937 resultados para TO-USE SYSTEMS
SUMMARY: The shrews of the Sorex araneus group are morphologically .very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. Altogether, the shrews of this group present a complete array of every possible level of chromosomal and genetic differentiation. In South-Western Europe, four species are recognised: S. antiriorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus and S. granarius, which differ essentially by the amount and the composition of Robertsonian metacentric chromosomés. Additionally, several chromosome races of S. araneus are also present in the same region (i.e. Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura and Vaud). The objective of this thesis was to examine the genetic relationships between populations, races and /or species of the Sorex araneus group with a special emphasis onsex-specific markers (mtDNA and Y chromosome). We first investigate the evolutionary history of the shrews of the Sorex araneus group distributed in the South-Western Europe. The results of. these analyses confirmed the difficulty to draw a single dichotomic tree within this group. Incongruent mtDNA and Y chromosome phylogenies suggest further that genetic and chromosomal evolution are in this group partially independent processes and that the evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood if we consider secondary contacts between taxa, after their divergence (with genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and / or introgression). Using one male-inherited, one female inherited and eight biparentally inherited markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii). Overall there results suggest that two already well-differentiated genetic lineages colonized the Swiss Alps after the last glacial period and came into contact in the Rhône Valley. After the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) reached the Swiss Alps, it came into contact with the common shrew (Sorex araneus). When two species come into contact and hybridize, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as a reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism know as Haldane's rule (Haldane 1922). We first evaluated the extent of introgression for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers in a hybrid zone between S. antinoriii and S. araneus. The overall level of genetic and karyotypic differentiation between the two species must be strong .enough to allow the detection asymmetric introgression. Secondly, we compared the levels of gene flow between chromosome common to both species and chromosome differently rearranged in each of them. We detected a significantly stronger genetic structure in rearranged chromosomes. Over a 10-year period, we even observed a decrease of genetic structure for common chromosomes. These results strongly support the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the reproductive barrier between S. araneus and S. anfinorii. Overall, this thesis underlines the need to use different inherited (paternally, maternally and / or biparentally) and chromosomally located (on common vs. on rearranged chromosomes) markers to obtain more accurate pictures of genetic relationships between populations or species. RÉSUMÉ: Les musaraignes du groupe Sorex araneus sont morphologiquement très proches, mais ont connu une spectaculaire évolution chromosomique. Prises dans leur ensemble, les musaraignes de ce groupe présentent tous les nivaux possibles de différenciation génétique et chromosomique. Dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe, quatre espèces appartenant à ce groupe sont présentes : S. antinorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus et S. granarius. Celles-ci diffèrent essentiellement par leur caryotype dont la variabilité est principalement due à des fusions Robertsoniennes. De plus, plusieurs races chromosomiques appartenant à S. araneus sont aussi présentes dans la même région (i.e. les races Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura et Vaud). L'objectif de cette thèse était d'examiner les relations génétiques entre populations, races et/ou espèces du groupe S. araneus, en utilisant particulièrement des marqueurs liés aux sexes (ADN mitochondrial et Chromosome Y). Nous avons dans un premier temps retracé l'histoire évolutive des musaraignes de ce groupe dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe. Les résultats dé ces analyses confirment qu'il est difficile de tracer un simple arbre dichotomique au sein de ce groupe. Les arbres phylogénétiques obtenus sur l'ADN mitochondrial et le chromosome Y sont incongruents et suggèrent de plus que l'évolution génétique et chromosomique sont des processus indépendants. L'histoire évolutive -des populations de ce groupe ne peut. être comprise qu'en considérant des contacts secondaires entre taxa postérieure à leur divergence et induisant des échanges génétiques par hybridation et/ou introgression. Par la suite, nous avons examiné la structure génétique des populations de la musaraigne du Valais, S. antinorii, en utilisant un marqueur transmis par les mâles, un marqueur transmis par les femelles et huit marqueurs transmis par les 2 sexes. Nos résultats suggèrent