990 resultados para TMI SST


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BACKGROUND General practitioners (GPs) are in best position to suspect dementia. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Clock Drawing Test (CDT) are widely used. Additional neurological tests may increase the accuracy of diagnosis. We aimed to evaluate diagnostic ability to detect dementia with a Short Smell Test (SST) and Palmo-Mental Reflex (PMR) in patients whose MMSE and CDT are normal, but who show signs of cognitive dysfunction. METHODS This was a 3.5-year cross-sectional observational study in the Memory Clinic of the University Department of Geriatrics in Bern, Switzerland. Participating patients with normal MMSE (>26 points) and CDT (>5 points) were referred by GPs because they suspected dementia. All were examined according to a standardized protocol. Diagnosis of dementia was based on DSM-IV TR criteria. We used SST and PMR to determine if they accurately detected dementia. RESULTS In our cohort, 154 patients suspected of dementia had normal MMSE and CDT test results. Of these, 17 (11 %) were demented. If SST or PMR were abnormal, sensitivity was 71 % (95 % CI 44-90 %), and specificity 64 % (95 % CI 55-72 %) for detecting dementia. If both tests were abnormal, sensitivity was 24 % (95 % CI 7-50 %), but specificity increased to 93 % (95 % CI 88-97 %). CONCLUSION Patients suspected of dementia, but with normal MMSE and CDT results, may benefit if SST and PMR are added as diagnostic tools. If both SST and PMR are abnormal, this is a red flag to investigate these patients further, even though their negative neuropsychological screening results.


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Automated tissue characterization is one of the most crucial components of a computer aided diagnosis (CAD) system for interstitial lung diseases (ILDs). Although much research has been conducted in this field, the problem remains challenging. Deep learning techniques have recently achieved impressive results in a variety of computer vision problems, raising expectations that they might be applied in other domains, such as medical image analysis. In this paper, we propose and evaluate a convolutional neural network (CNN), designed for the classification of ILD patterns. The proposed network consists of 5 convolutional layers with 2×2 kernels and LeakyReLU activations, followed by average pooling with size equal to the size of the final feature maps and three dense layers. The last dense layer has 7 outputs, equivalent to the classes considered: healthy, ground glass opacity (GGO), micronodules, consolidation, reticulation, honeycombing and a combination of GGO/reticulation. To train and evaluate the CNN, we used a dataset of 14696 image patches, derived by 120 CT scans from different scanners and hospitals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first deep CNN designed for the specific problem. A comparative analysis proved the effectiveness of the proposed CNN against previous methods in a challenging dataset. The classification performance (~85.5%) demonstrated the potential of CNNs in analyzing lung patterns. Future work includes, extending the CNN to three-dimensional data provided by CT volume scans and integrating the proposed method into a CAD system that aims to provide differential diagnosis for ILDs as a supportive tool for radiologists.


