectively. In the absence of fibroblasts, however, the extent of apoptosis was about 60% after 12 days, and cord-like structures were not formed nor could decorin production be induced. This was also the case when lattices populated by EA.hy 926 cells were maintained under one of the following conditions: 1) 10% fetal calf serum; 2) fibroblast-conditioned media; 3) exogenous decorin; or 4) treatment with individual growth factors known to be involved in angiogenesis. The mechanism(s) by which fibroblasts induce an angiogenic phenotype in EA.hy 926 cells is (are) not known, but a causal relationship between decorin expression and endothelial cell phenotype was suggested by transducing human decorin cDNA into EA.hy 926 cells using a replication-deficient adenovirus. When the transduced cells were cultured in collagen lattices, there was no requirement of fibroblasts for the formation of capillary-like structures and apoptosis was reduced. Thus, decorin expression seems to be of special importance for the survival of EA.hy 926 cells as well as for cord and tube formation in this angiogenesis model.


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PURPOSE To determine the image quality of an iterative reconstruction (IR) technique in low-dose MDCT (LDCT) of the chest of immunocompromised patients in an intraindividual comparison to filtered back projection (FBP) and to evaluate the dose reduction capability. MATERIALS AND METHODS 30 chest LDCT scans were performed in immunocompromised patients (Brilliance iCT; 20-40 mAs; mean CTDIvol: 1.7 mGy). The raw data were reconstructed using FBP and the IR technique (iDose4™, Philips, Best, The Netherlands) set to seven iteration levels. 30 routine-dose MDCT (RDCT) reconstructed with FBP served as controls (mean exposure: 116 mAs; mean CDTIvol: 7.6 mGy). Three blinded radiologists scored subjective image quality and lesion conspicuity. Quantitative parameters including CT attenuation and objective image noise (OIN) were determined. RESULTS In LDCT high iDose4™ levels lead to a significant decrease in OIN (FBP vs. iDose7: subscapular muscle 139.4 vs. 40.6 HU). The high iDose4™ levels provided significant improvements in image quality and artifact and noise reduction compared to LDCT FBP images. The conspicuity of subtle lesions was limited in LDCT FBP images. It significantly improved with high iDose4™ levels (> iDose4). LDCT with iDose4™ level 6 was determined to be of equivalent image quality as RDCT with FBP. CONCLUSION iDose4™ substantially improves image quality and lesion conspicuity and reduces noise in low-dose chest CT. Compared to RDCT, high iDose4™ levels provide equivalent image quality in LDCT, hence suggesting a potential dose reduction of almost 80%.


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A reconstruction methodology utilizing such varied documents as diaries, agricultural journals, U.S. Weather Bureau killing frost records and instrumental records is discussed. A resultant 248-year frost record for eastern Massachusetts exhibits marked variations in the length of the growing season, that occur on a time scale of approximately 70 years. There is an apparent systematic long-term relationship between the timing of spring and fall killing frosts and the last 100 years of record reveals a decline in year-to-year variability.


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Ships’ protests have been used for centuries as legal documents to record and detail damages and indemnify Captains from fault. We use them in this article, along with data extracted through forensic synoptic analysis (McNally, 1994, 2004) to identify a tropical or subtropical system in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1785. They are shown to be viable sources of meteorological information. By comparing a damaging storm in New England in 1996, which included an offshore tropical system, with one reconstructed in 1785, we demonstrate that the tropical system identified in a ship’s protest played a significant role in the 1785 storm. With both forensic reconstruction and anecdotal evidence, we are able to assess that these storms are remarkably identical. The recurrence rate calculated in previous studies of the 1996 storm is 400–500 years. We suggest that reconstruction of additional years in the 1700s would provide the basis for a reanalysis of recurrence rates, with implications for future insurance and reinsurance rates. The application of the methodology to this new data source can also be used for extension of the hurricane database in the North Atlantic basin, and elsewhere, much further back into history than is currently available.


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This study presents the first consolidation of palaeoclimate proxy records from multiple archives to develop statistical rainfall reconstructions for southern Africa covering the last two centuries. State-of-the-art ensemble reconstructions reveal multi-decadal rainfall variability in the summer and winter rainfall zones. A decrease in precipitation amount over time is identified in the summer rainfall zone. No significant change in precipitation amount occurred in the winter rainfall zone, but rainfall variability has increased over time. Generally synchronous rainfall fluctuations between the two zones are identified on decadal scales, with common wet (dry) periods reconstructed around 1890 (1930). A strong relationship between seasonal rainfall and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the surrounding oceans is confirmed. Coherence among decadal-scale fluctuations of southern African rainfall, regional SST, SSTs in the Pacific Ocean and rainfall in south-eastern Australia suggest SST-rainfall teleconnections across the southern hemisphere. Temporal breakdowns of the SST-rainfall relationship in the southern African regions and the connection between the two rainfall zones are observed, for example during the 1950s. Our results confirm the complex interplay between large-scale teleconnections, regional SSTs and local effects in modulating multi-decadal southern African rainfall variability over long timescales.


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During the last glacial cycle, Greenland temperature showed many rapid temperature variations, the so-called Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) events. The past atmospheric methane concentration closely followed these temperature variations, which implies that the warmings recorded in Greenland were probably hemispheric in extent. Here we substantially extend and complete the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) methane record from the Preboreal Holocene (PB) back to the end of the last interglacial period with a mean time resolution of 54 yr. We relate the amplitudes of the methane increases associated with DO events to the amplitudes of the local Greenland NGRIP temperature increases derived from stable nitrogen isotope (δ15N) measurements, which have been performed along the same ice core (Kindler et al., 2014). We find the ratio to oscillate between 5 parts per billion (ppb) per °C and 18 ppb °C−1 with the approximate frequency of the precessional cycle. A remarkably high ratio of 25.5 ppb °C−1 is reached during the transition from the Younger Dryas (YD) to the PB. Analysis of the timing of the fast methane and temperature increases reveals significant lags of the methane increases relative to NGRIP temperature for DO events 5, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 19, and 20. These events generally have small methane increase rates and we hypothesize that the lag is caused by pronounced northward displacement of the source regions from stadial to interstadial. We further show that the relative interpolar concentration difference (rIPD) of methane is about 4.5% for the stadials between DO events 18 and 20, which is in the same order as in the stadials before and after DO event 2 around the Last Glacial Maximum. The rIPD of methane remains relatively stable throughout the full last glacial, with a tendency for elevated values during interstadial compared to stadial periods.


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In order to reconstruct the temperature of the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NGRIP) site, new measurements of δ15N have been performed covering the time period from the beginning of the Holocene to Dansgaard–Oeschger (DO) event 8. Together with previously measured and mostly published δ15N data, we present for the first time a NGRIP temperature reconstruction for the whole last glacial period from 10 to 120 kyr b2k (thousand years before 2000 AD) including every DO event based on δ15N isotope measurements combined with a firn densification and heat diffusion model. The detected temperature rises at the onset of DO events range from 5 °C (DO 25) up to 16.5 °C (DO 11) with an uncertainty of ±3 °C. To bring measured and modelled data into agreement, we had to reduce the accumulation rate given by the NGRIP ss09sea06bm timescale in some periods by 30 to 35%, especially during the last glacial maximum. A comparison between reconstructed temperature and δ18Oice data confirms that the isotopic composition of the stadial was strongly influenced by seasonality. We evidence an anticorrelation between the variations of the δ18Oice sensitivity to temperature (referred to as α) and obliquity in agreement with a simple Rayleigh distillation model. Finally, we suggest that α might be influenced by the Northern Hemisphere ice sheet volume.