que deux lignées génétiquement bien différenciées aient colonisé les Alpes Suisses, après les dernières glaciations et entrent en contact dans là Vallée du Rhône. Après avoir franchi les Alpes Suisses, la musaraigne du Valais est entrée en contact avec là musaraigne commune (S. araneus). Lorsque deux espèces entrent en contact et s'hybrident, la sélection contre les hybrides implique habituellement une baisse de fertilité ou de viabilité des hybrides du sexe hétérogamétique (i.e. les mâles XY chez les mammifères). Ce mécanisme est connu sous le nom de règle de Haldane (Haldane 1922) et implique une plus forte structuration génétique de marqueurs males - spécifiques que des marqueurs femelles spécifiques. Nous avons donc évalué le degré d'introgression des marqueurs situés sur le chromosome Y, sur l'ADN mitochondrial et sur des autosomes dans une zone hybride entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Le niveau de différenciation chromosomique et génétique entre les 2 espèces doit être suffisamment fort pour ne pas permettre la détection d'une introgression asymétrique entre les sexes. Dans un second temps, nous avons comparé les niveaux de flux de gênes mesurés à l'échelle du chromosome, pour des chromosomes communs aux deux espèces et pour des chromosomes différemment arrangées dans chacune des deux espèces. Nous avons détecté une structure génétique significativement plus forte sur les chromosomes réarrangés et comme la zone hybride a été étudiée à dix années d'intervalle, nous observons même une diminution de la structure génétique pour les chromosomes communs au cours du temps.. Ces résultats soutiennent fortement l'hypothèse d'un rôle des réarrangements chromosomiques dans l'établissement d'une barrière reproductive entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Ainsi cette thèse souligne l'utilité d'utiliser des marqueurs génétiques avec différents modes de transmission. (par les mâles, par les femelles et/ou par les 2 sexes) ou localisés au niveau du chromosome (chromosomes communs vs chromosomes réarrangés) afin d'obtenir une image plus juste ou du moins plus complète des relations génétiques entre populations ou espèces.
The use of multiple legal and illegal substances by adolescents is a growing concern in all countries, but since no consensus about a taxonomy did emerge yet, it is difficult to understand the different patterns of consumption and to implement tailored prevention and treatment programs directed towards specific subgroups of the adolescent population. Using data from a Swiss survey on adolescent health, we analyzed the age at which ten legal and illegal substances were consumed for the first time ever by applying a method combining the strength of both automatic clustering and use of substance experts. Results were then compared to 30 socio-economic factors to establish the usefulness of and to validate our taxonomy. We also analyzed the succession of substance first use for each group. The final taxonomy consists of eight groups ranging from non-consumers to heavy drug addicts. All but four socio-economic factors were significantly associated with the taxonomy, the strongest associations being observed with health, behavior, and sexuality factors. Numerous factors influence adolescents in their decision to first try substances or to use them on a regular basis, and no factor alone can be considered as an absolute marker of problematic behavior regarding substance use. Different processes of experimentation with substances are associated with different behaviors, therefore focusing on only one substance or only one factor is not efficient. Prevention and treatment programs can then be tailored to address specific issues related to different youth subgroups.
During the winters of 1999 and 2000 large avalanches occurred in the ski resort of Las Leñas (Los Andes, Mendoza, Argentina). On 8 September 1999 an avalanche of new, dry snow ran over a path with a 1000 m vertical drop. On 30 June and on 1 July 2000 five avalanches of similar vertical drop, which start with new snow, entrained very wet snow during their descent, and evolved into dense snow avalanches. To use the MN2D dynamics model correctly, calibration of model parameters is necessary. Also, no previous works with the use of dynamics models exist in South America. The events used to calibrate the model occurred during the winters of 1999 and 2000 and are a good sample of the kind of avalanches which can occur in this area of the Andes range. By considering the slope morphology and topography, the snow and meteorological conditions and the results of the model simulations, it was estimated that these avalanches were not extreme events with a return period greater than one hundred years. This implies that, in natural conditions, bigger, extreme avalanches could happen. In this work, the MN2D dynamics model is calibrated with two different avalanches of the same magnitude: dry and wet. The importance of the topographic data in the simulation is evaluated. It is concluded that MN2D dynamics model can be used to simulate dry extreme avalanches in Argentinean Andes but not to simulate extreme wet avalanches, which are much more sensitive to the topography.
