974 resultados para TEMPORAL CORRELATION


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A linear spatio-temporal stability analysis is conducted for the ice growth under a falling water film along an inclined ice plane. The full system of linear stability equations is solved by using the Chebyshev collocation method. By plotting the boundary curve between the linear absolute and convective instabilities (AI/CI) of the ice mode in the parameter plane of the Reynolds number and incline angle, it is found that the linear absolute instability exists and occurs above a minimum Reynolds number and below a maximum inclined angle. Furthermore, by plotting the critical Reynolds number curves with respect to the inclined angle for the downstream and upstream branches, the convectively unstable region is determined and divided into three parts, one of which has both downstream and upstream convectively unstable wavepackets and the other two have only downstream or upstream convectively unstable wavepacket. Finally, the effect of the Stefan number and the thickness of the ice layer on the AI/CI boundary curve is investigated.


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Taihu Lake is the third largest fresh water lake in China. With the fast economic development, abundant industrial and agricultural waste water has been discharged into Taihu Lake, causing the eutrophication of the water quality, which greatly affected the water utility. In the past decades, the treatment of Taihu Lake has witnessed limited success. Therefore, it is practically and theoretically significant to study the eutrophication of Taihu Lake. This research has focused on the issue of water quality including the characteristics of spatial and temporal distributions, and the rules of nutrient diffusion in the Taihu lake area. Based on the monitoring data, the basis distribution characteristics of water quality in Taihu Lake are analyzed. Comparing Taihu Lake with other Lakes shows that one important reason for Taihu eutrophication is the long period of water retention. A transporting and diffusing model of Taihu nutrient is developed by combining with the hydrodynamics model. Using the model, the concentration field of the total phosphorus (TP) and the influence of wind-driven current are numerically investigated, which leads to the conclusion that the flow field has a great influence on the spatial and temporal distributions of TP in Taihu Lake. Furthermore, the effect for improving the water quality by the project of water diversion from the Yangtze River to Taihu Lake was analyzed by simulation. The results demonstrate that short-term water diversion cannot improve the water quality of the heavily-polluted Meiliang Bay and the western bank areas of Taihu Lake.


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若尔盖高原湿地位于青藏高原东北部地区,平均海拔3,400-3,600m,是长江和黄河的自然分水区,区内发育了大面积的草本沼泽以及高寒沼泽化草甸、高寒湖泊。由于它所处的位置海拔高、气候波动较大,并处于我国三大自然区的交错过渡带,因而被认为是我国最为典型的脆弱湿地生态系统之一。由于地处偏远、自然环境条件恶劣等多方面的原因,针对若尔盖湿地的科学研究资料一直以来还非常缺乏。本文对国内外近年来在湿地生态系统甲烷排放过程、研究方法,以及关于湿地生态系统甲烷排放的影响因素进行了综述,并采用静态箱-气相色谱法,从湿地环境格局、湿地甲烷排放等方面,对若尔盖高原典型高寒湖泊湖滨不同类型湿地甲烷排放特征进行了研究,并进一步探讨了影响若尔盖高原高寒湖泊湖滨带甲烷排放的因素。得到如下结果:1.若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地在植物生长季(6 至8 月),甲烷排放平均速率为0.315 mg·m-2·h-1;不同月份间甲烷排放速率存在差异,分别为:-0.054、0.471、0.493 mg·m-2·h-1。不同类型湿地甲烷排放速率亦表现出差异,两栖蓼(Polygonum amphibium)湿地、滩涂和藏嵩草(Kobresia tibetica)草甸甲烷排放速率分别为:0.464、0.477、0.005mg·m-2·h-1。2.若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地甲烷排放速率与土壤10cm 温度显著相关。土壤温度是影响若尔盖高原花湖湖滨不同类型湿地甲烷排放的重要因素之一。随着土壤温度的升高,土壤微生物活性增强,使土壤中的氧消耗加快,氧化还原电位下降,有利于产甲烷菌的生长,从而增加土壤的甲烷产生量。3.地表水位与若尔盖高原花湖湖滨湿地甲烷排放速率相关性不显著。地表水覆盖,使得湿地土壤缺氧状况得到加强,增强了土壤中产甲烷菌的活性,促进甲烷形成,再通过植物、气泡或扩散的形式释放出土壤。