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OBJECTIVE In 2013, Mozambique adopted Option B+, universal lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all pregnant and lactating women, as national strategy for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. We analyzed retention in care of pregnant and lactating women starting Option B+ in rural northern Mozambique. METHODS We compared ART outcomes in pregnant ("B+pregnant"), lactating ("B+lactating") and non-pregnant-non-lactating women of childbearing age starting ART after clinical and/or immunological criteria ("own health") between July 2013 and June 2014. Lost to follow-up was defined as no contact >180 days after the last visit. Multivariable competing risk models were adjusted for type of facility (type 1 vs. peripheral type 2 health center), age, WHO stage and time from HIV diagnosis to ART. RESULTS Over 333 person-years of follow-up (of 243 "B+pregnant", 65″B+lactating" and 317 "own health" women), 3.7% of women died and 48.5% were lost to follow-up. "B+pregnant" and "B+lactating" women were more likely to be lost in the first year (57% vs. 56.9% vs. 31.6%; p<0.001) and to have no follow-up after the first visit (42.4% vs. 29.2% vs. 16.4%; p<0.001) than "own health" women. In adjusted analyses, risk of being lost to follow-up was higher in "B+pregnant" (adjusted subhazard ratio [asHR]: 2.77; 95% CI: 2.18-3.50; p<0.001) and "B+lactating" (asHR: 1.94; 95% CI: 1.37-2.74; p<0.001). Type 2 health center was the only additional significant risk factor for loss to follow-up. CONCLUSIONS Retaining pregnant and lactating women in option B+ ART was poor; losses to follow-up were mainly early. The success of Option B+ for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in rural settings with weak health systems will depend on specific improvements in counseling and retention measures, especially at the beginning of treatment. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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We present the evolution of oceanographic conditions off the western coast of South America between 1996 and 1999, including the cold periods of 1996 and 1998-1999 and the 1997-1998 El Niño, using satellite observations of sea level, winds, sea surface temperature (SST), and chlorophyll concentration. Following a period of cold SST and low sea levels in 1996, both were anomalously high between March 1997 and May 1998. The anomalies were greatest between 5 degrees S and 15 degrees S, although they extended beyond 40 degrees S. Two distinct peaks in sea level and SST occurred in June-July 1997 and December 1997 to January 1998, separated by a relaxation period (August-November) of weaker anomalies. Satellite winds were upwelling favorable throughout the time period for most of the region and in fact increased between November 1997 and March 1998 between 5 degrees S and 25 degrees S. Satellite-derived chlorophyll concentrations are available for November 1996 to June 1997 (Ocean Color and Temperature Sensor (OCTS)) and then from October 1997 to present (Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)). Near-surface chlorophyll concentrations fell from May to June 1997 and from December 1997 to March 1998. The decrease was more pronounced in northern Chile than off the coast of Peru or central Chile and was stronger for larger cross-shelf averaging bins since nearshore concentrations remained relatively high.


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Abundance of the Ommastrephes bartramii winter-spring cohort fluctuated greatly from 1995 to 2004. To understand how abundance was influenced by sea surface conditions, we examined the variations in the proportion of thermal habitats with favourable sea surface temperature (SST). The SST data of both the spawning and feeding grounds were used to calculate the monthly proportion of favourable-SST areas (PFSSTA). Catch per fishing day per fishing boat (catch per unit effort, CPUE) of the Chinese mainland squid-jigging fleet was used as squid abundance index. The relationships between CPUE and monthly PFSSTA at spawning and feeding grounds were analyzed, and the relationship between CPUE and selected PFSSTA was quantified with a multiple linear regression model. Results showed that February PFSSTA at the spawning ground and August to November PFSSTA at the feeding ground could account for about 60% of the variability in O. bartramii abundance between 1995 and 2004, that February was the most important period influencing squid recruitment during the spawning season, and that feeding ground PFSSTA during the fishing season would influence CPUE by causing squid to aggregate. Our forecast model was found to perform well when we compared the model-predicted CPUEs and the average CPUEs observed during August to November in 2005 and 2006 from the Chinese squid-jigging fishery.


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The neuropeptide somatostatin is a widely distributed general inhibitor of endocrine, exocrine, gastrointestinal and neural functions. The biological actions of somatostatin are initiated by interaction with high affinity, plasma membrane somatostatin receptors (sst receptors). Five sst receptor subtypes have been cloned and sequence analysis shows they are all members of the G protein coupled receptor superfamily. The G proteins play a pivotal role in sst receptor signal transduction and the specificity of somatostatin receptor-G protein coupling defines the possible range of cellular responses. However, the data for endogenous sst receptor and G protein coupling is very limited, and even when it is available, the sst receptor subtypes involved in G protein coupling and signal transduction are unknown due to the expression of multiple sst receptor subtypes in target cell lines or tissues of somatostatin.^ In an effort to characterize each individual sst receptor subtypes, antisera against unique C-terminal regions of different sst receptor subtypes have been developed in our lab. In this report, antisera made against the sst1, sst2A and sst4 receptors are characterized. They are highly specific to their corresponding receptors and efficiently immunoprecipitate the sst receptors. Using these antibodies, the cell lines expressing these sst receptor subtypes were identified with both immunoprecipitation and Western blot methods. The development of sst receptor subtype specific antibodies make it possible to determine the specificity of the sst receptor subtype and G protein coupling in target cells or tissues expressing multiple sst receptors, two questions were addressed by this thesis: (1) whether different cellular environments affect receptor subtype and G protein coupling; (2) whether different sst receptors couple to different G proteins in similar cellular environments.^ Taken together our findings, both sst1 and sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells, G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in GH$\sb4$C$\sb1$ cells. Further, sst2A receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i1},$ G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in AR4-2J cells while sst4 receptors couple with G$\alpha\sb{\rm i2}$ and G$\alpha\sb{\rm i3}$ in CHO cells. Therefore, the G protein coupling of the same sst receptors in different cell lines is basically similar in that they all couple with multiple $\alpha$-subunits of the G$\rm \sb{i}$ proteins, suggesting cellular environment has little effect on receptor and G protein coupling. Moreover, different sst receptors have similar G protein coupling specificities in the same cell line, suggesting components other than receptor and G$\alpha$ subunits in the signal transduction pathways may contribute to specific functions of each sst receptor subtype. This series of experiments represent a novel approach in dissecting signal transduction pathways and may have general application in the field. Furthermore, this is the first systematic study of sst receptor subtype and G protein $\alpha$-subunit interaction in both transfected cells and in normal cell lines. The information generated will be very useful in our understanding of sst receptor signal transduction pathways and in directing future sst receptor research. ^