Ultrasound (US) has become a useful tool in the detection of early disease, differential diagnosis, guidance of treatment decisions and treatment monitoring of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In 2008, the Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) group was established to promote the use of US in inflammatory arthritis in clinical practice. A scoring system was developed and taught to a large number of Swiss rheumatologists who already contributed to the Swiss Clinical Quality Management (SCQM) database, a national patient register. This paper intends to give a Swiss consensus about best clinical practice recommendations for the use of US in RA on the basis of the current literature knowledge and experience with the Swiss SONAR score. Literature research was performed to collect data on current evidence. The results were discussed among specialists of the Swiss university centres and private practice, following a structured procedure. Musculoskelatal US was found to be very helpful in establishing the diagnosis and monitoring the evolution of RA, and to be a reliable tool if used by experienced examiners. It influences treatment decisions such as continuing, intensifying or stepping down therapy. The definite modalities of integrating US into the diagnosis and monitoring of RA treatments will be defined within a few years. There are, however, strong arguments to use US findings as of today in daily clinical care. Some practical recommendations about the use of US in RA, focusing on the diagnosis and the use of the SONAR score, are proposed.
Recent construction of new generation power plants burning western coal within Iowa has resulted in fly Ash production on the order of 760,000 tons annually. Although fly ash has long been accepted as a valuable replacement for portland cement in concrete, most experience has been with fly ash generated from eastern bituminous coals. A few years ago, fly ash in Iowa was not a significant factor because production was small and economics dictated disposal as the better alternative than construction use. Today, the economic climate, coupled with abundance of the material, makes constructive use in concrete feasible. The problem is, however, fly ash produced from new power plants is different than that for which information was available. It seems fly ash types have outgrown existing standards. The objective of this study was to develop fundamental information about fly ashes available to construction in Iowa such that its advantages and limitations as replacement to portland cement can be defined. Evaluative techniques used in this work involve sophisticated laboratory equipment, not readily available to potential fly ash users, so a second goal was preliminary development of rapid diagnostic tests founded on fundamental information. Lastly, Iowa Department of Transportation research indicated an interesting interdependency among coarse aggregate type, fly ash and concrete's resistance to freeze-thaw action. Thus a third charge of this research project was to verify and determine the cause for the phenomena. One objective of this project was to determine properties of Iowa fly ashes and evaluate their relevance to use of the material as an admixture of PCC. This phase of the research involved two approaches. The first involved the development of a rapid method for determining quantitative elemental composition while the second was aimed at both qualitative and quantitative determination of compounds. X-ray fluorescence techniques were adapted for rapid determination of elemental composition of fly ash. The analysis was performed using a Siemens SR-200 sequential x-ray spectrometer controlled by a PDP-11-03 microcomputer. The spectrometer was equipped with a ten sample specimen chamber and four interchangeable analyzing crystals. Unfiltered excitation radiation was generated using a chromium tube at 50 KV and 48 ma. Programs for the spectrometer were developed by the Siemens Corporation.
Soils consist largely of mineral particles in a wide range of sizes. It is advantageous to assign names, such as "sand", etc., to describe particles which lie between certain size limits. These names are convenient to use and give more information than merely stating that the particles fit certain size limitations. Many systems of particle-size limits have been proposed and used, and have many discrepancies. For example, depending on the system used, a term such as "sand" may designate very different materials. Since no clear-cut divisions can be made between members of a continuous series all particle-size limit schemes are arbitrary. The originators of the various systems were influenced by many factors: convenience of investigation, methods and equipment available for analysis, ease of presenting data, convenience for statistical analysis, previous work, and systems in use. The complications were further compounded because of widely varying fields of endeavor with varying background, outlook, and goals. For example, many inconsistencies are found in engineering depending on whether the size limits are used to differentiate soils, or characterize aggregates for concrete. Some of the investigators have tried to place limits to correspond with the various properties of the soil components; others were more interested in the ease and convenience of obtaining and presenting data. The purpose of this paper is to review many of the systems which have been proposed and used, and if possible, to suggest what may have been the reasons for the selection of the particle-size limits.
