929 resultados para TOURIST
La renovación integral del espacio público y privado de las áreas turísticas maduras se plantea como el elemento de articulación de la política turística. Sin embargo, la experiencia acumulada plantea la necesidad de generar escenarios de buena gobernanza del territorio, en detrimento de la implementación de una estrategia de intervención pública por la vía impositiva de la norma. Para ello, la política pública de las Islas Canarias (España) ha incorporado un singular y novedoso instrumento de ordenación territorial: los “Planes de Modernización, Mejora e Incremento de la Competitividad”. Se trata de planes ad hoc que, con un carácter excepcional, pretenden convertirse en los mecanismos que, vía convenio urbanístico, deben dar cobertura, viabilizar y agilizar la ejecución eficiente de los proyectos de renovación física de los alojamientos turísticos. Sin embargo, la implementación de estos planes no está exenta de complicaciones, las cuales están reduciendo su eficiencia. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las debilidades y potencialidades de estos instrumentos, susceptibles de ser aplicados a ámbitos turísticos similares.
A Ribeira Sacra es un destino turístico que engloba municipios de las dos provincias interiores de Galicia. En este entorno espacial se desarrolla una investigación para describir el perfil de los visitantes e identificar diferentes segmentos de consumidores basados en sus motivaciones turísticas, describiéndose variables que definan a cada grupo. La heterogeneidad detectada en los motivos que argumentan los visitantes pone de relieve que la oferta turística y las estrategias de comunicación deben orientarse hacia aquellos segmentos de consumidores que más valoren los atractivos que constituyen ventajas diferenciales de la zona: fundamentalmente los aspectos naturales y patrimoniales en el territorio analizado. Las conclusiones pretenden contribuir a mejorar la estrategia de comercialización y promoción de este destino turístico para cada uno de los segmentos detectados.
En este artículo se analiza la importancia de los mercados de abastos como espacios turísticos en el planteamiento promocional de la ciudad y sus consecuencias sobre ésta. Los casos de Barcelona y Madrid nos sirven para ilustrar esta realidad. Concretamente, los mercados de La Boquería, Santa Caterina, Barceloneta, La Princesa y Sant Antoni (para Barcelona); San Miguel, San Antón, La Cebada, Barceló, San Fernando, Antón Martín y Los Mostenses (en Madrid). Y en éstos, lo que presenciamos es que los mercados de abastos presentan diversas fisonomías en función del grado de turistificación que puede constatarse en ellos. Así pues, nos planteamos establecer una tipología de mercados, a partir de diferentes variables que determinan la actual evolución de estos espacios desde ser equipamientos y servicios públicos a ser equipamientos propiamente de comercio y consumo, y las consecuencias que reportan para la ciudad cada uno de ellos.
O presente trabalho analisa a importância da imagem do destino turístico na Praia de Barra Grande, localizada em Cajueiro da Praia/PI-Brasil. De acordo com o que se analisou na percepção dos turistas, foi possível observar como é entendida essa imagem formada pelos turistas, os resultados e os fatores correspondentes que contribuíram para essa formação da imagem. Este tema, que serve de ferramenta de diferenciação e promoção do turismo, além de intervir no processo de seleção, é fundamental para a instigação do consumidor a visitar o destino. Desse modo, como o produto turístico é intangível, fica comprovado, por meios de descrições e imagens, o quão importante é a criação da imagem (imaginária), e o que se fazer mediante ao uso de estratégias de marketing para se conseguir atingir seu público alvo. Dessa forma, os resultados foram significantes, o que deu importância e valor para a imagem do destino estudado.
This paper aims to evaluate the factors related to food that influence tourists to choose a particular destination. The secondary aim is to identify how tourists perceive food in relation to the culture of the destination. Does the tourist see gastronomy as a way to know the local culture? Is this fact significant when choosing a destination? A hypothetical-deductive methodology combined with descriptive statistics, with the application of a survey instrument resulted in 400 structured interviews and questionnaires valid for each year. The survey covered the summers of 2006 and 2011 in the city of Balneário Camboriú, Santa Catarina, Brazil. With the results in hand it was possible to create three group of tourists with singular characteristics related to gastronomy, which allowed the definition of the concepts Gourmet Customer, Appreciation Customer and Food Customer, each with a specific perception of the importance of gastronomy and culture within tourism.
This study brings closer the problems of a selected group with a handicap – deaf people for whom the main mode of communication is the Polish Sign Language. The subject of studies is leisure time, how it is spent by them both everyday and during vacation. The book presents a survey of literature, good practice and also results of the author’s own studies conducted in the years 2004-2010, concerning problems of tourism and recreation of the deaf. In the years 2008-2010 studies were conducted within the research project financed by Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego (the Ministry of Science and Higher Education). One of the results of work on this project are multimedia programmes – tourist guides: SITur and SITex containing a translator of the Polish Sign Language.
The research aims to answer a fundamental question: which of the disability models currently in use is optimal for creating “accessible tourism-oriented” amenities, as well as more detailed problems: (1) what is disability and what determines different disability models? (2) what types of tourism market supply available for the disabled do the different disability models suggest? (3) are the disability models complementary or mutually exclusive? (4) is the idea of social integration and inclusion of people with disabilities (PWD) while on tourist trips supported of the society? Data sources comprise selected literature and results of a survey conducted using the face-to-face method and the SurveyMonkey website from May 2013 to July 2014. The surveyed group included 619 people (82% were Polish, the other 18% were foreigners from: Russia, Germany, Portugal, Slovakia, Canada, Tunisia and the United Kingdom). The research showed that the different disability models – medical, social, geographical and economic – are useful when creating the tourism supply for the PWD. Using the research results, the authors suggested a model of “diversification of tourism market supply structure available for the disabled”, which includes different types of supply – from specialist to universal. This model has practical usage and can help entrepreneurs with the segmentation of tourism offers addressed to the PWD. The work is innovative, both in its theoretical approach (the review of disability models and their practical application in creating tourism supply) and empirical values – it provides current data for the social attitude towards the development of PWD tourism. Especially the presentation of a wide range of perception of disability as well as the simple classification of tourism supply that meets the varied needs of PWD, is a particular novelty of this chapter.