但水层的加深,也使土壤中已产生的甲烷在通过气泡或扩散形式穿越水层时,被氧化的量增加,从而减少了甲烷向大气中的排放。4.植被高度以及植被地上生物量与若尔盖高原花湖湖滨带甲烷排放速率的相关性不显著。植物主要通过凋落物以及根系分泌物的输入为产甲烷菌提供基质,并作为土壤与大气之间的甲烷气体交换的传输途径;与其他环境因素共同影响湿地生态系统甲烷排放。The Zoige wetland on the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, with averagealtitude between 3,400 and 3,600m, is the watershed of Yangtze River and YellowRiver. There are large area of peatland, subalpine meadow and lakes in this region.Due to its high elevation, transitional topology and high fluctuation of climate, theZoige wetlands represent one of the most fragile wetland ecosystems in China. And asa result of remote location and harsh environment conditions, the researches on theZoige wetland are relatively rare, especially the researches on the methane emissionfrom littoral zone of alpine lakes. Variations of methane emission rates as measuredby the method of static chamber – gas chromatography (GC) were detected fromlittoral zone of alpine lake on the Zoige Plateau. Relationships between methaneemission rates and environmental factors were analyzed. It is concluded that:1.The average methane emission rate in the littoral zone of Huahu Lake, ZoigePlateau is 0.315 mg·m-2·h-1, with evident spatial and temporal variations. The littoralzone has different methane effluxes with -0.054, 0.471, and 0.493 mg·CH4·m-2·h-1in June, July and August respectively. Different types of wetland have differentmethane emission rates, with value of 0.464, 0.477, and 0.005 mg·CH4·m-2·h-1 forPolygonum amphibium wetland ( PA ), Shoal ( S ) and Kobresi tibetica meadow ( KT ), respectively.2. The soil temperature at 10cm is significantly correlated with the methane effluxesin littoral zone of Huahu Lake, Zoige Plateau, and which is one of the most important factors influencing the methane emission from this region. The activities of soilmicroorganisms rise under higher soil temperature and increases oxygen consumptionand decreases Eh, which is in favor of the methanogensis, and enhances theproduction of methane in soil.3. The correlation between the standing water and methane effluxes from littoralzone of Huahu Lake is not significant. Because of the standing water, the anaerobicconditions of wetland soil have been enhanced, and are favor to the decomposition oforganic matter. And the anaerobic conditions strengthen the methanogensis’ activities,thus the methane production, which release to the atmosphere by diffusion, ebullitionand aerenchymal plants. With the water level’s increase, more methane produced insoil which is transferred by ebullitions or diffusion are oxidated, thus reduce themethane release to the atmosphere.4. The height and aboveground biomass of vegetation are not significant related tothe methane effluxes from littoral zone of Huahu Lake, Zoige Plateau. The vegetationprovides substrates for methanogensis by litter and root exudates; act as thetransportation way of methane between soil and atmosphere; influence the methaneemission of wetland ecosystems with other environment factors.


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从空间、时间、食物3个方面研究了若尔盖湿地3种两栖类的种间竞争,运用生态位理论探讨了3种两栖类利用环境资源的能力以及它们之间的共存模式,研究了3种两栖类年周期食性,并考察了畜牧业对3种两栖类食性及食物竞争格局的影响;此外,还通过实验室研究对2种两栖类幼体的种间竞争策略进行了考察。主要结果如下: 1、两栖类的空间资源利用状况:在3种两栖类成体生态位宽度的比较中,岷山蟾蜍(Bufo minshanicus)成体在牧场性质(0.41)、牛粪数量(0.42)、植被盖度(0.20)、地表温度(0.50)、地表湿度(0.51) 5个维度上的生态位宽度最窄;而倭蛙(Nanorana pleskei)成体在牛粪数量(0.81)、植被高度(0.63)、植被盖度(0.47)、小水体距离(0.68) 4个维度上的生态位宽度最宽。在3种两栖类亚成体生态位宽度的比较中,岷山蟾蜍亚成体在牧场性质(0.66)、牛粪数量(0.58)、植被高度(0.64)、小水体距离(0.51)、地表湿度(0.79) 5个维度的上生态位宽度最宽;倭蛙亚成体在牧场性质(0.39)、牛粪数量(0.30)、地表温度(0.18)、地表湿度(0.33) 4个维度上的生态位宽度最窄。高原林蛙(Rana kukunoris)在地表温度(成体:0.62;亚成体:0.56)、地表湿度(成体:0.84;亚成体:0.60)两个维度上具有较大的生态位宽度值,而在小水体距离维度上(成体:0.27;亚成体:0.14)的生态位宽度值则很小。