Many rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) for the diagnosis of infectious diseases have been developed over the last 20 years. These allow (1) administering a treatment immediately in case of a potentially fatal disease, (2) prescribing a specific rather than presumptive treatment, (3) quickly introducing measures aimed at interrupting the transmission of the disease, (4) avoiding useless antibiotic treatments and (5) implementing a sequential diagnostic strategy to avoid extensive investigations. Using the example of malaria, a new strategy that includes a RDT as first-line emergency diagnostic tool and, when negative, delayed microscopy at the laboratory opening time is implemented in Lausanne since 1999. This strategy has been shown to be safe. Each TDR has its own characteristics that imperatively need to be known by the practitioner if he/she wants to use it in a rational way.
In coordination with a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consisting of County Engineers and Iowa DOT representatives, the Iowa DOT has proposed to develop a set of standards for a single span prefabricated bridge system for use on the local road system. The purpose of the bridge system is to improve bridge construction, accelerate project delivery, improve worker safety, be cost effective, reduce impacts to the travelling public by reducing traffic disruptions and the duration of detours, and allow local forces to construct the bridges. HDR Inc. was selected by the Iowa DOT to perform the initial concept screening of the bridge system. This Final Report summarizes the initial conceptual effort to investigate potential systems, make recommendations for a preferred system and propose initial details to be tested in the laboratory in Phase 2 of the project. The prefabricated bridge components were to be based on the following preliminary criteria set forth by the TAC. The criteria were to be verified and/ or modified as part of the conceptual development. - 24’ and 30’ roadway widths - Skews of 0o, 15o, and 30o - Span lengths of 30’ – 70’ in 10’ increments using precast concrete beams - Voided box beams could be considered - Limit precast element weight to 45,000 pounds for movement and placement of beams - Beams could be joined transversely with threaded rods - Abutment concepts may included precast as well as an option for cast-in-place abutments with pile foundations In addition to the above criteria, there was an interest to use a single-width prefabricated bridge component to simplify fabrication as well as a desire to utilize non-prestressed concrete systems where possible to allow for precasting of the beam modules by local forces or local precast plants. The SL-1 modular steel bridge rail was identified for use with this single span prefabricated bridge system.
This leaflet includes information on programs for Women's Clubs. Some possible subjects for the club's discussions are literature, history and fine arts. Several methods of study are covered. Groups are encouraged to use public libraries and the Iowa Traveling Library to obtain reference materials for their topics.
Human biomonitoring is a widely used method in the assessment of occupational exposure to chemical substances and recommended biological limits are published periodically for interpretation and decision-making. However, it is increasingly recognized that a large variability is associated with biological monitoring, making interpretation less efficient than assumed. In order to improve the applicability of biological monitoring, specific factors responsible for this variability should be identified and their contribution quantified. Among these factors, age and sex are easily identifiable, and present knowledge about pharmaceutical chemicals suggests that they play an important role on the toxicokinetics of occupational chemical agents, and therefore on the biological monitoring results.The aim of the present research project was to assess the influence of age and sex on biological indicators corresponding to organic solvents. This has been done experimentally and by toxicokinetic computer simulation. Another purpose was to explore the effect of selected CYP2E1 polymorphisms on the toxicokinetic profile.Age differences were identified by numerical simulations using a general toxicokinetic model from a previous study which was applied to 14 chemicals, representing 21 specific biological entities, with, among others, toluene, phenol, lead and mercury. These models were runn with the modified parameters, indicating in some cases important differences due to age. The expected changes are mostly of the order of 10-20 %, but differences up to 50 % were observed in some cases. These differences appear to depend on the chemical and on the biological entity considered.Sex differences were quantified by controlled human exposures, which were carried out in a 12 m3 exposure chamber for three organic solvents separately: methyl ethyl ketone, 1-methoxy-2-propanol and 1,1,1-trichloroethane. The human volunteer groups were composed 12 of ten young men and fifteen young women, the latter subdivided into those with and without hormonal contraceptive. They were exposed during six hours at rest and at half of the threshold limit value. The kinetics of the parent compounds (organic volatiles) and their metabolite(s) were followed in blood, urine and expired air over time. Analyses of the solvent and their metabolites were performed by using headspace gas chromatography, CYP2E1 genotypes by using PCR-based RFLP methods. Experimental data were used to calibrate the toxicokinetic models developed for the three solvents. The results obtained for the different biomarkers of exposure mainly showed an effect on the urinary levels of several biomarkers among women due to the use of hormonal contraceptive, with an increase of about 50 % in the metabolism rate. The results also showed a difference due to the genotype CYP2E1*6, when exposed to methyl ethyl ketone, with a tendency to increase CYP2E1 activity when volunteers were carriers of the mutant allele. Simulations showed that it is possible to use simple toxicokinetic tools in order to predict internal exposure when exposed to organic solvents. Our study suggests that not only physiological differences but also exogenous sex hormones could influence CYP2E1 enzyme activity. The variability among the urinary biological indicators levels gives evidence of an interindividual susceptibility, an aspect that should have its place in the approaches for setting limits of occupational exposure.