The quality of life (QOL) is currently one of the main fields of study for researchers around the world. Its complex nature makes it a topic of interest for many different fields, such as philosophy, ethics, medicine, economics, sociology and physical culture sciences. Despite the differences in the way various researches define the QOL, the general agreement is that any measurement of QOL should encompass the following dimensions: objective QOL and subjective QOL (well-being). Particularly noteworthy, for any complex research is the mutual relationship between the QOL and tourism and recreation. The increase of tourism and recreation should entail a simultaneous development of local communities, as emphasized by Crouch and Ritchie this implies that the inhabitants of an area that serves a function of tourism and recreation should profit from the increased number of tourists. This benefits should be reflected in the objective QOL conditions and the subjective sense of satisfaction of the residents. The city of Leszno and it’s tourism and recreation-oriented development strategy were used to form a basis for theoretical study on QOL and to calculate the Tourism-Recreation QOL Index.
The article aims at showing similarities and differences in the perception of tourist attractions among tourists with and without hearing impairment. The first part depicts perception problems from the theoretical point of view. Complexities of studies on the perception system have been described. The perception itself is channelled via senses, including mainly sight (reception of approximately 87% of outside factors), hearing (7%), smell (3–5%), touch (1–5%) and taste (1%) (Visual Landscape… 1994, after: Pietrzak 2008). The data suggests that people with hearing impairment, owing to dominative position of sight perception and to other senses (except hearing), should perceive outside factors similarly to people with no hearing impairment, also in terms of tourist attractions. Is this really a fact? The attempt to answer this question resulted in conducting questionnaire study among the tourists, both with and without hearing impairment. The data was collected, based on questionnaire study, conducted nationwide in years 2004–2010 among the 292 deaf (for whom Polish Sign Language is the main method of communication) and 1780 people without hearing impairment. The aim of this study was to reveal, if tourists with hearing dysfunction have different tourist preferences than those without any hearing disabilities and to indicate which tourist attractions are the most significant for tourists with hearing impairment. The percentage values and the level of signi-ficance (p), calculated on the basis of Pearson’s chi-square test (with border value of p ≤ 0.05), were used in the analysis It was determined, that in case of perception of natural tourist attractions, there is a major similarity (both, people with and without hearing impairment indicated such attractions as sea, lake, clean natural environment, natural landscape, climate and diversified land relief, including mountains). As far as cultural attractions are concerned, a similarity in perception of both studied groups can also be observed. The most popular attractions include those, which can be perceived with sight: monuments, historic landmarks, museums, open-air museums, places of worship and modern architecture. The biggest differences are related to culture and entertainment, which indicates a social aspect of the disability of people with hearing impairment (a discomfort of being in environ-ment, where sound is the main carrier of information). The conclusions from the conducted analyses are applicative in their nature. They contain hints for tour operators, involved in creating tourist offer for people using Polish Sign Language, taking into account their preferences, perception abilities and ensuring pleasant tourist experience.
O turismo nasce a partir de viagens organizadas com objetivos relacionados com o lazer, a partir do século XIX, e tendo a viagem como conceito fundador e ao mesmo tempo contrastante. O conceito de viajante foi construído de várias formas e sob vários aspetos e a literatura teve um papel imprescindível nessa construção, nomeadamente a estesia romântica. O Romantismo traz consigo a voga da viagem a Espanha. Este artigo propõe uma abordagem geocrítica do relato de viagens de Inácio Francisco Teixeira da Mota, Viagens na Galiza, publicado em 1889, pela tipografia lisboeta de A.M. Pereira. Pretende-se sobretudo destacar, além do itinerário turístico, a construção de uma retórica sobre o espaço que se plasmará nas imagens e nas narrativas que ainda hoje perduram na nossa memória e que consubstancia no conceito de lugar turístico, i.e. “lugares em que há turistas, onde fomos precedidos e onde seremos seguidos por muitos outros” (Knafou, 2001: 64).
Este sucinto texto pretende, sem grandes pretensões, ser uma reflexão sobre o capítulo sétimo, Seeing and Theming, do livro The Turist Gaze de John Urry. Na primeira parte do capítulo, Seeing and being seen, Urry analisa a questão do olhar do turista e como a fotografia, a partir do século XIX, suscitou novas formas de olhar, passando depois, em Themes and Malls, a debruçar-se sobre um dos aspetos específicos do olhar do turista, relacionando-o com uma série de ambientes produzidos, de forma orientada, para o consumo turístico. Assim, este breve ensaio será estruturado em dois capítulos, que correspondem à parte primeira e segunda parte do capítulo sétimo do livro de John Urry. Após se fazer uma análise das ideias expressas, partir-se-á para o enunciar de outras teorias, de outros autores, que poderiam, quiçá, relacionar-se com o assunto do capítulo em estudo.
"*GPO:2011--365-615/80593 Reprint 2011."
"*GPO:2012--372-849/80797 Reprint 2011."