比较3种无尾两栖类在不同生长阶段(成体、亚成体)的生态位宽度,发现高原林蛙和倭蛙的亚成体对栖息环境的要求更高。3种两栖类空间资源利用的相似程度很高,高原林蛙与倭蛙之间的生态重叠度(0.87)较之它与岷山蟾蜍(0.81)的生态位重叠度更大。 2、两栖类的日活动节律:高原林蛙成体、亚成体、岷山蟾蜍亚成体活动的最低气温为0℃、2℃、8℃;岷山蟾蜍和高原林蛙亚成体出现的数量与气温成极显著的正相关(r=0.797, p<0.001;r=0.794, p<0.001),高原林蛙成体出现的数量与气温有一定相关性(r=0.456, p<0.05);晴天时两栖类的活动性明显高于阴天(p<0.001);多云转晴天气,高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍亚成体出现两次日活动高峰,分别为中午12:30左右和下午15:30~16:30之间;多云天气,高原林蛙和岷山蟾蜍亚成体出现两次日活动高峰,分别为9:30~10:30之间和15:30~16:30之间。 3、两栖类的食物资源利用状况:春、秋两季,高原林蛙最主要的食物是蜉金龟科(Aphodiidae)昆虫,相对重要性指数(IRI)最高(春季:35.28%,秋季:28.57%),其次为昆虫的幼虫,以及双翅目的毛蚊科(Bibionidae)、蝇科(Muscidae)、丽蝇科(Calliphoridae)昆虫,秋季,蝗虫是高原林蛙食物组成中的重要部分;岷山蟾蜍最主要的食物是蚂蚁(IRI,春季:85.54%,秋季:49.70%),其次为蜉金龟科、象甲科(Curculionidae)、步甲科(Carabidae)、粪金龟科(Geotrupidae) 等鞘翅目昆虫;倭蛙春季的最主要食物也是蜉金龟科昆虫(IRI,春季:13.41%),其次为蚂蚁、毛蚊科昆虫、昆虫的幼虫以及狼蛛科(Lycosidae)。3种两栖类中,倭蛙的食性生态位宽度相对较宽(0.43),而岷山蟾蜍(0.09)和高原林蛙(0.22)的生态位宽度较窄,与春季相比,两栖类在秋季的食谱更宽。以利用食物种类为标准,春季高原林蛙与倭蛙的生态位重叠度(0.40)比它与岷山蟾蜍的生态位重叠度(0.33)更大。 4、畜牧业对两栖类食性及食物竞争格局的影响:以藏牦牛粪为食物或寄居场所的昆虫,如蜉金龟科、粪金龟科、毛蚊科、蝇科、丽蝇科昆虫和某些昆虫幼虫,是3种两栖类食物谱中最主要的组成部分,蜉金龟科昆虫在高原林蛙食谱中的比例更高,高原林蛙可能从畜牧业发展中获得更多的好处,使之在食物竞争方面处于优势地位。与无放牧样地相比,在有放牧样地的中,两栖类食谱中的蜉金龟科昆虫数量更多(有放牧:31.94%;无放牧:21.32%)、出现频率更高(有放牧:76.38%;无放牧:44%)。然而在不同样地上(有放牧/无放牧),两栖类的食物组成无显著性差异(P=0.188),两栖类的数量(P=0.075)、肥满度(P=0.537)均没有显著差别。 5、两栖类幼体的竞争策略:实验室条件下,通过活动性水平,变态时的体重、增长率和完成变态所需时间考察自然条件下常同水塘分布的中华蟾蜍(Bufo gargarizans)和高原林蛙蝌蚪的竞争策略。结果表明:中华蟾蜍蝌蚪在不同食物资源条件下,所选择的生存策略可能不同,即食物资源充足时,增加活动性获取更多食物,食物资源有限时,降低活动性且提前完成变态;与中华蟾蜍蝌蚪相比,在食物资源有限时高原林蛙蝌蚪获取食物能力可能更强。 This paper presented the study of competition of three amphibians (Rana kukunoris, Nanorana pleskei, Bufo minshanicus) based on spatial, temporal and dietary scales in Zoige wetland. We measured coexistence patterns of three amphibians and analyzed their ability of exploiting resource. Effects of grazing on the diet composition and diet competition of amphibians were analyzed by their diet composition during spring and autumn. Furthermore, we examined the competitive ability of larval common frogs (Rana kukunoris)and common toads(Bufo gargarizans) in a laboratory experiment, and analyzed their competitive strategies respectively. The results were as follows: 1 .The status of using spatial resource Niche breadths of B. minshanicus adults on 5 dimensional axes including character of pasture(0.41), number of yaks dung(0.42), vegetation coverage(0.20), temperature (0.50)and humidity(0.51) of ground surface were narrower than adults of R. kukunoris and N. pleskei. Niche breadths of B. minshanicus subadults were broader than R.kukunoris subadults and N.pleskei subadults on 5 dimensional axes including character of pasture (0.66), number of yaks dung (0.58), vegetation height (0.64), distance to small waterbodies (0.51), humidity of ground surface (0.79). Niche breadths of N. pleskei subadults were the narrowest in three anurans subadults on 4 dimensional axes including character of pasture (0.39), number of yaks dung (0.30), temperature (0.18) and humidity (0.33) of ground surface, niche breadths of N. pleskei adults were the broadest in three anurans adults on 4 dimensional axes including number of yaks dung (0.81), vegetation height (0.63) and coverage(0.47), distance to small waterbodies(0.68).Comparatively, niche breadths of R. kukunoris were broader on the two microclimate factors including temperature(adults:0.62;subadults:0.56) and humidity (adults:0.84;subadults:0.60)of ground surface, but was narrow on distance to small waterbodies(adults:0.27;subadults:0.14). Strategies for using habitat resource of adults and subadults of the three species anuran were different. Generally, subadults of R. kukunoris and N. pleskei needs better habitat condition. It was quite similar that three anurans exploited spatial resource, Niche overlap between R. kukunoris and N. pleskei (0.87) was greater than that between R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus(0.81). 