In reinforced concrete systems, ensuring that a good bond between the concrete and the embedded reinforcing steel is critical to long-term structural performance. Without good bond between the two, the system simply cannot behave as intended. The bond strength of reinforcing bars is a complex interaction between localized deformations, chemical adhesion, and other factors. Coating of reinforcing bars, although sometimes debated, has been commonly found to be an effective way to delay the initiation of corrosion in reinforced concrete systems. For many years, the standard practice has been to coat reinforcing steel with an epoxy coating, which provides a barrier between the steel and the corrosive elements of water, air, and chloride ions. Recently, there has been an industry-led effort to use galvanizing to provide the protective barrier commonly provided by traditional epoxy coatings. However, as with any new structural product, questions exist regarding both the structural performance and corrosion resistance of the system. In the fall of 2013, Buchanan County, Iowa constructed a demonstration bridge in which the steel girders and all internal reinforcing steel were galvanized. The work completed in this project sought to understand the structural performance of galvanized reinforcing steel as compared to epoxy-coated steel and to initiate a long-term corrosion monitoring program. This work consisted of a series of controlled laboratory tests and the installation of a corrosion monitoring system that can be observed for years in the future. The results of this work indicate there is no appreciable difference between the bond strength of epoxy-coated reinforcing steel and galvanized reinforcing steel. Although some differences were observed, no notable difference in either peak load, slip, or failure mode could be identified. Additionally, a long-term monitoring system was installed in this Buchanan County bridge and, to date, no corrosion activity has been identified.
Past and current climate change has already induced drastic biological changes. We need projections of how future climate change will further impact biological systems. Modeling is one approach to forecast future ecological impacts, but requires data for model parameterization. As collecting new data is costly, an alternative is to use the increasingly available georeferenced species occurrence and natural history databases. Here, we illustrate the use of such databases to assess climate change impacts on mountain flora. We show that these data can be used effectively to derive dynamic impact scenarios, suggesting upward migration of many species and possible extinctions when no suitable habitat is available at higher elevations. Systematically georeferencing all existing natural history collections data in mountain regions could allow a larger assessment of climate change impact on mountain ecosystems in Europe and elsewhere.