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Several episodes of abrupt and transient warming, each lasting between 50,000 and 200,000 years, punctuated the long-term warming during the Late Palaeocene and Early Eocene (58 to 51 Myr ago) epochs**1,2. These hyperthermal events, such as the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2) that took place about 53.5 Myr ago**2, are associated with rapid increases in atmospheric CO2 content. However, the impacts of most events are documented only locally**3,4. Here we show, on the basis of estimates from the TEX86' proxy, that sea surface temperatures rose by 3-5 °C in the Arctic Ocean during the ETM2. Dinoflagellate fossils demonstrate a concomitant freshening and eutrophication of surface waters, which resulted in euxinia in the photic zone. The presence of palm pollen implies**5 that coldest month mean temperatures over the Arctic land masses were no less than 8 °C, in contradiction of model simulations that suggest hyperthermal winter temperatures were below freezing**6. In light of our reconstructed temperature and hydrologic trends, we conclude that the temperature and hydrographic responses to abruptly increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations were similar for the ETM2 and the better-described Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum**7,8, 55.5 Myr ago.


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The mid-Pliocene was an episode of prolonged global warmth and strong North Atlantic thermohaline circulation, interrupted briefly at circa 3.30 Ma by a global cooling event corresponding to marine isotope stage (MIS) M2. Paleoceanographic changes in the eastern North Atlantic have been reconstructed between circa 3.35 and 3.24 Ma at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 610 and Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site 1308. Mg/Ca ratios and d18O from Globigerina bulloides are used to reconstruct the temperature and relative salinity of surface waters, and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are used to assess variability in the North Atlantic Current (NAC). Our sea surface temperature data indicate warm waters at both sites before and after MIS M2 but a cooling of ~2-3°C during MIS M2. A dinoflagellate cyst assemblage overturn marked by a decline in Operculodinium centrocarpum reflects a southward shift or slowdown of the NAC between circa 3.330 and 3.283 Ma, reducing northward heat transport 23-35 ka before the global ice volume maximum of MIS M2. This will have established conditions that ultimately allowed the Greenland ice sheet to expand, leading to the global cooling event at MIS M2. Comparison with an ice-rafted debris record excludes fresh water input via icebergs in the northeast Atlantic as a cause of NAC decline. The mechanism causing the temporary disruption of the NAC may be related to a brief reopening of the Panamanian Gateway at about this time.


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Tropical south-western Pacific temperatures are of vital importance to the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), but the role of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the growth of the GBR since the Last Glacial Maximum remains largely unknown. Here we present records of Sr/Ca and d18O for Last Glacial Maximum and deglacial corals that show a considerably steeper meridional SST gradient than the present day in the central GBR. We find a 1-2 °C larger temperature decrease between 17° and 20°S about 20,000 to 13,000 years ago. The result is best explained by the northward expansion of cooler subtropical waters due to a weakening of the South Pacific gyre and East Australian Current. Our findings indicate that the GBR experienced substantial meridional temperature change during the last deglaciation, and serve to explain anomalous deglacial drying of northeastern Australia. Overall, the GBR developed through significant SST change and may be more resilient than previously thought.