2.Daily activity rhythm R. kukunoris audlts were active when air temperatures were as low as 0℃, R. kukunoris subadults were active at 2℃, B.minshanicus subaudlts were active at 8℃. Positive correlation was found between activities of amphibians and air temperature, Subadults of R.kukunoris, (r=0.797, p<0.001), Subadults,of,B.minshanicus, (r=0.794, p<0.001), andbadults,of,R.kukunoris(r=0.456, p<0.05).Amphibians were more active during sunny days than cloudy days. In cloudy turning into sunny, R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus subadults had two active peak: at noon about 12:30 and 15:30~16:30 pm; in cloudy, R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus subadult had two active peak too : 9:30~10:30am,15:30~16:30pm. 3.Diet analysis Aphodiidae was the most commonly consumed food item by R. kukunoris based on index of relative importance (IRI) during spring (35.28%) and autumn (28.57%) in Zogie wetland. Besides Aphodiidae, larval insect, dipterans such as Bibionidae, Muscidae, Calliphoridae also were important food item for R. kukunoris, in autumn, locust was one of important food item for R. kukunoris. The most important food item for B.minshanicus during spring (IRI:85.54%) and autumn (IRI:49.70%) was ants, following, was coleopterans, such as Aphodiidae, dung beetle. Aphodiidae (IRI:13.41%) were the most important consumed food item by N. pleskei during spring too, following, was ants and Bibionidae. Dietary breadth of N. pleskei (0.43) were greater than R. kukunoris (0.22) and B. minshanicus (0.09). As a whole, Dietary breadth of amphibians during aurumn were greater than spring. Based on prey item, dietary overlap between R. kukunoris and N. pleskei (0.40) was greater than that between R. kukunoris and B.minshanicus (0.33) during spring. 4.Effects of grazing on the diet composition and diet competition of amphibians Amphibians are an important part of the pasture ecosystems as prey and predator. In Zogie wetland, major diet of amphibians was closely associated with dung of yaks, for example, Aphodiidae, Bibionidae, Muscidae, dung beetle. Dung of yaks was major diet and habitat of these insects. Proportion of Aphodiidae was higher in diet composition of R. kukunoris than N. pleskei and B.minshanicus, with development of pasturage, R. kukunoris may have a diet competitive advantage over N. pleskei and B.minshanicus. Number of Aphodiidae in diet composition of amphibians was higher in samples with grazing (31.94%) than in those without grazing (21.32%). Occurrence Frequency of Aphodiidae in diet composition of amphibians was higher in samples with grazing (76.38%) than in those without grazing (44%). However, There was not significantly different on diet composition (P=0.188), and number (P=0.075) and the relative fatness (P=0.537) of amphibians between grazing samples and without grazing. 5.Competitive strategies of amphibian larvae I examined the competitive ability of larval toads (Bufo gargarizans) and frogs (Rana kukunoris) which co-occur in the nature pond by activity level, the growth rate and mass at metamorphosis and larval period in a laboratory experiment. The results suggest: In laborary, B.gargarizans adapted himself to different food level by changing activity. At high food level, B. gargarizans increased activity to gain more diet. At low food level, B. gargarizans decreased activity and achieved early metamorphosis. When food resource was limit, R. kukunoris could gain more food than B. gargarizans.