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les aspects comportementaux d'agents qui interagissent dans des systèmes de files d'attente à l'aide de modèles de simulation et de méthodologies expérimentales. Chaque période les clients doivent choisir un prestataire de servivce. L'objectif est d'analyser l'impact des décisions des clients et des prestataires sur la formation des files d'attente. Dans un premier cas nous considérons des clients ayant un certain degré d'aversion au risque. Sur la base de leur perception de l'attente moyenne et de la variabilité de cette attente, ils forment une estimation de la limite supérieure de l'attente chez chacun des prestataires. Chaque période, ils choisissent le prestataire pour lequel cette estimation est la plus basse. Nos résultats indiquent qu'il n'y a pas de relation monotone entre le degré d'aversion au risque et la performance globale. En effet, une population de clients ayant un degré d'aversion au risque intermédiaire encoure généralement une attente moyenne plus élevée qu'une population d'agents indifférents au risque ou très averses au risque. Ensuite, nous incorporons les décisions des prestataires en leur permettant d'ajuster leur capacité de service sur la base de leur perception de la fréquence moyenne d'arrivées. Les résultats montrent que le comportement des clients et les décisions des prestataires présentent une forte "dépendance au sentier". En outre, nous montrons que les décisions des prestataires font converger l'attente moyenne pondérée vers l'attente de référence du marché. Finalement, une expérience de laboratoire dans laquelle des sujets jouent le rôle de prestataire de service nous a permis de conclure que les délais d'installation et de démantèlement de capacité affectent de manière significative la performance et les décisions des sujets. En particulier, les décisions du prestataire, sont influencées par ses commandes en carnet, sa capacité de service actuellement disponible et les décisions d'ajustement de capacité qu'il a prises, mais pas encore implémentées. - Queuing is a fact of life that we witness daily. We all have had the experience of waiting in line for some reason and we also know that it is an annoying situation. As the adage says "time is money"; this is perhaps the best way of stating what queuing problems mean for customers. Human beings are not very tolerant, but they are even less so when having to wait in line for service. Banks, roads, post offices and restaurants are just some examples where people must wait for service. Studies of queuing phenomena have typically addressed the optimisation of performance measures (e.g. average waiting time, queue length and server utilisation rates) and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. The individual behaviour of the agents involved in queueing systems and their decision making process have received little attention. Although this work has been useful to improve the efficiency of many queueing systems, or to design new processes in social and physical systems, it has only provided us with a limited ability to explain the behaviour observed in many real queues. In this dissertation we differ from this traditional research by analysing how the agents involved in the system make decisions instead of focusing on optimising performance measures or analysing an equilibrium solution. This dissertation builds on and extends the framework proposed by van Ackere and Larsen (2004) and van Ackere et al. (2010). We focus on studying behavioural aspects in queueing systems and incorporate this still underdeveloped framework into the operations management field. In the first chapter of this thesis we provide a general introduction to the area, as well as an overview of the results. In Chapters 2 and 3, we use Cellular Automata (CA) to model service systems where captive interacting customers must decide each period which facility to join for service. They base this decision on their expectations of sojourn times. Each period, customers use new information (their most recent experience and that of their best performing neighbour) to form expectations of sojourn time at the different facilities. Customers update their expectations using an adaptive expectations process to combine their memory and their new information. We label "conservative" those customers who give more weight to their memory than to the xiv Summary new information. In contrast, when they give more weight to new information, we call them "reactive". In Chapter 2, we consider customers with different degree of risk-aversion who take into account uncertainty. They choose which facility to join based on an estimated upper-bound of the sojourn time which they compute using their perceptions of the average sojourn time and the level of uncertainty. We assume the same exogenous service capacity for all facilities, which remains constant throughout. We first analyse the collective behaviour generated by the customers' decisions. We show that the system achieves low weighted average sojourn times when the collective behaviour results in neighbourhoods of customers loyal to a facility and the customers are approximately equally split among all facilities. The lowest weighted average sojourn time is achieved when exactly the same number of customers patronises each facility, implying that they do not wish to switch facility. In this case, the system has achieved the Nash equilibrium. We show that there is a non-monotonic relationship between the degree of risk-aversion and system performance. Customers with an intermediate degree of riskaversion typically achieve higher sojourn times; in particular they rarely achieve the Nash equilibrium. Risk-neutral customers have the highest probability of achieving the Nash Equilibrium. Chapter 3 considers a service system similar to the previous one but with risk-neutral customers, and relaxes the assumption of exogenous service rates. In this sense, we model a queueing system with endogenous service rates by enabling managers to adjust the service capacity of the facilities. We assume that managers do so based on their perceptions of the arrival rates and use the same principle