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We present monthly resolved records of strontium/calcium (Sr/Ca) and oxygen isotope (d18O) ratios from well-preserved fossil corals drilled during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 'Tahiti Sea Level' and reconstruct sea surface conditions in the central tropical South Pacific Ocean during two time windows of the last deglaciation. The two Tahiti corals examined here are uranium/thorium (U/Th)-dated at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, which correspond to the Younger Dryas (YD) cold reversal and the Bølling-Allerød (B-A) warming of the Northern Hemisphere, respectively. The coral Sr/Ca records indicate that annual average sea surface temperature (SST) was 2.6-3.1 °C lower at 12.4 ka and 1.0-1.6 °C lower at 14.2 ka relative to the present, with no significant changes in the amplitude of the seasonal SST cycle. These cooler conditions were accompanied by seawater d18O (d18Osw) values higher by ~0.8 per mill and ~0.6 per mill relative to the present at 12.4 and 14.2 ka, respectively, implying more saline conditions in the surface waters. Along with previously published coral Sr/Ca records from the island [Cohen and Hart (2004), Deglacial sea surface temperatures of the western tropical Pacific: A new look at old coral. Paleoceanography 19, PA4031, doi:10.1029/2004PA001084], our new Tahiti coral records suggest that a shift toward lower SST by ~1.5 °C occurred from 13.1 to 12.4 ka, which was probably associated with a shift toward higher d18Osw by ~0.2 per mill. Along with a previously published coral Sr/Ca record from Vanuatu [Corrège et al. (2004), Interdecadal variation in the extent of South Pacific tropical waters during the Younger Dyras event. Nature 428, 927-929], the Tahiti coral records provide new evidence for a pronounced cooling of the western to central tropical South Pacific during the Northern Hemisphere YD event.


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In an attempt to document the palaeoecological affinities of individual extant and extinct dinoflagellate cysts, Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene dinoflagellate cyst assemblages have been compared with geochemical data from the same samples. Mg/Ca ratios of Globigerina bulloides were measured to estimate the spring-summer sea-surface temperatures from four North Atlantic IODP/DSDP sites. Currently, our Pliocene-Pleistocene database contains 204 dinoflagellate cyst samples calibrated to geochemical data. This palaeo-database is compared with modern North Atlantic and global datasets. The focus lies in the quantitative relationship between Mg/Ca-based (i.e. spring-summer) sea-surface temperature (SSTMg/Ca) and dinoflagellate cyst distributions. In general, extant species are shown to have comparable spring-summer SST ranges in the past and today, demonstrating that our new approach is valid for inferring spring-summer SST ranges for extinct species. For example, Habibacysta tectata represents SSTMg/Ca values between 10° and 15°C when it exceeds 30% of the assemblage, and Invertocysta lacrymosa exceeds 15% when SSTMg/Ca values are between 18.6° and 23.5°C. However, comparing Pliocene and Pleistocene SSTMg/Ca values with present day summer values for the extant Impagidinium pallidum suggests a greater tolerance of higher temperatures in the past. This species occupies more than 5% of the assemblage at SSTMg/Ca values of 11.6-17.9°C in the Pliocene and Pleistocene, whereas present day summer SSTs are around -1.7 to 6.9°C. This observation questions the value of Impagidinium pallidum as reliable indicator of cold waters in older deposits, and may explain its bipolar distribution.


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Acritarchs have received limited attention in palynological studies of the Cenozoic, although they have much potential both for refining Neogene and Quaternary stratigraphy, especially in mid- and high northern latitudes, and developing palaeoceanographical reconstructions. Here we formally describe and document the stratigraphical and palaeotemperature ranges (from foraminiferal Mg/Ca) of four new acritarch species: Cymatiosphaera? aegirii sp. nov., Cymatiosphaera? fensomei sp. nov., Cymatiosphaera? icenorum sp. nov. and Lavradosphaera canalis sp. nov. In reviewing the stratigraphical distributions of all species of the genus Lavradosphaera De Schepper & Head, 2008, we demonstrate their correlation potential between the North Atlantic and Bering Sea in the Pliocene. Additionally, Lavradosphaera lucifer De Schepper & Head, 2008 and Lavradosphaera canalis sp. nov., while not themselves overlapping stratigraphically, have morphological intermediates that do partially overlap and may represent an evolutionary trend consequent upon climate cooling in the Late Pliocene. Finally, we show that the highest abundances of the acritarchs presented here were living in the eastern North Atlantic, in surface-water temperatures not very different from today.