of adaptive expectations to model these perceptions. We consider service systems in which the managers' decisions take time to be implemented. Managers are characterised by a profile which is determined by the speed at which they update their perceptions, the speed at which they take decisions, and how coherent they are when accounting for their previous decisions still to be implemented when taking their next decision. We find that the managers' decisions exhibit a strong path-dependence: owing to the initial conditions of the model, the facilities of managers with identical profiles can evolve completely differently. In some cases the system becomes "locked-in" into a monopoly or duopoly situation. The competition between managers causes the weighted average sojourn time of the system to converge to the exogenous benchmark value which they use to estimate their desired capacity. Concerning the managers' profile, we found that the more conservative Summary xv a manager is regarding new information, the larger the market share his facility achieves. Additionally, the faster he takes decisions, the higher the probability that he achieves a monopoly position. In Chapter 4 we consider a one-server queueing system with non-captive customers. We carry out an experiment aimed at analysing the way human subjects, taking on the role of the manager, take decisions in a laboratory regarding the capacity of a service facility. We adapt the model proposed by van Ackere et al (2010). This model relaxes the assumption of a captive market and allows current customers to decide whether or not to use the facility. Additionally the facility also has potential customers who currently do not patronise it, but might consider doing so in the future. We identify three groups of subjects whose decisions cause similar behavioural patterns. These groups are labelled: gradual investors, lumpy investors, and random investor. Using an autocorrelation analysis of the subjects' decisions, we illustrate that these decisions are positively correlated to the decisions taken one period early. Subsequently we formulate a heuristic to model the decision rule considered by subjects in the laboratory. We found that this decision rule fits very well for those subjects who gradually adjust capacity, but it does not capture the behaviour of the subjects of the other two groups. In Chapter 5 we summarise the results and provide suggestions for further work. Our main contribution is the use of simulation and experimental methodologies to explain the collective behaviour generated by customers' and managers' decisions in queueing systems as well as the analysis of the individual behaviour of these agents. In this way, we differ from the typical literature related to queueing systems which focuses on optimising performance measures and the analysis of equilibrium solutions. Our work can be seen as a first step towards understanding the interaction between customer behaviour and the capacity adjustment process in queueing systems. This framework is still in its early stages and accordingly there is a large potential for further work that spans several research topics. Interesting extensions to this work include incorporating other characteristics of queueing systems which affect the customers' experience (e.g. balking, reneging and jockeying); providing customers and managers with additional information to take their decisions (e.g. service price, quality, customers' profile); analysing different decision rules and studying other characteristics which determine the profile of customers and managers.
OBJECTIVE: This study reports the frequency of alcohol use and associated tobacco and drug use among emergency department (ED) patients, in order to increase physician awareness and treatment of women and men seeking care in ED settings. METHOD: All adults seen in the ED at the University Hospital in Lausanne, Switzerland, between 11 AM and 11 PM were screened by direct interview for at-risk drinking, tobacco use, drug use, and depression during an 18-month period. RESULTS: A total of 8,599 patients (4,006 women and 4,593 men) participated in the screening procedure and provided full data on the variables in our analysis. The mean age was 51.9 years for women and 45.0 years for men; 57.5% (n = 2,304) of women and 58.5% (n = 2,688) of men were being treated for trauma. Based on guidelines of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 13.1% (n = 523) of the women were at-risk drinkers, 57.3% (n = 2,301) were low-risk drinkers, and 29.6% (n = 1,182) were abstinent. Among men, 32.8% (n = 1,507) met criteria for at-risk drinking, 51.8% (n = 2,380) met criteria for low-risk drinking, and 15.4% (n = 706) were abstinent. Younger individuals (ages 18-30) had significantly higher rates of episodic heavy drinking episodes, whereas at-risk older patients were more likely to drink on a daily basis. A binary model found that women and men who drank at at-risk levels are more likely to use tobacco (odds ratio [OR] = 2.48, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.0-3.08) and illicit drugs (OR = 5.91, CI: 3.32- 10.54) compared with abstinent and low-risk drinkers. CONCLUSIONS: This study supports systematic alcohol screening of women and men seen in EDs and suggests that patterns of alcohol and drug use vary by age and gender.
HR-116 is concerned with the relationship of carbonate aggregate to aging of highway concrete. The ultimate purpose of the research is to provide the Materials Department with better criteria for selection of carbonate aggregates for use in highway concrete. The research stems from the problem in Iowa which relates durability of highway concrete to use of certain aggregates. Service records of certain highways have shown that concrete deterioration is related to the source of coarse carbonate aggregate. Research on this problem in projects HR-15 and HR-86 helped define three broad areas of the problem in more detail: 1. The problem of evaluation of rocks which pass current specifications but have poor service records 2. The basic problem of how rocks contribute to distress in concrete 3. The problem of how concrete ages or weathers.