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A core from a coral colony of Porites lutea was analysed for stable oxygen isotopic composition*. A 200-year proxy record of sea surface temperatures from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands off west Australia was obtained from coral delta18O. At 29°S, the Houtman Abrolhos are the southernmost major reef complex of the Indian Ocean. They are located on the path of the Leeuwin Current, a southward flow of warm, tropical water, which is coupled to Indonesian throughflow. Coral delta18O primarily reflects local oceanographic and climatic variability, which is largely determined by spatial variability of the Leeuwin Current. However, coherence between coral delta18O and the current strength itself is relatively weak. Evolutionary spectral and singular spectrum analyses of coral delta18O demonstrate a high variability in spectral composition through time. Oscillations in the 5-7-y, 14-15-y, and quasi-biennial bands reflect teleconnections of local sea surface temperature (SST) to tropical Pacific climate variability. Deviations between local (coral-based) and regional (instrument) SST contain a cyclic component with a period of 15 y. Coral delta18O suggests a rise in SST by 0.6°C since AD 1944, consistent with available instrumental SST records. A long-term warming by 1.4°C since AD 1795 is inferred from the coral record.


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Past changes in North Pacific sea surface temperatures and sea-ice conditions are proposed to play a crucial role in deglacial climate development and ocean circulation but are less well known than from the North Atlantic. Here, we present new alkenone-based sea surface temperature records from the subarctic northwest Pacific and its marginal seas (Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk) for the time interval of the last 15 kyr, indicating millennial-scale sea surface temperature fluctuations similar to short-term deglacial climate oscillations known from Greenland ice-core records. Past changes in sea-ice distribution are derived from relative percentage of specific diatom groups and qualitative assessment of the IP25 biomarker related to sea-ice diatoms. The deglacial variability in sea-ice extent matches the sea surface temperature fluctuations. These fluctuations suggest a linkage to deglacial variations in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and a close atmospheric coupling between the North Pacific and North Atlantic. During the Holocene the subarctic North Pacific is marked by complex sea surface temperature trends, which do not support the hypothesis of a Holocene seesaw in temperature development between the North Atlantic and the North Pacific.


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We compare six high-resolution Holocene, sediment cores along a S-N transect on the Norwegian-Svalbard continental margin from ca 60°N to 77.4°N, northern North Atlantic. Planktonic foraminifera in the cores were investigated to show the changes in upper surface and subsurface water mass distribution and properties, including summer sea-surface temperatures (SST). The cores are located below the axis of the Norwegian Current and the West Spitsbergen Current, which today transport warm Atlantic Water to the Arctic. Sediment accumulation rates are generally high at all the core sites, allowing for a temporal resolution of 10-102 years. SST is reconstructed using different types of transfer functions, resulting in very similar SST trends, with deviations of no more than +- 1.0/1.5 °C. A transfer function based on the maximum likelihood statistical approach is found to be most relevant. The reconstruction documents an abrupt change in planktonic foraminiferal faunal composition and an associated warming at the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition. The earliest part of the Holocene was characterized by large temperature variability, including the Preboreal Oscillations and the 8.2 k event. In general, the early Holocene was characterized by SSTs similar to those of today in the south and warmer than today in the north, and a smaller S-N temperature gradient (0.23 °C/°N) compared to the present temperature gradient (0.46 °C/°N). The southern proxy records (60-69°N) were more strongly influenced by slightly cooler subsurface water probably due to the seasonality of the orbital forcing and increased stratification due to freshening. The northern records (72-77.4°N) display a millennial-scale change associated with reduced insolation and a gradual weakening of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation (THC). The observed northwards amplification of the early Holocene warming is comparable to the pattern of recent global warming and future climate modelling, which predicts greater warming at higher latitudes. The overall trend during mid and late Holocene was a cooling in the north, stable or weak warming in the south, and a maximum S-N SST gradient of ca 0.7 °C/°N at 5000 cal. years BP. Superimposed on this trend were several abrupt temperature shifts. Four of these shifts, dated to 9000-8000, 5500-3000 and 1000 and ~400 cal. years BP, appear to be global, as they correlate with periods of global climate change. In general, there is a good correlation between the northern North Atlantic temperature records and climate records from Norway and Svalbard.